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This article is for all of the teenagers...

This article is for all of the teenagers out there. Even though ____ you are years from being fully grown, society regularly expects you to adult. Yes, you are ____ in many ways: many of you drive and do so quite safely, and you handle schedules that would ____ many adults. But you probably cannot process caffeine (咖啡因) as constantly as your parents can because of your still-growing bodies and brains.

I understand it feels grown-up to be drinking a cup of Starbucks. But all of this caffeine may worsen your anxiety, affect tonight’s sleep and tomorrow’s school performance, ____ nutrient absorption and even cause real trouble when mixed with alcohol. The following four aspects may well ____ the theme of this article.

The power of caffeine

Caffeine is widely considered a drug that is socially acceptable, universally used, even cool, but it still causes ____ symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and a lack of attention when removed from coffee-addicts’ diets.

How much is healthy?

Caffeine is by no means a nutrient; you do not need it to be healthy. ____, it is a substance that can leave you lacking nutrients because it has been shown to reduce calcium (). Caffeine probably causes the body to release water. And the more caffeinated drinks you consume, the less likely you are to drink water. So experts say that adolescents should consume ____ amounts of caffeine a day (≤100 mg).

Caffeine’s ____

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 65 percent of middle and higher schoolers are ____ to insufficient sleep on school nights. Some of their sleep problems can be mainly attributed to (归因于) caffeine, which can remain in the body for seven hours after ____, thus causing teens’ worse performance the next day. It is widely assumed that adequate sleep ____ proper growth and brain development. During childhood and adolescence, the brain goes through a period called synaptic pruning (突触修剪) when unnecessary connections are promoted.

Caffeine labelling

Caffeine is not listed on the Nutrition Facts column on food labels because it is not a ____. It may be listed as an ingredient, but the amount is not required. Caffeine is now added to foods such as gum, candy and water, along with makeup and beauty products that ____ to reduce swelling (肿块).

Taste preferences and eating habits are often cultivated in childhood and adolescence, so teens, when you consume sweet, caffeinated drinks every time you feel sluggish (无精打采的), you are creating a pattern that may be hard to break as an adult. It is advisable to come up with other ____ ways to boost energy so that you can master adulting better than many adults.

