满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Tom is music lover. He knows beats (音乐节拍) quite good. Now, the teenager is used his talent to become a DJ—a person which mixes different music during shows. He often gives shows around his hometown. At shows, Tom had to deal with difficult people. Once, a couple invited him to be the DJ at our party. The husband wanted country music, so his wife asked for pop music. To make them all happy, Tom played music in both styles. After playing at different parties and shows, Tom has become more confident and better at meet people’s needs. Moreover, he has made of enough money to buy set of DJ equipment so he can practice at home.


第一处: music前加a 第二处: good→well 第三处:used→using 第四处: which→that/who 第五处: had→has 第六处: our→their 第七处: so→but/while 第八处: all→both 第九处: meet→meeting 第十处:去掉of 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了音乐爱好者汤姆利用他的天赋成为一名DJ,为别人演奏音乐的故事。 第一处:考查冠词。句意:汤姆是个音乐爱好者。lover是可数名词,此处用不定冠词表泛指,music的发音以元音音素开头,故在music前加a。 第二处:考查副词。句意:他很熟悉音乐节拍。修饰动词knows用副词,故good改为well。 第三处:考查时态语态。句意:现在,这个年轻人正在利用他的天赋成为一名DJ,在演出中将不同的音乐混合在一起。the teenager 与use之间是主动关系,is表明用的是现在进行时,此处用现在分词,故used改为using。 第四处:考查定语从句。句意同上,此处为定语从句,关系词指代先行词a person并在从句中作主语,故which改为that/who。 第五处:考查时态和主谓一致。句意:在演出中,汤姆不得不与很难相处的人打交道。陈述的是客观情况,用一般现在时,主语是Tom,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故had改为has。 第六处:考查代词。句意:有一次,一对夫妇邀请他在他们的聚会上做DJ。此处指代“一对夫妇的”,表示“他们的”而不是“我们的”,故our改为their。 第七处:考查连词。句意:丈夫想让他演奏乡村音乐,但(而)妻子想让他演奏流行音乐。根据句意可知前后是转折而非因果关系,也可用while表示对比,故so改为but/while。 第八处:考查代词。句意:为了让他们俩都高兴,汤姆演奏了两种风格的音乐。all指“三者及三者以上都”,both指“两者都”,此处指的是“夫妇二人都”,故all改为both。 第九处:考查非谓语动词。句意:在参加了不同的聚会和演出后,汤姆变得更加自信,更善于满足人们的需要。作介词at的宾语用动名词,故meet改为meeting。 第十处:考查介词。句意:而且,他赚了足够的钱买了一套DJ设备,这样他就可以在家练习了。made是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,介词of是多余的,故去掉of。  


People are wasting things everywhere and every day. Wherever we go, we can see that paper, bottles and cans are thrown away; food 1. (waste) just because of its poor taste; clothes are thrown around simply due to their old fashion Not only things and money are wasted, but natural resources are wasted as well. 2. (tree) are cut down merely for fuel; wildlife is killed 3. (simple) for food; coal and minerals are exploited (开采) in 4. bad way.

The worst example of man’s waste is the waste of time. Many people tend to spend their time on 5. (worth) things, such as wandering about (漫步) in the street, gossiping in the office, or 6. (sleep) too much during the day. As we know, time is so valuable to us that it never returns if it 7. (pass) by.

It is time 8. (call) for an end to waste. On the one hand, we must save natural resources and make full use of them, 9. is very important to our future; otherwise human beings will be faced with the lack of natural resources and suffer 10. pollution caused by waste. On the other hand, we must value our time. Only with our time devoted to study and work for the people will we never regret the life we have had.



    Three years ago, Liu Mama was an unknown middle-aged farmer from the Dongbei region (地区), in northeastern China. Then she started ________ her life on the social-media platform (平台) Kaishou. Liu mama’s son-in-law ________ the live stream (视频直播) to her, and worked as the ________ of her trusty cameraman. They ________ to try it out for laughs. The first videos, each less than a minute ________, showed Liu, short and fat, dressed in a red cotton jacket — ________ on the kitchen chair. She was eating pork bones and fish heads while creating ________ rhymes (押韵诗歌) about the happiness of countryside life. Liu Mama’s funny live streams presented quite a ________ from other popular Chinese video-sharing platform where the videos ________ famous people, fashion and urban life.

People were ________ attracted by the loud-mouthed and red-cheeked farmer. Within months, the number of ________ to Liu mama’s channel (频道), “Liu Mama’s Everyday Life,” ________ from dozens to several thousand. Liu Mama began showing herself ________ corn, skinning potatoes, and driving a tractor around ________. A few years later, Liu Mama ________ fourteen million followers on the Kuaishou platform.

Liu Mama’s ________ is one of many stories of live streamers in China. In the past five years, live stream in China has developed into a main ________ activity — more than half of the nation’s Internet users have given it a ________. While live stream is still ________ as an unimportant culture in other parts of the world, Chinese industries ________ from education to news to daily shopping have hugged it as a business tool.

