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Electronic heroes As an internet influen...

Electronic heroes

As an internet influencer, there seems to be nothing special about Miquela Sousa. The 19-year-old lives in Los Angeles, US, posts pictures of herself sporting fashionable looks, and has just made her way into the March edition of Vogue magazine. But Miquela isn't real – she is a computer-generated character.

Her fans don't seem to mind – she has 855,000 followers on US social networking platform Instagram. And her first single Not Mine – yes, she ''sings'' too – also reached No. 8 on music streaming (流媒体) platform Spotify last August.

It's kind of curious that in a time when authenticity (真实性) and ''being real'' are valued more than ever, ''fake'' celebrities like Miquela are appreciated and seen as icons (偶像).

Perhaps the reason for Miquela's popularity lies behind the fame of a similar star, Hatsune Miku. This 16-year-old animated singer from Japan has held singing concerts not only in her home country but also in the US and China.

Even though Hatsune's no more than a 3-D figure projected (投射) onto the stage, her fans are more than willing to pay to actually see her ''in person'', because to them, she's better than human singers. ''She's rather more like a goddess: She has human parts, but she transcends (超越) human limitations. She's the great post-human pop star, '' wrote reporter James Verini on Wired magazine.

Critics may say that 3-D stars could never replace the authenticity of humans, but when it comes to being authentic, are humans really the best example of how to do it? Most of us edit our photos before posting them online, and we tend to create a fantasy that we're living a perfect life by letting people only see the brighter side of it.

''Miquela is no less real to me than any other internet stranger with whom I've interacted (互动), '' wrote reporter Leora Yashari on the website Nylon. “Her existence in itself represents a new breed (种类) of influencer – someone who is breaking the boundaries (界限) of what is real and what is fake. ''

1.Who is Miquela Sousa?

A.She's a life-like character with musical talents.

B.She's a new sports star with fashionable looks.

C.She's an experienced singer with thousands of fans.

D.She's an animated figure created by a Japanese company.

2.Why did the author mention Hatsune Miku?

A.To show the similarities 3-D stars share.

B.To make a comparison with Miquela Sousa.

C.To explain why 3-D stars are well received.

D.To stress how 3-D stars go beyond human limitations.

3.What can be concluded from the last two paragraphs?

A.3-D stars could match the authenticity of humans one day.

B.Animated celebrities are not as real as human celebrities.

C.Human celebrities have greater influence than animated ones.

D.3-D stars' public personalities may be just as authentic as humans'.


1.A 2.C 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了现在3D明星非常受欢迎,分析其中的原因,有时人类名人不一定比3D明星做得更好。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段的But she isn't real. Miquela is a computer-generated character. (但,米奎拉不是真实的——她是一个电脑合成的角色)和第二段的And her first single Not Mine – yes, she ''sings'' too – also reached No. 8 on music streaming (流媒体) platform Spotify last August.(她的第一首单曲Not Mine – yes,也是她本人唱的,在去年八月的主流平台Spotify获得了第八名的好成绩)可知,米奎拉.索萨是一个有着音乐天赋的象人一样的人物。A. She's a life-like character with musical talents. (她是一个有着音乐天赋的像人一样的人物)符合以上说法,故选A项。 2.推理判断题。根据第四段的Perhaps the reason for Miquela's popularity lies behind the fame of a similar star, Hatsune Miku. (也许米奎拉受欢迎的原因是另一位相似的明星Hatsune Miku的未来)可推测,作者提到Hatsune Miku是为了介绍为什么现在3D明星这么受欢迎。C. To explain why 3-D stars are well received. (为了解释为什么3D明星为什么这么受欢迎)符合以上推测,故选C项。 3.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的Critics may say that 3-D stars could never replace the authenticity of humans, but when it comes to being authentic, are humans really the best example of how to do it? Most of us edit our photos before posting them online, and we tend to create an illusion that we're living a perfect life by letting people only see the brighter side of it. (批评人士可能会说,3D明星永远无法取代真实的人类,但说到真实,人类真的是做到这一点的最佳例子吗?我们大多数人在上传照片之前都会先对照片进行编辑,我们往往会幻想自己的生活是完美的,因为我们总是让别人看到自己生活中光明的一面)可知,在真实性方面,人类不一定比3D明星做得更好。D. 3-D stars' public personalities may be just as authentic as humans'. (3D明星的公众形象可能和真人一样真实)符合以上说法,故选D项。

    By the time I reached junior high, I was sure I wanted to be a nurse. If you didn’t study Latin, you couldn’t be a nurse, so I enrolled. Many Latin words were familiar to me. The hard part turned out to be the usage and creating sentences with the words that seemed so easy to pronounce. Several weeks into the course my teacher came to me, saying, “I think you should withdraw from this course. It seems to be too hard for you.”

