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Life is l0% of what happens to us and 90...

    Life is l0% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it. It isn't about what happens to us ________it's about how we handle what happens. We are __________ the control of our responses to life, but what effort are we putting to deal with our responses?

Our attitude towards life and our characters take on more importance. Living a good life can be easier if we develop our superior characters that can make our society __________ as well. Kindness, love, forgiveness, patience, sincerity, respect, care and __________ are some of the factors that can make life pretty easier._______our life with these crucial factors. Otherwise, our life will __________ difficulties and we will face more problems.

Positive characters can bring positive life attitude and great __________, No matter how or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares and even a __________ word of love can bring happiness. Care, respect and devotion can easily __________ dislike even hate. Patience and sincerity can prevent ________. Forgiveness can do wonders. We cannot get the qualities from any store or lecture. __________, it is nature's gift. These are the characters that everyone should __________, and we just need to use them.

If a(n) unexpected accident were to happen, what would we do? Sometimes we cannot even __________what life brings to us because something unexpected will happen. It becomes impossible for us to __________ that particular circumstance. But the thing that needs to be __________ every time is that who and what brought happiness to you. Pay your __________ to the one who has given you the pleasure. But if things make you sad, you can __________ to forget them, but you should remember "Never __________ your power and believe in yourself." We all got __________ to deal with the incidents that bring difficulties, Moreover, every incident gives us a __________, which we need to learn.

