满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As the saying goes, every cloud has a si...

    As the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining. Nikki Christou, a young girl from London, has an abnormal connection between the arteries (动脉) and veins (静脉). It has resulted in a _____abnormality. But Nikki, who’s a huge makeup enthusiast, doesn't let anything or anyone _____her style. She makes makeup lessons for her YouTube page _____and has become a star. Through the videos, she hopes to _____others who may also have rare illnesses or _____. Nikki wants to inspire anyone with a rare illnesses and show them that _____lies within. Being different should not mean being _____or feeling there is no real place for you in this world and that you don't have a(n) _____role to play.

In her videos, she shares looks for different _____like a dance, a birthday party, a conference and so on. In addition to showing viewers _____looks, she also records other videos that give you a _____at her life, such as baking lessons, Q&As.

____getting hurtful comments from people criticizing her appearance, Nikki says that she _____focuses on the good side. “I don’t let them _____me. Focus on the happy things _____the sad things, because if you focus on the negative, you are not going to _____life,” she said. “Just know if you believe in yourself, really try hard and _____all the negativity in your life, you will lead a happy life. You only live once, and you cannot be _____hardworking.”

As if being a YouTube star wasn't enough of an achievement, she is also the _____behind The Butterfly AVM Charity, a charity set up by her parents to fundraise for research into the illness. She has also helped _____more than 55,525,65 British pounds for the foundation through a crowd-funding campaign.

