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China has named 24,126 primary and middle schools across the country specialist football schools 1.(lead) youth football development, according to the Ministry of Education (MOE). It's required that at least one football class 2.(offer) each week in these schools so that they can encourage their students to 3.(active) participate in football training and matches.

China aims to have 50,000 schools specializing in youth football by the end of 2025, said Wang Dengfeng, an official with the MOE, 4. (add) that to realize this goal, the ministry will take various measures that include building school football fields, training football coaches and providing extra funding and policy support. 5. those measures in schools, 47 football training camps have also been built in  6. effort to promote the sport among young people. And outstanding or 7. (gift) players will also have the chance to join inter-school teams for regional 8. (compete) and even national summer camps.

In the past four years, local education departments have trained about 40,000 football teachers, 8,000 of 9. have obtained coaching certificates. Moreover, the country 10. (step) up its efforts in promoting football in schools since it set up a seven-department joint task force, including the education, sport and finance authorities as well as the Chinese Football Association.


1.to lead 2.be offered 3.actively 4.adding 5.Besides 6.an 7.gifted 8.competitions 9.whom 10.has set 【解析】 这是一篇新闻稿。中国已命名全国24,126所中小学为特色足球学校,来促进青少年足球的发展,打造中国特色足球青训体系。 1.考查非谓语动词。句中主谓宾结构完整,所填词为非谓语动词,此处表示目的,用动词不定式,故填to lead。 2.考查虚拟语气和被动态。句中it为形式主语,that引导的从句为主语从句,require表示“要求”,主语从句是“被要求”的内容,主语从句要用“should+动词原形”结构,should常常可以省略。在主语从句中的主语是one football class与谓语动词offer是动宾关系,是动作的接受者,要用被动语态,此处为should be offered,做语法填空时,省略should。故填be offered。 3.考查副词。句中所填词修饰动词短语participate in,要用副词,要填active的副词形式,故填actively。 4.考查非谓语动词。句中逗号前无论主句还是宾语从句中主谓(宾)结构都完整,所填词为非谓语动词,非谓语动词的逻辑主语为Wang Dengfeng, an official with the MOE,是非谓语动词动作的执行者,且非谓语动词动作与前面主句动词said同时发生,所以要用现在分词,故填adding。 5.考查介词。所填词后跟名词measures,所填词应为介词,句中逗号后内容是对逗号前内容的补充,两部分属同类,用介词besides“除……之外(还)”,句子首字母大写,故填Besides。 6.考查冠词。in an effort to do“努力做某事”是固定短语,effort前要用不定冠词an,故填an。 7.考查形容词。所填词修饰名词players,可以用形容词,语意为有天赋的运动员,gifted是形容词,意为“有天赋的”,符合题意,故填gifted。 8.考查名词复数。competition在句中意为“比赛、竞赛”,是可数名词,and后为camps,是名词复数,and连接的部分要对称平行,所以and前的名词也要用复数,故填competitions。 9.考查非限制性定语从句。逗号后为非限制性定语从句,先行词是teachers,指人,非限制性定语从句中介词of后要用关系代词whom,故填whom。 10.考查时态。句中since引导时间状语从句,表示从过去开始延续到现在的段时间,主句要用现在完成时,主句主语是the country,单数名词,故填has set。

    I was surprised when I received a short message from my father wishing me a happy birthday.

I had _______to hear from my mother, my grandmother and my other relatives — _______ never from my father. Lying in bed, _______ of my father flooded back.

When I was a little boy, I regarded my father as a(n) _______ able to do anything. _______, things slowly began to_______. The more I learned, the more I doubted what he said. The gap between us grew and, at last, I didn't _______ like communicating with him.

My father, in my mind, had no _______ in talking with me. Dinner was the only time we were together. He had no time to watch TV with me. He would tell me to ask my mother_______I needed something. He even refused to answer my ________ when I phoned from school. I ________ the changes. I thought that perhaps my father no longer ________ me.

Over time, however, I began to wonder whether my ________ was right. One day, my mother told me that each time I called, father was ________ listening beside her. Suddenly, I hated myself for my ________ behavior toward him.

I planned thousands of times to ________ my father. In the end, however, I was always too embarrassed about what I had done.

But that Saturday, I was so ________ by his short message. I realized then that my father's love for me had never disappeared. I decided to send a________ "Thank you, my dear father.”

Two days later, when I returned home, my mother told me that my father had been so ________ when he received my reply. She said he had ________ from morning till night. At that moment, I felt truly happy.

