满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








Last week, I attended a lecture by a teacher in his thirty. He was energetic and confidence. He spoke very fast and I could understand that he said. He mainly focused on how to learn the English well. In addition, he showed us how to write neatly, letter by letter. He kept telling us, "Slow down!" "Trusting yourself!" "Write carefully!" To be honest, I never thought much about writing until today, when my heart touched. At the end of the lecture, all the people present break into cheers. The lecture was so interesting that I benefited a lot from them.


1. thirty→thirties 2. confidence→confident 3. and→but 4. that→what 5. 去掉the 6. Trusting→Trust 7. about→of 8. touched 前加was 9. break→broke 10. them→it 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者参加关于如何学好英语讲座的故事。在讲座中,老师介绍了如何把字写整齐,不断地鼓舞参加讲座的人,作者也觉得讲座非常有趣且获益良多。 1. 考查固定短语。句意:上周,我参加了一位三十多岁老师的讲座。根据句意可知,作者并不知道讲课的老师具体多少岁,因此此处应表示“某人几十多岁”,应用固定搭配“in one’s+基数词复数形式”。故将thirty改为thirties。 2. 考查形容词。句意:他精力充沛,信心十足。分析句子可知,and连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子,energetic意为“精力充沛的;充满活力的”,为形容词作表语,因此and后也应连接形容词,故将confidence改为confident。 3. 考查连词。句意:他说得很快,但我能听懂他说的。根据后文“He mainly focused on how to learn the English well.”可知,作者听懂了老师讲座的主题,说明虽然老师讲的快,作者还是听懂了,前后两句为转折关系,故将and改为but。 4. 考查引导词。句意:他说得很快,但我能听懂他说的。分析句子可知,此句为宾语从句,且从句中缺少宾语成分,因此可使用引导词what在从句中作宾语,故将that改为what。 5. 考查定冠词。句意:他讲座的主题主要是关于如何学好英语的。分析句子可知,English表示“英语”时,不用加定冠词the,表示语言的词前都不用加定冠词。故去掉the。 6. 考查动词。句意:他一直告诉我们“慢慢来!相信你自己!”分析句子可知,此处表示老师对参加讲座的人的叮嘱,此句为祈使句,在祈使句中句子开头的动词需使用原形。故将Trusting改为Trust。 7. 考查介词。句意:说实话,直到今天我都没想过好好写字,我的心都被触动了。分析句子可知,作者在今天之前没有思考过写字这件事,think of意为“想;思考”,而think about意为“考虑”。故将about改为of。 8. 考查被动语态。句意:说实话,直到今天我都才考虑书写,我的心都被触动了。分析句子可知,my heart与touch之间是逻辑上的被动关系,应该是“心”被触动了,touch表主动时意为“触摸;接触”,故在touched前加上was。 9. 考查动词时态。句意:演讲结束时,所有在场的人都爆发出欢呼声。根据文中第一句Last week可知,此处是一般过去时的时间状语,文中动词使用了一般过去时,为保持时态一致性,break也需使用一般过去时,故将break改为broke。 10. 考查代词。句意:这个讲座很有趣,我从中获益良多。分析句子可知,介词from后的代词应指代前文中出现的the lecture,此处为单数形式,因此代词也应使用单数形式,故将them改为it。  


Nowadays 5G is very popular among customersbut China is looking past 5G and intending1.(build)a 6G network. China is starting research into 6G2.(make) it one of the first countries to do so. The actual development of 6G wilt3. (official) begin in 2020but the commercial use will have to wait.

The 4. (arrive)of 5G has attracted a lot of people. It not only brings fast mobile Internetbut also5. (enable)us to connect with machines. So 6.is 6G supposed to bringespecially for ordinary people? For one thing7. will make mobile Internet work at a speed of 1 TB per secondwhich means you can download around 100 films  8. less than one second. For another6G will connect our devices 9.(efficiently) than 5Gwhich makes Internet coverage much wider.

Of coursethere is a long way to go yet10.I believe tomorrows Internet is in our hands. Our life in the future will be wonderful and fantastic.



