满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 My name i...


My name is John and I must share with you an event which took place on Flight 1553 out of DCA. My wife and I were traveling to Miami to celebrate an achievement for her and as you can imagine, we were looking forward to fun, sun and laughter.

We boarded the aircraft, without a care in the world. It was cold in Washington and we were ready for Florida. Shortly after taking my seat, I began to feel sick. I knew something wasn't right but just couldn't find out what was happening .Being a doctor and a stubborn man, I resisted efforts by my wife to call for assistance. As the aircraft began its departure roll, I lost consciousness for a short amount of time. As I came around, I quickly realized a few things. Firstly, something very bad had happened to me .Secondly, the aircraft was too heavy with the fuel to go back home. Thirdly, my loss of consciousness had been so deep that I found myself out of control. So not only did I have a medical issue to deal with, but I also had to figure out how to deal with an embarrassing experience.

My wife gathered the crew as soon as it was safe to move about and I made my way to the washroom to attempt to clean up. I did my best and the flight crew members were so supportive,

checking on me often and reassuring me that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. It was their sympathy and support that helped me so much. During the flight they kept watching over me and I suddenly had a small group of nurse, bringing blankets, food, drinks and caring and smile. I was thankful to them.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2. 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语;

Paragraph 1 Upon landing, I remained in my seat, allowing other people to go first.


Paragraph 2Hearing that , the captain left and returned a couple minutes later with a pair of his own blue jeans.



Upon landing, I remained in my seat, allowing other people to go first. As I was in my seat, I looked up and see the captain standing with a warm smile. “What can I do for you?” the captain asked. I told him I was ok. I was very embarrassed and concerned because of the previous things. He said, “What sizes of pants do you wear?” His voice was full of care. I was puzzled and replied,“34*34.Why do you ask this?” Paragraph 2:Hearing that, the captain left and returned a couple minutes later with a pair of his own blue jeans. The man opened his own luggage and gave a complete stranger his pants. I didn’t know what to say. Then I looked at my wife, who smiled and ,without saying a word, let me know it was ok. I made my way to the exit and he said ,“Change on the aircraft. It is fine.”Because of the experience, I was thankful to him for his kindness. I made up my mind to treat others with kindness. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。 通过阅读所给文章可知,作者讲述了自己乘坐Flight 1553时发生的故事。作者登机后不久就感到不舒服,甚至还失去意识。幸运的是全机组人员都来支持帮助,给予各方面的关心。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:飞机一着陆,我留在座位上,让别人先走。所以下文应该写在这期间遇到了什么人,发生了什么事。根据第二段开头可知是遇到了机长,机长给作者提供了帮助。第二段开头是:听到这个消息,机长离开了,几分钟后带着他自己的蓝色牛仔裤回来了。本段应该写我看到机长举动后的所思所做,最后作者表达了感激之情,下定决心要善待他人。 续写时要求使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所给划线词语,恰当的时候加以运用。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。按要求完成写作任务。

假定你是新华中学高三学生李华,英国某中学代表团下周三将到你校访问交流。请你代表 师生写一篇欢迎词,内容包括:

1. 欢迎来访;



注意:1.字数 80 词左右。





阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Chinese Women's Volleyball Team once achieved great honor in the last century, 1.inspired so many people throughout the whole country. But during the last decade, as the old volleyball players retired 2.the new ones were not strong enough, the team met with various 3.(difficult). After 4. (win) an important match, Chinese Women's Volleyball Team announced 5. (they) return. Chinese Women's Volleyball Team had a very important match 6.  Brazil team in the Rio Olympic Games. The hope to win was very little, because Brazil team was the champion of last two Olympic Games and Chinese team only won one match for the last 18 records. What's more, almost all the audience 7.(support) Brazil team. It seemed that to win the match was 8. (possible) for the Chinese team, but under the guidance of coach Lang, the girls were very strong and determined 9.  (fight) for the last minute. Even when they lost the first game, they never gave up.Especially for the last two points, they were so brave and 10.final won the match.



    I had reached the age of twenty-eight. Still, I_______ whether the letter from my past would make it to me, all these years later. It was a creative writing task from when I was eighteen. The teacher collected our letters to our_______ selves in self-addressed envelope with stamps and promised to _______ them ten years later. But since so much time had passed, would he even _______ ?

Thinking back on the _______, I recalled giving my future self some advice. When you're eighteen years old, twenty-eight seems like a _______ age, but I wasn't feeling as mature as I believed my younger self had _______ me to be.

When the letter finally reached me, I opened it _______. It began, "How much do you bet this letter will never get to you? "It continued to greet me casually as if we were having an IM (instant messaging) chat. As a senior in high school, facing the _______ important exams and college application, my eighteen-year-old self was so __________! She was apparently not quite happy and hoped I wouldn't worry so much in the future, and that I wouldn't forget to be present and __________my life!

__________to my belief, my eighteen-year-old self did not have any demands of me, or expectations I might have failed to meet. Instead, she wrote, "I'll __________whatever you do. Even if you are not the one I'm imagining now, I'll support you, because maybe __________ I'm imagining is someone else, but you're not someone else, you're me.

I was __________ , and tears came to my eyes at this self-acceptance through time. I had put a lot of pressure on myself to be the best version of myself that I could be. However, I came to realize what I would have accomplished in ten years would pale in comparison(相形见绌)to how I'd feel and who I'd be.