1.A.visual B.psychological C.facial D.emotional

2.A.limit B.copy C.admire D.break

3.A.painfully B.regularly C.hopefully D.rapidly

4.A.take up B.pick up C.make up D.lift up

5.A.appearances B.difficulties C.conditions D.impressions

6.A.beauty B.happiness C.success D.truth

7.A.established B.ignored C.commented D.defeated

8.A.leading B.special C.intellectual D.positive

9.A.reasons B.occasions C.purposes D.graduates

10.A.popular B.unique C.various D.typical

11.A.photo B.glance C.mission D.symbol

12.A.Regardless of B.In consequence of C.Instead of D.In spite of

13.A.even B.still C.only D.yet

14.A.upset B.impress C.endanger D.interrupt

15.A.other than B.or rather C.rather than D.less than

16.A.change B.waste C.guarantee D.enjoy

17.A.block out B.wipe out C.bring out D.leave out

18.A.such B.so C.enough D.too

19.A.founder B.inspiration C.sponsor D.leader

20.A.collect B.distribute C.spread D.earn


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。Nikki由于疾病导致面部畸形,但她不在意这些负面事情,而是关注好的一面,并制作视频鼓励那些和她一样的人以积极的心态去享受生活。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这导致了面部畸形。A. visual视觉的;B. psychological心理的;C. facial面部的;D. emotional情感上的。根据下文的___12___getting hurtful comments from people criticizing her appearance,可知,疾病导致“面部”变形。故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是Nikki是一个化妆的狂热爱好者,她不会让任何事情或任何人限制她的风格。A. limit限制;B. copy复制;C. admire赞美;D. break打破。根据中的But表示转折,尽管面瘫,也不会“限制”她的风格。故选A。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她定期为自己的YouTube主页上化妆课,已经成为了一名明星。A. painfully 费力地;B. regularly有规律地;C. hopefully 充满希望地;D. rapidly快速地。根据makes makeup lessons 和 has become a star.可知,要“定期”为自己化妆。故选B。 4.考查动词词组。句意:通过这些视频,她希望鼓舞那些可能也患有罕见疾病或病症的人。A. take up拿起,从事;B. pick up拾起,接收,偶然学到;C. make up组成,编造;D. lift up升起,激励。根据Through the videos和others who may also have rare illnesses可知,此处指通过视频“激励”像她一样的人。故选D。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:通过这些视频,她希望鼓舞那些可能也患有罕见疾病或病症的人。A. appearances出现;B. difficulties 困难;C. conditions条件;D. impressions印象。根据第5空前的rare illnesses可知,此处指相同“病症”的人。故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Nikki想要鼓舞那些患有罕见疾病的人,让他们知道美丽就在内心。A. beauty美;B. happiness幸福;C. success 成功;D. truth事实。根据第6空后lies within可知,此处指“美”在内心。故选A。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:与众不同不应该意味着被忽视,或者觉得在这个世界上你没有真正的位置,你没有一个积极的角色可以扮演。A. established建立;B. ignored忽视;C. commented评论;D. defeated打败,战胜。根据第7空后的or feeling there is no real place for you in this world可知,与众不同并不意味着“被忽视”。故选B。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:与众不同不应该意味着被忽视,或者觉得在这个世界上你没有真正的位置,你没有一个积极的角色可以扮演。A. leading领导的,主要的;B. special特殊的,专门的;C. intellectual智力的,聪明的;D. positive积极的,肯定的。根据第8空前的feeling there is no real place for you in this world可知,此处指没有扮演“积极的”角色。故选D。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在她的视频中,她分享了不同场合的着装,比如舞会、生日派对、会议等等。A. reasons理由;B. occasions场合,机会;C. purposes目的;D. graduates毕业生。根据第9空后的like a dance, a birthday party, a conference and so on可知,此处指不同的“场合”。故选B。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了向观众展示各种造型,她还录制了其他视频,让你了解她的生活,比如烘焙课、Q&As。A. popular受欢迎的;B. unique 独一无二的;C. various各种各样的;D. typical典型的。第10空后的looks指的是“外貌”,此空表示向观众展示“不同的”造型。故选C。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:除了向观众展示各种造型,她还录制了其他视频,让你了解她的生活,比如烘焙课、Q&As。A. photo照片;B. glance浏览,扫视;C. mission使命,任命;D. symbol象征。根据第11空后的her life, such as baking lessons, Q&As.可知,此处指观看者“了解”她的生活。故选B。 12.考查词组。句意:尽管人们批评她的外表,说她受到了伤害,但妮基说她只关注好的一面。A. Regardless of不管,不顾;B. In consequence of由于……的缘故;C. Instead of代替;D. In spite of尽管,虽然。根据hurtful comments from people criticizing her appearance和focuses on the good side可知,此处指“尽管”别人批评她的外表。故选D。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:尽管人们批评她的外表,说她受到了伤害,但妮基说她只关注好的一面。A. even甚至;B. still仍然;C. only仅仅;D. yet还。根据第13空后的focuses on the good side可知,此处指她“仅仅”关注好的一面。故选C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不让他们让我心烦。A. upset使心烦;B. impress给予某人深刻印象;C. endanger 使受到危险;D. interrupt中断,打断。根据下文because if you focus on the negative, you are not going to ___16___life,可知,她不会让不好的一面“烦恼”自己。故选A。 15.考查词组。句意:关注快乐的事情而不是悲伤的事情,因为如果你关注消极的事情,你就不会享受生活A. other than除了,不同于;B. or rather更确切地说;C. rather than 而不是;D. less than少于。根据Focus on the happy things和the sad things可知,“不关注”消极的事情。故选C。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:关注快乐的事情而不是悲伤的事情,因为如果你关注消极的事情,你就不会享受生活。A. change改变;B. waste浪费;C. guarantee确保;D. enjoy喜爱。根据第16空后的life可知,此处指关注消极事情,就不会“享受”生活。故选D。 17.考查动词词组。句意:只要你相信自己,真的很努力,排除生活中的所有消极因素,你就会过上幸福的生活。A. block out封闭,阻挡;B. wipe out擦净;C. bring out出版,生产;D. leave out遗漏,省去。根据第17空后的all the negativity in your life, you will lead a happy life可知,“排除”生活中的消极面。故选A。 18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:你只能活一次,你再怎么努力也不过分。 A. such这样的;B. so如此;C. enough足够;D. too也,太。固定句型:cannot be +too +形容词,表示“再怎样做也不为过,越……越好……”。故选D。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:似乎成为一名YouTube明星还不足以成为一项成就,她也是Butterfly AVM慈善机构的灵感来源。该慈善机构由她的父母建立,旨在为这种疾病的研究筹集资金。A. founder创立者;B. inspiration灵感,鼓舞;C. sponsor赞助者,主办者;D. leader领导者。根据19空后的behind The Butterfly AVM Charity, a charity set up by her parents to fundraise for research into the illness.可知,她受到了The Butterfly AVM Charity的“鼓舞”。故选B。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她还通过众筹活动为该基金会募集了55,525,65英镑的捐款。A. collect收集;B. distribute分配,散步;C. spread传播,散布;D. earn赚得。根据第20空后的more than 55,525,65 British pounds for the foundation through a crowd-funding campaign.可知,她帮助“募捐”钱。故选A。

    What if someone says something against your ideas? If you can't deal with it reasonably, then an argument might occur. However, it can’t help solve the problem. 1.To avoid an unnecessary argument, some practices and skills might help.