    I recently did a time diary project looking at 1,001 days in the lives of extremely busy women. They had ____ jobs, sometimes their own businesses, kids to care for and maybe parents to care for. I had them record their ______ for a week so I could ______ how much they worked and slept, and I ______ them about their strategies (策略) for my book.

One of the ______ whose time log (时间记录) I studied goes out on a Wednesday night for something. She comes home to find that her water heater has ______, and there is now water all over her basement. If you’ve ever had anything like this ______ to you, you know it is a hugely ______ and frightening mess (杂乱). So she’s cleaning up the basement that night, next day she’s got repairmen coming in, the day after that, a professional cleaning team ______ the ruined carpet. All this is being ______ on her time log. All this takes seven hours of her week. Seven hours. That’s like finding a(n) ______ hour in the day.

______, I’m sure if you had asked her at the ______ of the week, “Could you find seven hours to train for a triathlon (铁人三项)?” “Could you find seven hours to advise seven worthy people?” I’m sure she would have said what most of us would’ve said, which is, “No, can’t you see how ______ I am?” Yet when she had to find seven hours because there was water all over her ______, she found seven hours.

What this shows us is that time is ______ elastic (有弹性的). We cannot ______ more time, but time will stretch to fit in ______ we choose to put into it.

It’s about looking at the whole of our time and seeing when we can do what we want to do. I truly ______ this. There is time. Even if we are busy, we have time for what matters. And when we ______ what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we’ve got.

1.A.boring B.frustrating C.interesting D.challenging

2.A.plan B.work C.time D.exercise

3.A.work on B.look for C.settle down D.add up

4.A.explained B.expressed C.interviewed D.informed

5.A.women B.students C.wives D.children

6.A.dropped B.disappeared C.broken D.burned

7.A.happen B.apply C.show D.promise

8.A.exciting B.damaging C.puzzling D.amazing

9.A.taking up B.dealing with C.making up D.checking on

10.A.recorded B.proved C.followed D.replied

11.A.exact B.separate C.loose D.extra

12.A.Therefore B.Moreover C.However D.Otherwise

13.A.start B.middle C.end D.stop

14.A.busy B.hard C.crazy D.serious

15.A.car B.basement C.shop D.office

16.A.freely B.poorly C.highly D.simply

17.A.keep B.make C.change D.save

18.A.which B.where C.how D.what

19.A.encourage B.admire C.praise D.believe

20.A.focus on B.believe in C.take in D.care for



    Earthquake can strike without warning. But many injuries and deaths from this kind of natural disaster can be prevented if people follow these safety tips.

If you’re inside a building, stay there! One of the most dangerous things to do in an earthquake is to try to leave a building. 1.Drop to the ground. Get under an object that is not easily damaged. Hold on to it until the shaking stops. You can also get to a comer formed by two walls with your arms over your hand. If you’re in bed when the quake hits, stay there and protect your head with a pillow.

2.Don’t take shelter under a tree, streetlights, electric poles or tall buildings. If you are driving, stop as quickly as possible and stay away from overpasses, buildings, bridges or anything else that might fall or collapse beneath you. 3.

If you are trapped in ruins, cover your mouth with a handkerchief or a piece of clothing. Use your cell phone to call for help if possible. Don’t shout. 4.Tap on a pipe or the wall so rescuers can find you.

Be prepared for aftershocks. 5.However, sometimes they even happen months later. Therefore, if you are not in a safe position after the first shock, you should move quickly but carefully to a safer place.

A. Don’t move about or kick up dust.

B. If you’re outside, go to an open space.

C. Shouting can cause you to breathe in dust.

D. Don’t park your car under a tree or any tall object.

E. Take a good hold of your cell phone in the building.

F. They can happen in the first hours after the earthquake.

G. Most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out.



    A while back I caught a news report on something called ―couch surfing and the network of trusting souls who make this phenomenon possible. They offer to put up travelers free of charge and help them on their ways. At first, it sounded unbelievable. I mean, inviting strangers into one’s home for one or two nights? Give me a break.