1.A.wanted B.intended C.planned D.expected

2.A.and B.so C.but D.or

3.A.opinions B.thoughts C.memories D.responses

4.A.angel B.hero C.teacher D.friend

5.A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Besides

6.A.improve B.change C.develop D.appear

7.A.still B.ever C.yet D.even

8.A.interest B.time C.chance D.courage

9.A.in case B.if C.even if D.after

10.A.calls B.e-mails C.questions D.letters

11.A.got fond of B.got tired of C.got familiar with D.got accustomed to

12.A.helped B.supported C.loved D.missed

13.A.behavior B.attitude C.manner D.action

14.A.often B.always C.seldom D.never

15.A.casual B.rude C.cruel D.cold

16.A.apologize to B.write to C.talk with D.consult with

17.A.excited B.confused C.touched D.pleased

18.A.letter B.card C.gift D.reply

19.A.upset B.happy C.sad D.nervous

20.A.waited B.signed C.smiled D.hesitated



The decade of the “young old” begins

The year 2020 will mark the beginning of the decade of the yold, or the “young old”1.. The height of the baby boom, the period of high fertility in rich countries after the second world war, was 1955-60. one might therefore expect peak retirement for baby-boomers in the coming years — except that they are not retiring. By continuing to work, and staying socially engaged, the boomers, in their new guise as the young old, will change the world.

2.: of the 3.7 years of increased life expectancy in rich countries between 2000 and 2015, says the WHO, 3.2 years were enjoyed in good health.

3.: between 1989 and 2013, the median wealth of families headed by someone over 62 in America rose by 40% to $210,000, while the wealth of all other age groups declined. The over-60s are vital to the tourism industry because they spend much more, when taking a foreign holiday, than younger adults.

4.. In 2016 just over a fifth of people aged 65-69 were in work in rich countries, a figure that is rising fast. Many bosses and HR departments think productivity falls with age, but a German study found that people who remain at work after the normal retirement age manage to slow the cognitive decline associated with old age and have a cognitive capacity of someone a year and a half younger.

5.. They are challenging the traditional expectations of the retired as people who wear slippers and look after the grandchildren.

A. The yold are also better off

B. In short, the yold are not just any group of old people

C. The yold are both young and old

D. as the Japanese call people aged between 65 and 75

E. Health worsens with age, but the yold are resisting the decline better than most

F. The yold are busier, too

G. The yold can’t resist aging



    Imagine you enter a car with no steering wheel, no brake or accelerator pedals (踏板). Under a voice-activated command, you say an address. “The fastest route will take us 15.3 minutes. Should I take it?” You say “yes” and you are on your way. The car responds and starts moving all by itself. All you have to do is sit back and relax.

How weird would it be if, one day in the future, everyone had such a car? No crazy driving, no insults, no cutting in; traffic laws would be respected and driving much safer. On the other hand, imagine the cost savings for local police enforcement and town budgets without all those speeding and parking tickets.

A new technology has the potential to change modern society in radical ways. There’s no question that self-driving vehicles could be an enormous benefit. The potential for safer cars means accident statistics would drop: some 94% of road accidents in the U.S involve human error. Older drivers and visually- or physically-impaired people would gain a new level of freedom. Maintaining safe speeds and being electric, self-driving cars would drastically reduce pollution levels and dependency on non-renewable fuels. Roads would be quieter, people safer.

But we must also consider the impact of the new technology on those who now depend on driving for their livelihoods. According to the U.S. Department of Labor. In May 2015 there were 505,560 registered school bus drivers. The American Trucking association lists approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the U.S.

The companies developing self-driving vehicles should be partnering with state and federal authorities to offer retraining for this massive workforce, many of whom will be displaced by the new technology. This is similar to what’s happening in the coal and oil industries, a situation that fuels much of the current political discontent in this country.

New technologies will, and should, be developed. This is how society moves forward. However, progress can’t be one-sided. It is necessary for the companies and state agencies involved to consider the ethical consequences of these potential changes to build a better future for all.

1.What would be the impact of the extensive use of driverless car?

A.People would be driving in a more civilized way.

B.It would save local governments a lot of money.

C.More policemen would be patrolling the streets.

D.Traffic regulations would be a thing of the past.

2.How would the elderly and the disabled benefit from driverless cars?

A.They could enjoy greater mobility.

B.They would suffer no road accidents.

C.They would have no trouble driving.

D.They could go anywhere they want.

3.What is the result of the introduction of new technologies in energy industries?

A.Political dissatisfaction. B.Retraining of employees.

