满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Saddleworth Moor in the north of England...

    Saddleworth Moor in the north of England is a bare place. It seemed almost wired to me, then, that anyone should _____ the building of seven wind turbines( 风力发电机) to produce clean, renewable energy. Surely this was the perfect place to situate them--- basically dull, unattractive to tourists and ----- _____ ---windy. Yet Saddleworth is becoming another battleground in an increasingly confusing _____ over wind farming and the future of the planet.

Typical of this confusion is hearing Professor David Bellamy _____ the fight against wind farms. I had always thought of Professor Bellamy as an environmentalist had made the _____ assumption that he would be a natural supporter of wind power. However, on reflection, Bellamy would be better described as a conservationist, whose main aim is to preserve natural habitats of plants and animals from destruction, rather than a(n) _____ on climate change. He has fought against other renewable energies that _____ wildlife and wildness, and has described the wind turbines as weapons of mass destruction killing birds and bats.

Bellamy, along with other opponents, has argued the wind farms are in fact _____, and are only commercially successfully because they are so heavily funded. This argument has been put forward by several newspaper commentators recently , who have then gone to _____ nuclear power. This doesn’t take into account years of _____ from Greens who claim that nuclear power is both expensive and dangerous. And yet nuclear energy has recently been _____ by a leading green scientist , Professor James Lovelock, who was one of the first to draw attention to the problem of climate change. He argues that renewable energy such as wind simply cannot provide sufficient electricity for our energy needs.

And so it goes on. There are so many _____ claims, each apparently fronted by some outstanding scientists and backed up by a lot of statics. So who’s actually right? What’s the right solution? What _____ me is that we will take so long in deciding that it will be too late. The damage will have been done. Yet what I also _____ is how convenient these conflicting arguments are. We can avoid making any changes to our personal lifestyles by just doing nothing. Global warming isn’t down to me going to Barcelona by air for the weekend or having a dishwasher or driving everywhere; no, it’s because those people in Saddleworth won’t let us build our _____!

