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Are you doing it right? Writing a thank-...

Are you doing it right? Writing a thank-you note

I have always been a big advocate of thank-you notes. People will always think better of you for saying thank you properly. 1. For example, we can all send a WhatsApp message. However, it is not the same as sitting down, putting pen to paper, getting a first-class stamp and sending it off in the post. 2. A thank-you note like this is less likely to get lost in the digital noise.

3. You are supposed to send your thank-you note as soon as possible after the event has taken place, or after you have received your gift. Christmas is the only occasion where you have a week or so to respond. Princess Diana supposedly started her thank-you letters before the event. 4.

Don’t start with “thank you”, though: it is dull and predictable. 5. And then go on to the thank you. The more kindness you have received, the longer the message should be. Try to make sure the stationery (文具) is fairly nice; some people use postcard-sized cards, so their notes are only a couple of lines long. If you are using paper, go for A5 and write a maximum of two separate pieces of paper. Never write on the back.

A. It meant she never forgot.

B. What is the best time to send it?

C. Many occasions require thank-you notes.

D. At modem times, we may have many choices.

E. In fact, that will mean a lot more to a person.

F. Being thankful for the kindness of others is natural.

G. Start something personal about the experience or gift.


1.D 2.E 3.B 4.A 5.G 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了感谢信的作用以及如何写好一封感谢信。 1.考查段中句。根据空前I have always been a big advocate of thank-you notes. People will always think better of you for saying thank you properly.(我一直是感谢信的大力提倡者。你若能合理地表达感谢,人们对你的印象就会更好些)和空后For example, we can all send a WhatsApp message.(例如,我们都可以发送WhatsApp消息来表达感谢)”可知,D项(在现代,我们可能有很多选择)能够承接上文并且与下文连接通顺。该选项后的句子是对选项中的choices进行具体的举例。故选D项。 2.考查段中句。根据空前However, it is not the same as sitting down, putting pen to paper, getting a first-class stamp and sending it off in the post.(但这与坐下来用笔在纸上写下感谢之言,使用最好的邮票并邮寄出去是不同的)和空后A thank-you note like this is less likely to get lost in the digital noise.(这样的感谢信才不大会淹没在数字化信息的今天)可知,E项(实际上,这样做对一个人而言有着更多的意义)能够承接上文并且与下文连接通顺。该选项中的that指代的是前一句的内容。故选E项。 3.考查段首句。根据空后You are supposed to send your thank-you note as soon as possible after the event has taken place, or after you have received your gift.(你应该在事后或收到礼物后尽快发出感谢信)可知,B项(什么时候是邮寄感谢信的最佳时间?)能够与下文连接通顺。该选项中的it指的是下一句中的thank-you note,空格后的句子是对该选项所做出的回答。故选B项。 4.考查段尾句。根据空前Princess Diana supposedly started her thank-you letters before the event.(据说,戴安娜王妃在感恩节前就致了感谢信)可知,A项(这意味着她一直没有忘记去向某些人表达感谢)能够承接上文,该选项中的it指的是前一句话的内容。故选A项。 5.考查段中句。根据空前Don’t start with “thank you” ,though: it is dull and predictable.(不过,不要以“谢谢”开头,这是无聊的且可预测的)和空后And then go on to the thank you.(然后再表达感谢)可知,G项(写一些有关这次体验或这份礼物的个人感受)能够承接上文并且与下文连接通顺。该选项用祈使句的形式表示“应该怎么开始写感谢信”,它的前后两句话都是祈使句的形式。故选G项。

    Technology has become so advanced that the previously impossible seems to occur on a daily basis. And yet — we still have no cure for the common cold.

According to Peter Barlow, a scientist at Edinburgh Napier University in the UK, the main challenge lies in the many different types of cold viruses. There are at least 160 types. They changed so easily that they quickly become resistant to drugs, or learn to hide from our immune systems. In other words, a single cure isn’t likely to work on every type of cold.

However, researchers from Stanford University have found a possible answer. They discovered a protein that the viruses need. Without it, they can’t spread inside your body. To  identify the gene(基因) which produces the specific protein needed by the viruses, researchers used a gene-editing technique to test all genes. These modified (改变的) cells were then exposed to a range of viruses, including ones causing the common cold. All the viruses were unable to replicate (复制) inside cells without a gene that produces that specific protein.

Then, they tested genetically modified mice, which were completely unable to produce the protein. The mice were able to live normal lives without the protein. “Lacking that gene protected the mice completely from viral infection,” associate professor Jan Carette, from Stanford, told the BBC. “These mice would always die, but they lived through and we saw a very strong reduction in copying viruses and very strong protection. We have identified a fantastic target that all cold viruses require and depend on. Take that away and the virus really has no chance. ”

Carette said the plan is to find a drug which can temporarily control the protein, instead of producing genetically modified humans.

1.Which of the following can best describe common cold viruses?

A.Severe and deadly. B.Mysterious and stubborn.

C.Diverse and changeable. D.Challenging and oversized.

2.How does the protein work?

A.Help viruses spread. B.Reduce physical infection.

C.Fight against other viruses. D.Strengthen the immune system.

3.What can we learn about the genetically modified mice?

A.They caught cold easily. B.Their health worsened.

C.They produced more protein. D.They were able to survive,

4.What is purpose of the research?

A.To control certain genes. B.To conquer the common cold.

C.To test a new drug. D.To cure genetically modified mice.



    When baby turtles first come out of eggs, they head to the sea by nature. The beach surface goes down, which is one directional clue they follow. Another is light: The horizon (地平线) over the sea is brighter than the horizon over land.

