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The methods of practicing economy (实行节俭)...

    The methods of practicing economy (实行节俭) are very simple.1. That is the first rule. A part should always be set apart for the future. The person who spends more than he earns, is a fool.

The next rule is to pay necessary money. 2.The person who spends more than he earns tends to get cheated; and if he often does so, he will easily get dishonest.

Another method of economy is, to keep a regular account of all that you earn. An orderly man will know beforehand what he requires, and will be provided with the necessary means for getting it. Thus his budget will be balanced. 3.

It is difficult to fix the limits of economy. Bacon says that if a man would live well within his income, he ought not to spend more than one half, and save the rest. This is perhaps too exact. He himself didn’t follow his own advice. That depends on circumstances.

Wherever there is a large family, the more money that is put to one side and saved, the better. Economy is necessary to the rich, as well as to the comparatively poor man. 4. If he spends all that he earns, he can help nobody. He cannot properly educate his children, nor put them in the way of starting fairly in the business of life?

Saved money, however little, will serve to dry up many a tear; will avoid many sorrows and heart burnings, which otherwise might damage us. 5.

A. tie will not spend money as he likes.

B. Without economy, a man cannot be generous.

C. Spend less than you earn.

D. Never run into debt.

E. You cannot expect anyone help you economically.

F. And his expense will be kept within his income.

G. By doing this, a person walks with a lighter step-his heart beats more cheerily.


1.C 2.D 3.F 4.B 5.G 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了一些节约钱的方法和节约的重要性。 1.根据后文A part should always be set apart for the future. The person who spends more than he earns, is a fool.可知应该永远把一部分留给未来。花的比挣的多的人是傻瓜。由此可知,本句是在建议花的钱要比赚的钱少,这样才能留一部分给未来使用。故C选项“花的比赚的少”符合上下文语境,故选C。 2.根据上文The next rule is to pay necessary money.可知下一条规则是支付必要的钱。由此可知,本句承接上文说明,只花必要的钱,不超支就不欠债,也不容易受骗。故D选项“永远不要欠债”符合上下文语境,故选D。 3.根据上文Thus his budget will be balanced.可知因此,他的预算将是平衡的。由此可知,本句承接上文说明预算平衡意味着开支在一个人的收入之内。故F选项“他的开支将控制在收入之内”符合上下文语境,故选F。 4.根据后文If he spends all that he earns, he can help nobody.可知如果他把所有的钱都花光了,他就帮不了任何人。由此可知,一个人只有节约花费才能有余力帮助其他人,才会慷慨起来。故B选项“没有节约,一个人就不会慷慨”符合上下文语境,故选B。 5.根据上文Saved money, however little, will serve to dry up many a tear; will avoid many sorrows and heart burnings, which otherwise might damage us.可知省下的钱,无论多么少,都能擦干许多眼泪;避免许多悲伤和心碎,否则可能会伤害我们。由此可知,本句承接上文,继续说明节约带来的好处,通过节约可以让一个人没有负债,从而走得更轻松,心脏跳动得更愉快。故G选项“通过这样做,一个人走路的步伐更轻,他的心脏跳动更愉快”符合上下文语境,故选G。

    From the moment you open your eyes in the morning, you can feel sweat running down your body, even if you' re barely moving at all. That's what most people in China felt like this summer. In fact, the entire northern hemisphere(半球)saw high temperatures in July.

The Arctic Circle was no exception(例外). Temperatures in the city of Norilsk, which is in the Arctic Circle, reached a record high of 32 ℃, The Atlantic reported. Temperatures there are usually just 10 ℃ at this time of the year.

The heat wave in the Arctic is mainly a long-term result of global warming, according to the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. In fact, while the whole world is getting warmer, the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. This is called the polar amplification effect (极地放大效应).

The most direct impact of Arctic warming is the melting of Arctic ice. According to NASA, Arctic sea ice is now disappearing at a rate of 13.2 percent every 10 years. NASA said that if this continues, the Arctic will have no ice by the year 2040.

This has put some Arctic animals, like polar bears, in danger. The ice that the bears live on has shrunk(缩小), the Toronto Star reported.

