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Limited to a narrow seat for hours with ...

    Limited to a narrow seat for hours with just a tiny bag of cookies and orange juice to comfort yourself, the last thing you feel like doing when you get off a plane is to wait around for your bags. The easy option when traveling has been to limit yourself to a carry-on suitcase and pray it fits in the overhead bin. Not only does it get you out of the airport faster but it's also free. Not any longer. however.

Recently, some airlines are starting to charge for carry-on bags, and travelers aren't at all happy about it Packing light might not be an option anymore when looking for tips to get the best airfare possible

Some smaller airlines such as Frontier and Spirit have always charged customers for carry-on bags, but now bigger name airlines, such as United, are starting to do it too. When you purchase a Basic Economy ticket through United you’re not allowed a full-size carry-on bag unless you’re a MileagePlus Premier member. Should you forget to check your bag before security and bring it all the way to the gate, not only will you pay the checked-bag fee, but you’ll have to pay an additional $25 gate handling charge. Not the best way to start off a trip. Don’t miss these additional things airlines don't want to tell you but every flier should be aware of.

You might assume that the new carry-on bag guidelines are due to space limitations in the overhead bins, but it has more to do with on-time rates, Aviation economies expert and senior vice president of ICF Aviation Samuel Engel told Vox that the biggest bottleneck when it comes to boarding is carry-on luggage. For every minute a plane isn’t in the air, it's losing money. A delayed departure makes the flight crew look bad and passengers very angry.

So, the next time you fly, plan to check your bag before security, pay a bit more for your ticket so you are allowed a carry-on, or try rolling a week s worth of clothes into a backpack, a still-allowed “personal item.”

1.What does the first paragraph intend to convey?

A. People feel comfortable when they are taking a flight

B. People are unwilling to wait for their bags after getting off the plane

C. People tend to choose the carry-on suitcases for convenience.

D. People will no longer have the option for free carry-on suitcases

2.Which of the following is NOT the reason why more airlines begin to charge for carry-ons?

A. Space limitations. B. Passengers support

C. On-time rates D. Increasing budget.

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Carry-on bags are affecting on-time rates

B. What should you do before taking a flight?

C. Carry-on bags are increasing budget-busting delays

D. More Airlines are starting to charge for carry-on bags


1.D 2.B 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了最近一些航空公司开始对随身携带的行李收费,旅客对此一点也不高兴。 以及收费的具体情况,并同时分析了这一行为的原因。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中Not only does it get you out of the airport faster but it's also free. Not any longer. however.(它不仅能让你更快地离开机场,而且还是免费的。然而,现在不是了。)可知第一段想要传达人们将不再有免费随身携带行李箱的选择。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据第四段中You might assume that the new carry-on bag guidelines are due to space limitations in the overhead bins, but it has more to do with on-time rates(你可能会认为新的随身行李指南是由于行李架的空间限制,但它更多地与准时率有关。)以及For every minute a plane isn’t in the air, it's losing money.(每有一分钟飞机不在空中,它就在赔钱。)可知越来越多的航空公司开始对随身行李收费的原因是空间限制、准时率和预算的增加。没有提到乘客的支持。故选B。 3.主旨大意题。根据文章第二段第一句Recently, some airlines are starting to charge for carry-on bags, and travelers aren't at all happy about it.(最近,一些航空公司开始对随身携带的行李收费,旅客对此一点也不高兴。)以及文章主要围绕越来越多的航空公司开始对随身携带的行李收费这一事件展开,故D选项符合主旨大意。故选D。

    I started to worry when the golf car taking me, Steve, and our suitcases stopped in the middle of the Maine forest. A yurt is a tent tall enough to stand in and wide enough to fit a big family. But I didn’t see it anywhere.

You hike from here said the driver, pointing down a weedy path. The woods were darkening and Steve encouraged me to pick up the pace. My summer sandals( 凉鞋 )slipped on the damp leaves. Steve and I spent a good hour until we spotted the light of white canvas--the yurt.

Steve skillfully lit a fire. We ate some sandwiches, had a few beers, and settled in for a good nights sleep. But I couldn't relax I shook Steve awake. The door to the yurt doesn’t lock, " I said. " What if a bear wanders Into the camp

"Don't worry Moose(驼鹿)are a bigger problem here than bears. "he said.

“Well. what if someone decides to rob us? Or what if one of the locals wants to teach us a lesson? "OK, " Steve said with a heavy sigh. He jammed a chair under the door handle. "There, extra security He smiled. "And even if someone gets through the door, you’ll have time to grab that book and use it as a weapon. "I laughed. Sleep moved in. We could enjoy our weekend.

