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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Friday I took the subway home as usually. Since our physics teacher had just teach us in class that the escalator(自动扶梯) worked, I decided to see how fast the escalator went. To my surprise, it went a speed of about 40 m/min. The next day, I went to a department store with her cousin Emily. I times the escalator here too. I found that it was much slower, going about 30 meter every minute. Why? I check on the Internet and found the reason. Stores slow down escalators on a purpose, allowing customers more time to looking at their products.


【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在物理课堂上学了自动扶梯的工作原理后,回家乘地铁时测了扶梯的速度是每分钟40米,而在百货公司乘自动扶梯时慢得多。查得原因是商店为了吸引顾客而故意放慢自动扶梯的速度。 1. 考查固定短语。句意:上周五我和往常一样乘地铁回家。as usual意为“像往常一样”,故将usually改为usual。 2. 考查时态。句意:因为我们的物理老师刚刚在课堂上教我们自动扶梯的工作原理,所以我决定看看扶梯走得有多快。由decided知后半句使用过去时态,分析动作的先后顺序知,since 从句中的teach的动作发生在decided之前,即过去的过去,要用过去完成时。故将teach改为taught。 3. 考查副词。由后半句“how fast the escalator went”,可推理得知是在物理课上学习了扶梯是如何运作的,故将that改为how。 4. 考查固定短语。at a speed of意为“以…的速度”,是固定表达,故在went和 a之间加at。 5. 考查形容词性物主代词。句意:第二天,我和我的表妹艾米丽去了一家百货公司。全文并未提到她,推理知这是我的表妹,故将her改为my。 6. 考查副词。here意为“这儿”,there意为“那儿”。该句描述的发生在过去的事情,所以该处应表示“我也测量了那里的扶梯速度”。故将here改为there。 7. 考查名词复数。米是长度单位,是可数名词,30米为复数概念,故将meter改为meters。 8. 考查时态。由上下文可知,该句描述的是过去的情况,该句应用一般过去时态。故将check改为checked。 9. 考查固定短语。on purpose意为“故意地”,是固定表达,故a多余,故将a去掉。 10. 考查固定短语。句意:商店故意放慢自动扶梯的速度,让顾客有更多的时间看他们的产品。allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”,故将looking改为look。


A college student who shows great courage in fighting severe kidney (肾脏) disease while following his dreams in scientific1.(invent) has inspired many people.

Zou Yongsong, 27, is a student at Changsha University of Science &Technology in Changsha, Hunan Province. At 2.age of four, Zou caught a high fever, and poor medical treatment in the village left his kidneys3.(serious) damaged. Since then he has suffered kidney problems and has had to take medicine daily4. (fight) the disease.

Though he suffered the pain5.(bring)  by the disease, he didn't give up attending school. After years of hard work, Zou6.(admit) to Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology. In 2017 his condition became7.(bad) and he had to receive dialysis (透析) treatment. However, the physical suffering did not stop him8.(dream) of a career in science. Even during his stay in hospital, he insisted9.working on patent (专利权) applications. Over the last two years, six of his patents and copyrights have been approved.

10.he shows courage and optimism when facing difficulty and misfortune, Zou was awarded the Touching Hunan award in November.



    Nineteen-year-old Beau Jessup is studying Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics. She started her own business ______ she was just 15. She is paying her way through college by helping Chinese ______ find names for their children through her ______ Special Name.

In a TED Talk in 2016, Jessup ______ that during a trip to China about two years ago, one of her father’s colleagues asked her to ______ an English name for her daughter. Based on the ______ from her father of the young girl’s personality, Jessup picked a name that ______ the colleague. This experience ______ her to build the Chinese-language website specialname. cn to ______ Chinese parents pick English names for their kids.

Jessup ______ a database of 4,000 names for the website with five characteristics. Each name ______ what that name means. After parents enter the gender(性别) and characteristics of the child, the website will recommend three ______ and provide examples of famous people ______ to each name.

“The parents involve their family and friends in the final ______, making their chosen name both appropriate and special,” Jessup explained.

Jessup at first provided the service for free, but after naming 162,000 babies, she ______ customers for a fee.

“Most of my customers are parents who ______ that their children will study abroad... The English names used by our Chinese friends are ______ names which is used primarily to help them fit in ______ stand out when they study abroad.”

“The first time a parent sent me a photograph of their baby, a beautiful little girl ‘Ellen’, the mother ______ me for giving her an English name and she said that she hoped this name would help her ______ friends in the future.”

1.A.until B.when C.so D.that

2.A.parents B.friends C.relatives D.colleagues

3.A.website B.phone C.college D.magazine

4.A.learned B.whispered C.explained D.added

5.A.announce B.present C.call D.pick

6.A.imagination B.description C.direction D.income

7.A.annoyed B.defeated C.delighted D.worried

8.A.inspired B.discouraged C.commanded D.advised

9.A.hear B.see C.help D.feel

10.A.sold B.collected C.proved D.built

11.A.likes B.requires C.hopes D.represents

12.A.companies B.names C.destinations D.patterns

13.A.related B.invited C.returned D.compared

14.A.hobby B.point C.decision D.practise

15.A.paid B.charged C.cost D.provided

16.A.hope B.find C.confirm D.complain

17.A.family B.professional C.additional D.exact

18.A.other than B.rather than C.but also D.even if

19.A.thanked B.influenced C.greeted D.changed

20.A.answer B.show C.take D.make



    The world is full of great books, just waiting to be read. How can you pick one you'll really like? Here are some tips

Depend on your hobby. If you have a favorite hobby, look for books about that activity. 1. You're more likely to enjoy reading a book if you're already interested in its subject.