1.A.while B.or C.and D.but

2.A.under B.at C.beyond D.in

3.A.more colorful B.better C.safer D.more convenient

4.A.devotion B.medication C.balance D.celebration

5.A.Provide B.Compare C.Fill D.Replace

6.A.be proud of B.be tired of C.be full of D.be afraid of

7.A.event B.change C.influence D.challenge

8.A.wrong B.foreign C.small D.strange

9.A.wipe out B.break out C.take out D.make out

10.A.disappointment B.agreement C.approval D.argument

11.A.However B.Instead C.Therefore D.Moreover

12.A.enjoy B.plan C.possess D.encourage

13.A.predict B.admit C.record D.ignore

14.A.make B.handle C.allow D.deal

15.A.checked B.determined C.discussed D.remembered

16.A.hope B.thanks C.money D.bill

17.A.refuse B.react C.pretend D.choose

18.A.uncover B.praise C.undervalue D.develop

19.A.powers B.right C.strengths D.treasure

20.A.direction B.chance C.goal D.lesson


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】 本文为一篇说明文。文章说明了我们需要养成一些积极的性格来处理一些生活中的困难。 1.考查连词辨析。句意:这不是关于发生在我们身上的事,而是关于我们如何处理发生的事。A. while当时;B. or或者;C. and和;D. but但是。通过句意,应该是“不是……而是……”的意思。故选D项。 2.考查固定搭配。句意:我们控制着我们对生活的反应,但是我们做了多少努力去应对生活给我们的反应呢?A. under在……下;B. at在……时候;C. beyond超过;D. in在……里。under the control of为固定搭配,意为“在……的控制下”。故选A项。 3.考查形容词比较级。句意:如果我们能培养出能使我们的社会更美好的优秀品质,那么会更容易过上好日子。A. more colorful更丰富的;B. better更好的;C. safer更安全的;D. more convenient更方便的。结合前文Living a good life can be easier,可以知道是让社会变得更好。故选B项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:善良,爱,宽恕,耐心,真诚,尊重,关心和奉献是一些因素。A. devotion奉献;B. medication药物;C. balance平衡;D. celebration庆祝。结合前文Living a good life can be easier if we develop our superior characters that can make our society _____3_____ as well.此处所选为优秀品质,devotion意为“奉献”。故选A项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:使我们的生活充满这些关键因素。A. Provide提供;B. Compare比较;C. Fill充满;D. Replace替换。根据前文Kindness, love, forgiveness, patience, sincerity, respect, care and _____4_____ are some of the factors that can make life pretty easier.。此处是表示我们要有那些好的品质或生活中要有这些好的关键因素,否则我们的生活会面临很多困难以及会面对很多问题。故选C项。 6.考查词组辨析。句意:否则,我们的生活将充满困难,我们将面临更多的问题。A. be proud of对感到自豪;B. be tired of对感到疲劳;C. be full of充满;D. be afraid of害怕。结合前文___5___our life with these crucial factors.我们的生活需要充满这些关键因素,否则我们的生活会面临很多困难以及会面对很多问题。故选C项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:积极的性格可以带来积极的生活态度和巨大的改变,无论多小,一个善意的行为表明有人关心,甚至一句小小的爱也能带来幸福。A. event事件;B. change变化;C. influence影响;D. challenge挑战。结合句意可知,积极的性格能够带来积极的生活态度和大的变化。故选B项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:积极的性格可以带来积极的生活态度和巨大的改变,无论多小,一个善意的行为表明有人关心,甚至一句小小的爱也能带来幸福。A. wrong错的;B. foreign外国的;C. small小的;D. strange奇怪的。根据句意,甚至喜欢这么小的一个词语就能带来幸福。故选C项。 9.考查动词词组辨析。句意:关心、尊重和奉献很容易消灭厌恶甚至仇恨。A. wipe out消灭;B. break out爆发;C. take out拿出;D. make out 辨认。结合句意,以及前面的副词easily,这些好的品质能轻松的消除不喜欢甚至是恨。故选A项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:耐心和真诚可以阻止争吵。A. disappointment失望;B. agreement同意;C. approval赞同;D. argument争论。通过句意,耐心和真诚可以阻止争吵。故选D项。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,它是大自然的礼物。A. However然而;B. Instead相反;C. Therefore因此;D. Moreover此外。结合前文We cannot get the qualities from any store or lecture.我们不能从任何商店和演讲中获得这些品质。相反,这是大自然的馈赠。故选B项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些是每个人都应该拥有的性格,我们只需要使用它们。A. enjoy享受;B. plan计划;C. possess拥有;D. encourage鼓励。结合前文it is nature's gift.这些是大自然的礼物,是每一个人应该拥有的性格。故选C项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有时我们甚至无法预测生活会给我们带来什么,因为一些意想不到的事情会发生。A. predict预测;B. admit承认;C. record记录;D. ignore忽略。根据上文If a(n) unexpected accident were to happen, what would we do?如果意外突然发生,我们应该做什么。有时我们不能预料生活带给我们什么。故选A项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们不可能处理好这些特殊情况。A. make制造;B. handle处理;C. allow允许;D. deal交易。结合后文We all got _____19_____ to deal with the incidents that bring difficulties可知此处填handle。故选B项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但每次都需要记住的是,“是谁和什么给你带来了幸福”。A. checked检查;B. determined决定;C. discussed讨论 ;D. remembered记住。根据上下文和句意,上文提到无法预料会发生什么,以及无法处理突发事故,然而我们要记住的就是谁或什么给我们带来了幸福。故选D项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:感谢给你快乐的人。A. hope希望;B. thanks谢谢;C. money钱;D. bill账单。结合前文But the thing that needs to be _____15_____ every time is that who and what brought happiness to you.需要记住的是,是谁和什么给你带来了幸福。需要对给你带来快乐的人表示感谢。故选B项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但如果事情让你伤心,你可以选择忘记它们,但你应该记住“永远不要低估自己的力量,相信自己”。A. refuse 拒绝;B. react反应;C. pretend假装;D. choose选择。结合前文But if things make you sad如果有事情让你难过,你可以选择忘记它们。故选D项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但如果事情让你伤心,你可以选择忘记它们,但你应该记住“永远不要低估自己的力量,相信自己”。A. uncover揭露;B. praise赞扬;C. undervalue低估;D. develop发展。根据后文believe in yourself,可知此处是不要低估了你的力量。故选C项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们都有能力处理那些带来困难的事件,而且每一件事都给我们一个需要学习教训。A. powers权力;B. right权利;C. strengths力量;D. treasure财富。根据前文Never _____18_____ your power and believe in yourself.不要低估你的力量,可知该处也是要表达我们有力量来解决问题。故选A项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们都有能力处理那些带来困难的事件,而且每一件事都给我们一个需要学习教训。A. direction方向;B. chance机会;C. goal目标;D. lesson教训。结合后文which we need to learn以及前文一直提到的面对生活的态度,可知此处应该是选择lessons。故选D项。

    The world is a big place, and there are many, many different places you can visit. 1.

First of all, traveling allows us to escape our daily routines and expand perspectives, because seeing new places and gaining new experiences can broaden our perspectives.

Traveling is also the most valuable form of learning. 2. It helps us absorb information about other cultures. That is to say, traveling extends our knowledge of the world and lets us know the cultural diversity(多样性).By doing so, we realize that there is not one way to live, nor is one way correct. 3.

