满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In 2010,my mother-in-law gave me her rat...

    In 2010my mother-in-law gave me her rather simple but graceful, antique “secretary desk.” The desk easily fit into the tiny room at the top of the stairs. I felt so secure, and confident when I sat down and began each writing session. Despite the desk’s appeal, its limited storage capacity meant that I often put file folders and books on the small floor space around me. After each writing session, I painstakingly gathered the tools of the trade and placed them on a nearby shelf until the next session.

A few years into my writing journey, we moved into a bigger home and I acquired my own office. My husband, Bill offered on more than one occasion to buy me a new desk for my office, but I ignored his offer.

One day, we stopped at the local office supply store. Bill found what he thought  was the perfect desk for me. “ I want to buy this for you, sweetie. My writer needs a bigger desk.” He hugged me.

“Thanks, but I don’t want a bigger desk!” I said.

“Why don’t you want a bigger desk?” he said. “You must be afraid of something.”

“I’m not afraid of anything,” I said. “ Like I said, I really like my little desk. So don’t ask me again”.

He didn’t.

A few weeks later, while working in my new office, I looked around at the folders , books and papers lying all over my office floor but couldn’t find what needed to meet a contest deadline. My heart raced. I looked around my office. The room basically swallowed the tiny desk, making it look slightly out of place. Maybe I did need a bigger desk. Was Bill right? Was I afraid of something?

Unable to write, I pulled C.JoyBell C.’s book of poetry, All Things Dance Like Dragonflies, from the bookshelf. I flipped through its pages, and her words about faith jumped off the page into my heart. She talked about how she had trained herself to love the feeling of not knowing where she was going, and just trusting that as she opened up her wings and flew off in an unknown direction, things would work out.

At that moment, I recognized that a bigger desk symbolized bigger possibilities, stepping out in faith, and leaving my comfort zone.

1.What was the limitation of the “secretary desk”?

A.It was a bit small in size. B.It was too old to be functional

C.It competed with the shelf for room D.It prevented the author focusing on writing.

2.What happened to the author at the local office supply store?

A.She talked her husband into buying a desk. B.She had a quarrel with the salesperson.

C.She managed to overcome her fear. D.She declined her husband’s offer.

3.When did the author want to buy a new desk?

A.After she was stuck in a mess B.When she finished writing a book.

C.When she moved into a bigger house. D.After she missed an important contest.

4.What was the author afraid of before?

A.Unemployment B.Uncertainty

C.Loss of friendship D.Lack of trust

5.What would be the best title of the passage?

A.My writing journey. B.On the wings of change.

C.Why I love writing. D.A quarrel between my husband and I.


1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者是一名作家,作者一直用一张小桌子办公。之后作者有了自己的办公室,但是由于作者不想改变,害怕未知的事情,作者拒绝换张大桌子。有一天当作者陷入杂乱的办公环境,读到一本书时,深有感悟。作者明白了,要爱上未知的感觉,怀揣信仰,走出舒适区。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“...its limited storage capacity...”可知这张桌子容量有限,体积不大。故选A项。 2.细节理解题。根据第四段的“Thanks, but I don’t want a bigger desk!”及第六段“Like I said, I really like my little desk. So don’t ask me again.”可知, 在丈夫提出要给作者买张大桌子的时候我拒绝了。故选D项。 3.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“I looked around at the folders, books and papers lying all over my office floor but couldn’t find what needed to meet a contest deadline.”及“The room basically swallowed the tiny desk, making it look slightly out of place. Maybe I did need a bigger desk.”可知作者环顾办公室地板上的文件夹、书籍和文件,但找不到要找的文件的时候,作者想着或许作者确实需要一张大点的桌子。可知这个时候作者被受限于这个混乱的办公环境。故选A项。 4.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“I flipped through its pages, and her words about faith jumped off the page into my heart.”可知作者读到一本书里作者的一些话让作者深有感触。“She talked about how she had trained herself to love the feeling of not knowing where she was going, and just trusting that as she opened up her wings and flew off in an unknown direction, things would work out.”可知书的作者训练自己去爱上不确定的感觉。由此可推理出作者之前是因为害怕不确定性所以才拒绝换大桌子。故选B项。 5.主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段中的“She talked about how she had trained herself to love the feeling of not knowing where she was going, and just trusting that as she opened up her wings and flew off in an unknown direction, things would work out.”可知, 作者明白了要爱上未知的感觉,并且相信当她张开翅膀朝着一个未知的方向飞去时,一切都会好起来的。结合选项可知B项(搭乘改变之翼)为短文最佳标题。故选B项。

    The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. Let’s meet some of the great women who have left their mark on the country’s highest court.

Margaret Brent

In the early years of our nation, women were generally prevented from practicing law. However, there were some exceptions. One such exception was Margaret Brent, who settled in Maryland with her sisters in 1638 and became a wealthy landowner. Brent appeared before courts several times to file lawsuits( ) against people who owed her money.

