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参考词汇:诗歌朗诵比赛poem  reciting  contest

Dear Ms. Jane,



Li Hua


Dear Ms. Jane, I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union of our school. We are very pleased to learn that you are coming. Please allow me to tell you what we have arranged for your visit. First, we will introduce the culture of the Spring Festival to you and invite you to experience the traditional culture activities. Besides, we want you to try our local delicious foods, which will enrich your knowledge about Chinese food culture. What's more, we will invite you to enjoy a Chinese and English poem reciting contest to be held by our school, which will be for sure a good opportunity for us to understand each other. Please inform us if you have any questions about our arrangements. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封电子邮件。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封电子邮件:假定你是学生会主席李华。新西兰某校的一些学生寒假期间将来你校参加交流活动。请你给他们的负责老师Ms.Jane写一封邮件。介绍具体的活动安排,内容包括:1.体验中国春节文化;2.品尝当地特色美食;3.观看学生中英文诗歌朗诵比赛。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:chairman of the Student Union of our school(我们学校的学生会主席);arranged for your visit(为你的访问做安排);introduce the culture of the Spring Festival to you(向你介绍春节的文化);enrich your knowledge about Chinese food culture(丰富你对中国饮食文化的知识);等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。






Our school is going to be hold an English talent show. The talent show, which theme is"English—Bridge to the World", will take place in your school gymnasium from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on March 31st. Every class are required to put on one performance, in which students can sing songs, dance, act out dramas, tell stories and give speeches.

Some foreign teacher in our school will be invited to watch and making comments on it. All the students are welcome to take part it. I'm sure we will have a better time enjoying the performances and will be inspiring to learn English better.




Taking a photo or many photos every day and sharing it online can improve your well-being. A new study,  1. was published in the journal Health, has proved it.

Researchers have found that snapping and sharing isn't 2. (simple) an exercise in narcissism(自恋),  3. an act of self-care. Taking the photo encourages mindfulness. while the sharing 4. ( promote) social interaction. "I will stop and take a photo of this insect 5. (sit) on my computer or something. Just taking a moment is very beneficial, I think," one participant told scientists at the UK's Lancaster University and University of Sheffield. Looking at photos gives the subjects(实验对象)a sense 6. purpose, and planning to take them is a motivational force, the researchers say. "It encourages me 7. (walk) out of the house sometimes," another participant says. On the social side, comments keep people connected with 8. (they) friends and family, and even are 9. (help) in preventing people feeling lonely. Researchers conclude in a press release that posting photos online is" 10. active process of meaning making".



    Once upon a time, there was a bad man named Millisphore. Millisphore was so thoroughly evil that he made a plan to ______ every important thing in the world. ______ by his great machines and ______ , he managed to ruin everything important. After that, he created a potion(毒药)that robbed people of their desire to work. He also managed to give off a ______ gas, which made people prefer to stay at home rather than ______ .

When things had reached the point where the entire world had been spoilt, Millisphore saw that only one thing   ____ in his way. It was the ______ . Despite all his evil inventions, his potion and his ______ , it seemed that families were still sticking together. What ______ him most was that all the families were resisting him.

He tried making the houses ______. but the families just lived closer together in less space. He also destroyed food, but the families just ______ little food they had, So he continued with his ______ deeds against the only thing that still ______ him, but nothing was working.

____  he discovered the secret to the strength of every family——they ______ each other. Though he tried to invent something to destroy the love. Millisphore ______ managed it. Sad and angry at not having managed to rule the world, he gave up and let everything ______ to normal.

At last, Millisphore was so depressed that all he could think of was to go to his parents' ______, and tell them what he had done. ______ all the wicked deeds he had done, his parents ran out of their house to hug him. They ______ him, and encouraged him to be good.

And so it is that even the family of the most wicked will love him and forgive him for anything! And aren't we fortunate to have a family?