Listen with everything you have.

2. Let him finish, and while he is speaking, make eye contact and let him know you hear him. It's amazing that even after a long and drawn out argument neither person feels really heard, so listen attentively. If the delivery bothered you, you can choose to address that later if you'd like.

Don't take it personally.

Listen from a place of selfless compassion (同情) and don’t take it personally. 3.Try to distinguish his message or what he is feeling rather than giving your attention to the reactions and feelings that arise within you as he speaks.


When the other person finishes, you don’t need to respond right away. Take the time to think of what you would like to say. It's okay to be silent and thoughtful for a moment. Clear out all those reactions that are based on your own feelings before you speak.

Address the message communicated to you.

Take the time to address what was said rather than addressing your own feelings about it. Not doing so is how arguments go out of control. Instead respond only to the message that was communicated. 5.

A.Take a moment before you respond.

B.Put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

C.It can even hurt both feelings sometimes.

D.It can do both good and harm to each other.

E.Don’t interrupt, even if the other person is going on and on.

F.In this way, the other person will know he was heard and understood.

G.The listeners will understand you and follow your advice happily.



    A survey in the Philippines has shown the country uses a “shocking” amount of single-use plastic, including nearly 60 billion sachets (小袋) a year, a new report said Friday. The report, produced by the non-governmental organization GAIA, is part of an effort to collect data on plastic consumption as environmentalists push for government action to reduce plastic waste.

It contains shocking figures: every day, almost 48 million shopping bags are used throughout the Philippines, adding up to more than 17 billion a year.  And that figure does not include the smaller, thinner and often transparent plastic bags known as “labo” bags—around 16.5 billion of those are used per year across the country, the report says. The figures are based on 21 waste assessments conducted in 13 cities across the Philippines, with the national figures produced by extrapolating(推断) from local results.

More than half of non-recyclable plastic analyzed in the survey came from sachets—small plastic packets often lined with aluminium or containing other materials that make them non-recyclable.  Small portions of products ranging from coffee to shampoo are often sold in sachets in the Philippines, and are seen as an affordable solution for consumers.

But Grate said the popularity appeared to be more a result of what is available, with wealthier consumers simply buying multiple sachets. “If you go to the supermarkets, it’ s rare for you to be able to buy coffee in bigger containers; it’s all in sachets,” he said.

The survey is the first time an organization has tried to quantify(确定数量) sachet use, and the NGO hopes to pressure both the government and industry to take action on controlling single-use plastic. The report found that where local-level plastic bag bans have been put in place and strictly enforced, usage has dropped dramatically.

It urged the government to “institute a comprehensive national plastic bag ban that promotes reusable bags”. And it wants regulations on other single-use plastic products and rules requiring companies to redesign products and packaging to minimize plastic waste.

1.What’ s the purpose of GAIA in carrying out the survey?

A. To show how shocking the amount of plastic waste can be.

B. To get people and the government know better about its final goal.

C. To collect accurate numbers of plastic bags used in the whole country.

D. To help make the government take measures to reduce plastic waste.

2.Why can’t many sachets be recycled?

A. They are not made of only plastic.

B. They won’ t last long after being buried.

C. They cost less to be made than recycled.

D. They can naturally change to a simpler chemical form.

3. Which is a reason for the popularity of sachets in the Philippines?

A. They can’ t be easily afforded. B. Big containers are rarely available.

C. Shopping bags are often transparent. D. They are more environmentally friendly.

4.How can companies help reduce plastic waste according to GAIA?

A. By producing fewer products.

B. By inventing new recycling machines.

C. By donating money to recycling companies.

D. By using as little plastic as possible on their products.



    Sweat rolled off my forehead as my younger brother and I sat under the tree.

“Hi, Jason,” said my brother, Chad. “Do you hear the train?” I listened, but I heard only thunder in the distance. It was still miles away, but I heard it. It grew stronger and louder as it gained speed and got closer. How could that be? I wondered.

We were about to grab our bikes to see what it actually was when we stopped. What looked like a flock of birds darkened the sky overhead. When I looked at it closer, I realized it wasn’t birds. It was a tornado (龙卷风). The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as the air turned green and heavy. The sun disappeared. The wind strengthened and roared. I grabbed Chad’s arm and pulled him toward the house.

