满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Last night, when I went to see my grandm...

    Last night, when I went to see my grandmother, she was sitting alone at the nurse station with her word search book. My grandmother was sitting at the desk with her book but no pencil just staring at the letters as if she was trying to find the word. I came to her and said hello.

Usually, she at least knows I am connected to her somehow but this time, she looked at me with doubt. I introduced myself and told her that I was her granddaughter. “I don’t know who you are,” she said.” Do you want to go outside?” I asked. “okay,” she said.

We got her things and I wrapped it all in a blanket we would use as a tablecloth. I asked her if she could hold it while I pushed her wheelchair and held her cup of tea.

She held her hands out and I placed the cloth bundle () on her lap. I put the cloth on the table and she helped smooth it down-then I put the rest of the items on the cloth..

Now she was just staring at me as if confused, as if trying to figure me out. “Do you know who I am?” I asked. She said, “I don’ t really know.”“ I am your granddaughter,” I said. “I am not sure what that is. I don’t know, I don’t know you,” she said.

I think of my friend whose mother has not known him for years, has no recollection (记忆), and doesn’t speak any more. It is a painful sight for all those living who remember. I am grateful that my grandmother is still so present. I have a sinking feeling that our days are numbered.

For now, she is still here, still says thank you, and still loves me from a deep and secret place. Tomorrow, I will see her and she may or may not know me-and that will be okay. I still know her.

1.What was the author’s grandma doing when she visited her?

A.She was writing stories. B.She was training herself.

C.She was preparing to eat out D.She was waiting for the author.

2.What can we infer from the dialogue between the author and her grandma?

A.Her grandma didn’t trust her. B.Her grandma refused her help.

C.Her grandma didn’t recognize her. D.Her grandma could look after herself.

3.The author mentioned her friend because her grandma ________.

A.had only a few days to live B.was in a better condition

C.was treated the way he did D.had a similar experience to his mother

4.What’s the author’s probable attitude in the text?

A.Treasuring the present. B.Expecting the future.

C.Feeling hopeless. D.Loving life.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章记述了作者与老年痴呆的奶奶在一起的经历。作者去奶奶的养老院接她出来,一起度过了快乐的一天。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段的第二句My grandmother was sitting at the desk with her book but no pencil just staring at the letters as if she was trying to find the word.可知我的祖母坐在书桌前,拿着她的书,但没有铅笔,只是盯着这些字母,好像她在努力寻找这个词。由此可知,作者去看望祖母的时候,她正在做自我训练。故选B。 2.推理判断题。根据第五段的最后一句“I am not sure what that is. I don’t know, I don’t know you,” she said.可知“我不知道那是什么。我不知道,我不认识你,”她说。由此可推知,作者的奶奶没有认出她来。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据第六段的第一句I think of my friend whose mother has not known him for years, has no recollection (记忆), and doesn’t speak any more.可知,我想起了我的朋友,他的母亲已经很多年认不出他了;没有记忆,不再说话。由此可推知,作者提到了她的朋友,是因为她的奶奶跟他的母亲有相似的经历。故选D。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句For now, she is still here, still says thank you, and still loves me from a deep and secret place.可知。现在,奶奶仍然还在这里,仍然说谢谢,仍然从一个深而秘密的地方爱我。由此可推知,作者态度是珍惜当下。故选A。

Land of fire and ice: Iceland

Join an unforgettable tour of Iceland’s splendid landscapes, timed to arrange four days filled with volcanic and geological adventure, and evening opportunities to see the Aurora Borealis.

Day 1: Vatnajokull Glacier (冰川)

Today you’ll take a walk on Europe’s biggest ice cap-Vatnajokull-which has around 30 glaciers flowing out from it. No experience is necessary to take part in the hike. It’s discouraging to think that the glacier is retreating due to rising world temperatures, and in future years the glacier may be gone. If you prefer a relaxing morning you can explore the surroundings of the farm stay and head to the Thorbergur Centre.

