满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

On a hot summer day in America, a little...

    On a hot summer day in America, a little boy decided to swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. He ______ into the cool water, not realizing that as he swam towards the middle of the lake, a ______ was swimming towards him.

His ______ in the house was looking out of the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer. In great ______, she ran out, shouting to her son as ______ as possible. Hearing her voice, the little boy became ______ and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too ______. Just as he reached her, the crocodile reached him. From the shore, the mother ______ her little boy by the arms as the crocodile snatched his legs. That began a(an) ______ tug-of-war ( 拔河比赛) between the two. The crocodile was much _____ than the mother, but the mother was too committed to ______. A farmer happened to drive by, heard the screams, raced from his truck, took ______ and shot the crocodile.

______, after weeks in the hospital, the little boy _____. His legs were extremely scarred by the attack of the animal. And, on his ______ were deep scratches where his mother’s fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to _____the son she loved.

The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy, asked if he would show his ______. The boy ______his legs. And then, with obvious ______, he said to the reporter, “ But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Mum wouldn’t let go.”

Never ______ another person’s scars, because you don’t know how they were made.

1.A.dived B.walked C.dropped D.dashed

2.A.snake B.crocodile C.fish D.whale

3.A.friend B.father C.mother D.coach

4.A.surprise B.shock C.anger D.terror

5.A.quickly B.confidently C.anxiously D.loudly

6.A.guilty B.eager C.alarmed D.awkward

7.A.early B.late C.fast D.dangerous

8.A.pulled B.inserted C.transformed D.tied

9.A.hopeless B.unbelievable C.final D.absurd

10.A.hungrier B.bigger C.stronger D.crueler

11.A.let go B.let alone C.let off D.let out

12.A.arrow B.bow C.claw D.aim

13.A.Originally B.Exactly C.Remarkably D.Cautiously

14.A.survived B.awoke C.yelled D.expanded

15.A.legs B.arms C.head D.feet

16.A.make room for B.have power over C.get hold of D.hang on to

17.A.scars B.marks C.symbols D.signs

18.A.confirmed B.operated C.lifted D.measured

19.A.appreciation B.apology C.mercy D.pride

20.A.pretend B.judge C.blame D.forgive


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲了一个男孩在游泳时遭遇了鳄鱼的袭击,幸得母亲不放弃把他救了下来,但男孩在腿上和手臂上留下了伤疤,手臂上的伤疤是母亲为救他而留下的,是爱的伤疤,男孩儿因此感到非常自豪。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他一头潜进冰冷的水里,没有意识到当他游到湖中央时,一条鳄鱼正向他游来。A. dived潜水;B. walked走;C. dropped掉落;D. dashed猛冲。根据空前的a little boy decided to swim in the old swimming hole可知,小男孩要在老旧的泳池里游泳,一头潜进(dive)了水里,其他选项与题意不符,故选A。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他一头扎进冰冷的水里,没有意识到当他游到湖中央时,一条鳄鱼正向他游来。A. snake蛇;B. crocodile鳄鱼;C. fish鱼;D. whale鲸鱼。根据第二段的the crocodile reached him.可知,此处是一条鳄鱼(crocodile)正向他游过来,故选B。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:房子里的母亲从窗户往外看,看到男孩和鳄鱼越来越近。A. friend朋友;B. father父亲;C. mother母亲;D. coach教练。根据下文的to swim to his mother可知,此时小男孩的母亲从窗户往外看,故选C。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她惊恐万分,跑了出去,尽可能大声地对儿子喊叫。A. surprise惊讶;B. shock震惊;C. anger生气;D. terror恐怖。根据空前内容His ___3___ in the house was looking out of the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer. 可知,母亲看到男孩和鳄鱼越来越近,惊恐(terror)万分,故选D。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她惊恐万分,跑了出去,尽可能大声地对儿子喊叫。