满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I still remember an old lady, a customer...

    I still remember an old lady, a customer on the paper route in my hometown when I was 12 years old. She taught me a lesson in__________that I shall never forget.

On a(n) ________afternoon, a friend and I were throwing stones onto the__________of the old lady's house. The stone that I found was too smooth, ________it slipped from my hand as I let it go and________straight not for the covering on top of the house but for a small window on the house's back porch. At the sound of broken glass, we knew we were________.We turned and ________.

I was too ________ about getting caught that first night to be concerned about the old lady with the broken window in the freezing weather. However, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn't been________, I started to feel guilty about her______________.She still greeted me with a smile each day________I gave her the paper , but I was no longer able to act comfortably in her ________.

I________my mind that I would save my money delivering paper. And after three weeks I had seven dollars that I calculated would pay for her window . I put the money in an envelope with a note________that I was sorry for breaking her window and________that the seven dollars would cover the cost of repairing it.

I waited until it was dark , moved________to the old lady ' s house and put the letter I didn ' t sign through the letter slot in her door . I felt ________ and could have the freedom of , once again , looking straight into the old lady's kind eyes .

The next day, I handed the old lady her paper and was able to ________ the warm smile that I was receiving from her. She thanked me for the paper and gave me a bag of cookies she had made herself. I thanked her and started to eat the cookies as I continued my________.

After several cookies . I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the bag. When I opened the envelope , I was ________. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said , " I'm proud of you.”

