满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据括号里的释义在空格里填出恰当的单词的正确形式。 注意:每空一词。部分单词给了...


注意:每空一词。部分单词给了首字母。范围:BOOK 5 Unit 1-Unit 5

1.He smiled suddenly, e__________ a set of amazingly white teeth. (to show sth that is usually hidden)

2.Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious c__________ we face. (a new or difficult task that tests sb’s ability and skill)

3.The West Lake is very beautiful and it is beyond _______________.(a piece of writing or speech that says what sb/sth is like )

4.I will make ________________ for you to be met at the airport. (a plan or preparation that you make so that sth can happen)

5.Only by practicing c_____________ can we learn English well. (happening all the time or repeatedly)

6.____________ studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep.(happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking about )

7.Elsie a_____________ a good knowledge of Chinese while staying in China. (to gain sth by our own efforts, ability or behavior)

8.I have great a_____________ for her as a writer. (a feeling of respect and liking for sb/sth )

9.He has built up a s_____________ library of Mozart’s music. (excellent, very impressive, very beautiful)

10.He doesn’t like to work under ___________ or in a competitive environment. (difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve or to behave in a particular way)


1.exposing 2.challenges 3.description 4.arrangements 5.constantly 6.Previous 7.acquired 8.admiration 9.splendid 10.pressure 【解析】 1.考查现在分词作伴随状语。句意:他突然笑了,露出一排白得出奇的牙齿。句子主语he和expose之间是一种主动关系,再根据首字母和所给解释,可知此处是现在分词作伴随状语,故填exposing。 2.考查名词复数。句意:环境破坏是我们面临的最严重的挑战之一。根据one of 后跟名词复数,再根据首字母和所给解释,可知此处用名词复数challenges“挑战”,故填challenges。 3.考查名词。句意:西湖非常美丽,简直无法形容。beyond description“无法形容,无法描述”,再根据所给解释,可知此处用名词description“描述,描写”,故填description。 4.考查名词复数。句意:我将为你安排去机场接你。固定词组:make arrangements for“安排某事”。再根据所给解释,可知此处用名词复数arrangements“安排”,故填arrangements。 5.考查副词。句意:只有不断地练习,我们才能学好英语。此处practicing是动词,由副词来修饰,再根据首字母和所给解释,可知答案为constantly。 6.考查形容词作定语。句意:先前的研究也表明,牛奶有助于睡眠。此处studies是名词,意思是“研究”,由形容词修饰,再根据所给解释,可知此处用形容词previous“以前的”,故填Previous。 7.考查一般过去时态。句意:埃尔西在中国期间学到了很好的汉语。根据while staying in China可知句子用一般过去时态,再根据首字母和所给解释,这里要用动词acquire“获得,学到”的过去式acquired。故填acquired。 8.考查名词。句意:作为一个作家,我非常钦佩她。根据首字母和所给解释可知此处用名词admiration“钦佩”。great修饰名词admiration.故填admiration。 9.考查形容词。句意:他已建立了一个辉煌的莫扎特音乐图书馆。根据首字母和所给解释可知此处用形容词splendid“辉煌的”。修饰名词 library。故填splendid。 10.考查名词。句意:他不喜欢在压力下或竞争环境下工作。固定词组:under pressure“在压力之下”。根据句意和所给解释,可知此处用名词pressure“压力”。故填pressure。


Writing test messages while walking is dangerous. A study says it is more dangerous than texting while driving. Researchers found that there are more 1.( injure )to texting pedestrians(行人)than there are to texting motorists. Their report says walking is not as easy 2.we think. We must focus on many things at the same time to walk safely in 3.straight line. The researchers said that people forget how to walk 4. (proper), so dangerous things happen to them. They bump into walls and other people. They walk into cars, fall over things in the street, and even fall into holes 5. down stairs.

A professor said walking is a difficult action. There are several reasons 6. texting makes walking dangerous. 7. is that people can’t see the street. Another is that they focus on their phone keyboard instead of their feet. A final reason is that their minds are somewhere else – they are not thinking about 8.(walk) from A to B safely. The professor said over 6000 people 9. (visit)his hospital last year because of texting. When a pedestrian is tossed ()into the air, he or she has nothing 10.(protect)the head. The danger can be serious.