Choose fiction or nonfiction. 2. Those are called fiction books. These books can transport you to another world or help you imagine something beyond your own experience. Nonfiction books tell stories using facts, but that doesn't mean they're boring. Nonfiction books can bring to life everything from the first trip to the moon to what it's like to explore the deepest oceans.

3. Your local library is a great place to find books that you love. Tell a librarian about your interests, and the librarian can help you find other books that you're sure to love. Your teacher is another good person to ask.

Find a family favorite. What was your mother’s favorite book when she was your age? What's about your father's? Ask them and give it a read. Then you can talk about what they like about it and share your thoughts. 4.

Launch a book exchange. 5. It's always fun to see what your friends arc reading. Even if they're not exactly bookworms, you can all encourage each other to read and share books and authors you like. You also can look for book exchanges in your area. It's a great way to build your personal library for free!

A. Ask someone for help.

B. Learn to be a professional.

C. You should read as many books as possible.

D. Some books are entirely made up and imagined.

E. You can find books about almost anything you like.

F. It’s a fun way to get to know your family a little better.

G. Why not get some friends together and exchange favorite books?



    Smart thermostats (温控器)have become the face of smart home technology for most, but depending on what your home is like, it's possible to say the Ecobee3 is superior.

Most of the smart thermostats carry the same benefits, including the Ecobee3. They can learn your preferences and schedules, and then adjust the temperature accordingly. They're better-looking and more enjoyable to use than the basic pieces of plastic that occupy most households. And once you're able to heat up or cool down your house from your phone, without having to get out of bed, you won't want to go back to the past.

If you live in a larger house, the Ecobee3 can be much more convenient—offering you a couple of more remote sensors (传感器). Yes it gets pretty expensive at that point. But having those gives you effective control over the temperature in different rooms around your house. In comparison, other thermostats' measurements are largely limited to the area in which they're installed (安装).

If you live in a smaller place, that's no big dealthe Ecobee3 still has distinct advantages. It is touch-enabled, making it less annoying when you want to enter a Wi-Fi passwords see weather information, and so on.

Still, all the smart thermostats are pretty great. Which one is best just depends on whether you need a whole-home solution or a simpler one. For now, if it's the former, go with the Ecobee3. Their presence will probably make you more conscious about saving energy. Ecobee3 Smarter Wi-Fi Thermostat with Remote Sensor is available at all shopping websites.

1.How can you control Ecobee3?

A.By installing Wi-Fi. B.By replacing its sensors.

C.By using the relative phone. D.By closing power supply.

2.What advantage does Ecobee3 have compared with other thermostats?

A.Its size is different B.Its price is lower.

C.Its password is simpler. D.Its coverage area is larger.

3.What change will Ecobee3 bring to us?

A.It makes us enjoy travelling and work better.

B.It leads us to hope to open a shop online.

C.It leads us to build our own smart houses.

D.It helps us pay attention to environmental protection.

4.What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To show the future of Ecobee3.

B.To attract people to buy Ecobee3.

C.To introduce how to use Ecobee3.

D.To explain why Ecobee3 was invented.



    It’s a good thing that sloths (树懒) don’t have to go to school. They’d never make it on time. These sleepy tree-inhabitants sleep up to 20 hours a day! And even when they are awake, they barely move at all. In fact, they re very slow, and algae (海藻) actually grows on their fur.

Sloths live in the tropical forests of Central and South America, With their long arms and hairy fur. they look like monkeys, but they are actually related to anteaters (食蚁兽). They can be 2 to 2.5 feet long and weigh from 8 to 17 pounds, depending on species.

There are two main species of sloth, identified by whether they have two or three claws. (爪子) on their front feet. The two species are quite similar in appearance, with roundish heads, sad-looking eyes, tiny ears, and short tails. Two toed sloths are slightly bigger and tend to spend more time hanging upside down than their three toed cousins, who will often sit upright in the fork of a tree branch. Three toed sloths have facial coloring that makes them look like they’ re always smiling. They also have two extra neck vertebrae that allow them to turn their heads almost all the way around!

Some scientists think sloths developed their slow-motion lifestyle so they would be less noticeable to hunters such as hawks and cats, which rely heavily on their eyesight when hunting. The algae that grows on sloths’ fur also helps them avoid hunters by letting them mix in with green leaves. They rarely come down from the trees. About once every week, they go down to go to the bathroom, slowly moving about by digging their front claws into the dirt and dragging their bodies. If they are caught by a hunter, sloths will become aggressive, biting fiercely, striking with their claws, and screaming.

1.Who belongs to the same race as the sloth?

A.The monkey.

B.The anteater.

C.The hawk.

D.The cat.

2.Sloths are classified mainly by________.

A.their arms

B.their heads

C.their claws on their front feet

D.their fur on their bodies

3.According to the text, sloths go down from trees once every week in order to________.

A.clean their bodies.

B.hunt food

C.avoid being hunted

D.search for habitats

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.Sloths always like smiling.

B.Cats dislike hunting sloths.

C.Sloths can sleep for a long time.

D.Sloths keep clam when facing danger.



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