Day 2: Secret lagoon (泻湖) and Reykjavik

This morning we make our way to the Lava Centre which is an interactive, high-tech educational exhibition describing volcanic activity, earthquakes and the creation of Iceland over millions of years. After our visit, we will continue to the Secret Lagoon natural hot springs, located in the small village called Fludir, giving you the opportunity to relax in the warm waters before travelling to Reykjavik.

Day 3: Reykjanes peninsula (半岛)

Head out to the Reykjanes Peninsula. It is a land-born, highly volcanic counterpart of the Mid-Atlantic Spreading Ridge where two tectonic plates part at an average rate of 2.0-2.5 cm/yr. Four volcanic systems and fissure (裂缝) groups line the peninsula from SW to NE. They contain open fissures, normal faults, high-temperature fields and volcanic fissures.

Day 4: Depart Reykjavik

Today is departure day and time to say “sjaumst”. Your group departure transfer will take you to the airport for your flight home.

1.Which of the following may make you feel worried?

A.Taking part in the hike.

B.The future of the glacier.

C.Walking on Europe’s biggest ice cap.

D.Exploring the surroundings of the farm stay.

2.What may visitors do at the end of the second day?

A.Go to the Lava Centre. B.Visit natural hot springs.

C.Take a bath in hot springs. D.Stay the night in the small village.

3.On which day can you see two moving plates?

A.Day 1. B.Day 2.

C.Day 3. D.Day 4.



假设你是校学生会主席李津,美国一学生访问团将于暑假来你校访问参观。请你写封邮件,将本次安排告知该访问团的负责人Mr. Smith,并征询他的意见。活动安排如下:







Dear Mr. Smith,



Li Jin




Most of us probably dreamed about becoming an astronaut when we were little. But how many of us actually became one, or are at least working toward it?

The advice ''Always follow your dreams'' is something that is typically easier said than done.

But still, this is the one piece of advice that Alyssa Carson wants to share with her peers. This 17-year-old girl from the US has become one of the candidates for NASA's 2033 project to go to Mars.

Carson has dreamed of going to Mars since she was only three years old. Watching an astronaut-themed cartoon and learning that humans have only been to the moon but not Mars Carson decided that she wanted to be the first one to do so. Since then, she has worked hard toward this goal. Now 17, Carson is continuing with her space training while still taking on her high school work like a ''normal'' teenager, except that she studies all her subjects in four languages—English, French, Spanish and Chinese.

''I don't think there's anything specific that makes it easier for me or makes it something that others can't do, '' Carson said in an interview with Uproxx News. ''I've just really focused myself on what I want to accomplish. ''

And Carson is willing to make sacrifices for her dream. She's fully aware of the danger of the mission and the possibility that she might never be able to come back. She also accepts the fact that she can't get married and start a family. But Carson believes that it's all worth it, summarizing her view with this ancient Greek proverb she once quoted? ''A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they’ll never sit in. ''

So after all the hard work that Carson has done and all the sacrifices she's made, every — thing still boils down to the simple phrase, ''follow your dreams''. And while some people's dreams may sound out of this world, in Carson's case, they literally (毫不夸张地) are.

1.What will happen to Carson in 2033 if everything goes well? (no more than 8 words)

2.Why did Carson decide to be the first one to go to Mars? (no more than 20 words)

3.How does Carson differ from other students for the school work? (no more than 10 words)

4.How do you understand the underlined sentence? (no more than 20 words)

5.What do you think of the girl? And why? (no more than 25 words)



    Men have long been puzzled by the amount women pack, when they go on holiday. They despair (绝望)as they watch their beloved spend much money on extra baggage charge. Nearly half of these women admitted to lying about the weight of their case to their partner before leaving for the airport, in fear of being made to unload some unnecessary items.

But it's a fact that women pack more than they need. On average, a woman needs around 57 items in suitcase for a two-week holiday, yet most women pack nearer to 150 items, ranging from skirts, tops, underwear and high heels. In addition, women pack more sun cream, make-up and hair appliances than they are likely to need. They all take up space in the suitcase, only a third of them will see the light of day once at the holiday place.