1.A.selflessness B.talent C.bravery D.forgiveness

2.A.winter B.summer C.spring D.autumn

3.A.window B.basement C.roof D.access

4.A.but B.so C.for D.or

5.A.landed B.left C.dragged D.headed

6.A.in trouble B.in many ways C.in danger D.in charge

7.A.got around B.sit around C.ran away D.hung out

8.A.embarrassed B.scared C.disappointed D.ashamed

9.A.discovered B.scolded C.punished D.involved

10.A.misunderstanding B.misbehavior C.misfortune D.mistake

11.A.until B.unless C.since D.when

12.A.encouragement B.presence C.company D.comfort

13.A.made up B.took up C.meet with D.picked up

14.A.proving B.showing C.convincing D.explaining

15.A.predicted B.declared C.hoped D.witnessed

16.A.hurriedly B.quietly C.patiently D.firmly

17.A.confused B.concerned C.relieved D.frustrated

18.A.abandon B.return C.understand D.respect

19.A.effort B.study C.journey D.route

20.A.shocked B.satisfied C.annoyed D.amused


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 本文为记叙文。本文作者主要向我们讲述了小时候的一件小事对他的深远影响。作者从发生在自己身上的事情中深深地体会到诚实,知错能改的重要性。 1.考查名词。句意:她给我上了一堂宽恕的课,我永远不会忘记。A. selflessness无私;B. talent才能;C. bravery勇气;D. forgiveness宽恕。根据下文作者所讲的自己做了错事而得到原谅故事可知,故选D。 2.考查名词。句意:在一个冬天的下午,我和一个朋友在老太太的屋顶上扔石头。A. winter冬天;B. summer夏天;C. spring春天;D. autumn秋天。根据下文in the freezing weather在这寒冷的天气里,可知是冬季。故选A。 3.考查名词。句意:在一个冬天的下午,我和一个朋友在老太太家的屋顶上扔石头。A. window窗户;B. basement地下室;C. roof屋顶;D. access人口。根据后边The stone that I found was too smooth, ___4___ it slipped from my hand as I let it go and ___5___straight not for the covering on top of the house but for a small window on the house’s back porch. 我发现的那块石头太光滑了,所以它从我的手里滑落,我把它从我的手里滑了出去,它的方向不是在房子的顶部,而是在房子的后门廊上的一个小窗户上。可知我们是在屋顶上。 故选C。 4.考查连词。句意:我发现的那块石头太光滑了,所以它从我的手里滑落,我把它从我的手里滑了出去,它的方向不是在房子的顶部,而是在房子的后门廊上的一个小窗户上。A. but但是;B. so因此;C. for为了;D. or或者。此处表示因果关系,故选B。 5.考查动词。句意:我发现的那块石头太光滑了,所以它从我的手里滑落,我把它从我的手里滑了出去,它的方向不是在房子的顶部,而是在房子的后门廊上的一个小窗户上。A. landed登陆;B. left离开;C. dragged拖;D. headed朝向。根据下文At the sound of broken glass, we knew we were ____6____可知石头朝着后门廊上的一个小窗飞去,故选D。 6.考查介词短语。句意:我们知道我们有麻烦了。A. in trouble处于困境中;B. in many ways用许多方法;C. in danger处于危险中;D. in charge负责,主管。根据上文可知,石头打破了窗子,故他们遇到了麻烦。故选A。 7.考查动词短语。句意:我们转身跑了。A. got around到处走动;B. sit around坐着没事干;C. ran away逃跑;D. hung out闲逛。根据I was too ____8____ about getting caught that first night可知,他们逃跑了。故选C。 8.考查形容词。句意:第一天晚上,我太害怕被抓住,以至于没有担心这样寒冷的天气被打破了窗户的老太太。A. embarrassed尴尬的;B. scared害怕的;C. disappointed失望的;D. ashamed惭愧的。根据上文可知,作者做了错事逃跑,是因太害怕了,故选B。 9.考查动词。句意:然而,几天后,当我确信没有被发现时,我开始为她的不幸感到内疚。A. discovered发现;B. scolded责骂;C. punished惩罚;D. involved涉及。作者为自己犯错感到内疚。故选A。 10.考查动词。句意:我开始为她的不幸感到内疚。A. misunderstanding误解;B. misbehavior品行不端;C. misfortune不幸;D. mistake弄错,误解。根据上文可知,由于寒冷的冬天作者打破了窗子,作者认为老太太十分可怜,觉得她很不幸,故选C。 11.考查连词。句意:当我给她送报纸的时候,她每天都面带微笑地向我打招呼,但是我再也不能在她面前表现得很自在了。A. until直到…才;B. unless除非;C. since自从;D. when当…时候。根据上下文逻辑此处应为时间状语,“当…时候”,故选D。 12.考查名词。句意:当我给她送报纸的时候,她每天都面带微笑地向我打招呼,但是我再也不能在她面前表现得很自在了。A. encouragement鼓励;B. presence出席,到场;C. company公司,陪伴;D. comfort安慰。这里指当她在场(presence)与作者面对面的时候,故选B。 13.考查动词。句意:我下定决心,我要把我的纸币存起来。A. made up编造;B. took up从事;C. meet with与……见面;D. picked up捡起。made up与one’s mind构成短语“下定决心”。故选A。 14.考查动词。句意:我把钱放在一个信封里,里面有一张纸条,上面写着,我很抱歉打碎了她的窗户,而这7美元希望能够支付修理的费用。A. proving证明;B. showing放映,表演;C. convincing使相信,使明白;D. explaining解释。作者写在纸条上做出解释,故选D。 15.考查动词。句意:我把钱放在一个信封里,里面有一张纸条,上面写着,我很抱歉打碎了她的窗户,而这7美元希望能够支付修的费用。A. predicted预计;B. declared宣告;C. hoped希望;D. witnessed目睹。作者希望这笔钱能够作为补偿,故选C。 16.考查副词。句意:我一直等到天黑了,才悄悄地来到老太太的房子,把信放在她门外的信箱里。A. hurriedly匆忙地;B. quietly安静地;C. patiently耐心地;D. firmly坚定地。作者小心翼翼唯恐被发现,等到了天黑,因此是悄悄地做,故选B。 17.考查形容词。句意:我感到松了一口气,又可以自由地直视老太太那善良的眼睛。A. confused困惑的;B. concerned有关的,关心的;C. relieved释然的,放心的;D. frustrated挫败的,泄气的。作者如释重负,因此松了一口气,故选C。 18.考查动词。句意:第二天,我递给老太太她的报纸,还能回报以她温暖的微笑。A. abandon抛弃;B. return返回,报答;C. understand理解; D. respect尊重。作者弥补了自己犯下的错,因此能够回报以微笑,故选B。 19.考查名词。句意:我一边吃着饼干,一边继续走我的路。A. effort努力;B. study学习;C. journey旅行;D. route路线。这里route指的是作者派送报纸所走的路线,故选D。 20.考查形容词。句意:当我打开信封时,我惊呆了。A. shocked震惊的;B. satisfied感到满意的;C. annoyed生气的;D. amused愉快的。由下文Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said , " I'm proud of you.”可知,老太太将七美元送还给了他,因此作者感到惊讶。故选A。

