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The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam-home of the world’s largest1.(collect) of Van Gogh’s works-has carried out an extensive x-ray study of some pieces, only2.(discover) the Dutchman’s famous Sunflowers is in the process of losing its color. The scan, carried out by Dutch and Belgian experts, shows that the lemon-yellow color in the flowers’ petals and stems3.(be) slowly turning brown because of being exposed 4.lights.

The color change in the work is not visible to the naked eye yet, but it is still unclear when and if the yellows of the canvas5.(darken) soon. However, the Amsterdam museum’s discovery could have a wide significance, 6. Van Gogh could have used the same paint in the other Sunflowers or even in paintings with other subjects. Marije Vellekoop, head of the research at the museum said, “At the moment, we are processing all the research results of this painting, after 7. we will determine how we will pay 8.(far) attention to discoloration in our museum.”

Moreover, the discovery could lead to changes in how Van Gogh’s works are stored and shown internationally. The Van Gogh Museum is 9.(continuous) exploring ways to preserve and restore the productive painter’s works, 10.(lower) the lighting around its 200 paintings and 400 drawings five years ago.


1.collection 2.to discover 3.is 4.to 5.will darken 6.because/as/since/for 7.which 8.further 9.continuously 10.lowering 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要说明了阿姆斯特丹的梵高博物馆通过X光研究发现,梵高著名的画向日葵正在褪色。这一发现可能会改变梵高作品在国际上的存储和展示方式,博物馆也在不断探索保护和修复这位多产画家作品的方法。 1.考查名词。句意:阿姆斯特丹的梵高博物馆--世界上最大的梵高作品收藏地--对一些作品进行了大量的X光研究,却发现这位荷兰人著名的向日葵正在褪色。根据上文largest为形容词修饰名词,可知应填名词collection,故填collection。 2.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。短语only to do“结果是……”,故填to discover。 3.考查动词时态。句意:荷兰和比利时的专家进行的扫描显示,柠檬黄色的花瓣和花茎由于暴露在阳光下正在慢慢变成棕色。根据下文slowly turning brown可知为现在进行时,表示“正在慢慢变成棕色”,且本句主语为color,故谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填is。 4.考查介词。句意同上。固定短语expose to“暴露于……”,故填to。 5.考查动词时态。句意:这幅作品的颜色变化用肉眼还看不出来,但仍不清楚画布上的黄色何时会变暗,以及是否会很快变暗。根据后文soon可知为一般将来时,故填will darken。 6.考查连接词。句意:然而,阿姆斯特丹博物馆的发现可能具有重大的意义,因为梵高可能在其他向日葵甚至其他主题的绘画中使用相同的颜料。本句为原因状语从句,表示“因为”,故填because/as/since/for。 7.考查定语从句关系词。句意:“目前,我们正在处理这幅画的所有研究结果,之后我们将决定如何进一步关注博物馆的变色问题。”本句为“介词+关系代词”引导的非限定性定语从句,修饰上文整个句子,且做介词after的宾语,指上文提到的事情,应用关系代词which。故填which。 8.考查形容词比较级。句意同上。结合句意表示“进一步关注”,应用far的形容词比较级further。故填further。 9.考查副词。句意:梵高博物馆正在不断探索保护和修复这位多产画家作品的方法,五年前降低了200幅画作和400幅素描的灯光亮度。修饰动词explore应用副词,表示“不断地”,故填continuously。 10.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。分析句子结构可知lower在句中做非谓语动词,且与逻辑主语The Van Gogh Museum构成主动关系,故用现在分词。故填lowering。

    Like many of the protesters (抗议者) at Occupy Wall Street in New York, Amanda Vodola is young, underemployed and loaded with student debt. She spends her days _________, helping _________ the movement, and her evenings waiting tables at a restaurant in Brooklyn. Last spring, she graduated from Fordham University with a degree in English. “I grew up with this narrative that to get a good job I need to go to school,” she says. But the job she has “is not enough to pay the bills”. And the bills she has _________ most about are the ones tied to that narrative: the $30,000 she _________ in college loans.