A. quickly快地;B. confidently自信地;C. anxiously焦虑地;D. loudly大声地。根据空处所在的句子可知,母亲惊恐万分,尽可能大声地(loudly)对儿子喊叫,故选D。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:听到她的声音,小男孩吓了一跳,掉头向妈妈游去。A. guilty有罪的;B. eager渴望的;C. alarmed受惊的;D. awkward可怕的。根据空处所在句子可知,小男孩听到了母亲的声音,受到了惊吓(alarmed),掉头向妈妈游去。故选C。 7.考查形容词和副词词义辨析。句意:一切都太迟了。男孩刚够到母亲,鳄鱼就来了。A. early早地;B. late迟;C. fast快地;D. dangerous危险的。根据空后内容Just as he reached her, the crocodile reached him.可知,男孩刚够到母亲,鳄鱼就来了,母亲还是晚了(late)一步,故选B。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当鳄鱼咬住小男孩的腿时,母亲从岸边拉住了男孩的腿。A. pulled拉;B. inserted插入;C. transformed转移;D. tied系。根据空所在的句子可知,当鳄鱼咬住小男孩的腿时,母亲把男孩从岸边拉了(pull)上来,故选A。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这引发了一场难以置信的拉锯战。A. hopeless无望的;B. unbelievable难以置信的;C. final最后的;D. absurd荒谬的。根据上文内容可知,当鳄鱼咬住小男孩的腿时,母亲从岸边拉住了男孩的腿,这样母亲和鳄鱼的一场难以置信的(unbelievable)拔河比赛就开始了,故选B。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:鳄鱼比母亲强壮得多,但母亲却不肯放手。A. hungrier饥饿的;B. bigger大的;C. stronger强壮的;D. crueler残忍的。根据空所在的句子和常识可知,鳄鱼比母亲强壮得多,故选C。 11.考查词组辨析。句意:鳄鱼比母亲强壮得多,但母亲却不肯放手。A. let go放开;B. let alone不打扰;C. let off放出;D. let out放出。根据倒数第二段的But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Mum wouldn’t let go.”可知,是母亲死死抓住了男孩儿,不肯放手(let go),故选A。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个农民碰巧开车经过,听到了尖叫声,从卡车上跑了下来,瞄准鳄鱼开了枪。A. arrow箭;B. bow弓;C. claw爪;D. aim目标。根据空所在的句子可知,take aim意为“瞄准”,与题意相符,故选D。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:值得注意的是,在医院住了几周后,小男孩活了下来。A. Originally最初地;B. Exactly准确地;C. Remarkably显著地;D. Cautiously慎重地。根据下文的His legs were extremely scarred by the attack of the animal.(他的腿被野兽的攻击弄得伤痕累累。)可知,虽然男孩儿受了很重的伤,值得注意的是(remarkably),在医院住了几周后,小男孩活了下来,故选C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:值得注意的是,在医院住了几周后,小男孩活了下来。A. survived幸存;B. awoke唤醒;C. yelled叫喊;D. expanded扩张。根据下文内容可知,小男孩儿虽然受了很重的伤,在医院住了几周后,小男孩活了下来(survive),故选A。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的手臂上有深深的抓痕,那是他母亲为了留住她深爱的儿子而用指甲抠进他的肉里的痕迹。A. legs腿;B. arms手臂;C. head头;D. feet脚。根据前文的the mother ___8___ her little boy by the arms可知,母亲抓住了男孩的手臂(arms),再手臂上留下了深深的抓痕,故选B。 16.考查词组辨析。句意:他的手臂上有深深的抓痕,那是他母亲为了留住她深爱的儿子而用指甲抠进他的肉里的痕迹。A. make room for给……腾出空位;B. have power over控制、支配;C. get hold of把握;D. hang on to紧紧抓住。根据前文的the mother ___8___ her little boy by the arms以及but the mother was too committed to ___11___.可知,母亲紧紧抓住了男孩的手臂绝不让松手,故此处说母亲紧紧抓住了(hang on to)男孩儿的手臂,故选D。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:采访男孩的报社记者问他是否愿意展示他的伤疤。A. scars伤疤;B. marks标志;C. symbols象征;D. signs标志。根据前文的His legs were extremely scarred by the attack of the animal.可知,男孩的腿受了伤留下了疤痕,记者问他是否愿意展示他的伤疤(scars),故选A。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:男孩抬起腿。A. confirmed确认;B. operated运作;C. lifted举起;D. measured测量。根据下文内容可知,男孩抬起(lift)腿向记者展示了自己的伤疤,故选C。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,带着明显的自豪,他对记者说:“但是看看我的胳膊。我的胳膊上也有很大的伤疤。我有它们是因为我妈妈不肯放手。”A. appreciation欣赏;B. apology道歉;C. mercy仁慈;D. pride骄傲。根据下文的I have them because my Mum wouldn’t let go.可知,男孩又给记者展示了手臂上的伤疤,说这是母亲不肯放手而留下的伤疤,让男孩倍感自豪(pride),故选D。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:永远不要评判别人的伤疤,因为你不知道它们是怎么形成的。A. pretend假装;B. judge判断;C. blame责备;D. forgive原谅。根据下文的because you don’t know how they were made.可知,无法知道别人的伤疤是怎么形成的,就不要去评判(judge)别人的伤疤,故选B。

Chopsticks Taboos: Unholy Ways to Pick Up Your Food

The use of chopsticks to pick food up from the plate will earn you several complements from Chinese people. But over time, once in a while your close friends might remind you about some basic chopsticks etiquette(礼节) such as never insert chopsticks vertically(垂直地) into a bowl of rice. 1., here are several rules to keep in mind.