When “we checked out” three mornings later, I was the first one up. That s when I realized that the door opened out. The chair had been serving no purpose other than to keep me quiet.

So, "I said, as we walked heavily back to meet the golf car. "How else have you been handling me this weekend?

He smiled, “ Well, I decided not to tell you about the snake that lived in the firewood”.

1.What can be learned from the first two paragraphs?

A. I was quite looking forward to the trip B. It was convenient for us to get to the yurt

C. I felt nervous and uneasy about the trip. D. The golf car sent us directly to the yurt

2.Why did Steve put a chair under the door handle?

A. To make it safer to sleep inside B. To stop me from worrying

C. To protect them from locals. D. To have fun

3.What's the best title of the passage?

A. An Unforgettable and Meaningful Trip to Yurt B. The Significance of Getting Close to Nature

C. More to Know about Yurt D. The Time I Survived a Yurt



假定你是李华,你校将组织在校师生本周六去游乐场(amusement park)游玩。请写封邮件邀请外教Bryan同去,内容包括:







Dear Bryan,



Li Hua









Last summer, I am shopping in the heart of downtown when it began to rain heavy. All the streets were flooded and many cars and electric bicycles were trapping in deep water. Wore still, I found that a underground passage (通道) below a railway became the most danger place. I saw an old man in the rain warning people not pass. Seeing this, I ran into a nearby shop. He found a board there and wrote the following word on it: Keep off Danger! No Passing! Then holding the board, I joined with him to keep people from risk injury.




Starting a wildlife conservation center is a necessary 1. important job, but it hardly brings money to its founder and so it is for Jane Thomas. She spent several years 2. (build) Motley Zoo, devoted to wildlife 3. (protect) in Redmond, Washington, but all money she made was spent straight back on the zoo. She was determined 4. (continue) to do her work, even though there was little money to reward her.

But things changed this year. “As crazy as it sounded, because of my efforts, I received a secret donation: $9,000,” Thomas said. She decided to use the money 5. was donated by a stranger this year to rescue more animals. She advertised the animal rescue on the street and received much support from 6. public.

Thomas said, “Ever since I advertised the animal rescue on the street, I 7. (attract) many people. Now when I walk on the street, many 8. (passer-by) wave and even shout to me ‘I adopted (收养)my dog from you!’ I feel 9. (shock) that people treat me 10. (nice) than ever.”



    Owura Kwadwo Hottish teaches computers in the school he works in. I think it is a ________ school except for the fact that the school didn’t have ________.

Owura became famous after he posted photos of him on the Internet. In the picture, people could see he was teaching his students by ________ an entire computer on the blackboard. The photos showed the ________ level of education for children in Ghana. People were ________ that Owura made sure each button (按钮) was drawn correctly.

Owura wanted the students to ________ what life with a computer could be like someday. He would come to school half an hour ahead of the ________ every day. He drew the computer on the blackboard, but at the end of his class, it was ________ off to start the next class, so he had to ________ it the next day!

Omura’ s efforts were________ when Microsoft (微软公司) took ________ of his act. They first took him to an international educators’ meeting in Singapore. He made a ________ about his teaching methods at the meeting. He ________ a standing ovation (致敬) after the speech.

________, Owura got the thing he always wanted for his students—some companies ________ computers to the school. Not a single child in the ________ had seen a real computer in their lives. Thanks to their teacher’s ________ the world took notice and responded with ________ to them.

“Your work has really ________ the world. At Microsoft, we believe that educators are heroes. They ________ influence the lifelong skills of their students.” said Anthony Salcito, Vice president at Microsoft.

1.A.final B.dusty C.normal D.personal

2.A.computers B.playgrounds C.classrooms D.managers

3.A.operating B.repairing C.describing D.drawing

4.A.clear B.poor C.ancient D.lucky

5.A.worried B.disappointed C.afraid D.amazed

6.A.start B.imagine C.rebuild D.harm

7.A.line B.culture C.schedule D.deadline

8.A.rubbed B.called C.cut D.shown

9.A.stressed B.improved C.ruined D.repeated

10.A.selected B.rewarded C.simplified D.affected

11.A.care B.charge C.place D.notice

12.A.plan B.speech C.decision D.medal

13.A.decreased B.replaced C.received D.contained

14.A.Suddenly B.Hopelessly C.Importantly D.Strangely

15.A.lent B.sold C.gave D.applied

16.A.school B.nation C.dynasty D.company

17.A.doubt B.pains C.humor D.efforts

18.A.wisdom B.kindness C.honesty D.pride

19.A.inspired B.stuck C.formed D.comforted

20.A.directly B.briefly C.quickly D.rarely



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