C.Fossil fuel conservation. D.Business restructuring.

4.What would be the negative impact of driverless cars?

A.The conflict between labor and management would intensify.

B.The gap between various sectors of society would be widened.

C.Professional drivers would have a hard time adapting to new road conditions.

D.Numerous professional drivers would have to find new ways of earning a living.

5.What does the author suggest businesses and the government do?

A.Keep pace with technological developments.

B.Make new technologies affordable to everyone.

C.Enable everyone to benefit from new technologies.

D.Popularize the use of new technologies and devices



    A child who suffers bullying(霸凌) usually has low self-esteem and their ability to learn and be successful at school is greatly lessened. Therefore, bullying must be stopped.

The best and most obvious way to stop bullying in schools is for parents to change the way they raise their children at home. Of course, this is much easier said than done and everyone raises their children differently. Bullies, however, come from homes where physical punishment is used and children have been taught that physical violence is the way to handle problems and “get their way”. Bullies usually also come from homes where the parents fight a lot, so children have been modeled on such violence. Parental involvement is often lacking in bullies’ lives and there seems to be little warmth.

Early intervention (干预) is truly the best way to stop bullying, but parents of the victims or therapists(治疗师) can’t alter the bully’s home environment. Some things can be done at the school level, however. Most school programs that address bullying apply a multi-faceted(多层面的) method to the problem.

Hand out questionnaires to all students and teachers and discuss if bullying is occurring. Define exactly what constitutes(构成) bullying at school. The questionnaire is a wonderful tool that allows the school to see how widespread bullying is and what forms it is taking. It is a good way to start to solve the problem.

Get the children’s parents involved in a bullying program. If parents of the bullies and the victims are not aware of what is going on at school, then the whole bullying program will not be effective. Stopping bullying in school takes teamwork and concentrated effort on everyone’s part. Bullying also should be discussed during parent-teacher conferences and PTA meetings. Parental awareness is the key.

In the classroom setting, all teachers should work with the students on bullying. Oftentimes even the teacher is being bullied in the classroom and a program should be set up to teach about bullying. Children understand modeling behaviors and role-play and acting out bullying situations is a very effective tool. Have students role-play a bullying situation.

1.In the author’s opinion, bullies usually _____________.

A.have extremely high self-esteem

B.know little of the harm of violence

C.look forward to parental involvement

D.experience or witness violence at home

2.What does the underlined word “alter” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.understand B.change

C.remove D.approach

3.Paragraph 5 suggests that it’s important to ______________.

A.make a punishment program effective

B.let parents know their children are bullies

C.find the key to improving security at school

D.make parents conscious of bullying at school

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How to stop bullying in school. B.What leads to violence in schools.

C.What parents can do to stop bullying. D.How to comfort those who are bullied.



    The doorbell rang, and a few minutes later, to her complete astonishment, Elizabeth saw Mr. Darcy walk into the room. He hurriedly began to ask how she was, and she answered with cold politeness. He sat down for a few minutes, and then getting up, walked around the room. Elizabeth was surprised but said nothing.

After a silence of several minutes, he came towards her and said. “I have struggled with my feelings, but without success. You must allow me to tell you how much I admire and love you.”

Elizabeth, who was unable to believe what she heard, stared, blushed, and was silent. Her silence encouraged him to speak and tell her about his strong feelings for her. He spoke well, but unfortunately, he did not speak only of his love for her, he also made it very clear that he did not consider that her family was good enough for him. He explained that it was only because she herself was so unusual that he had decided to ask her to marry him.

In spite of her powerful dislike for him, Elizabeth at first felt sorry that she was going to cause Darcy pain. Then, as he continued to insult her family, she began to feel angry. When he at last finished speaking, she said, “I believe that in a situation like this, the lady is supposed to thank the gentleman. Unfortunately, I have no desire to thank you, as I have never wanted your good opinion. I am sorry to have to cause you pain. However, I never meant to do so, and I am sure you will soon forget me.”

1.Why did Mr. Darcy come to her house?

A.He came to ask how she was.

B.He wanted to walk around the room

C.He wanted to find her family was good

D.He came to tell Elizabeth he loved her.

2.Why was Elizabeth silent?

A.She really didn’t like Darcy .

B.She was shy.

C.She couldn’t believe what she heard.

D.She wanted to cause Darcy pain.

3.What did her words suggest?

A.She expected Darcy to forget her.

B.She didn’t want to thank Darcy for his visit.

C.She felt sorry to cause Darcy pain.

D.She rejected his feeling.



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