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In many countries, 1. is not unusual for families of different backgrounds to live together in the shared space. 2., in the United States, this idea may still be considered strange.

But this type of housing, 3.(call) co-housing, is gaining 4.(popular) in the United States, too. Co-housing complexes are popping up across the country. For many people, this way of life is a relief to the busy modern lifestyle. A co-housing community has 5. (private) owned houses and shared land. There is often a “common house” with a kitchen and dining room, meeting room, and maybe a workshop of library or music room. About 25 co-housing communities 6.(build) in recent years, according to a report.

A co-housing complex is a place 7. residents shop, cook, and eat together. They like 8.(it) sense of shared community. Children have other kids to play 9., which many families like. Other residents like the feeling of living in a “ village”. Residents also say that they can live in co-housing for 10.(little) money than they would pay for nearby apartments.


1.it 2.However 3.called 4.popularity 5.privately 6.have been built 7.where 8.its 9.with 10.less 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文讲述了美国最近兴起的一种居住方式,不同家庭背景的人居住在一起.这种方式在美国被称为co-housing。 1.考查it的用法。句意:在许多国家,不同背景的家庭住在一起是很平常的。此处为固定句型:it is+形容词+to do,表示“做某事怎么样”,it作形式主语,故填it。 2.考查连接副词。句意:然而,在美国,这种想法可能仍然被认为是奇怪的。上句提到在很多国家这种现象很平常,然而在美国人们仍然认为这种想法很奇怪,表示转折关系,位于句首首字母大写,故填However。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:但是这种被称为co-housing的住房在美国也越来越受欢迎。分析句子结构可知,call在句中作非谓语动词,与逻辑主语housing构成被动关系,故用过去分词。故填called。 4.考查名词。句意同上。gain为动词,后跟名词作宾语,表示“流行,受欢迎”。故填popularity。 5.考查副词。句意:合住社区有私人拥有的房屋和共享的土地。修饰动词own应用副词,表示“私人地”。故填privately。 6.考查动词时态语态。句意:据一份报告称,近年来,已经建成了大约25个合住社区。根据时间状语,在最近几年in recent years,是现在完成时态的标志词,“社区”和“建立”是被动关系,用现在完成时的被动语态。故填have been built。 7.考查定语从句。句意:合住小区是居民一起购物、做饭和吃饭的地方。本句为定语从句修饰先行词place,且先行词在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where。故填where。 8.考查代词。句意:他们喜欢这种共享社区的感觉。修饰名词sense应用形容词性物主代词its。故填its。 9.考查介词。句意:孩子们有其他孩子一起玩,这是很多家庭都喜欢的。根据短语play with,表示“与……玩耍”。故填with。 10.考查比较级。句意:居民们还表示,与附近的公寓相比,他们住在合租公寓里的钱要少得多。表示“比附近公寓租金要少”,且有“than”,所以用little的比较级less。故填less。

    For most people, a family member would be their inspiration. As for me, _______ my mother and father were both great influences, my greatest influence came from a television program Gilmore Girls. Nearly every day after _______, I would come home, _______ on the couch, and turn on the television.

Upon hearing the theme song and seeing the _______ faces, I was overcome by a sense of _______ and total peace. All the day’s hardships would _______. I would forget about any _______ stress. When it was about five o’ clock, I would sit in front of the TV to _______ another episode of Gilmore Girls. It was what I had to _______ in my day, because I was having a ________ day and I simply loved to laugh at their humorous dialogues. Each of the characters had a ________ personality, unlike anyone I had ever known. The more I watched Gilmore Girls, the more I found myself wanting to be a “Rory Gilmore”.

Much of Rory’s success came from her mother. In the process of ________ Harvard or any college, I have recently discovered it is a long process. My ________ has also encouraged me to follow my dreams and to make my own ________. I am a particularly hesitant person, so ________ this task is not easy for me. In ________ and developing into her own person, Rory Gilmore discovered her dreams and how to achieve them; that was how she ________ me.

Although I am a girl who is ________ trying to find my true self, Rory made me feel as if I could ________ everything. No matter which college I may ________, I’ll always know that the road, which I travel to get there, is a road well worth traveling.