    Ajay Munot, a rich businessman in India, has built and donated 90 houses to the poor, instead of spending the money on a wedding for his daughter.

Munot had been ___to spend $115,000 on his daughter Shreya’s wedding, but after __ with Shreya, he decided there was a better way to ___all that money, which was to help those ___.

They both agreed that providing the poor with their own houses was the ___idea. Munot began ___90 houses in a land belonging to him. On the big day, the bride and groom were the ones who handed the keys to the newly built ___to the carefully selected persons.

In order to qualify for a new home, people needed to ___some standards—they had to be poor, and didn’t suffer from alcohol, drug or gambling addiction. The few ___selected didn’t just get a roof over their heads, but also ___to electricity and clean drinking water, things that they could only ___before.

As for Shreya, she said that her father’s ___is the greatest wedding gift he could have given her. “I am very happy with the ___we made and consider it the biggest gift for my wedding.”

The 90 houses measure 12 by 20 square feet, feature two windows and two doors, and have all been ___red and white. They’re ___by Western standards, but for their ___owners, they are more than they had ever hoped for.

Ajay Munot told reporters that all ___businessmen should do something similar for their children’s weddings, ___wasting the money.

“This is a new chapter in history and I hope that the same ___will be followed by other rich communities,” he said, “We have some ___towards our society.”

1.A.planning B.inspiring C.managing D.pretending

2.A.arguing B.talking C.sharing D.walking

3.A.save B.cost C.earn D.spend

4.A.with tears B.in need C.in particular D.on time

5.A.worst B.least C.best D.most

6.A.constructing B.destroying C.buying D.decorating

7.A.gardens B.yards C.houses D.rooms

8.A.achieve B.make C.challenge D.meet

9.A.faithful B.lucky C.kind D.poor

10.A.approach B.entrance C.access D.solution

11.A.dream of B.put up with C.worry about D.show off

12.A.loyalty B.honesty C.belief D.kindness

13.A.regret B.decision C.comment D.progress

14.A.painted B.washed C.built D.discovered

15.A.basic B.high C.good D.enough

16.A.old B.exhausted C.new D.negative

17.A.healthy B.wealthy C.nice D.careful

18.A.regardless of B.but for C.out of D.instead of

19.A.situation B.theory C.guidance D.concept

20.A.rights B.attitudes C.responsibilities D.affairs



How to cope when you feel left out

Being left out by a group of friends is painful at any age. To cope with being left out, there are several things that you can do.

Understand why being left out hurts. Feeling left out is usually the result of being rejected by a group of people that you want to accept you. You may feel left out because you have been rejected by a group of friends. 1. We are social beings and when our needs are not met, we experience pain and sadness.

2.Being left out can cause you to feel sad and get down on yourself. Using positive self-talk can help you feel better after being rejected. After being left outsay something encouraging to yourself.

Consider telling someone about what happened. 3.It may also help to reassure(使放心)you that even though your friends made you feel left out, people do care about you.

Talk to your friends about your feelings. Another very important means for dealing with situations in which you feel left out by your friends is to tell them how you feel and ask them about their reasons for leaving you out.4.

Organize things to do with your friends.If you think that part of being left out may be due to your own situation, then help your friends by making suggestions that fit in with your timetable.5.If your friends refuse your suggestions several timesthen they might not want to continue the friendship.

A. Make others feel included.

B. Telling a supportive friend may help you feel better.

C. It is not painful to be rejected by groups we don’t like.

D. Use positive self-talk to encourage yourself after a rejection.

E. Do your best to make plans with your friends, but know when to stop asking.

F. And it’s also important to ask your friends politely why the situation happened as it did.

G. It is normal to feel pain when you are rejected because we are all in need of social belonging.



    The world's first hydrogen-powered trains have begun running in Germany. They began carrying passengers Monday in Germany's northern Lower Saxony state. The new train will run 100-kilometer trips and can travel up to 140 kilometers an hour.