1.A.believed B.bet C.doubted D.considered

2.A.inner B.happy C.future D.young

3.A.correct B.mail C.answer D.write

4.A.remember B.understand C.mind D.remain

5.A.application B.comment C.study D.letter

6.A.grown-up B.happy C.made-up D.promising

7.A.promised B.convinced C.encouraged D.expected

8.A.calmly B.cautiously C.eagerly D.naturally

9.A.appearing B.arriving C.approaching D.approving

10.A.depressed B.ambitious C.carefree D.stressed

11.A.enjoy B.value C.start D.earn

12.A.Contrary B.Honest C.Surprised D.Strange

13.A.stand for B.stand with C.stand by D.stand out

14.A.what B.who C.which D.that

15.A.guilty B.touched C.embarrassed D.nervous




Feeling Phone-overwhelmed?

Many people are feeling “phone-overwhelmed”, longing for a “simpler time” when smart -phones didn’t exist. Actually you don’t necessarily need to flush your brand-new iPhone down the toilet or vow to never, ever tweet again. Things don’t have to be that black or white.1.Here are a few simple steps.

Make a plan. To earn a college degree, you select specific classes happening at specific times and you attend them. This keeps you on track, moving steadily towards your goal.2. Choose specific times to check texts, social media updates, and so on, and then do your best to stick to the plan. Create phone-routines that help you to create the kind of day (and life) that you want.

Enjoy the sound of silence to the fullest. If your phone is continually bleeping and pinging every time “something happens,” it’s going to be tough for you to stay focused- you’ll be tempted to check in and see what's up! It may seem obvious to turn off those noisy notifications.3. You can also create a “call filter” so that certain people's calls come through even if your phone is on “silent. ” That way you can rest easy, knowing you won't miss something truly urgent.

4.. For many couples and families, dinnertime is the only time of the day when everyone is gathered together in one place Make dinner a special, sacred time without techie distractions. No phones at the table. If people get restless or bored, strike up an interesting conversation by playing a question game.

Ask yourself, What am I desiring right now? “When you feel the urge to check your phone, and you don’t really “need” to, pause for moment.5.Do you seek out company, entertainment or inspiration? Whatever you want, see if you can find a non-phone-related way to satisfy yourself Go for a jog, listen to music or pop by a friend’s house to say "hi "Feeding your spirit in the “real world”, you may discover that the “phone world” just isn't that appealing anymore.

A. Take some phone- free time

B Make dinnertime a phone-free zone

C. Check in with yourself and see what you want.

D. See how it feels to move freely without your phone.

E. You can apply that same logic to your smartphone usage

F. You can take specific steps to create healthier, more balanced relations of technology

G Better yet, turn the volume on your phone down to zero or power down your phone complete



    Imagine being a business that regularly takes huge quantities of your own products worth millions of pounds and burns them up. Your stock literally goes up in smoke. It sounds crazy, but the practice is common for some of the world's biggest clothing manufacturers .They argue that it is the most cost-effective way of maintaining their brand's exclusivity (独特性).

The clothes that are burned are those that do not sell at a high enough price. Rather than watch them go on sale, the companies would set fire to them and regain a small amount of energy.

Nobody knows exactly how much unsold stock is burnt annually by those fashion houses, but burning clothes has various negative impacts on the environment. For example, burning clothes made from artificial fibers may release plastic microfibers into the atmosphere, which worsens global warming. A U.K. parliamentary committee report on sustainability and the fashion industry advises the government to ban the burning of unsold stock if it can be reused or recycled.

Actually, there are other approaches. What if those companies had a section tasked  with taking back unsold clothes, redesigning them into new products, and shipping out the new products to the market once again?

There is also now an opportunity to focus on biodegradable (可生物降解的)fabrics. Clothes that break down faster might not have to be burned. They would also appeal to those who care about the environmental impact of their own wardrobes.

Additionally, we have an over-production problem. According to the World Bank, while clothing sales have risen steadily since 2000, clothing utilization has fallen at roughly the same rate. For every extra T-shirt that is sold, it will be worn roughly half as much as it would have been 20 years ago. That means better forecasting market trends would in theory result in less waste.

Burning clothes won't happen simply through fashion firms. The scale of fashion production has to change. And it's important to recognize that these consumer-focused brands will only go where the market takes them. If protecting the environment really matters to the public, they have to make clear that they want more sustainable clothing in the first place. Without consumers demanding that, it won't change.

1.Paragraph 3 mainly talks about       .

A. how important the U.K. parliamentary committee report is

B. why fashion firms should end burning unsold stock

C. why fashion firms burn unsold clothes in large numbers every year

D. how artificial fabrics will contribute to global warming

2.The underlined expression "clothing utilization" in the 6th paragraph means     .

A. how long clothing lasts B. how well clothing sells

C. how often clothing is used D. how clothing is designed

3.All the following possible solutions are mentioned in the passage to deal with unsold clothes except       

A. Making consumers feel better about their purchases.

B. Redesigning and making them into new clothes.

C. Conducting research on market demand before production.

D. Making clothes out of environmentally-friendly materials.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Burning clothes is a better option for every fashion firm.

B. Consumers play a key role in stopping burning clothes.

C. The secret that some fashion firms burn clothes is well kept.

D. Today's clothes are better than those two decades ago.



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