79 percent of women admitted to taking extra items with them, with the reason for this being ''just in case''. Women plan their holiday wardrobe months in advance. Packing enough clothes and other items to last a month is not enough for some women. They'd take a chance to shop for new items while holidaying abroad. So they'll return with even more luggage in their cases.

Professor Karen Pine said, ''Women are tempted to take familiar items with them on holiday, often everything except the kitchen sink. Some people find traveling stressful, particularly when they'e unsure about the home comforts available at their holiday place. They over- pack to help cope with those feelings of stress and reduce the uncertainty. ''

This will come as no surprise to some men, who are used to trying to squeeze their partner's luggage into the boot of the car with their own, smaller case. On the other hand, men pack very lightly, with only an average of 40 items for a two-week holiday.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Women are good at picking holiday suitcase.

B.Women over-pack by two third when on holiday.

C.Women will go shopping every time they go on holiday.

D.Women take good care of themselves while holidaying.

2.How many items will a woman pack for a 2-week holiday on average?

A.About 57 items. B.About 79 items.

C.About 97 items. D.About 150 items.

3.Women pack too much on holiday because ________.

A.they want to show off their items

B.they prefer a more comfortable holiday

C.they are afraid they'll need them during the holiday

D.they would like to clean their clothes wardrobe very much

4.How does a man feel about his wife packing too much?

A.Opposed. B.Supportive.

C.Positive. D.Concerned.

5.What do Dr Pine's words imply?

A.Going on holiday will cost a lot.

B.Women don't prefer to go on a holiday.

C.People tend to feel tired and stressed on holiday.

D.It's understandable that women over-pack in a sense.



    While you may be doing everything right, ignoring just one or two steps in the process may keep you from getting a job, especially in this fierce market. Here is a checklist that covers some of the major links in the job-search chain.

THE RESUME—Make sure it is up-to-date and tailored to the types of jobs you are seeking for. Have someone else look at your resume. If you cannot afford a career coachgive your resume to friends or family members to scrutinize. Have copies of your resume printed so that you are ready to hand them out at interviews.

COVERING LEITERS—Maybe you've set up a few basic styles in advance, but that's not enough. Each covering letter should be designed to suit the job for which you are applying.

THE WARDROBE (衣橱)—Check your wardrobe to ensure that you have the appropriate professional dress, including shoesready for interview.

NETWORKING—Don't isolate yourself from others. Network through e-mail messages, phone calls, appointments and meetings keep you in touch with the outside world and prevent you from becoming depressed.

APPLICATION—A glance at huge online job sites isn't usually the best way to find a job. You are more likely to succeed through the people you know via networking.

INTERVIEWS—If you've got plenty of interviews but no return calls or job offers, take a look at your interviewing skills. This is one area where investing in a career coach may pay off. But if you can't afford one, try to find a job group or service that conducts free mock (模拟) interviews.

SUPPORT SYSTEMS—Finally, recognize that looking for job is rather difficult. Even at the best of times, a job hunt is often about rejection, and that can be hard to endure. Staying in touch with family, friends, professional networks and fellow job seekers can help you to maintain a positive attitude and a sense of perspective.

1.The author's purpose of writing this text is to ________.

A.suggest graduates should find suitable jobs

B.give people some tips on searching for jobs

C.tell people how to improve their interview skills

D.teach people how to get ready for an interview

2.The underlined word ''scrutinize'' in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by ''________''.

A.check B.use

C.rewrite D.criticize

3.Which of the following methods is NOT true according to the text?

A.You should have your resume read by your friends after finishing it.

B.You should create different covering letters for the different jobs you apply for.

C.Searching online is the most effective way to look for a job.

D.You should wear appropriate professional clothes and shoes for the interview.

4.What should you do if you don't receive any calls after lots of interviews?

A.Carefully review your interviewing skills.

B.Ask a fellow job seeker to help you.

C.Rewrite your resume as soon as possible.

D.Go to the managers' offices to find out why.

5.It is implied in the text that ________.

A.people often pay no attention to writing their resume

B.the interview is the most difficult step for interviewees

C.a career coach often offers free mock interviews to interviewees

D.your social network may help you a lot in your job hunt



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