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Kevin Adkins admits that when he lacks c...

    Kevin Adkins admits that when he lacks confidence, he uses big words to appear smarter, of which most people don’t know the meaning. “Only when I need to impress the person. I prefer using big words,” says the 45-year-old.

Adkins is not alone. Many people use longer words in place of shorter ones because they know, consciously or unconsciously, that when others form impressions of them after a glance or a short conversation, they often work harder to give the “right” impression. “People think, if I can show that I have a good vocabulary, I’ll sound smarter says Daniel Oppenheimer, PhD, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. However, if the listeners do not understand those long words, he adds, it will leave a bad impression instead.

The truth is that it can easily go wrong. “It’s almost a game that two people are playing,” says Eric Igou, PhD, a social psychologist at Ireland’s University of Limerick. “If the observer, person B, doesn’t have the same theory, it can backfire.” Person A may be regarded as showing off instead of being intelligent.

Using big words may also confuse listeners, which is definitely moving in the wrong direction, “People associate intelligence with clearness of expressions,” says Oppenheimer. That’s especially true when it comes to the written word. A small study in Applied Cognitive Psychology (应用认知心理学) found that the more writers tried to sound smart, the less intelligent they were considered to be.

So what can you do to sound smarter? Speak clearly and directly. Leave the dictionary at your desk.

1.Why does Kevin Adkins prefer saying big words sometimes?

A.He wants to make himself more easily understood.

B.He believes that it is cool.

C.He enjoys the feelings of being mysterious.

D.He hopes that what he says sounds smart.

2.What is Professor Oppenheimer’s attitude towards the behavior of using big words?

A.Disapproving. B.Favorable.

C.Indifferent. D.Cautious.

3.What does Eric Igou mean by saying “it can backfire” in paragraph 3?

A.It can catch fire. B.Person B can fire person A.

C.It can deliver an opposite effect. D.The observer can also fight back.

4.What can we learn from the small study in Applied Cognitive Psychology?

A.The writer who never uses big words is more intelligent.

B.The writer who uses big words the most is the most intelligent.

C.People like the writers who only use short and clear expressions.

D.The writers should avoid using big words often in their writings.


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述的是人们将智慧和清晰的表达联系在一起,因此给人留下聪明印象的说话技巧在于你能够让对方很容易地理解你的意思。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Kevin Adkins admits that when he lacks confidence, he uses big words to appear smarter, of which most people don’t know the meaning.”可知,Kevin Adkins承认,当他缺乏信心时,他会说一些人们不经常使用的词使自己显得更聪明,而大多数人却不知道其中的含义。因此Kevin Adkins有时喜欢说一些人们不经常使用的词的原因是他希望他所说的话听起来充满智慧。故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“However, if the listeners do not understand those long words, he adds, it will leave a bad impression instead.”和第四段中的“Using big words may also confuse listeners, which is definitely moving in the wrong direction, “People associate intelligence with clearness of expressions,” says Oppenheimer.”可知,Oppenheimer教授认为,如果听者不懂说话者的那些长话,这会给听者留下不好的印象。说人们不经常使用的词可能会使听众感到困惑,这会引起人们的误解,人们将智慧与表达的清晰性联系在一起。因此Oppenheimer教授对说话者使用人们不熟悉的词的行为持不赞成态度。故选A。 3.句意猜测题。根据第三段中的“Person A may be regarded as showing off instead of being intelligent.”可知,说长话的人A可能被认为是在炫耀而不能体现其聪明。因此划线句子的意思是“它起到了相反的作用”,即说长话的人达到的效果与预想中的让别人看起来很聪明的效果是相反的。故选C。 4.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“A small study in Applied Cognitive Psychology found that the more writers tried to sound smart, the less intelligent they were considered to be.”可知,一项关于应用认知心理学的小型研究发现,作家越是要让自己听起来聪明,他们就越被认为不那么聪明。因此我们可以从应用认知心理学的小型研究了解到作家应避免在写作中经常使用人们不熟悉的词。故选D。

    Dogs love to get out and stretch their legs, which not only helps to keep them in shape, but enables them to keep the extra pounds off. Pet hiking has been popular recently, getting dogs off the sidewalk.

Three years ago, Denver resident Brittany Redding was stressed out, working 60 hours a week while studying in graduate school full-time. The only thing that helped was taking her four dogs hiking. “That’s when it hit me that I should do that as a job.” she says. After graduating in June 2016, she founded Take a Hike. Her company, like a number of others around the country, takes dogs to explore beyond the neighborhood.