. Do not use chopsticks of different lengths. This will remind people of a Chinese idiom “three long and two short”, 2., because a coffin without a lid is composed of five boards, three long, and two short.

. Don’t use chopsticks to poke at each dish without knowing what you want or only one chopstick to fetch the food in the plate.

. 3.. Chinese people believe that their ancestors are resting underneath the earth, and dropping chopsticks would disturb them.

. Don’t make noise with chopsticks by hitting the side of your bowl, 4. .

. While passing someone a bowl of rice or noodles, never insert the chopsticks vertically in the middle of the food for convenience. 5..

A. Do not drop your chopstick on the floor.

B. because only beggars do that to get attention.

C. In Chinese culture, the sign of crossing is negative.

D. which is used as another name for coffin,

E. If you want to master the art of using this old tool

F. Do not drop food and liquid from your chopsticks to the table.

G. The action would remind people of burning certain sticks in the pot in memory of the dead.



    Electronic book publishing has many of the same risks and opportunities as electronic music publishing. By delivering text directly to the reader's computer screen, the e-book could cut down costs, and allow creators to deal directly with their audience, bypassing traditional publishers and traders. But it also raises the possibility of mass piracy(盗版). Phil Rance, founder and managing director of Online Originals, a London-based e-book publisher, sums it up“No one wants Napster to happen to books.”

Indeed, the most popular MP3 may have put the frighteners on an industry that generally operates some way behind the “bleeding edge”. The Meta Group, a leading US-based market researcher, says publishers are far too concerned about protecting their rights,“ We believe all the recent legal control over Napster is like putting a finger in a river that is already overflowing. Publishers need to deal with reality and come up with new ways to develop wide electronic distribution, asking the question, ‘How can we change the certainty of wide distribution to our advantage?’ ”

At the moment, most publishers would like to limit the use of e-books to the person who bought them, or to the computer used to download them. If that can be done, e-books become just an extra income stream in a publishing industry that would continue to operate the way it does today, according to Terry Robinson, business manager for the digital rights aspect, “you've cracked the market,” he says.

Robert Nichols, Books Director at BOL agrees, “Rights management is absolutely important. Publishers just say that, ‘until copyright is secure, we're not going to talk’

1.According to the text, what is the similarity of e-books to electronic music

A.They both result in piracy.

B.They both lead to price reduction.

C.They both bring in much money to creators.

D.They both avoid industry management.

2.From the text, we can infer that_____.

A.wide use of e-books may increase the income.

B.the publishing markets should be brought back to normal.

C.publishers haven’t agreed on rights management up to now.

D.most publishers prefer e-books for the extra income.

3.What are most publishers concerned about according to the text?

A.copyrights management B.price control

C.market share D.original works

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.A Magic Book

B.The Fight Against Mass Piracy

C.Risks and Challenges Go Hand in Hand

D.The E-book----a New and Big Challenge



    Born in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, to a Canadian missionary family in 1915, Crook came into the world.  While Isabel Crook's parents were engaged in setting up schools and education institutions in Southwest China, Crook herself was more interested in anthropology(人类学) and the many ethnic minority peoples in China. She was very curious about what was going on around her.

At the age of 23,Crook graduated from a Canadian college with a master's degree and began carrying out field research in Li County of Sichuan Province.  In 1947,Crook and her journalist husband were warmly welcomed by the Communist Party of China (CPC) to observe and study the revolutionary land reform taking place in China. In 1948 the couple accepted an invitation from CPC leaders to teach at a newly-built foreign affairs school. The school was the forerunner of today's Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), which has seen over 400 ambassadors(大使) and 1,000 counsellors(参赞) walk through its doors. As a teacher at BFSU she laid the foundations for foreign language education in China.

As two of the first three foreign teachers at the school, Isabel and David Crook brought new Western teaching methodologies to the classroom. Michael Crook noted that since some students were extremely poor during the 1950s and 1960s, his parents were especially sensitive to their situation and did what they could to help them while protecting their self-esteem. For example, they would bring food such as eggs and bread for picnics and share them with students who brought steamed corn bread.

According to the younger Crook, because of his parents' belief in communism, they chose to use political texts as their teaching materials, such as works once admired by Karl Marx. Understanding that the students would become diplomats representing the People's Republic of China, his parents tried to help students gain knowledge in different fields to better prepare them for communicating with foreigners in English.