I tried to open the door, but it was as if an invisible force pushed against me. The door refused to open. When we finally managed to get inside, we found it was as dark as night. Our family had practiced a tornado safety plan many times. But I had never imagined that it would be just Chad and me at home the first time we needed to use it.

“Inside the closet!” I yelled. It was small and crowded, but we got in it anyway. Chad began to cry. “It’s going to be all right.” I told him. But I was worried about Mom. I hope she’d found a safe place to wait out the storm.

The storm continued. I heard a thud on the roof. I felt the whole house shaking. Then it was quiet. I opened the door and we inched our way out of the closet. Rain had got in through the open window and wet the carpets. A kitchen window had shattered, its screen blown away. I looked at the backyard. The tree was uprooted, and broken branches lay on the ground.

“Jason, I can’t get service,” Chad said as he held the phone in his hand. We had no electricity, either. I glanced at the wall clock. Had it been only 20 minutes since we’d first heard the thunder?

Then I heard footsteps toward the house. Mom had made it home safely. “Boys!” she yelled. “Are you all right?”

We ran out and hugged her. The sun came out, and this time it shone bright and clear.

1.When the tornado struck, ________.

A.the boys felt terrified and asked for help

B.a flock of birds darkened the sky overhead

C.the boys protected themselves in a safe place

D.the sound of the train grew stronger and louder

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Mom had trouble in finding the boys.

B.Jason knew how to deal with a tornado.

C.The tornado lasted for over half an hour.

D.Their house was flooded by the heavy rain.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Jason?

A.Calm and thoughtful. B.Cautious and curious.

C.Dependent and sensitive. D.Creative and active.



    While your competitors are still waiting for the water to warm up, you could be giving your dragon boat season a jump-start with a paddling vacation in Orlando, Florida. Spring camp is suitable for all ages and levels, perfect for those looking for a break from the ordinary (or cold) while enjoying the sport of dragon boat with like-minded people.

The 2018 Florida Training Camp promises to be a week of fun and fitness on and off the water. Register as a team, small group or individual, with customizable (定制的) add-ons for those looking to give an edge to their personal performance.

The week will close out on Saturday with a camp BBQ and a racing regatta(赛船会)! Opening festivities begin on the evening of Sunday April 15th with camp check-in. Training begins on Monday April 16th and ends on Saturday April 21st.


Dates: Monday April 16th to Saturday April 21st, 2018

Price: $395 USD, $370 before January 19th, 2018

Features include:

·Daily schedule

·Twice daily dragon boat training sessions

·Daily video analysis

·Individual help (twice weekly)

·Additional daily group sessions

·Camp-sponsored socials


The options outlined below are available during the week of camp and can be booked as an add-on. Add-ons can be included in your initial registration or purchased at a later time through the online registration system.

Option 1: High Performance Program, Cost: $75 USD

If you want to learn how to move your boat faster, the High Performance Program is for you! This option consists of three progressive one-hour sessions completely focused on racing techniques, strategies, and drills, with the goal of increasing your overall speed.

Option 2 : Coaching Community Dragon Boat (Level 1), Cost: $175 USD

This course is intended for anyone interested in entry-level coaching. Expect the material included in the course to cover safety, ethics (道德) in coaching, coach-athlete communication, basic dragon boat techniques, basic physiological requirements of dragon boat racing, race and practice planning, plus more.

1.According to the passage, _______in this camp.

A.you will enjoy a BBQ at the opening

B.you need to be over 18

C.you should have some dragon boat skills

D.you can have fun on land

2.How much does the camp with Option 1 cost if you pay at the end of 2017?

A.$ 370 B.$ 395

C.$ 445 D.$ 470

3.We can learn from the passage that ______.

A.Option 1 includes a three-hour session

B.add-ons can be bought during registration

C.Option 2 is for those fond of advanced coaching

D.video analysis is covered in the coaching course



现在许多人都在努力学习英语。请你根据以下提示写一篇题为“Why Should We Learn English?”的短文,论述学习英语的重要性,词数100左右。


1. 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件、书籍、杂志都是用英语书写。

2. 学好英语可使我们更好地向外国学习先进经验。

3. 借助英语可以更快、更好地学习现代科学和技术。

4. 学好英语能使我们更好地为祖国服务。

5. 学习英语有时也是一大趣事。











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