In November, when their six-month grace period run _________, Vodola and millions of other students who graduated in May have to start _________ their loans. Repayment requirements for private loans kick in (开始生效) _________ whether _________ have found jobs. Since employment rates for recent college graduates have _________ in the past two years, as have starting salaries, the __________ of a sharp rise in student-loan delinquencies (到期未付) has led some economists to __________ that this could be the next __________ crisis, rippling (波及) into the wider economy. Total US student-loan debt, which __________ credit-card debt for the first time last year, is on track to __________ $1,000 billion this year. That’s a nearly 8% __________ over last year.

But neither these __________ nor the voices of students, __________ by debt, at protests in cities and on campuses throughout the nation are likely to keep the families of high school seniors from seeing a brand-name education as a __________ to a better life. They’ve long been told that higher education is an __________ in the future—even as the costs of college has __________ 538% over the past thirty years.

1.A.running around B.keeping fit C.warming up D.checking out

2.A.establish B.resemble C.found D.organize

3.A.puzzled B.interrupted C.worried D.carried

4.A.collects B.owes C.costs D.accounts

5.A.down B.up C.off D.out

6.A.raising B.repaying C.rearranging D.rating

7.A.although B.in contrast with C.regardless of D.because of

8.A.borrowers B.owners C.lenders D.holders

9.A.dropped B.changed C.collapsed D.slimmed

10.A.stability B.possibility C.promotion D.security

11.A.command B.instruct C.appreciate D.predict

12.A.political B.religious C.financial D.legal

13.A.decreased B.topped C.compared D.lowered

14.A.hit B.knock C.blow D.strike

15.A.advance B.progress C.transfer D.increase

16.A.conclusions B.graphs C.statistics D.abstracts

17.A.rejected B.burdened C.admitted D.boycotted

18.A.sign B.label C.fame D.ticket

19.A.investment B.instrument C.indication D.inspiration

20.A.strengthened B.flown C.zoomed D.broken



    Ahead of World No Tobacco Day (31 May), the World Health Organization (WHO) is highlighting the damage tobacco causes to lung health: over 40% of all tobacco-related deaths are from lung diseases like cancer, chronic respiratory (慢性呼吸道) diseases and tuberculosis (肺结核). 1.

WHO Director — General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, “Every year, tobacco kills at least 8 million people. 2. Healthy lungs are essential to living a healthy life. Today — and everyday — you can protect your lungs and those of your friends and family by saying no to tobacco.”

In 2017, tobacco killed 3.3 million users and people exposed to second-hand smoke from lung-related conditions, including:

● 1.5 million people dying from chronic respiratory diseases

● 1.2 million deaths from cancer

● 600,000 deaths from respiratory infections and tuberculosis

3. Those who live on into adulthood are more likely to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) later in life.


WHO is urging countries to fight the tobacco epidemic (流行) through full

implementation of the WHO Framework Corrvention (公约) on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) and enforcing effective tobacco control actions, including WHO’s recommended “MPOWER” policy measures, for example by reducing demand for tobacco through taxation, creating smoke-free places and cessation support.

5. They are responsible for safeguarding the health of their families and communities by informing them of and protecting them from the harms caused by tobacco.

A. What can be done?

B. Don’t let tobacco take your breath away!

C. The Organization also encourages parents and community leaders to take steps.

D. Though smoke may be invisible and scentless, it can linger in the air for up to five hours.

E. WHO is calling on countries to increase action to protect people from exposure to tobacco.

F. Millions more live with lung cancer, tuberculosis or chronic lung disease caused by tobacco.

G. More than 60,000 children aged under 5 die of lower respiratory infections caused by second-hand smoke.



    “Free Solo” is a documentary beautifully calculated to literally take your breath away. And it does. The film’s subject, Alex Honnold, is the top-ranking climber of free soloing, the art of climbing dizzyingly steep rock faces with no ropes, no harnesses (安全带), just bare hands and dazzling determination and skill. “There’s no margin for error; you have to do it perfectly,” one climber explains, comparing the endeavor to an Olympic sport where “if you don’t get the gold medal you are going to die.”

