满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 On my way...


On my way home, I found a wallet which contained only three dollars and a letter that looked as if it had been in there for years. The envelope was worn and the only thing that was clear to read on it with the return address. The letter was written almost 60 years ago, which told Michael, the recipient(收信人), that the writer could not see him anymore because her mother forbade it. Even so, she would always love him. It was signed “Hannah.”

I called information in the hope that the operator could find a phone listing for the address on the envelope. The operator helped me find the woman who bought Hannah’s parents’ house 30 years ago. She remembered that Hannah had to place her mother in a nursing home several years ago.

I called the nursing home. A man told me the old lady had passed away but Hannah was staying with them. Even though it was late at night, I asked if I could come by to see her. “Well,” the man said hesitatingly, “if you want to take a chance, she might be in the day room watching television.”

I drove over, and the night nurse and a guard greeted me at the gate. Accompanied by the nurse, I went up to the 3rd floor. In the day room, the nurse introduced me to Hannah.

I told her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter. The second she saw the envelope, she took a deep breath and said, “Young man, this letter was the last contact I ever had with Michael. I love him very much. But my mother felt I was too young. Michael Goldstein was a wonderful person. If you should find him,” she hesitated, almost biting her lip, “tell him I still love him. You know, I never did marry…”

I said good night to Hannah. At the gate, the guard asked, “Was the old lady able to help you?” I told him she had given me a last name which might help me find the owner of the wallet.


1. 所续写的短文的词数应为150词左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好;

Paragraph 1:

When I showed him the wallet, he said, “Hey, that’s Mr. Goldstein’s wallet!” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

The three of us went back to the day room to find Hannah. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph 1: When I showed him the wallet, he said, “Hey, that’s Mr. Goldstein’s wallet!” Who's Mr. Goldstein?" I asked. "He's one of the old-timers on the eighth floor. That's Mike Goldstein's wallet, for sure. " I thanked the guard and ran back to ask the night nurse if he knew Mike Goldstein. "I knew him. I think he's still in the day room." the nurse said. With the help of the nurse I found Mike Goldstein. The nurse asked him if he had lost his wallet. Michael Goldstein looked up and nodded. I showed him the wallet ,asking if it was his wallet. "Yes," he said, "that's it.” I then told him I read the letter in the wallet to find out who owned the wallet and that I met Hannah before I found him. After hearing this, he was thrilled and asked me where was Hannah. And he told me he never married.“ I guess I’ve always loved her." "Michael," I said. "Come with me." Paragraph 2: The three of us went back to the day room to find Hannah. Hannah was sitting, still watching TV. The nurse went over to her. "Hannah," he said softly. "Do you know this man?" Michael and I stood waiting in the doorway. She adjusted her glasses, looked for a moment, but didn't say a word. "Hannah, it's Michael. Michael Goldstein. Do you remember?" "Michael? Michael? It's you!" He walked slowly to her side. She stood and they embraced. Then the two of them sat on a couch, held hands and started to talk. The nurse and I walked out, both of us crying. Three weeks later, I got a call from the burse and invited me to attend the wedding of Hannah and Mike! It was a lovely wedding, with all the people at the nursing home joining in the celebration. Hannah looked beautiful and Michael wore a dark blue suit, standing tall. A perfect ending for a love affair that had lasted nearly 60 years. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,作者捡到了一个钱包,里面有一封很旧的信。信是名叫汉娜的女人写给迈克尔的,汉娜在信中写到因为她的母亲不同意所以她不会再见他,但是她会永远爱他。通过信上面的地址作者辗转找到了汉娜,汉娜告诉作者她还爱着迈克尔,请求作者如果能见到迈克尔一定要告诉他“我还爱着他”。出门的时候,作者把这个钱包给门卫看了。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:当我给他看钱包时,他说:“嘿,那是迈克尔先生的钱包!”,所以应该写作者如何找到迈克尔,迈克尔的反应如何等。第二段开头是:我们三个人回到休息室去找汉娜。这说明作者找到了迈克尔先生,这里应该写迈克尔先生和汉娜的重逢以及两个人的结局等。 最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右,按要求完成写作任务。


1.    到达时间;

2.    旅游安排;

3.    Sue见面。


2.    可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





Traveling can be a wonderful adventure.Traveling by airplane, however, can be very 1.(tire) .The following are some tips 2. (help) reduce the discomfort of your next long plane trip.

Don't pack too much.It's no fun3.(carry) a heavy suitcase around everywhere. Instead, pack only4.you know you are going to wear.Choose clothes that can5.(wear) together. For example, take one pair of pants and three matching tops.

In your carry-on bag(a small bag that you keep with you on the plane) , pack your toothbrush, medicines, and any other important6.(person) items(物品) . Also , pack some extra clothes so that you can survive if your suitcase is7.(lose) .