1.A.unless B.because C.now that D.even though

2.A.dinner B.communication C.school D.work

3.A.pick up B.lie down C.lay down D.show up

4.A.common B.unusual C.familiar D.strange

5.A.relief B.care C.honor D.surprise

6.A.pause B.disappear C.decrease D.stop

7.A.casual B.formal C.certain D.previous

8.A.survey B.identify C.watch D.notice

9.A.look forward to B.make up for C.pay attention to D.take charge of

10.A.lazy B.tough C.big D.happy

11.A.unique B.good C.strange D.ambiguous

12.A.passing by B.thinking of C.searching for D.getting into

13.A.Rory B.family C.mother D.friend

14.A.efforts B.experiments C.decisions D.trips

15.A.proposing B.quitting C.confronting D.undertaking

16.A.speeding up B.growing up C.hanging out D.holding on

17.A.inspired B.envied C.admired D.calmed

18.A.hardly B.still C.almost D.seldom

19.A.conquer B.find C.analyze D.afford

20.A.know B.conduct C.admit D.choose



    Are you trying to find ways to be more efficient at your job? If so, please follow these habits of naturally productive people.

They take breaks. 1. Studies show that prolonged tasks that require high levels of focus, energy, and attention can cause you to become less productive and focused over time. Take brief mental breaks. Setting aside a little time here and there to release your focus can significantly help maintain it for longer periods of time.

2. Settle down, super men and women. While it’s fine to pride yourself on your abilities to multitask, it’s in your best interest (and your employer’s) if you stick to one to-do at a time. Somewhere along the lines, our culture has embraced and promoted this idea that the more we can do at once, the better. 3. In fact, the more we multi-task, the less efficient and productive we become in all the tasks we are trying to accomplish.

They have a full night’s sleep. In school, you may have found that too many students stay up late to finish a paper or study for an exam, but, despite your best efforts, research shows this is not the way to do business. 4. Actually, studies have linked insufficient sleep to decreased levels of productivity, unsatisfactory work performance, and poorer safety outcomes.

5. You know the countless benefits of exercise. It also seriously improves your mood by releasing something to relieve stress and increase your brains productivity. Even 30-minute bursts of moderate-to-high physical activity just three to four times a day can go a long way in helping you accomplish your personal and professional goals.

A.They value fitness.

B.Pressing pause Is Important.

C.They prefer to do more every day.

D.However, research shows the opposite.

E.They don’t try to do everything at once.

F.Enough sleep makes great contribution to efficient work.

G.Poor sleep or lack of sleep carries some pretty negative rewards.



    It’s common knowledge that some countries have higher life expectancies(预期寿命) than others, but the city you live in can also affect your health.

Some cities are hard on their residents. In places with poor city planning, for example Lagos, which was called out recently by the Economist Intelligence Unit, public spaces are few, making outdoor activities hard. Lack of infrastructure(基础建设) blocks the streets with cars and the air with pollutants, and residents work long hours for little money.

These are just some of the factors added up by Spotahome, a rental agency. They’ve analyzed data from a range of sources, including the World Health Organization and TripAdvisor to score each city on health, life expectancies, obesity, green space and other elements to make a list to work out which are the world’s healthiest cities.

The list is certainly Eurocentric and sunshine is seen as a positive factor. It does go some way toward suggesting which cities are getting it right in providing a good life for their residents. It may not be surprising to learn that most of the healthiest cities are in northern Europe, known for its people-first approach to city planning. The cities of Australia and Canada also do well. However, the first American city is only in 34th place. The U.K. doesn’t fare too well eitherits only city in the top 50 list is London, in 40th.

Whether you’re planning a pleasant holiday, or simply wondering what your city can do better in its pursuit for happy citizens, the list of the 50 healthiest cities will give you pause for thought about the future of city planning. Here are the slender, healthy-eating, clean-aired cities that are getting it right.

1.What plays the key role in building a healthy city according to the text?

A.Local culture. B.City planning. C.Economic condition. D.Geographical position.

2.What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.How the list of the healthiest cities came into being.

B.What Spotahome discovered in the recent study.