What's more, traveling can have a direct effect on people's sense of happiness, and decrease their stress and anxiety. These improvements don't just disappear the moment travelers return to their daily lives. 4. As a result of travel, people change the way they communicate with others and learn to be more patient with others. Above all, people who frequently travel tend to be healthier and live a longer life.

5. We can escape our daily stress, expand our worldview, learn about others and ourselves, and improve our health. Many of the benefits people acquire from traveling improve the quality of their overall well-being. It is vital for people to visit different places, meet new people and discover a new way of living. Travelling helps us fully appreciate the beauty of the world and the diversity in it.

A. The improvements look likely to last.

B. Traveling has many positive effects on people.

C. In conclusiontraveling benefits people in many ways.

D. The process of traveling enriches people's knowledge.

E. We learn to accept other people and their different lifestyles.

F. Many people say that they appreciate their present lives more after traveling.

G. It's another type of new discovery and learning, and great for our soul and body.



    People have many different ways to relax during break time at work or school. Smartphones are probably the number one choice for a quick mental vacation. Although it might seem like a good time, looking at your cellphone may damage your mental power, according to a recent psychological study from Rutgers University in the United States.

For the study, more than 400 students were asked to finish a set of 20 word puzzles. Halfway through the task, the students were divided into three groups. One group was allowed to take a break and use cellphones to buy things online. The second group was asked to have a rest and buy things using a computer. The last group didn't take any break at all.

Interestingly, the group that used their cellphones during the break went back to work feeling the most tired and least motivated to continue. They also had the hardest time solving the remaining word puzzles. The cellphone group took 19 percent longer to finish the rest of the taskand solved 22 percent fewer problems than those in the other break conditions combined.

Terri Kurtzberg, co-author of the study, explained that they assumed looking at cellphones during a break would be no different from any other break---but instead, the phone may cause increasing levels of distraction(分心)that make it difficult to return focused attention to work tasks.

"Cellphones may have this effect because even just seeing your phone activates thoughts of checking messages, connecting with people, access to ever-refilling information and more, in ways that are different from how we use other screens like computers, and laptops," Kurtzberg told Science Daily.

So, during your next break, try putting your smartphone away. Go out for a walk, get to know your classmates or even take a nap(小憩).You may be surprised by the results!

1.What did the study find about using cellphones during breaks?

A.It could affect one's relationships with others.

B.It could reduce one's ability to solve problems.

C.It could make people more motivated at work.

D.It could be beneficial both physically and mentally.

2.What can we learn about cellphones from Kurtzberg's words?

A.They have become a necessary part of people's lives.

B.Their negative influence is almost impossible to avoid.

C.They may make it hard for people to concentrate on work.

D.They may influence people in the same way as computers do.

3.Why does looking at cellphones during a break cause increasing levels of distraction?

A.Because it makes people sleepy.

B.Because it does harm to people's brains.

C.Because it activates thoughts of using cellphones.

D.Because it reminds people of their unhappy experiences.

4.What does the author suggest people do during break time?

A.Turn off their cellphones. B.Keep their cellphones out of sight.

C.Keep their cellphones face down. D.Replace cellphones with laptops.



    If you live in Shanghai, you might have to take a "lesson" in sorting garbage(垃圾分类), as the city recently introduced new garbage-sorting regulations(条例). It's now required that people should sort garbage into four categories, namely recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste. However, if people fail to sort their garbage properly, they can be fined up to 200 yuan.

More cities are introducing similar regulations, following the practice in Shanghai. By the end of 2020, garbage-sorting systems will have been built in 46 major Chinese cities, including Beijing and Shenzhen, reported People's Daily.

According to a study by the Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy, under the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, over 90 percent of the public believe that garbage sorting is important for the protection of the environment. However, garbage sorting is still a big problem in China. Only 30 percent of participants said they think they are adequately(充分地)sorting their trash, the study noted.

According to Xinhua News Agency, it's partly because many people lack the willingness to sort their own waste. In the past, some previous garbage regulations didn't give clear fines for people who failed to sort garbage.

"It's a must to have a legal guarantee to promote garbage sorting." Liu Jianguo, a professor from Tsinghua University, told China Daily.

Liu Xinyu, a researcher of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, told China Daily that the importance of the new regulations in Shanghai is to change the past voluntary action into compulsory action for everyone.

Aside from China, many other foreign countries have also introduced garbage-sorting regulations. In Japan, waste sorting has become a basic survival skill. In Germany too, people are asked to sort waste into specific categories. For example, in Berlin, people have yellow bins(垃圾桶)for plastic and metals and blue bins for paper and cardboard.