On December 15th 2018, Isabel got the award of ‘The Most Influential Foreigner throughout 40 Years of China’s Development’ from the Chinese government. On September 17, 2019, Isabel was awarded “the Friendship Medals” by the Chinese government for her lifetime of devotion to China.

1.What did Isabel Crook independently do?

A.Teaching English

B.Performing field research

C.Helping the poor students

D.Introducing new Western teaching ways to China

2.Why did his parents use political texts as teaching materials according to the younger Crook?

A.They themselves were crazy about Chinese politics.

B.They wanted to spread the spirits of Karl Marx

C.They had to teach many objects including politics.

D.They believed in communism and wanted to prepare students for overall development.

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3?

A.In the 1950s, Crook’s husband worked as a reporter in China.

B.Isabel and her husband taught students only in Western teaching methods.

C.Isabel Crook made great contributions to China’s foreign language education.

D.Isabel Crook and her husband were very rich at that time.

4.Which of the following can best describe Isabel Crook?

A.caring B.patient

C.strict D.romantic



    Smoking in your own home in Thailand may now be considered a crime, if the smoke is considered harmful to other people in the house.

The new law, Family Protection and Development Promotion Act, aiming at controlling smoking at home which might be hazardous for others' health living under the same roofwas initiated by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and was announced in the Royal Gazette on May 22, 2019. It came into force on August 20.

According to the center for research and knowledge management for tobacco control, at the Faculty of Medical Science of Mahidol University, there are about 4.9 million households where one or more family members smoke. An average of 10.3 million people have unwittingly(不知不觉地) become passive smokers because they’ve been breathing smoke at home. Scientific studies show that passive smokers are at greater risk of being affected by cancer. Of 75 child patients from houses where smoking is practiced, 76% of them were found to have nicotine traces in their urine(尿液), with 43% of them having nicotine content exceeding(超过) permissible levels.

Smoking at home also “may lead to physical or emotional violence” because of aggressiveness when there is a lack of smoking, and might as well ruin relationships between smokers and non-smoker family members.

According to the new law, anyone who thinks they are affected by domestic smoking can report to government departments concerned so that officials will be sent to investigate and take legal action against the smokers. Once convicted(证明有罪的), the court may order a person to receive treatment to quit smoking in an attempt to protect the person's family.

1.What does the underlined word “hazardous” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.risky B.beneficial

C.influential D.dangerous

2.How does the author organize Paragraph 3 ?

A.by listing figures B.by giving examples

C.by comparing the differences D.by explaining the reasons

3.We can learn from the passage that__________

A.smoking anywhere in Thailand is considered a crime.

B.passive smokers are more likely to have lung cancer .

C.76% of the children in Thailand have nicotine traces in their urine.

D.smoking at home may hurt other family members both physically and emotionally.

4.According to the new law, ___________

A.anybody must report to the officials once they are affected.

B.officials will take legal action against all the people concerned .

C.smoking in one’s own home in Thailand may now be considered a crime.

D.the court may order a smoker to stop smoking to protect all nonsmokers .



    My People, My Country, an epic seven-part anthology(选集) to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, records the nation's greatest technological and cultural achievements.

Each part focuses not on the heroes of the hour, but on everyday people and how their lives connect personally with China's advancement.

The opening part by Guan Hu, The Eve, sees an engineer, played by Huang Bo, race against time to perfect an automatic flag-raising mechanism before the ceremony in 1949 to mark the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The second story, directed by Zhang Yibai, is about a scientist working on China's first atomic bomb who had to bid farewell forever to his lover in the 1960s.

In Xu Zheng's lighthearted offering, The Champion, a young boy must secure a TV aerial(天线) to the roof of his home so his neighbours can watch the Chinese women's volleyball team play in the 1984 Olympic final.

Going Home is about Hong Kong's return to China in 1997. It focuses on a Chinese soldier tasked with hoisting the national flag on the stroke of midnight.

Hello, Beijing, is about a taxi driver who gets a ticket of the opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympics. Though he planned to give it as a birthday gift to his son, who had been away from him for a long time, the good-hearted man gives the ticket to another child suffering from Wenchuan Earthquake.

One for All, directed by Wen Muye, focuses on a top female fighter jet pilot who helps her fellow pilots complete a smooth aerial performance, part of the military parade to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in 2015.

1.What does the underlined word “hoisting” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

A.mending B.buying

C.raising D.making

2.What do we know according to the passage?

A.The engineer finally got the mechanism working successfully.

B.The young boy watched the national volleyball team play.

C.The taxi driver didn’t give the ticket to his son because of lack of love.

D.The male fighter jet pilot finished the performance with team members.

3.Where does the passage probably come from?

A.a book review B.a film review

C.an ad D.a magazine



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