“Free Solo” opens with a striking overhead shot, almost too exciting to watch, of Honnold at work, his hands finding narrow gaps that don’t seem to exist, pulling off seeing — is — not — believing moves that are more astonishing than the most ambitious special effect.

Directed by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin, “Free Solo” lets us in on how much went into the climb on a physical, psychological and emotional level, showing us how meticulously (细致地) even the tiniest move is planned. Vasarhelyi and Chin are the ideal people to tell this story, and not only because they’ve already done another superb mountaineering film, 2015’s “Meru”, which was short-listed for the best documentary Oscar. Chin has been an accomplished climber as well as a photographer and filmmaker, so he’s known Honnold for years and has the kind of friendship with the climber that makes the film possible.

Chin insisted his entire crew, including fellow cinematographers Clair Popkin and Mikey Schaefer, be experienced climbers, and one of the film’s most dramatic aspects is how nervous these extremely knowledgeable folks were about Honnold’s safety. The directors and crew worried that their presence might put too much pressure on Honnold or might lead to acts of what Chin characterizes as “Kodak courage”. More than that, no one wanted to be there shooting film if he made a mistake and died.

A perfectionist since Honnold was a boy, he found his gift for free solo early. One possible reason why Honnold is so good at it, which doctors hypothesized after giving him an MRI, is that his amygdala, the part of the brain that regulates fear, doesn’t react the way it does in most people. Though we inevitably worry about Honnold’ future safety, we’ve come to understand why his mother, Dierdre Wolownick, says that “climbing is when he feels the most alive. How can you take that away from somebody?” Seeing him at the peak of his skill on the biggest screen possible is an experience for everybody to savor (尽情享受).

1.What does it take to free solo?

A.Gift and good fortune.

B.Knowledge and experience.

C.Strength, determination and skill.

D.Ropes, harnesses, a photographer and a filmmaker.

2.Why are Vasarhelyi and Chin the ideal people to tell this story?

A.They’ve ever shot a superb mountaineering documentary.

B.They have rich experience and companionship with Honnold.

C.They were accomplished climbers, photographers and filmmakers.

D.They are physically, psychologically and emotionally well prepared.

3.Which of the following best describes Honnold as a climber?

A.Wild and daring.

B.Gifted and vain.

C.Demanding and particular.

D.Talented and perfectionistic.

4.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.“Kodak courage” is highly expected.

B.Too much pressure was put on Honnold.

C.Chin and his crew cared much about Honnold’s safety.

D.Chin took on knowledgeable folks to shoot the documentary.



    There’s a blue house in central Florida that’s hard to miss. It’s somewhat famous among people who live nearby — it’s painted to look like Starry Night”, the iconic painting by Vincent van Gogh — but not everyone is a fan of the larger-than-life artwork.

“We had not originally intended to paint the house like this,” Nancy Nemhauser, who lives there with her husband, Lubomir Jastrzebski, and their adult son, told TODAY. They started by painting the wall that runs outside of their home, because it was “in disrepair” and they wanted it to look nice. The couple said they even asked permission from the city to paint the wall, and were told it was OK.

“So we went ahead and started having the wall painted by an artist who has his work shown throughout South America,” Nemhauser said. They chose Van Gogh because their son, who has autism (自闭症), is a fan — and they hoped that the mural would come in handy if he ever wandered far from home.

God forbid he were to be in a situation where he did not have the ability to tell people his address clearly. We’re hoping that he would have the ability to at least say that he belongs at the Van Gogh house,” Nemhauser said. The couple added that their son loves the look of the house. “There’s some magical connection I think between Van Gogh and autistic kids, because Van Gogh was possibly also autistic,” Jastrzebski said.

