满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

On the eve of the National Day, I together with a lot of people sing loudly and danced excitedly in the Tiananmen Square, celebrated the happy moment. Among us there were a large number of foreigners as well too. In the past few year our great motherland has been developing very fast that it gains a great reputation in the world , which attracts more foreign people to travel and study in China. And gradual they fall in love with the country and are determining to settle here too. All of us are very amazed or happy at these great changes because it really make our life much better. As consequence , we decide to work harder than ever before for a beautiful future of our country.


sing→sang celebrated→celebrating 把too去掉 year→years very→so gradual→gradually determing→determined or→and it→they As后加a 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者国庆节前夕在天安门广场跳舞,许多外国人也在其中,作者感叹中国的发展壮大。 第一处:考查时态。根据时间状语On the eve of the National Day和全文时态可知,跳舞发生在过去,用一般过去式。故将sing改为sang。 第二处:考查非谓语动词。句意:国庆节前夕,我和许多人一起在天安门广场上又唱又跳,庆祝这快乐的时刻。分析句式可知,celebrated the happy moment 该部分是做句子的状语,根据句意可知,是正在跳舞,主语和动词celebrate是主动关系,用现在分词形式。故将celebrated改为celebrating。 第三处:考查副词。句意:我们中间也有许多外国人。as well和too重复使用,都表示“也”的意思,用于句末。去掉一个词,所以去掉too。故将too去掉。 第四处:考查名词。句意:在过去的几年里,我们伟大的祖国发展得很快,在世界上赢得了很高的声誉,这吸引了更多的外国人来中国旅游和学习。根据句意可知,是在过去的几年里,因此,year用复数形式。故将year改为years。 第五处:考查固定结构。so…that“如此…..以至于”的意思,引导结果状语从句。这是个固定结构,故将very改为so。 第六处:考查副词。句意:渐渐地,他们爱上了这个国家,并决定在这里定居。gradual在此处是修饰动词短语fall in love,需用其副词形式。故将gradual改为gradually。 第七处:考查固定用法。be determined to do sth“下定决心做某事”是固定结构,故将determining改为determined。 第八处:考查连词。句意:我们所有人都对这些巨大的变化感到惊讶和高兴,因为它真的使我们的生活变得更好。根据句意可知,前后之间是并列关系,用and连接。故将or改为and。 第九处:考查代词。句意同上。根据句意可知,此处的指代的是changes,需用it的复数形式,故将it改为they。 第十处:考查冠词。句意:因此,我们决定比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作,为了我们国家的美好未来。as a consequence是个固定短语,意思是“因此,结果”。故在As后加a。


Jonny Hickey is a boy from Georgia 1. is helping to change the world. Jonny has autism (自闭症). When he was young, he was very quiet and found 2. hard to talk and be with other people. He was not very happy and had a difficult time in school.

While 3. (try) to help her son in every possible way, Jonny’s mom, Linda Hickey, learned about an abandoned dog named Xena. The dog, once starving and badly 4. (abuse), was shown on the local news, recovering at a nearby dog shelter. She was named “The Warrior Dog” for her courage and perseverance. Mrs. Hickey started following the dog on a local Facebook page and feel in love with her story and courage. In fact, she decided 5. (adopt) the dog! And that changed everything!

When Mrs. Hickey introduced Xena to Jonny, they became friends 6. (instant). Since then, they both have changed greatly. Xena is now healthy and active. And also Jonny could not be so social, talkative, happy and doing well in school 7. Xena.

Not only 8. Xena and Jonny change each other’s lives, but they are now 9. (help) others. They created a YouTube video to promote awareness about Austism Awareness Month and also to prevent 10. (cruel) to animals.



    Paul looked out of the window of the classroom and sighed. The driveway was still ________ and it was getting dark. His father had said that he would ________ him up by 5:30, but it was almost 7:29 and Paul hadn’t heard a word from him. Paul ________ to do some of his reading homework. ________, he couldn’t help thinking of his father. He knew that his father had a job and a ________ life, but he couldn’t understand why he was always breaking his ________.