1.A. potentially    B. necessarily    C. developmentally    D. materially

2.A. mature    B. experienced    C. productive    D. disciplined

3.A. delight    B. frustrate    C. liberate    D. exclude

4.A. promote    B. assist    C. intensify    D. discourage

5.A. call for    B. account for    C. turn to    D. appeal to

6.A. withdrawal    B. addiction    C. nutrition    D. infection

7.A. Therefore    B. Instead    C. Moreover    D. Otherwise

8.A. initial    B. sufficient    C. moderate    D. stable

9.A. reputations    B. confirmations    C. implications    D. disadvantages

10.A. subjected    B. alerted    C. reduced    D. opposed

11.A. stimulation    B. concentration    C. excitement    D. consumption

12.A. results from    B. contributes to    C. benefits from    D. attends to

13.A. therapy    B. material    C. nutrient    D. substitute

14.A. fail    B. appear    C. promise    D. happen

15.A. instructive    B. comprehensive    C. extensive    D. alternative


1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。这篇文章是写给所有青少年的。尽管你在发育上还需要几年才能完全成熟,不断地摄入咖啡因对身体的危害。 1.考查副词辨析。A. potentially有潜力地;B. necessarily必要地;C. developmentally发育地;D. materially实质地。根据you are years from being fully grown, society regularly expects you to adult.和常识可知,你在发育上还需要几年才能完全成熟,但社会通常期望你成年。故选C。 2.考查形容词辨析。A. mature成熟的;B. experienced有经验的;C. productive多产的; D. disciplined遵守纪律的。根据 many of you drive and do so quite safely, and you handle schedules that would ___3___ many adults.可知,很多人开车都很安全,你处理的日程安排也会让很多成年人感到沮丧,这些都是成熟的表现。故选A。 3.考查动词辨析。 A. delight使高兴;B. frustrate挫败;C. liberate解放;D. exclude排除。此处指你处理的日程安排也会让很多成年人感到沮丧,你的水平已超过成年人。故选B。 4.考查动词辨析。A. promote提升;B. assist帮助;C. intensify使加强;D. discourage阻碍。此处指咖啡因可能会加重你的焦虑,影响你今晚的睡眠和明天的学习成绩,阻碍你吸收营养,甚至在与酒精混合时造成真正的麻烦。表示“阻碍”,故选D。 5.考查动词词组辨析。A. call for要求;B. account for对---作出解释;C. turn to转向,求助于; D. appeal to呼吁。根据The following four aspects may well ___5___ the theme of this article.可知,以下四个方面可以很好地解释本文的主题。故选B。 6.考查名词辨析。A. withdrawal撤退; B. addiction上瘾;C. nutrition营养;D. infection感染,影响。根据Caffeine is widely considered a drug that is socially acceptable, universally used, even cool, but it still causes ___6___ symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and a lack of attention when removed from coffee-addicts’ diets.可知,咖啡因被广泛认为是一种为社会所接受、普遍使用、甚至很酷的药物,但它仍然会导致戒断症状,比如头痛、疲劳,以及从咖啡成瘾者的饮食中去除后注意力不集中。故选A。 7.考查副词辨析。A. Therefore因此;B. Instead相反;C. Moreover另外;D. Otherwise否则。上句指咖啡因绝不是一种营养物质,你不需要它是健康的。本句指它是一种物质,可以让你缺乏营养,因为它已经被证明可以减少钙。前后句是转折关系表示“相反”,故选B。 8.考查形容词辨析。A. initial最初的;B. sufficient足够的;C. moderate适度的;D. stable稳定的。专家认为,青少年应该每天摄入适量的咖啡因(≤100毫克)。故选C。 9.考查名词辨析。A. reputations名声;B. confirmations证实;C. implications暗示;D. disadvantages缺点,劣势。根据下文的Some of their sleep problems can be mainly attributed to (归因于) caffeine,可知,本部分主要讲述咖啡因的缺点。故选D。 10.考查动词辨析。A. subjected使遭受; B. alerted警告;C. reduced减少;D. opposed反对。据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据,约65%的初中生和高中生在校期间晚上睡眠不足。be subjected to “遭受,经受” 故选A。 11.考查名词辨析。A. stimulation激励;B. concentration集中;C. excitement兴奋; D. consumption消耗。青少年的一些睡眠问题主要是由于咖啡因,咖啡因在摄入后会在体内停留7个小时,从而导致青少年第二天的表现更差。表示“消耗,摄入”,故选D。 12.考查动词词组辨析。A. results from起因是;B. contributes to有助于;C. benefits from从---获益;D. attends to参加。人们普遍认为充足的睡眠有助于大脑的正常发育。故选B。 13.考查名词辨析。A. therapy治疗;B. material材料;C. nutrient营养物;D. substitute代替者。根据Caffeine is not listed on the Nutrition Facts column on food labels可知,咖啡因没有列在食品标签上的营养成分栏上,因为它不是一种营养素。故选C。 14.考查动词辨析。A. fail失败;B. appear出现;C. promise许诺;D. happen发生。咖啡因现在被添加到食物中,如口香糖,糖果和水,以及承诺减少肿块的化妆品和美容产品。此处指化妆品和美容产品做出的承诺,故选C。 15.考查形容词辨析。A. instructive有益的;B. comprehensive有理解力的;C. extensive广泛的; D. alternative供选择的。此处指提出其他替代方式来提高能源,这是明智的。故选D。

Always the _____ , Franklin believed the practice of moving the time could save on the use of candlelight, as candles were expensive at the time.

A.journalist B.physicist C.chemist D.economist



Heat exhaustion is generally_____ by sweaty skin, tiredness, sickness, dizziness and sometimes fainting, resulting from an inadequate intake of water and the loss of fluids.

A.featured B.characterized C.distinct D.typical



The human body can tolerate only a small range of temperature, _____ when the person is engaged in vigorous activity.

A.essentially B.specially C.generally D.especially



The picture offer the best evidence to date that a planet once _____ dead is actually a lively pot of geological change.

A.assuming B.assumed C.resuming D.resumed



At a time when many public schools are being forced to cut music and art from the curriculum, the story’s insistence on the healing power of a cultivated imagination is both _____ and essential.

A.welcoming B.welcomed C.available D.welcome



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