Lucy Terry Prince

Lucy was well -known for her skills as a public speaker, and in 1796 she became the first black woman in America to argue before a Supreme Court justice. The case arose from a land dispute, and Lucy argued against two leading lawyers. Chief Justice Samuel Chase , who oversaw the case, said that Prince “made a better argument than he had ever heard from a lawyer in Vermont.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1933, Ginsburg attended Cornell University and Columbia Law School. Between 1972 and 1978, she argued six cases before the Supreme Court concerning laws that kept women out of certain occupations. She won five of them. In the spring of 1993, Justice Byron White retired from the Supreme Court. President Bill Clinton then picked Ginsburg to be his replacement.

Myra Bradwell

In 1872, the Illinois Supreme Court denied Myra Bradwell’s admission to the Illinois Bar despite the fact that she had passed the state bar exam. Bradwell then asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn(撤销) the Illinois court’s decision. Unfortunately for Bradwell, the tables weren’t turned. The Supreme Court claimed that there was nothing unconstitutional about denying a woman the chance to practice as a lawyer.

1.Which of the following describes Margaret Brent?

A.Brave and determined B.Generous and friendly

C.Considerate and optimistic D.Traditional and scholarly

2.What was Samuel Chase’s attitude to Lucy’s argument?

A.Favorable B.Uncaring

C.Doubtful D.Grateful

3.Who served on the Supreme Court?

A.Margaret B.Myra Bradwell

C.Lucy Terry Prince D.Ruth Bader Ginsburg

4.What does the author mean by the underlined sentence in the text?

A.Bradwell failed the state bar exam B.Bradwell’s request was unconstitutional.

C.The Illinois Supreme Court broke the law. D.The Supreme Court ruled against Bradwell.

5.What does the underlined word “denied” mean?

A.Liked. B.Refused

C.Introduced D.Worried



    NASA scientists have found evidence of flowing water on Mars. This opens up the possibility of___ and wonders we can’t begin to imagine. The____undoubtedly is an astonishing achievement.

We may be excited by the thought of living things on another ______, but we seem to have lost _______in our own. In the past four decades, the world has____50% of its vertebrate( )wildlife. But across the latter half of this period, there has been a steep___ in media coverage (报道)of the subject.

Think of what would change if we valued_____ on the earth as much as we value the possibility water  on Mars._____ 3% of the water on this planet is fresh and of that, two-thirds is frozen. Yet we lay waste to  the ___part. Sixty percent of the water used in farming is____by careless irrigation. Rivers, lakes and aquifers ( )are sucked dry, while what remains is often so bad that it____the lives of those who drink it. As for salty water, which so______us  when apparently detected on Mars, however,  on Earth,  we express our___ by destroying it. A new report suggests fish numbers have  halved since  1970. Coral  reefs are under such___ that most could be gone by 2050.

A couple of weeks ago, I launched a column focusing on extreme consumption, and___ suggestions. They have flooded in. Here are just a few of the _____:wigs(假发)for babies, to allow “baby girls with little or no ___at all the opportunity to have a beautifully realistic hair style”; The iPotty, which _____little  children to keep playing while toilet training; a smartphone for dogs to take pictures of themselves....

As clever new ways of wasting stuff are continually___ , we become more and more used to the___ consumption of the world’s precious resources. Isn’t it time for us to have second thoughts about our lifestyle?

1.A.peace B.trust C.life D.danger

2.A.appearance B.discovery C.performance D.operation

3.A.planet B.stage C.level D.island

4.A.courage B.hope C.pride D.interest

5.A.spread B.lost C.ignored D.found

6.A.climb B.turn C.increase D.decline

7.A.water B.plants C.animals D.air

8.A.Often B.Only C.Even D.Last

9.A.private B.public C.unclear D.accessible

10.A.checked B.chosen C.wasted D.polluted

11.A.saves B.threatens C.enriches D.changes

12.A.interests B.satisfies C.frightens D.terrifies

13.A.complaint B.doubt C.appreciation D.surprise

14.A.pressure B.control C.guidance D.attention

15.A.made B.considered C.invited D.followed

16.A.benefits B.reasons C.features D.products

17.A.time B.hair C.help D.knowledge

18.A.allows B.promises C.persuades D.advises

19.A.criticized B.reported C.replaced D.created

20.A.expensive B.limited C.pointless D.stable



After the war broke out , the soldiers in that area were the first group________to the front .

A.to send B.to be sent C.being sent D.sending



What he said was so confusing that I could hardly________his true intention.

A.turn out B.leave out C.make out D.pick out



I've tried hard to improve my English.But by no means ________with my progress.

A.the teacher is not satisfied B.is the teacher not satisfied

C.the teacher is satisfied D.is the teacher satisfied



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