The next day at school, Paul didn’t ________ his math homework. Paul’s teacher noticed his unusually ________ performance and asked him why, but Paul didn’t want to ________ him. He knew that if he started talking a flood of ________ would pour out. He just wanted to be alone with his ________ anyway, so he just sat in the classroom _________, not even looking at his teacher. “Well, Paul, you can’t have this thing ________ you up. The sooner you get it off your ________, the sooner you can heal.”

As Paul walked home from school, he ________ the things that his teacher had told him. Paul knew that he hadn’t been himself recently. Maybe he stopped doing his work ________ he was looking for ________ from his father. He realized that he was not just letting his father ________ his plans, but he was letting his father spoil his _________. Eventually, he decided to accept his teacher’s ________.

1.A.dusty B.empty C.noisy D.available

2.A.pick B.wake C.call D.turn

3.A.failed B.managed C.tried D.pretended

4.A.Unusually B.However C.Actually D.Therefore

5.A.happy B.daily C.flexible D.busy

6.A.records B.promises C.habits D.rules

7.A.concentrate on B.check up C.hand in D.deal with

8.A.excellent B.steady C.strong D.poor

9.A.tell B.embarrass C.cheat D.hurt

10.A.homework B.emotions C.bravery D.defeats

11.A.pressure B.responsibility C.guilt D.pain

12.A.angrily B.nervously C.quietly D.negatively

13.A.put B.send C.cheer D.eat

14.A.trouble B.plan C.heart D.sadness

15.A.left out B.thought over C.heard of D.took up

16.A.because B.when C.unless D.before

17.A.kindness B.expectation C.attention D.support

18.A.ruin B.develop C.oppose D.change

19.A.character B.reputation C.study D.life

20.A.judgement B.demand C.understanding D.suggestion



    Do you ever wish you could change something about your body? If so, you’re not alone. 1. But when you get stuck on what you don’t like, it can really bring down your self-esteem (自尊). So, do you want to look and feel your best? Here are some ways:

● Accept your body

Nobody is perfect. Everybody wants to be liked and accepted just as they are. Don’t body-shame yourself. When you say something negative about your own body, it hurts your self-esteem. 2. It hurts just as much as if someone else said it. Be kind and respect yourself.

● Like your body

Find things to like about your looks. Maybe you like your hair, face or hands. What about your shape, shoulders or legs? Your eyes smile? Tell yourself what you like and why. 3. Accept those things and let yourself feel good.

● Take care of your body

Eat healthy foods. Learn what foods are good for you, and how much is the right amount. Eating right helps you look your best. When you treat your body right, you feel good about yourself.

4. Your body needs to move to be strong, fit and healthy. You can be active by playing a sport. You can run, walk, swim or dance. Pick activities you like and have fun.

Keep to a healthy weight. Having a healthy weight helps you feel good about your body. But don’t try to diet on your own. Always talk to your parents or doctor first. 5.

A. Be active every day

B. Meet your body’s needs.

C. Many people feel unsatisfied with some part of their looks.

D. It is true whether you say it out loud or think it to yourself.

E. Your doctor may suggest ways you can stay at a weight proper for you.

F. If you get stuck, think of what your good friends like about your appearance.

G. Rather than waste time wishing you were prettier, pay attention to what you can change.



    Tobacco has long been recognized as a huge health threat. It is known to cause lung and heart problems to many long-term users. According to the World Health Organization, 3,000,000 people die early each year because of tobacco use, including 890,000 deaths from second-hand smoke exposure.

E-cigarettes, an alternative (替代品) to smoking, have become popular. Also known as vaporizers (汽化器), they are electric devices that heat liquid nicotine into a vapor that can he taken in. This vapor is less harmful to inhale than smoke. For example, it does not produce tar (焦油), which can build up in a smoker’s lungs. Inhaling vapor - called vaping - is not without its own risks, however. Exposure to nicotine during youth can lead to addiction and cause long-term harm to brain development. The vapor may also contain harmful things. The Center for Disease Control has linked vaping to more than 805 cases of lung disease and 12 deaths so far in the US.