1.A.take over B.call for C.look into D.object to

2.A.vice versa B.or rather C.above all D.to date

3.A.debate B.concern C.advantage D.control

4.A.leading B.reporting C.watching D.abandoning

5.A.cautious B.basic C.common D.false

6.A.expert B.campaigner C.commentator D.columnist

7.A.exploited B.threatened C.restored D.attracted

8.A.unaided B.unfriendly C.uneconomic D.unbalanced

9.A.produce B.praise C.eliminate D.research

10.A.intentions B.passions C.opinions D.protest

11.A.advocated B.rejected C.proposed D.overlooked

12.A.expected B.successful C.conflicting D.personal

13.A.relieves B.amazes C.disappoints D.worries

14.A.predict B.recognize C.question D.ski

15.A.wind farms B.power plants C.animal habitats D.nuclear engines


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了要在Saddleworth Moor这个多风的地方建造风电场,从而引发了争议,不同人对此持有不同的观点。 1.考查动词短语辨析。句意:因此,我觉得任何人都应该反对建造七座风力涡轮机来生产清洁的可再生能源,这几乎是不可思议的。A. take over 接管;B. call for要求;C. look into调查;D. object to反对。根据下文Surely this was the perfect place to situate them--- basically dull, unattractive to tourists可知,人们是反对的。故选D。 2.考查副词短语辨析。句意:毫无疑问,这是放置它们的最佳地点——基本上单调乏味,对游客没有吸引力,最重要的是——有风。A. vice versa反之亦然;B. or rather倒不如说;C. above all最重要的是,首先;D. to date迄今为止。根据句意和语境可知,虽然这个地方对游客没有吸引力,但风对放置风力涡轮机来说是最重要的。故选C。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,在关于风力发电和地球未来的日益混乱的争论中,萨德尔沃斯正成为另一个战场。A. debate辩论,争论;B. concern忧虑,担心;C. advantage优势;D. control控制。根据上文Yet Saddleworth is becoming another battleground可知,此处用debate最合语境。故选A。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种困惑的典型代表是听力教授大卫·贝拉米,他领导了反对风力发电场的斗争。A. leading领导;B. reporting报告;C. watching观看;D. abandoning 放弃。根据下文He has fought against other renewable energies that ___7___ wildlife and wildness, and has described the wind turbines as weapons of mass destruction killing birds and bats. 可知,是贝拉米教授领导了这个斗争。故选A。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我一直认为贝拉米教授是一位环保主义者,错误地认为他是风力发电的天然支持者。A. cautious谨慎的;B. basic基本的;C. common普遍的;D. false错误的。根据下文However, on reflection, Bellamy would be better described as a conservationist, 可知,此处指做出错误的假设。故选D。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,仔细想想,贝拉米更应该被描述成一个自然资源保护者,他的主要目标是保护动植物的自然栖息地不受破坏,而不是一个气候变化的活动家。A. expert专家;B. campaigner 出征者,活动推动者;C. commentator评论员;D. columnist专栏作家。根据句意及空前的rather than可知,他不是气候变化活动家。故选B。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他曾与其他威胁野生动物和野生环境的可再生能源作斗争,并把风力涡轮机描述成大规模杀伤性武器,杀死鸟类和蝙蝠。A. exploited 开发,利用;B. threatened威胁;C. restored 恢复;D. attracted吸引。根据上文语境可知,贝拉米是环境保护主义者,由此可知,此处是指威胁野生动物和环境。故选B。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:贝拉米和其他反对者认为,风力发电场实际上是不经济的,只有在商业上成功,因为他们需要大量的资金。A. unaided无助的;B. unfriendly不友好的;C. uneconomic不经济的;D. unbalanced不平衡的。根据句意要花费大量的资金可知,这是不经济的。故选C。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最近有几位报纸评论员提出了这一观点,他们随后开始赞扬核能。A. produce生产;B. praise赞扬;C. eliminate消除;D. research研究。根据下文This doesn’t take into account years of ___10___ from Greens who claim that nuclear power is both expensive and dangerous. 可知,评论员是赞扬核能的。故选B。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这还没有考虑到多年来环保主义者的抗议,他们声称核能既昂贵又危险。A. intentions意图;B. passions感情;C. opinions 观点;D. protest 抗议。结合上文语境及本句的claim that nuclear power is both expensive and dangerous. 可知,是保护主义者的抗议。故选D。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,核能最近被一位领先的绿色科学家所提倡。A. advocated提倡,拥护;B. rejected拒绝;C. proposed提议;D. overlooked忽略。根据下文He argues that renewable energy such as wind simply cannot provide sufficient electricity for our energy needs.可知,核能是被这位科学家提倡的。故选A。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有许多相互矛盾的说法,每一种说法都由一些杰出的科学家提出,并由大量的静态数据加以支持。A. expected预期的;B. successful成功的;C. conflicting冲突的;D. personal个人的。根据下文的 So who’s actually right? What’s the right solution?并结合上文语境可知,这些说法是有冲突的。故选C。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:令我担忧的是,我们要花这么长时间来决定,那就太晚了。A. relieves解除;B. amazes使吃惊;C. disappoints失望;D. worries担忧。根据本句中的it will be too late.可知,我是担忧的。故选D。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,我也认识到,这些相互矛盾的论点是多么的方便。A. predict预知;B. recognize认出,识别;C. question怀疑;D. ski滑雪。根据句意和下文语境可知,此处是指我也认识到了。故选B。 15.考查名词短语辨析。句意:全球变暖不是我周末坐飞机去巴塞罗那,也不是用洗碗机洗碗或开车去任何地方;不,那是因为萨德尔沃斯的那些人不让我们建造我们的风电场!A. wind farms风电场;B. power plants发电厂;C. animal habitats栖息地;D. nuclear engines核引擎。回归文章开头提到Saddleworth Moor是个适合建风电场的地方。故选A。

    Today, home-ownership has reached extremely high levels. Modern generations tend to believe there is something wrong with them 1. they rent. However, is high home-ownership really as people imagine2. (stare) at data first, we realize that the most successful, stable, attractive country in the Western world is Switzerland. It has tiny unemployment; wealth; high happiness and mental-health scores. Does it have high home-ownership rates? Absolutely not. In Switzerland, about seven in ten of the population are renters. Yet, with Europe’s 3. (low) home-ownership rate, the nation thrives. Now go to the other end of the misery distribution. Spain has approximately the highest home-ownership rate in Europe at more than 80%. But one-quarter of its population are unemployed.

A likely reason is that high levels of home-ownership mess up the labour market. In a sensibly functioning economy it is easy for people to move around to drop into the vibrant job slots 4. (throw) up by technological change. With a high degree of owner-occupation, everything slows. Folk get stuck. Renters can go to new jobs. In that way they do the economy a favours. 5. Friedman said, the rate of unemployment depends on the flexibility of the housing market.