1.A.ignoring B.presenting C.celebrating D.suffering

2.A.contained B.disagreed C.introduced D.disliked

3.A.base B.voyage C.request D.role

4.A.recognized B.persuaded C.decided D.came

5.A.long B.short C.clear D.fond

6.A.organizing B.determining C.sitting D.viewing

7.A.frightening B.terrible C.silent D.interesting

8.A.recognition B.tip C.difference D.advantage

9.A.focus on B.set up C.calm down D.work out

10.A.hardly B.nearly C.only D.quickly

11.A.sailors B.followers C.survivors D.beggars

12.A.grew B.removed C.sank D.debated

13.A.replacing B.harvesting C.competing D.deserving

14.A.streets B.fields C.homeland D.stadiums

15.A.arises B.solves C.bursts D.owns

16.A.rise B.protection C.appreciation D.attention

17.A.successful B.secure C.online D.personal

18.A.appearance B.loss C.test D.try

19.A.considered B.attached C.broken D.formed

20.A.coming B.ranging C.learning D.recovering



    Why do you run? Different people have different reasons. Whatever your reason is, there’s one thing we can be sure of: Running is much better injury-free. In his book, Dr. Jordan Metzl’s Running Strong, Metzl has the perfect suggestions for enjoying your running without losing your well-being (健康). Here are five must-follow rules for injury-free running:

Train for your level of fitness and your goals.

Don’t run more miles than your body can deal with. If you run for fitness and your goal is about 30 minutes a day, that’s cool. But if you are just starting out, 1.

Wear the right shoes for your feet.

You will hear lots of opinions about whether running shoes really help prevent injury and whether you should even wear them. 2. And some of you may need a little added assistance from inserts (鞋垫).


Be honest about how much sleep you need and stick to it. The cool runner is the one who wins the race. Sleep will get you there.

Fuel (提供能量) your body right for running and recovery.

4. And after a workout or race, you need to deliver nutrients to all the body rebuilders in your muscles, so they can do their job and get you back into tip-top shape for your run tomorrow.

Pay attention to pain.

When pain changes the way you run, stop running. 5. And use dynamic rest (动态休息) to stay in shape until you are back on your running feet.

A. Get seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

B. Try to find out what is going on and treat the pain.

C. you need to get there slowly.

D. Running should be seen as fun rather than pain.

E. It is because of the health benefits, including lowering your risk of disease.

F. The right running shoes can help correct foot-movement problems that lead to injury.

G. A good pre-run meal plan is one that keeps you stepping strong.



    If you want to become a better reader, what should you know about the speed of reading? Some people read very quickly, while others read very slowly. But which one is better?

The quick reader may be a good reader when he reads a storybook for fun. But he may not be able to slow down enough to read directions (说明书) carefully. He may read so quickly that he does not take time to understand fully the ideas and information which are important to remember.

The slow reader may be a good reader when he reads directions for making something. But he may spend too much time in reading a simple story which is meant to be enjoyed but is not important enough to be remembered.

So, you see, either a quick reader or a slow reader is not really a good one. If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important things to remember about the speed of reading.

First, knowing why you are reading will often help you to know whether to read quickly or slowly.

Second, some things should be read slowly throughout. Examples are directions for making or doing, something, science and history books, and math problems. You must read such things slowly or remember each important step and understand each important idea.

Third, some things should be read quickly throughout. Examples are simple stories for enjoyment, letters from friends and bits of news from hometown papers.

Finally, in some of your reading, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages quickly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas.

1.What should be read quickly according to the passage?

A.Science and history books.

B.Math problems.

C.Storybooks, newspapers, personal letters, etc.

D.Directions for making something.

2.What is the important thing you should keep in mind about speed of reading?

A.To read as fast as you can.

B.To keep your reading at a certain speed.

C.To read as slowly as possible.

D.To fit your reading speed to your needs.

3.This passage is most probably from a ________.

A.textbook B.story-book

C.dictionary D.novel

4.Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?

A.What Books to Choose? B.How to Be a Rapid Reader?

C.Why Reading is Important? D.How to Read?



    Give your dead batteries (电池) a new life. Recycle them!

Batteries are used to power clocks, computers, tools and more. However, your batteries have some serious power when their lives are over.


Remember, batteries are harmful waste. This means we should properly throw them away. You may not think one little battery can cause that much pollution. But don’t think of it as just one battery—there can be millions. In Canada, each person uses about 20 single-use batteries every year. That’s about 700 million batteries! If all these batteries end up in landfills (垃圾填埋场), the heavy metals inside them can get into the water, land and air. It can be harmful to humans and wildlife.

By recycling single-use batteries instead of throwing them away, you can cut down pollution and also help save energy. All batteries are mainly made of plastic and valuable metals. Through recycling programs, dead batteries can be changed into something useful like steel products, or even new batteries.


Make a difference by starting to collect batteries at your home or school today. You can prepare a box for battery collection and invite friends, family and classmates to bring in old batteries to be recycled.

There are many ways to deal with your batteries. You can:

● Find a Call to Recycle public collection station near you.

● Ask the store where you bought the batteries if you can return them there.

● Communicate with your local city government to find out if there are special programs for recycling used batteries!

For more information, visit https://ecokids.ca/batteries.

1.“Serious power” in the first paragraph shows that ________.

A.batteries are very useful in our life

B.dead batteries are still valuable

C.dead batteries can bring bad effects to our life

D.dead batteries can still provide power

2.The pollution caused by dead batteries mainly comes from ________.

A.water B.land

C.steel products D.heavy metals

3.If you want to recycle your batteries correctly, you can ________ in your city.

A.build a public landfill B.learn more about batteries recycling

C.sell old batteries to some stores D.no more buy batteries from stores

4.The passage is probably written for ________.

A.young children B.landfill workers

C.battery sellers D.community groups



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