Vaping has greatly increased in popularity in the US, especially among teenagers. About 37 % of US high school seniors were reported vaping in 2018, up from 28% the year before, Harvard Health Publishing reported. Michael Blaha, a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease, listed 3 reasons that contributed to vaping’s popularity among young people. First, many teens eve that vaping is less harmful than smoking. Second, ecigarettes have a lower per-use cost than traditional cigrattes. Finally, e-cigarettes come in a wide range of sweet flavors, like apple pie and watermelon.

Blaha is most concerned that more teenagers are taking up vaping as a habit. “It’s one thing if you change from cigarette smoking to vaping. It’s quite another thing to start up nicotine use with vaping. And, it often leads to using traditional tobacco products down the road,” he said.

Governments around the world the divided about vaping. 39 countries and regions have banned the sale of e-cigarettes, according to the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2018. Last September, US President Donald Trump said the use of e-cigarettes might be negatively affecting young people and that it should be kept off the market until proved harmless.

1.The underlined word “inhale” in Paragraph 2 probably means “__________”.

A.blow away B.spread out

C.give off D.breathe in

2.In what way are e-cigarettes different from traditional tobacco products?

A.E-cigarettes do not produce tar.

B.E-cigarettes are not bad to smokers’ health.

C.E-cigarettes are less likely to cause nicotine addiction.

D.E-cigarettes do more harm to smokers’ brains than their lungs.

3.Why is vaping popular with young people according to Blaha?

A.Vaping is allowed at school.

B.Vaping makes them look cool.

C.They like the liquid taken from fruits.

D.They think it’s safer and cheaper than smoking.

4.What can we learn from Blaha’s words in Paragraph 4?

A.Those who smoke e-cigarettes tend to smoke tobacco later.

B.Vaping is more likely to attract teenagers than older people.

C.It usually takes a long time for smokers to enjoy e-cigarettes.

D.E-cigarettes should be encouraged to replace traditional tobacco products.



    Last summer, over 12,000 fans packed London’s Wembley Arena. Thousands more watched online, shouting and cheering. Were they watching soccer? No, they were watching e-sports or competitive PC gaming.

Millions of people in the UK play PC games for fun. Some of them have become professionals, playing games as their full-time job. The prize at the Wembley event totaled 3 million pounds. It’s not easy being a professional gamer, though. They practice for 10 or more hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week. They do exercises like typing something and then trying to type it faster and faster. They also study videos of other players and plan ways to beat them.

Many people who play games also enjoy watching them. They often watch games on video sites like Twitch and YouTube, and in the UK there’s even a TV channel showing e-sports 24 hours a day. Matches can be exciting to watch. Just like in other sports, there are close games, last-minute victories and creative strategies (策略). Sometimes online viewers can interact with the players through instant messaging. For example, some supporters rename characters in the game with the names of their biggest supporters.

But are e-sports really sports? Are the players athletes? It’s easy to say, “No Way!” After all , professional gamers don’t need to run, jump or throw a hall. At the moment, the UK government classifies e-sports as a kind of game, not as a sport. But many people think that e-sports are sport. They say that players do need physical skills, especially hand-eye coordination (协调), quick action , accuracy and timing. In fact, the governments of China and South Korea do classify e-sports as sports, and professional gamers will soon be able to compete for medals at the 2022 Asian Games.

For many e-sports fans and players, though, the most important thing is that e-sports are growing in popularity and reputation.  E-sports are not important at the moment. If e-sports are not probably be soon.

1.What do the British people think of e-sports?

A.They have a great passion for e-sports.

B.They are not willing to be professionals.

C.They prefer watching e-sports online to live.

D.They take e-sports just as a way of entertainment.

2.What are the first three paragraphs mainly about?

A.The fun of playing e-sports.

B.The popularity of e-sports in the UK.

C.How e-sports are different from traditional sports.

D.How to start a career as a professional e-sports gamer.

3.What do many people believe e-sports are sports?

A.They inspire people as much as other sports.

B.They share rules and strategies with other sports.

C.It takes players time and money to learn and practice.

D.Players need to develop physical skills to perform well.

4.What is the author’s attitude toward the future of e-sports?

A.Doubtful. B.Negative. C.Optimistic. D.Indifferent.



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