Before taking on the tracks, Brittany meets with each dog and his or her owner to get a sense of the pet’s character. Then she schedules a meet-and-greet with other dogs that will join the hike to be sure to match their personalities. Each hiking is about two hours long and includes transportation to and from the track for around $70 per outing. “Hiking allows dogs lo meet new friends and explore new tracks, smells, and wildlife,” she explains.

Michael Mizenko thinks sending his pet, Ajax, on weekly hikes with Take a Hike has made Ajax a happier dog. Over the past two years, hiking has taught Ajax how to stay off pavement, be more social and remain calm in the car. “It has made him a flexible easygoing guy.” Michael says.

1.Why has pet hiking been popular in these days?

A.Dogs strongly desire their owners to go hiking.

B.Animal health specialists recommend people to do it.

C.It is beneficial for pets’ shape and health.

D.The owner’s house is not big enough for dogs.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly talking about?

A.Why Brittany founded Take a Hike.

B.How hard the study life of Brittany was.

C.Take a Hike is very popular in the neighborhood.

D.Dog hiking has brought great enjoyment to Brittany.

3.What does Brittany want to make sure before taking her customers’ dogs to go hiking?

A.The distance of the track.

B.The character of each dog.

C.The environment of the track.

D.The emotions of both dogs and their owners.

4.How often does Michael Mizenko send his pet to hike with Take a Hike?

A.Every day. B.Once a week.

C.Twice a week. D.Every other week.



International Volunteering in New Zealand

If you’re visiting New Zealand and would like to volunteer, DOC (Department of Concentration) welcomes you to get involved.

Before you come to New Zealand

You do not need a work visa to volunteer with DOC. You ran volunteer on entry to New Zealand as long as you do not receive payment or benefits.

You may need a police certificate

Depending on the volunteer work you do with us, you may be required to provide a police certificate to DOC. Your police certificate would need to be written and certified in English. It’s easier for you if you get a police certificate before you leave your country.

How to get a new police certificate if you’re already in New Zealand. (Click here)

International students

Volunteering with DOS is an option to gain experience. However, DOC does not offer opportunities to students who study at:

●universities outside New Zealand, or other education providers outside New Zealand.


For all volunteers with DOC, we strongly advise you gel comprehensive (综合的) travel insurance and unlimited medical cover. DOC does not accept responsibility for any:

● personal medical or accident events.

● loss or damage to personal items of equipment, or other associated costs while you're volunteering with DOC.

1.What may you offer to DOC if you want to volunteer as a foreigner in New Zealand?

A.A work visa. B.A police certificate

C.A university diploma. D.A driver license.

2.Who cannot volunteer with DOC in New Zealand?

A.An American official who is travelling in New Zealand.

B.A Chinese businessman with some volunteering experiences.

C.A Chinese exchange student in the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

D.An English college student who has just been visiting his uncle in New Zealand for a few days.

3.Where is this passage probably from?

A.A story book. B.A newspaper.

C.A website. D.A travel guide book.



















Pu’er is the hometown of Pu’er Tea. In Pu’er, there is ancient tea trees with the history of more than 1,000 years. Beside, the city has 3.25 million mu of tea gardens, included modern tea gardens, ancient tea trees and tea tree forests.

Between a variety of tea leaves,Pu’er Tea is known to be a “curio” (珍品) that we can drink it for its unique taste and special health care functions.

In recent year,Pu’er Municipal Party Committee has carrying out the “scientific Pu’er” plan. As a result, breakthroughs have achieved in research on other functions of Pu’er Tea. Under the help of the unique Pu’er Tea, Pu’er City has produced a beautiful business card.




Nicotine is a kind of chemical. It is one of the most harmful and widely available legal 1. (drug) in the world. It's addictive and harmful both to smokers and the people who 2. (expose) to smoke, especially children. So it is necessary 3. (stop) smoking. Though giving up smoking is tough, it is not 4. (possible). Considering these areas such as your health and those 5. will benefit from your quitting, you will make up your mind and stick to it, Cigarettes are 6. (high) effective at delivering nicotine throughout your body, so when you stop smoking, you might experience anxiety, headaches and so on. Please don't be 7.  (disappoint), you should realize it may take more than one attempt to stop smoking. If you've tried quitting on your own but are still struggling, think about 8. (get) professional help. Besides, your family and friends can be extra support. Let them know your goal and ask them to help you by not smoking around or offering you a cigarette. You can also ask for 9. (they) encouragement and let them remind you 10. your goal when sticking is difficult.



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