However, I was intrigued. I decided to find it out. The only way to truly learn about this phenomenon was to dive in. So I planned a trip to Finland, a country I’ve always wanted to explore. I would couch surf at every stop there.

If ever any anxiety existed when stepping into the unknown, it disappeared when my first host met me at the train station. Ari looked like my idea of a typical Finn: tall and blue-eyed. Finns were also supposed to be famously reserved (寡言少语的). Ari was anything but. He was a live wire, giving me a warm welcome and walking with me to his apartment, where he showed me the sleeper sofa, served me tea, and engaged me in warm conversations. He also handed me a key to come and go as I pleased.

If this was what couch surfing was all about—trust and friendship—then I had gotten off to a good start. As I boarded my next train to continue my journey, I began to think about this couch-surfing idea. What encouraged these people to open their homes to strangers? I concluded that there was a desire to lend a hand to like-minded folks who might enrich their own lives.

Seven cities in 14 days. Seven hosts. Seven new friends. If couch surfing taught me anything, it’s this: Most people are good and generous. Where will couch surfing take me next? Who knows? But I can’t wait to find out.

1.Which of the following best explains the underlined word in the second paragraph?

A.relaxed. B.bored.

C.interested. D.pleased.

2.What can we know about Ari?

A.He was reserved like most Finns.

B.He talked less but he was friendly.

C.He treated the author as a friend.

D.He saw off the author at the train station.

3.Why did people offer couch surfing to strangers?

A.To take an adventure with strangers.

B.To exchange houses for a short time.

C.To learn more about others’ family lives.

D.To enrich their own lives by helping others.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Travel on Trust and Couches

B.A Free Travel in Finland

C.Experiences in Strangers’ Houses

D.A Plan for Couch Surfing



    The sun is going to expand into the orbit of Mercury (水星) according to scientific calculations, which will result in the entire Earth catching fire, destroying all life. In order to survive, the United Earth Government prepares 10,000 giant engines on Earth to drive it away from its original orbit. The whole trip is expected to last 2,500 years.

This imaginative tale is at the heart of the science-fiction movie The Wandering Earth. The original novel was written by Liu Cixin, one of China’s most outstanding science-fiction writers and a prize winner of the Hugo Award in 2015 for his novel The Three-Body Problem.

Perhaps thanks to Liu’s fame, as well as the huge marketing efforts of the movie team, The Wandering Earth posted ticket sales of 670 million yuan when it was shown on the first day. More importantly, The Wandering Earth is the first “made-in-China” science-fiction movie on the big screen, as the director, Guo Fan, is also Chinese.

As a fan of Liu, having read almost all of his science-fiction books, I should mention the movie follows a rather different form from his novel. Actually, it only borrows from the novel the idea of the Earth having to escape the solar system. That’s just the point. It means Chinese movie production teams have grown enough to develop new ideas on the creative basis of science-fiction writers, while the writers are willing to work together with movie productions so that the film results in the best possible performance.

Liu may be a highly regarded science-fiction writer in China, but he is not the only one. There are many writers with rich imaginations, and their works can be adapted into movies, too. Someone has predicted that 2019 will mark the starting year of success for Chinese science-fiction movies. Only time will tell whether that prediction will come true. But if more professional movie teams and creative writers could work together, we can certainly expect more success for the domestic (国内的) science-fiction movie industry.

1.Why does the Earth have to escape from its original orbit in the story?

A.Because the sun is about to hit the Earth.

B.Because its original orbit will be occupied by Mercury.

C.Because the giant engines’ strong power will drive it away.

D.Because it has to avoid being destroyed by the coming disaster.

2.What can we learn about the movie from the passage?

A.It is adapted from a science-fiction novel.

B.Its author was once awarded for The Wandering Earth.

C.It achieved huge success mainly because of its author’s fame.

D.Its director Guo Fan is also a famous science-fiction writer in China.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A.The unexpected success of the movie.

B.The great success of the original novel.

C.The creative adaptation from the novel.

D.The imaginative idea from the novel.

4.What does the author think of the future of Chinese science-fiction movies?

A.There is a long way to go.

B.They will definitely success.

C.They have great potential.

D.It cannot be predicted.



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