Try to book the8.(early) flight of the day. Delays are less likely if your flight is the first one to leave.

Take a neck cushion9.you on board for a lengthy flight. A neck cushion reduces tiredness10. prevents you form getting a painful neck after a long flight.



    A thief dropped a winning lottery ticket(彩票)at the scene of his crime has been given a lesson in _______. The man whom he robbed _______the ticket and won the 25,000 prize, but he managed to find the thief,and handed over _______.

The robbery happened when Professor Sabbatuccci was changing a tyre on a highway.Another motorist who stopped‘to_______', stole a suitcase from his car and drove off.The professor found the_______ticket and brought it home.

Next day the professor saw the lottery_______on TV and realized it was a winner.He_______the 25,000 prize but he decided not to keep the money.He made an announcement on the radio_______:‘I'm trying to find the man who robbed me.I have 25000 for him-a lottery_______.Please meet me.'

The professor received hundreds of________from people who were hoping to________him into handing them the money.But there was one voice he________-and he arranged to meet the man in a park.

The robber gave back the________and burst into tears.He could not ________what was happening.‘Why didn't you keep the money?'he asked.The professor replied‘Because it's not mine.'Then he walked off turning down the thief's________to share the prize.

1.A.friendship B.honesty C.bravery D.adventure

2.A.sent B.took out C.bought D.picked up

3.A.crime B.ticket C.money D.evidence

4.A.repair B.rest C.watch D.help

5.A.left B.dropped C.forgotten D.damaged

6.A.results B.story C.loss D.sales

7.A.presented B.took C.donated D.shared

8.A.joking B.saying C.wondering D.replying

9.A.number B.luck C.win D.receipt

10.A.notes B.emails C.letters D.calls

11.A.trick B.persuade C.lead D.draw

12.A.recognized B.remembered C.recorded D.recovered

13.A.car B.suitcase C.money D.check

14.A.imagine B.blame C.believe D.realize

15.A.deal B.promise C.payment D.offer



    You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for about two hundred years, but no one is sure who first made this popular two-wheeled machine.

1.The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals (踏板), Riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground.

2. In 1879 an Englishman had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears(齿轮), which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

There are now about one billion bicycles in the world.3.They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world' s cities, and the two forms of transport don' t always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously hurt in accidents.

Because bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, now many governments encourage people to ride rather than drive.4.The number of yearly journeys made by bicycle in London has increased 50% over the last five years.

However, although one in three British people owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could 5..

It is hoped that more people will rely on bicycles to move around. The reasons are obvious--cycling helps to protect the environment, keep us fit, and it is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car in many cases.

A.Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s.

B.Cycling is on the rise in the United Kingdom.

C.Bicycles are used for only 2 % of journeys in the UK.

D.The first person who made a bicycle was an Englishman.

E.The number of bicycles is twice more than that of cars.

F.The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today.

G.Cycling helps improve people's health.



    Your dog is as smart as any two year old, according to a new study. Dogs bring much happiness to their owners, and even improve human health. Most two-year-olds keep us busy in life - an important part of living a long and happy life. According to Stanley Coren, Ph.D.of the University of British Columbia, our dogs are smarter than we thought.

Dr. Coren reviewed many studies to find out that dogs are as smart as 2 to 2.5-year-olds. Forget about one word orders - according to Coren, the smartest dogs can learn up to 250 words. Most dogs understand an average of 165 words. “The upper limit of dogs, ability to learn language is partly based on a study of a Border Collie  named Rico who showed knowledge of 200 spoken wordsand ‘fast-track learning,’ which scientists believed to be found only in humans and language-learning apes ().”

Dogs are also great at tricking. During play, they have the ability to trick humans and other dogs in order to get treats. “And they are nearly as successful in tricking humans as humans are in tricking dogs,” says Coren.

Dogs can also count to four or five, which might explain how they know when their toys are missing. Coren explains, “Their astonishing flashes of smartness and creativity are reminders that they may not be Einsteins, but are sure closer to humans than we thought.”

Animals can do much to keep us happy, healthy, and protect us from harm. Stories of dog heroes can be found using a simple Internet search. Pets teach us sense of duty, keep us from loneliness,and can help with treatment of the disabled.

1.How do dogs bring happiness and health to humans according to the author?

A.By doing funny tricks. B.By keeping their owners busy.

C.By serving their owners. D.By playing with the children.

2.In what way is Rico special?

A.He understands one-word orders.

B.He uses words like a 2.5-year-old.

C.He is Coren's favorite subject for study.

D.He shows a high level of language ability.

3.What does Coren say about dogs' counting ability?

A.It is as good as an ape's.

B.It is close to that of humans.

C.It shows their smartness.

D.It leaves a lot to be studied.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Dogs are smarter than we thought.

B.Dogs do well in tricking for food.

C.Dogs are people's faithful friends.

D.Dogs can speak human language.



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