C.The reasons why Spotahome carried out the study.

D.The places where the data of the study came from.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A.Cities in America lack enough sunshine.

B.The U. K. ranked higher than America in the list.

C.Australia and Canada have the best city planning.

D.Some people in Lagos may live a poor life.



    Spotify can tell if you’re sad. Here’s why that should scare you. Want to figure out if someone is a patient with a mental disability? Ask them what their favorite song is. A New York University study last year found that people who loved Eminem’s Lose Yourself and Justin Bieber’s What Do You Mean? were more likely to have trouble with mental disabilities than people who were into Dire Straits.

Over the past few years, Spotify has been improving the ability to analyze information to help businessmen target consumers with advertisements made specially for their needs. They conclude this from the sort of music you’re listening to, combined with where and when you’re listening to it, along with third-party data that might be available.

Now, to be clear, there’s nothing significantly illegal about what Spotify is doing with your information. I certainly don’t think that they are working with consulting firms to serve you relevant ads while you’re listening to music that suggests you might be in a terrible situation. However, I find it disappointing that our private moments with music are increasingly being turned into information points and offered to advertisers.

You can see where this could go, can’t you? As ad targeting gets even more accurate, businessmen will have the ability to target our feelings in potentially improper ways. According to one study, you are more likely to spend more on a product if you’re feeling sad. You can imagine some companies might take advantage of that. And on that note, I’m feeling a little down about all this. Head off to treat myself to something expensive.

1.What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To introduce a new song. B.To draw readers’ attention.

C.To help more patients. D.To promote a new medium.

2.Spotify improves its ability to analyze information to ________.

A.provide services for the government B.work with consulting firms

C.get listeners’ personal information D.help businessmen attract consumers

3.Who is the text probably designed for?

A.Internet users. B.Officials. C.Researchers. D.Managers.



    My violin is like a soul mate that whispers words of wisdom to me. Together, we’ve gone through both tears and happiness.

About 12 years ago, I made acquaintance with it following an order from my mom. Many hours of boredom were spent practicing it. And to make things worse, the disappointment in my teacher’s eyes as I played the wrong notes was like an invisible hammer, striking on my heart. One day, I finally decided: I hate it!

By chance, things changed when I was seven. I was at home lying on the sofa, wondering how those famous violinists dealt with this terrible dilemma. I searched online for the E-minor Concerto, a well-known violin work by German composer Felix Mendelssohn, and listened to it.

A beautiful and mysterious sound came from the violin as the bow moved across it. It was like the music slid over the flowers, rose up, and started to fill the air. The violin’s voice woke up the sun, made the trees green, and freshened the air. As the music changed, the sky turned back to gray. A gloomy shade covered the grass as all the sunshine disappeared. I could hear children crying and men shouting. It was like an invisible claw had grabbed my heart tightly, making it unable to beat.

That glorious day set off my passion and interest in violin I grabbed mine and never let it go. Before the memories faded, I stared at my instrument. Without hesitating, I picked it up, rosined(用松香擦) the bow, and began to play. Peace filled my heart.

My violin has been by my side for 12 years. When I feel happy, an energetic tune makes it even better; when I’m deep in sorrow, a peaceful tune washes it away, when I’m walking on air, feeling especially pleased with my achievements, solemn(庄严的) tunes calm me down. Gradually, it has become a part of my life.

My violin, shall I compare you to a summer’s day?

1.What further contributed to the author’s dislike of violin-playing?

A.Orders from mum. B.Boredom of practice.

C.Loss of passion for violin. D.Disappointment in the teacher’s eyes.

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.The author’s feeling was continuously influenced by the music.

B.The weather actually changed because of the tune.

C.The sudden change made the author’s heart unable to beat.

D.The scenery outside the room was quite attractive.

3.Why did the author pick up the violin again?

A.The invisible hammer and claw are gone.

B.The beautiful imagination changed his attitude.

C.A famous tune aroused his interest and passion.

D.He was crazy about Felix Mendelssohn’s works.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Deep love for music B.My dislike and like of violin

C.An inspiring story of violin D.Musical soul mate—violin



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