Next we come to economic breakdown. Most analysts accept that at heart it was the housing market-obsessive pursuit of homes, the engendered mortgage(房贷) lending and an unavoidable house-price crash--- 6. sank the Western world. Germany, say, with its more efficient rental market, had a far smoother ride through trouble.

As for the monetary system, in the past few decades, in the hope of getting untaxed capital gains way above their true labour earnings, many people threw their spare cash into buying larger houses or building extra bedrooms. TV programmes about how to make easy money, beautiful rising house prices, and most importantly, our faulty tax system encouraged that. When 7. some point market broke down, everyone suffered. Our countries ought, instead, to design tax systems that encourage people to invest in productive real activities and in innovation. Renting leaves money free for better purposes. That also points to the role of sensible budgeting over a person’s lifetime. Why should we think that when we die it is necessary 8. (pay) off an entire house

Our children do not deserve it. Let them pay for themselves. We 9. rent-and enjoy our lives with the money saved.

Finally, moderation usually pays off. Our scientific understanding of how economies function is horribly limited. This suggests that the golden rule should be to avoid extremes. A50-50mix of home-ownership and renting, not the 70-30split that is now observed in so many Western nations, 10. (make) sense.



    There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as 1. separate area of activity. Many artists, however, would prove 2. there has always been a warm relationship between the a warm relationship areas of human activity. For example, in the late nineteenth century the connections between music and painting were especially close. Artists 3. (invite) to design clothes and settings for operas and ballets, 4. sometimes it was the musicians who were inspired by the work of contemporary painters. Of the musical compositions as responses to the visual arts, perhaps the most famous is Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.

Mussorgsky composed the piece in 1874 after the death, at the age of 39, of the artist Victor Hartman. 5. their friendship had not been a particularly long-lasting one, Mussorgsky was shocked by Hartmann’s unexpected death. The following year the critic, Vladimir Stasov, 6. decided to told an exhibition of Hartmann’s work, suggested  that Mussorgsky 7. (try) to relieve his grief by writing something in memory of Hartmann.

The exhibition served as Mussorgsky’s inspiration. The ten pieces that make up Pictures at an Exhibition 8. (intend) as symbols rather than representation of the paintings in the exhibition. Between each is a promenade (舞曲中的行进), as the composer walks from one painting to 9. The music is sometimes witty and playful, sometimes almost alarming and frightening. Thought a range of surprising contrasts, Mussorgsky manages 10. (convey) the spirit of the artist and his work.




1. 宿舍生活是学校生活的重要部分;

2. 遵守校规,如按时作息等;

3. 学会与同学们交流与分享;

4. 和谐的宿舍生活很重要。












Simon’s father bought him the new bike the day before yesterday, which made him very exciting. Then he began to ride it fast on the road. Seeing a man getting closely to him, Simon couldn’t stop it and as a result, he knock into the man. Being very kind, so the man didn’t scold him at all. Instead, he told him how dangerously it was to ride a bike so fast. He asked him to keep the lesson in mind. Simon felt regretful but ashamed. He promised keep the lesson in mind forever. Then, the man bent on and began to repair his bike. After a while, he got them repaired. Simon was greatly moved. He thanked the man and left happily.



阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Nigeria is a country in West Africa. It has 1. population of over 180 million, making it the most populous country in Africa. Nigeria is famous 2. crude oil, music and fashion.

Last year I volunteered in Nigeria for 7 months. My role was to set up youth clubs in primary and secondary schools. The purpose of the youth clubs was 3. (teach) children life skills such as teamwork, science and maths. It was a(n) 4. (enjoy) experience. I got to help other people and learn about Nigerian culture first-hand. In particular I learnt about Nigerian clothing and languages.

As well as 5. (wear) Western clothing, such as jeans and T-shirts, Nigerians also wear traditional clothing. Traditional clothing 6. (be) bold with bright colours, eye-catching patterns (图案) and unique shapes. Nigerians wear traditional clothing on Fridays and Sundays, and for special occasions like weddings. They either make the clothes themselves or have them 7. (make) by a tailor (裁缝).

The official language in Nigeria is English. English 8. (introduce) to Nigeria when Nigeria became part of the British Empire in 1901. English is 9. (main) spoken in big cities. Outside of these cities people speak lots of other languages. In fact, there are over 500 languages 10. are spoken in Nigeria. These languages come from different ethnic (种族的) groups.



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