1.A.did B.destroy C.complete D.order

2.A.Helped B.Watched C.Tried D.Reported

3.A.names B.buildings C.thoughts D.inventions

4.A.fragrant B.tender C.magic D.sweet

5.A.go out B.go through C.go up D.go ahead

6.A.made B.dismissed C.stood D.fired

7.A.child B.cousin C.friend D.family

8.A.gas B.hand C.parents D.food

9.A.delighted B.bothered C.punished D.requested

10.A.bigger B.cleaner C.smaller. D.wider

11.A.earned B.ruined C.wasted D.shared

12.A.interesting B.wicked C.helpful D.merciful

13.A.suggested B.stopped C.encouraged D.resisted

14.A.Finally B.Firstly C.Quickly D.Immediately

15.A.hated B.arranged C.loved D.confirmed

16.A.still B.thus C.then D.never

17.A.return B.pass C.move D.promote

18.A.field B.farm C.house D.income

19.A.In order to B.In spite of C.In terms of D.In honor of

20.A.trained B.praised C.forced D.forgave



    Here are five cooking habits that could be costing you important nutrients, causing you to overeat——or even making you sick.

Boiling vegetables

A 2015 review showed that boiling vegetables resulted in a high loss of vitamin C. 1. "If you're not drinking a soup, you're missing out on nutrients," says Nishta Saxena, a dietitian based in Toronto .

Washing chicken

While your favourite old cookbooks likely tell you to wash a chicken before cooking, this outdated advice is a safety risk. Cleaning meat in water may remove some of the bacteria, but it's also likely to pass it around your kitchen. 2. And clean your hands after you've finished the cooking.

Removing skins from fruits and vegetables

"Large amounts of nutrients are found in the skins." says Liz Powell, who is a dietitian from Vancouver. " Concern about chemical remains isn't a good enough reason to do the removing. 3."

Mixing everything

A smoothie (a mixed drink) is a smart way to eat some greens. 4. They're often short of protein and healthy fat. These things work together to keep us feeling full and satisfied. Without them, it's not really a balanced meal, Powell suggests adding some foods which contain protein or having a piece of wholewheat(全麦的)bread on the side.

Overdressing salads

We think we can add anything to salads, and they'll still be a nutritious choice. But it's just not true. If you're topping your bowl with dried strawberries and sweet cheese, you've easily added 30 grams of sugar to your so-called healthy lunch. 5.

A. You should choose healthy produce for your family.

B. But these kinds of drinks are likely to be unbalanced.

C. To stay safe, don't wash the meat when preparing it.

D. Cabbage. for example, loses about 33 % of its vitamin C.

E. Nuts are better choices to improve the taste of your greens.

F. The skins of potatoes contain more nutrients than its inside part.

G. Washing your produce will remove some chemicals from the surface.



    In 1968 Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson set an intelligence test for a class of primary school children at "Oak School" (an invented name) in San Francisco. The teachers were told that the intelligence test bad two purposes. Firstly, it would measure the IQ of the children and secondly it would predict 20% of students who, no matter what their performance to date was like, would be likely to make the most progress during the next school year. The teachers were then told who the predicted top improvers would be.

At the end of the school year, eight months later, the intelligence test was carried out again and, perhaps not surprisingly, the results showed that the 20% of children who had been predicted to improve the most, did in fact do so. They showed, on average, an increase of 12 IQ points on the test, compared with an increase of only 8 points for the other children.

But the fact is that no results of any test were used to predict who would be the top performers. Instead, the lucky children who the teachers were told would be the top improvers were given this label as a matter of chance. This study shows that the label that you are given, and your interaction(互动) with others who notice that label, can have a big influence on the results that you achieve. This phenomenon(现象)has been called the Rosenthal effect. It is also known as the Pygmalion effect, related most famously to the George Bernard Show play Pygmalion , which shows the effect that two men have in changing an untidy flower girl into a well-spoken lady.

For ethical (道德的)reasons the researchers at "Oak School!" only concentrated on trying to produce positive results in the children's performance. However, it is worth asking yourself what the effects on 20% of students considered least likely to improve in the following school year might have been. A frightening thought.

1.What did the study find about the predicted top performers at the end of the school year?

A.They showed more interest in tests. B.They really made the most progress.

C.They became less confident than before. D.They were as intelligent as the other children.

2.How were the top performers chosen?

A.According to the teachers' judgement. B.Based on the test results.

C.By chance. D.Openly.

3.What can we infer about the 20% of students mentioned in the last paragraph?

A.They might be willing to accept positive results.

B.They would likely have frightening thoughts.

C.They would likely make the least progress.

D.They might work much harder than before.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The Rosenthal effect B.A play by Bernard Shaw.

C.A school in San Francisco. D.The labels given to children.



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