1.What do we know about garbage sorting in Shanghai?

A.It sets an example for many other cities in China.

B.People should put their garbage into two categories.

C.People will be fined 200 yuan each time they break the regulations.

D.Shanghai is the only city to introduce garbage-sorting regulations in China.

2.What is the current situation of garbage sorting in China?

A.Some people can properly sort their garbage.

B.Few people know the importance of garbage sorting.

C.People are not happy with the current garbage sorting regulations.

D.China's garbage-sorting problem is the most serious in the world.

3.Which of the following best explains "compulsory" underlined in paragraph 6?

A.Willing. B.Motivated.

C.Selected. D.Forced.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Why garbage sorting is important.

B.How other countries sort garbage.

C.Garbage sorting has started in China.

D.The world's garbage problem is becoming worse.



    All eyes were on Jack Ma. The chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd stepped down on Teachers' Day from leading the e-commerce giant he founded 20 years ago.

"I still have lots of dreams to go after." Ma wrote in an open letter last year to announce his parting. "The world is big, and I am still young, so I want to try new things." The 55-year-old businessman showed that he was ready for new things by arriving at his farewell panty(欢送会)dressed up like a rock star.

In fact, his rags-to-riches(白手起家的)story is a good example of doing something different. Visiting the United States in 1995, Ma saw the internet and had the idea of setting up his own trading website. In 1999, he founded Alibaba with a group of friends in a shared apartment, struggling for years to get it off the ground. With all the challenges, the company slowly brought e-commerce to China.

Although his success has inspired a number of Chinese tech businessmen. Ma pointed out that the key is having a dream. "It's the dreams that keep us never afraid of setbacks(挫折)."Ma said in a video posted on Sept 9.

Now the experienced businessman is looking to focus on education. What can he offer? "I'm not going to teach English; I'm not going to teach business. But I'm going to teach young people how to face challenges," he told Bloomberg News.

Skilled sailors were never made on calm waters. As Ma said. "Today is cruel. Tomorrow is crueler. But the day after tomorrow is beautiful."

1.What did Jack Ma announce on Teachers' Day?

A.His retirement from Alibaba. B.His plan to return to teaching.

C.His dream of becoming a rock star. D.His plan to enlarge his online business.

2.What is Paragraph3 mainly about?

A.The important role of Alibaba.

B.How Ma got the idea for his business.

C.Difficulties Ma went through to found Alibaba.

D.How Ma inspires others to do something different.

3.What does Ma think dreams mean to us?

A.Dreams can lead us to offer more to society.

B.Dreams can give us confidence and courage.

C.Dreams can guide us to further our education.

D.Dreams can push us to set up new businesses.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Practice can help people succeed.

B.Confidence is the key to success.

C.Challenges allow us to develop new abilities.

D.Good conditions can't help people grow and learn.



    When travelers are planning their trips to Thailand, they usually go to the well-known places. Here, three lesser-known Thai cities that you should absolutely put on your bucket list.

Mae Hong Son

Where it is: On the border of Thailand and Myanmar, in the mountainous Thai province of the same name.

Why should you go: Because of its nearness to Thailand, visiting Mae Hong Son might feel like experiencing a little bit of Myanmar---there are some cultural shared areas, and it's unlike anything or anywhere else on the planet.


Where it is About 230 kilometers north of Bangkok, Sukhothai is characterized by its relative remoteness.

Why should you go: Sukhothai is a UNESCO world Heritage City, due to lots of ancient temple ruins.

In fact, the city was the birthplace of Thai architecture and culture, so if you want to get a good taste of Thailand's history, there's nowhere better to be.

Khao Lak

Where it is: On Thailand's south-central coast. "Khaolak" translate in English to "Lak mountain". which is the highest peak in the area's hilly region.

Why should you go: If you are seeking a bit of peace, quiet, and serenely calm beachfront, Khao Lak is the place to go. It's a change of pace from many of Thailand's other cities, which are exciting, colorful, and bustling---and who doesn't need a moment to recharge every now and again?

1.Who will be most interested in Sukhothai?

A.Mountaineers B.History lovers

C.Artists D.Music lovers

2.What is the typical feature of Khao Lak?

A.It's calm and peaceful. B.It's exciting and bustling.

C.It's busy and noisy. D.It's rich and colorful.

3.Where does this text probably come from?

A.A business magazine. B.A science textbook.

C.A travel brochure. D.A news report.



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