After the couple painted the wall, they got a citation (传票) from the city stating that the wall painting was considered graffiti (涂鸦), and that the wall must match the house. That’s when they decided to paint the entire house to look like “Starry Night” — knowing that’s not quite what the city had in mind, but confident that they weren’t breaking any law.

Since then, they’ve been fined $10,600. In February, they filed a federal lawsuit against the city, claiming the city is violating their right to freedom of expression.

Neither Mount Dora city officials nor their lawyer would comment on the issue. But in February, they did say in a statement that they were trying to preserve the residential character of our neighborhoods, and that the house “may present a distraction to safe vehicle operation along the street which fronts the home”.

Nemhauser and Jastrzebski add that many neighbors love the house, and thousands of people have signed an online petition (请愿) in support of keeping the painting. While both sides are in settlement talks, the fate of the mural is still up in the air. The family said they were ready to battle for what they believe in.

1.What was the couple’s initial intention to paint the wall?

A.To beautify the damaged wall.

B.To respond to the call of the city.

C.To assist an artist to show his work.

D.To express their son’s admiration to Van Gogh.

2.What does the underlined phrase “God forbid” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.May God forgive us.

B.It’s forbidden by God.

C.Even God can’t help it.

D.We hope it does not happen.

3.What’s Mount Dora city officials’ attitude towards the unique house?

A.Supportive. B.Disapproving.

C.Ambiguous. D.Understanding.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.“Starry Night” house in Florida arouses a heated debate.

B.Neighbors sign an online petition in support of “Starry Night” house.

C.The magical connection between Van Gogh and autistic kids.

D.Homeowners battle for their “Starry Night” house in Florida.



    Red Adair became “the man to call” if you wanted a fire in an oil well put out, a task that was extremely dangerous and difficult.

One of Red Adair’s most dangerous jobs was in 1962. He and his men put out a natural gas fire in the Sahara Desert in Algeria. The fire had been burning for six months. The fire was so fierce that American astronaut John Glenn could see it from space as he orbited Earth and the sand around the fire had melted into glass from the extreme heat. This famous fire was called the “Devil’s Cigarette Lighter”.

Adair’s success with the big fire and earlier well fires captured the imagination of the American film industry. In 1968, Hollywood made an action film called “Hellfighters” which was roughly based on events in Red Adair’s life. Adair said one of the best honors in the world was to have John Wayne play him in a movie.

In 1988, Adair troubleshot what was possibly the world’s worst ocean accident at the Piper Alpha oil platform in the North Sea. Not only did Red Adair and his team have to put out the fires but they also had to deal with winds blowing at more than one hundred and twenty kilometers an hour, as well as the sea which was at least twenty meters high.

In March of 1991, Red Adair went to Kuwait to put out about seven hundred Kuwaiti fires following the Persian Gulf War. His efforts saved millions of liters of oil. Some experts say the operation also helped prevent an environmental tragedy.

Red Adair died at 89. Many Americans remember him as a very brave man. He lived his life troubleshooting danger. He was known for risking his own life to save others.

1.Why was John Glenn mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A.To explain how the sand melted.

B.To confirm it was a natural gas fire.

C.To prove the fire was really big.

D.To show Adair’s job was important.

2.What can be learned about Hellfighters?

A.It was a big hit in Hollywood.

B.It was directed by John Wayne.

C.It is a documentary on firefighters.

D.It is mainly based on Adair’s life.

3.What happened in 1988?

A.Adair was asked to put out a big ocean fire.

B.Many people died in a big ocean fire accident.

C.Adair helped prevent an environmental tragedy.

D.Strong winds caused a big ocean fire.

4.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.The danger of fires B.Red Adair’s life story

C.A great firefighter D.Some unforgettable fires in the world



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