    Asking for help is a sign of strength rather than weakness. In American culture, the independent individual is seen as their ideal. As the University of Missouri at St. Louis states on its website under the heading Key American Values, “Americans have been trained since very early in their lives to consider themselves as separate individuals who are responsible for their own situations in life and their own destinies.” The value also makes them think they can do everything themselves, and makes them feel bad about asking for help when they need it.

And when it comes to work situations, when they think about asking for help there, sometimes they fear that a request for help would make them look inept. While this has always been true for men, many women in the workplace have felt the need to try twice as hard as their male colleagues and do twice as much to get just as far and to prove their worth. Sometimes when we think about asking for help, our inner voices tell us, “See, if you admit you can’t do this on your own, they’ll see you for the imposter (骗子) you really are.”

But the fact is, even though individualism is on the rise, we can’t do everything by ourselves and we shouldn’t try.

Apple founder Steve Jobs once told the Santa Clara Valley Historical Association about the power of asking for help, and how he “never found anybody who didn’t want to help me when I asked them for help”. He said, at the age of 12, he called Bill Hewlett, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard, on the phone after getting his number from the phone book and asking him for spare parts so he could build a frequency counter(计频器). And Hewlett agreed and offered young Jobs a summer job assembling frequency counters.

“If you’re afraid of failing, you won’t get very far,” Jobs said.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.What key American values are. B.Why Americans refuse to ask for help.

C.Asking for help is a sign of strength. D.Americans are responsible for their life.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “inept” in Paragraph 2?

A.impolite B.depressed C.incompetent D.sensitive

3.What can be learned from this US cultural phenomenon?

A.Americans suffer a lot from mutual distrust.

B.Americans see weakness as a sign of strength.

C.Americans should learn to build up confidence.

D.Americans think highly of individual values.

4.What can we learn from Jobs’ words in the last paragraph?

A.Don’t hesitate to ask for help. B.Be brave to try whatever you want.

C.Never ask for help. D.Learn to cooperate with others.



    Two hundred years ago, American students went to American schools. Like you, they studied math, spelling and geography. Unlike you, they also studied Greek (希腊语) and Latin (拉丁语). In fact, students spent more than half their time studying Greek and Latin.

The same was true for most students in Europe. Until the seventh century, all educated Europeans knew Latin. It did not matter if they lived in England, Italy, France or Spain. If they were educated, they knew Latin.

During the seventh century, educated Europeans began to study Greek as well as Latin. Greek and Latin had been the leading languages of the ancient Greeks and Romans. All educated Europeans were expected to know these languages.

To educated Europeans, the languages of the Greeks and the Romans were important. The ideas of the Greeks and Romans were also important. People knew that many of their own ideas had come from the Greeks and the Romans. To understand their own culture, they must understand its origin (起源). They knew that those beginnings lay in the classical (古典文学的) world.

Today we have so many things to study that few people have time to learn Greek and Latin. Few of you will study either language in school. Yet the ideas of the Greeks and the Romans are still important to us. These ideas still help to shape western culture today. To understand our own culture, we must understand the culture of the classical world.

1.Two hundred years ago, in American schools _____.

A.there were many educated Greeks B.Greek and Latin were very popular

C.students paid little attention to math D.students knew little about geography

2.According to the text, Europeans thought _____.

A.the origin of their culture was unknown

B.the ideas of the Greeks were unacceptable

C.Greek was much more important than Latin

D.the Romans had a great influence on their culture

3.Where does the author of the text probably come from?

A.Japan. B.Greece. C.America. D.China.

4.In the last paragraph, the author suggests that _____.