Melting ice can also cause sea levels to rise in the long term. Since 1993, sea levels have risen at a rate of 3.2 cm every 10 years, the Guardian reported. Some countries, such as Tuvalu(图瓦鲁) in the South Pacific Ocean and Maldives(马尔代夫) in the Indian Ocean, are at risk of disappearing into the sea.

1.Which of the following is true?

A.Some countries in the ocean will disappear in 10 years.

B.China is the hottest in the northern hemisphere this summer.

C.The world gets warmer because of the heat wave in the Arctic.

D.The temperatures in Norilsk used to be lower than this summer.

2.What does the underlined word "this" in the third paragraph refer to?

A.The heat wave in the Arctic.

B.The result of global warming.

C.The Arctic getting warm faster.

D.Getting warmer in the world.

3.What may be the result of the melting of Arctic ice?

A.The polar will become dangerous.

B.There will be an end of water shortage.

C.Sea levels rise in the long term.

D.There will be no ice in the world by 2040.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Heat hits Arctic.

B.Arctic animals are in danger.

C.The world became hotter than before.

D.Some countries may disappear into the sea.



    Gold is one of the rarest materials on Earth and has always been considered a valuable and precious resource. It's very likely that someone in your family owns something made of gold, especially since China is one of the world's biggest buyers of gold jewellery. It's even in our smartphones - they contain parts made from this expensive material.

But where does this beautiful metal actually come from? The answer: outer space.

This August, Chinese scientists became the first in the world to witness gravitational waves(引力波)caused by the collision of neutron (中子)stars, reported Xinhua News Agency.

The sight was witnessed at China's Kunlun Antarctic Station at the South Pole, and Insight, China’s first X-ray astronomical satellite, also contributed to the discovery.

Although collisions of black holes have been recorded before, this was the first time that two neutron stars were known to have collided. It's believed that such collisions lead to huge explosions of energy, and even to the creation of precious metals such as gold and silver.

“The collision of neutron stars is like a very large gold factory in the universe,” Jin Zhipinga researcher at the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told Xinhua.

According to an article published by space.com, scientists have long believed gold and other materials are created in this way, but it wasn't until the recent collision that their theory was confirmed.

“The origin of the really heaviest chemical elements in the universe had confused the scientific community for quite a long time,” Hans-Thomas Janka, a senior scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany, said in a news release. “Now, we have the first observational proof for neutron star mergers(合并) as sources.”

Indeed, the recently observed collision is thought to have produced an amount of gold that would weigh 10 times more than Earth, according to New Scientist

Don’t expect to be showered in gold any time soon, however. The collision actually took place 130 million years ago, taking all that time for the event's light to reach Earth.

But at least if you want to see a piece of space up close, all you have to do is to look at the ring on your mom's finger - or the smartphone in your pocket.

1.What's the author's purpose of writing the first two paragraphs?

A.To emphasize the rareness of gold.

B.To list some uses of gold in daily life.

C.To explain the reasons for the popularity of gold.

D.To interest readers about the source of gold.

2.What would the collision of neutron stars lead to according to Xinhua?

A.The creation of black holes.

B.The death of the stars.

C.The disappearance of gravitational waves.

D.The creation of gold.

3.What’s the text mainly about?

A.China’s Kunlun Antarctic Station does research into gold.

B.Collisions between two neutron stars result in gold

C.Collisions contribute to the discovery.

D.Gold is considered a valuable and precious rescource.

4.What can we learn from the article?

A.The amount of gold produced by the collision was very small.

B.The collision was the largest reported in history.

C.China played a big role in the new discovery.

D.The collision took place 130 years ago.



    More than 2,000 years ago, when the last shovelful(一铲) of dirt fell on the Tarracotta Warriors, it was thought that they would never see the sunlight again and would spend the rest of their “lives” guarding and protecting the first Chinese emperor, Qinshihuang, who died in 210 BC.

But things got better off these clay soldiers. Ever since they were discovered in Xi’an in 1974,by a group of farmers; they’ve been able to see the bigger world-traveling from one museum to the next.

They are now on display in New York at Discovery Times Square, reported the New York Times.

However, the story doesn’t end here. The roughly 2,000 soldiers found so far are estimated to be only one quarter of the total number. Moreover, scientists haven’t yet dared to touch the central tomb, which is believed to contain the body of the emperor himself.