But lights from towns and beach developments can confuse the baby turtles. The sky shining above a city can mislead them to wander. And particularly bright lights can draw them away from the sea.

You’d think the extra time crawling (爬行) might wear out baby turtles, which need energy  once they get in the water to swim for about a day to get to their destination in the sea. In a normal trip from nests to waves, the babies build up chemicals that show they have been pushing themselves.

Some researchers took the baby turtles to a lab, where they ran on a treadmill and swam in a tank while their blood and breathing were monitored. The finding is surprising: even after hours of crawling, the turtles were fine by all measures and swam as well as turtles that didn't have an extra crawling period.

The reason is that they often stop while crawling if they are doing U for a long time, unlike the disturbed trip they make when heading straight to the water. So misled turtles are not worn out.

But the misleading lights are still a problem for the babies. The longer they spend on the beach wandering, the more they are exposed to natural enemies. They can also end up losing their lives in the heat of the sun.

1.What attracts the baby turtles away from the sea?

A.Bright lights. B.Vast beaches.

C.Buildings in cities. D.Noises from towns.

2.What does the underlined word “they” refer to in paragraph 3?

A.Chemicals. B.Nests.

C.Waves. D.Baby turtles.

3.Why don’t the baby turtles feel exhausted after long crawling?

A.They travel by night. B.Their trip is undisturbed.

C.They take frequent breaks. D.They are refreshed by city lights.

4.What may happen to the baby turtles exposed to misleading lights?

A.They are in great danger.

B.They avoid their natural enemies.

C.They will wander on the beach for a while.

D.They are more likely to find the destination.



    My love for libraries blossomed when I joined the public library. From the age of 8 I was allowed to walk from my home to the downtown library, housed above the police station. Once the librarian gave me my first membership card, I could enjoy a range of books, which started with Little House in the Big Woods. I was addicted instantly, and this love of libraries and reading would change my life, allowing me to one day create a safe space for high-school kids, too.

By the time I was in high school, I could read the authors that we were studying in class, including Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Emily Bronte. During the summer months, I got caught up in Gone with the Wind.

When I studied English literature at university, I thought it was time to build my own library. For the next 40 years, I continued to collect books. Until one day, I realized that all my books had become a part of the house, like wallpaper.

Toward the end of my teaching career, I became a teacher-librarian at my old high school, where I had first learned English literature. This position enabled me to regain my love and appreciation for libraries. I had a generous budget for my classes, so I searched for novels that would interest my teenage audience and hopefully spark a love of books. Fantasy, science-fiction, graphic novels -I bought almost any type of books that my students wanted to read. I bought sofas and comfortable chairs, turning the library into a safe public space, for everyone.

In doing so, I realized that the library isn’t just a place to do research. They are, in fact, places that offer an opportunity to connect with the past, present and future. All that is required is a tiny bit of curiosity. Libraries are places that should be full of life. They help us adjust to the world, and their doors must be kept open to everyone for free!

1.What inspired the author to set up a library for students?

A.Some well-known classics.

B.His early experience of reading.

C.The suggestion of a librarian.

D.The book: Little House in the Big Woods.

2.When did the author begin to build his own library?

A.In primary school. B.In high school.

C.During university years. D.After leaving college.

3.What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 4?

A.What his career was like.

B.Where he stored his books.

C.Why school kids loved reading.

D.How he improved the school library.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.A private library B.Read with curiosity

C.A librarian’s life D.More than just books



    More than one million single-use straws (吸管), most of them plastic, are used in the United States each day. They end up in waterways, harm sea animals, and break down into micro-plastics. Quantities of places have passed plastic-straw bans as a way to start handling the global plastic waste problem.

Straw materials: advantages and disadvantages

1. Metal

Made of stainless steel, aluminum, or even titanium, metal straws have become popular. They draw some criticism for having a metallic taste and conducting heat from a hot drink, but they’re strong and can be reused.

2. Paper

Paper drinking straws, which date from the late 1800s, often absorb liquid over time and can leave a taste or fibers in drinks. They’re the most popular throwaway choice in places with plastic-straw bans.

3. Glass

Though glass straws may be more breakable and thus less portable than reusable straws of other materials, they hold up well to washing and reuse. Some straws are made to look artistic, with colors and blown-glass designs.

4. Bamboo

This natural material can be sustainably produced and is a plant-based replacement of plastic straws. Bamboo straws are easily disposed of and turned into fertilizer. They are reusable but can be hard to clean completely and may absorb flavors.

1.What is the major problem with plastic straws?

A.Function. B.Flavor.

C.Weight. D.Pollution.

2.Which of the following belongs to single-use straws?

A.Metal straw. B.Paper straw.

C.Glass straw. D.Bamboo straw.

3.What is the advantage of the bamboo straw?

A.It can become fertilizer. B.It is easy to clean.

C.It is portable and bendable. D.It has different designs.




1. 李时珍生于1518年,是明朝著名的医学家。

2. 他花费了37年的时间完成了他的著作《本草纲目》。

3. 这本书被认为对我国医学发展有重要的影响。

4. 长城可以追溯到两千年前,全长8851.8千米,是伟大的奇观之一。

5. 在过去,长城被修建来抵御敌人,在保护国家方面做出重大贡献。

6. 现在,长城成为受欢迎的旅游景点,每年会吸引很多来自世界各地的游客。

注意:1. 字数100左右;

2. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

3. 不能逐字翻译,可适当扩展内容,使语句通顺。

参考词汇:医学家medical scientist 《本草纲目》"Ben Cao Gang Mu"

奇观 wonder 抵御敌人 withstand enemies

旅游景点tourist attraction

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