A French railroad company called Alstom built the two trains. Team in Germany and France cooperated on the project, which was supported by the German government. The new train model ,called the Coradia ilint, signals the beginning of efforts in Germany and other nations to move away from pollution-producing diesel(柴油) trains.

The Coradia iLint is designed to run on non-electrified train lines with low levels of noise.

It uses a process that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electrical power. If the system produces more energy than the train needs at that time, it can store the extra energy in batteries. The only emissions (排放物) are water and steam.

A single tank of hydrogen can run a Coradia iLint train for about 1,000 kilometers. This is very similar to the distance a diesel-powered train can run on with a single tank.

Hydrogen-powered trains cost more than diesel trains to build. But Alstom officials say the operating costs are much lower. The company plans to provide another 14 Coradia iLint trains to Lower Saxony by 2021.

The head of railroad operations in the area, Carmen Schwab, praised replacing diesel trains with hydrogen. She said the move was an important first step in using clean-burning technologies to reach climate protection goals.

Officials say the area's many wind turbines (涡轮机)will produce part of the energy to create the hydrogen to power the trains.

Alstom says several other European countries have also expressed interest in developing hydrogen train systems. France has already said it wants its first hydrogen train to be operating by 2022.

1.Why did Germany build the new trains?

A. To replace diesel trains.

B. To carry more passengers.

C. To make traveling much easier.

D. To develop friendship with France.

2.What is one advantage of the Coradia iLint?

A. It runs without making any noise.

B. It doesn't use electrical power.

C. It costs much less to run.

D. It is cheaper to make it.

3.It can be concluded that hydrogen trains________.

A. are widely used

B. are environmentally friendly

C. can stop air pollution

D. can produce water and oxygen

4.What might be the best title for the text?

A. Saving Natural Resources

B. Efforts to Reduce Emissions

C. World's First Hydrogen Trains

D. A New Way to Make Electricity



    It might sound like a terrible dream,but a new design from Dubai-based airline Emirates plans to remove windows from airplanes. Instead of real-life views of clouds and sky, first-class passengers will look out of “virtual(虚拟的)windows,” enjoying projected views of the world passing by. Emirates’ “windows” use real time high-tech camera technology to provide virtual views of the outside world.

Saj Ahmad,Chief analyst at Strategic Aero Research says,”Windowless airplanes sound great-however, in reality, it won’t happen for a number of reasons. For starters,in the event of an emergency,people in the plane often need to look out for reference points. Having visual awareness is important and in a windowless jet, they don’t exist-especially if there is an electrical fault which then means that the ‘electric’ windows do not work and you can’t see outside.” Ahmad was also concerned about passenger comfort. “Passengers simply do love the natural view outside,” he says. “There are also other problems---the change involved would certainly require new tests.”

Other futuristic airplane designs are going the opposite way. Boeing’s Dreamliner ---its most modern design---features large windows. Airbus has also designed a plane with transparent(透明的) walls that is presented at the 2011 Paris Air Show. Embraer has planned the Kyoto cabin, designed for its Lineage 1000E aircraft, which features large windows running along the majority of the walls of the cabin.

There could also be a move towards pilotless planes in the future---but Ahmad applies his doubts about windowless planes to drone-flown(无人驾驶的) planes too. “The idea of windowless planes is possible---that doesn’t mean it will happen,” says Ahmad. “The same applies to drone technology---but that doesn’t mean that tomorrow we’re suddenly going to see all airplanes being flown without pilots.”

1.What will Emirates’ new planes be like?

A.They will be pilotless.

B.They will have open windows.

C.They will present outside views on virtual windows.

D.They will provide all passengers with windowless experiences.

2.What does Saj Ahmad think of the virtual windows?

A.Useful. B.Expensive. C.Impractical. D.Comfortable.

3.How is the third paragraph developed?

A.By giving examples. B.By making comparisons.

C.By following space order. D.By explaining cause and effect.

4.What is the future of drone technology according to Saj Ahmad?

A.It needs more skilled engineers. B.It will take time to develop.

C.It will be widely applied. D.It is promising.



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