“Partly it’s out of respect for the elders,” explained Kristin Romey, consultant for the exhibition. “But they also realize that nobody in the world right now has the technology to properly go in and excavate(挖掘) it.”

This is true. According to ancient writings, the emperor’s tomb is circled by rivers of liquid mercury(水银) which is highly poisonous but can keep the body in good condition. Studies of the soil around the tomb also found a large amount of mercury. This makes exploring the tomb very dangerous.

The other reason that scientists have been hesitating is that they are afraid of the damage they might cause by opening the tomb.

“When we began excavating ‘the soldiers’, the minute they were exposed to air and sunlight, the pigment(颜料) just flaked off (剥落),” Romey told the Fox News.

But he believes that the solution will come when science advances. Perhaps a visual robot can be sent into the tomb first to investigate and help figure out the best way to protect it.

In the end, scientists and historians must weigh their desire to know against the damage their digging might cause. “Archaeology, ultimately (最终),is a destructive science,” Romey said. “You have to destroy stuff in order to learn about it.”

1.What is the point of the article?

A.To tell about the mysteries of Qinshihuang’s tomb.

B.To analyze why archaeology is a destructive science.

C.To explain the risks of further excavating Qinshihuang’s tomb.

D.To introduce the Terracotta Warriors exhibition in New York.

2.What can be concluded from the article?

A.The decision whether to open the tomb or not is likely to be influenced by the pace of technological progress.

B.It is estimated that about 10,000 clay soldiers were buried with Qinshihuang in his grave.

C.The highly poisonous mercury was used by Qinshihuang to keep away those who attempt to destroy his tomb.

D.Scientists won’t excavate Qinshihuang’s tomb until they think of a good way to preserve the body of the emperor.

3.The underlined word “investigate” in the second-to-last paragraph probably means________.

A.settle down B.arrange

C.take over D.explore

4.What should scientists and historians pay attention to in their work according to the article?

A.They should respect the ancient world during their work.

B.They should balance the value and damages of their work.

C.They should always take their own safety into consideration.

D.They should have a continuous desire to know new things.




Apple picking

Apple picking is always a popular fall activity, with families looking for a fun way to spend time together outdoors. Check out some options on where and how to pick close to Toronto:

to pick

Pine Farms Tel: 905-833-5459
Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 9 am to 5 pm
Details: Pick your own apples from mid-August to November.

Albion Farms Tel: 905-584-0354
Hours: Daily 10 am to 6 pm
Details: Pick your own apples on weekends only

Watson Farms Tel: 905-623-9109
Hours: Monday to Friday 9 am to 8 pm Weekends 9 am to 6 pm
Details: Pick your own apples only in early September.

Brooks Farms Tel: 905-473-3920
Hours: Daily 9 am to 5 pm
Details: Picking your own apples is not available(可得到的)but apples are available in the farm market.

Willis Family Fruit Farms Tel: 905-876-2606
Hours: Weekends 10 am to 8 pm
Details: Pick your own apples only in September and October.

Apple picking tips

Call first: Certain apple types may not be available because demand and farm hours can change without notice. So call ahead before setting out.

What to bring: Some farms provide containers(容器) for you to carry the fruit home, but it’s not a bad idea to bring them yourself. Comfortable shoes and clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty are a must. And keep the weather in mind: pack a sweater for cooler days, and bring sun cream.


1.According to the author, apple picking ______ .

A.helps farmers harvest the fruit

B.can bring great pleasure to families

C.is better for teenagers than for adults

D.is becoming more and more popular in cities

2.If you are only free after 6 pm on Tuesday, you can choose _____ .

A.Pine Farms B.Albion Farms

C.Watson Farms D.Willis Family Fruit Farms

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.You may dirty your clothes when picking apples.

B.Apples on all the farms are on sale at the same time.

C.You have to pay to take the apples you have picked home.

D.You are not allowed to take containers for carrying apples.



假定你是李华,现在在英国做交换生。你班同学Mary想邀请你加入她所在的一个公益组织“Community Environmental Protection Organization”。请你用英语给她写一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 感谢邀请;

2. 你的决定及原因。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mary,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



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