A.it’s of great value to learn Greek and Latin

B.it’s quite difficult to learn Greek and Latin

C.the culture of the classical world is useless nowadays

D.Western culture is quite different from Greek and Roman cultures



    By the time I reached junior high, I was sure I wanted to be a nurse. If you didn’t study Latin, you couldn’t be a nurse, so I enrolled. Many Latin words were familiar to me. The hard part turned out to be the usage and creating sentences with the words that seemed so easy to pronounce. Several weeks into the course my teacher came to me, saying, “I think you should withdraw from this course. It seems to be too hard for you.”

That was the day I learned I wasn’t smart enough to become a nurse. With shame, I handed in my Latin textbook.

After high school, the years raced by. I married and had children. Then one day my husband John came home. “Carol, Max died this afternoon.” I looked at my husband with disbelief.

John was touched by this tragedy. Finally one evening he said, “Carol, Jackie has never worked and now she’s alone with four children. I've been thinking - if anything happens to me. I want you to be able to take care of yourself and the children. Why don’t you think about what you’d like to do and get the training you’ll need to do it?”

I signed up for the entrance exam for nursing programs. One day I received a letter from the schoo1. I wanted so badly to open it, but with my lack of confidence, I laid it on the kitchen counter saying, “I'm not in the mood for a rejection letter today.”

Finally I forced myself to open it. “Dear Carol,”I read. “We are pleased to inform you that you successfully passed the entrance exam.”

An insensitive teacher once stole my dream. If you have a dream, exhaust every effort to reach it. I’ve worked thirty years now as a nurse and I’ve never been more certain that this is what I was meant to be.

1.Why did John advise Carol to find a job?

A.To support the family B.To provide more money for her kids

C.To live a more colorful life D.To be able to live independently

2.From the text, we know what the teacher said____________.

A.destroyed Carol’s dream to be a nurse.

B.helped Carol find her true interest

C.saved Carol from wasting her time

D.encouraged Carol to be careful in learning

3.After receiving the letter from the schoo1, Caro1____________.

A.was uncertain about the result B.had no mood to read it then

C.didn’t take it seriously at all D.couldn’t wait to open it

4.What may be the best title for the text

A.A dream too high to achieve. B.Too stupid to be a nurse?

C.Never too late to 1earn. D.A chance too important to miss



Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans

Monkeys do math

If monkeys manage the world, we might have stayed away from the recent banking hardship. In an experiment led by Keith Chen at Yale, monkeys showed an understanding of pricing and planning the money, as well as a wish to stay away from losses when required to buy food with money. Makes sense this one looks like it’s checking its stocks (股票) on a smart phone. Think that’s impressive?

Camel eats breakfast with people

The first time Joe ate with British farmers, he was uninvited. The four-year-old Bactrian camel stuck his head through their open kitchen window, and emptied a fruit bowl. Now the couple, who rent out reindeer, camels, goats, and other creatures for television shows, movies, and photo shoots, set a place at their table for the confident double-humped creature, where Joe eats grain food and his favorite: bananas on toast.

Marmots (土拨鼠) befriend a boy

A group of marmots in the Austrian Alps has made friends with eight-year-old Matteo Walch by chance, whose family vacations there in summer. Typically, they beat their tails, chatter, and whistle to warn other marmots of danger, but with Matteo, they behave much differently, allowing the boy to feed, pet, and even touch noses with them. “Watching them makes me feel a connection with nature,” says Matteo. How sweet!

1.In what way do monkeys behave like humans according to the text?

A.In character. B.In intelligence.

C.In communication. D.In the way of lifestyle.

2.Why do the British couple raise the animals?

A.To make money.

B.To have dinners with them.

C.To protect endangered animals.

D.To train them to act as humans.

3.Why did Matteo Walch go to the Austrian Alps?

A.To warn marmots of danger.

B.To develop interest in nature.

C.To make friends with marmots.

D.To go on a holiday with his family.




1.For what reason did so many people gather on the Golden Gate Bridge?

A.They wanted to use the opening of the bridge.

B.They wanted to walk across the bridge.

C.They wanted to get involved in celebrating the 50th birthday of the bridge.

2.When did the bridge walk begin?

A.It began at the time when the sun was rising.

B.It began at the time when the sun was setting.

C.It began at the time when the moon was rising.

3.How long did the party last?

A.It lasted four hours. B.It lasted the whole day. C.It lasted half a day.



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