That was the day I learned I wasn’t smart enough to become a nurse. With shame, I handed in my Latin textbook.

After high school, the years raced by. I married and had children. Then one day my husband John came home. “Carol, Max died this afternoon.” I looked at my husband with disbelief.

John was touched by this tragedy. Finally one evening he said, “Carol, Jackie has never worked and now she’s alone with four children. I've been thinking - if anything happens to me. I want you to be able to take care of yourself and the children. Why don’t you think about what you’d like to do and get the training you’ll need to do it?”

I signed up for the entrance exam for nursing programs. One day I received a letter from the schoo1. I wanted so badly to open it, but with my lack of confidence, I laid it on the kitchen counter saying, “I'm not in the mood for a rejection letter today.”

Finally I forced myself to open it. “Dear Carol,”I read. “We are pleased to inform you that you successfully passed the entrance exam.”

An insensitive teacher once stole my dream. If you have a dream, exhaust every effort to reach it. I’ve worked thirty years now as a nurse and I’ve never been more certain that this is what I was meant to be.

1.Why did John advise Carol to find a job?

A.To support the family B.To provide more money for her kids

C.To live a more colorful life D.To be able to live independently

2.From the text, we know what the teacher said____________.

A.destroyed Carol’s dream to be a nurse.

B.helped Carol find her true interest

C.saved Carol from wasting her time

D.encouraged Carol to be careful in learning

3.After receiving the letter from the schoo1, Caro1____________.

A.was uncertain about the result B.had no mood to read it then

C.didn’t take it seriously at all D.couldn’t wait to open it

4.What may be the best title for the text

A.A dream too high to achieve. B.Too stupid to be a nurse?

C.Never too late to 1earn. D.A chance too important to miss















I’m delighted to know you showed a great interest in Chinese table manners. Now I would like to share you how to behave properly when we are invited to dinner.

To begin with, the host will reserve a special seat for the guest, which is highly honored on such an occasion but is expected to be the first to taste the food served. Beside, chopsticks and spoons are usually used when you are eating in China. Third, you are not supposed to making a noise while eating soup. Last but not least, remember to thank the host for the delicious food he has been offered, which will surely make him happily.

I hope my advices will be of help to you.




Texting while crossing the street will soon1.(ban)in Honolulu, Hawaii. From October 242., you could be fined if you step into a Honolulu street while looking at your phone. Honolulu is the first major U. S. city that passed a law,3.says, “No pedestrian shall cross a street or highway while viewing a mobile electronic device.”

The law 4.(include )all electronic devices with screens: cell phones, tablets, gaming devices, digital cameras and laptop computers. The law does permit 5.exception. Pedestrians may use such devices in the street to call emergency services and rescue workers, such as firefighters and police 6.(officer).

7.(hope), it will lower the number of people hit and 8.(kill) by cars in the city. Pedestrian deaths in America have been increasing as the use of cell phones rises. Honolulu has 9.(many) pedestrians hit in crosswalks than almost any other city in America. The number of pedestrian deaths in 201710.(rise) to 6,000, 11% higher than in 2016.



    Winters are always long and cold in North China. The winter of 2008 was especially tough in onesouthwestern city,_________it became extremely cold and itwas also a difficult time for me. What was worse, a(n)_________injury happened to me and it might keep me in bedfor several months, “Just in time for the Spring Festival, ” my mother said to me, sighing. But how could I feel the_________when the snow was so heavy and I had months of physical _______ahead?

One day I was doing my housework_______there wasa tap against the window from a branch of the troublesome fruit tree. On hearing this, with my eyes closed, slowly, I began to recall the fall of 1995 when somebody placed apipe from my pump next to the_______.The earth was so wet that it _______immediately with most its bare rootsupward. Seeing this, my mother_______to pull it out, but I refused“How hard it’s trying!” I said,_________the direction of its strong holding of the earth. “It is __________of a chance to survive.”With tools, we ________dry soilaround the tree and put up some supports into the ground, making it__________ upright.

Several months had passed before Icould be ________of it. Surprisingly, when spring returned, my “ rescue________”had grown some leaves and many__________. In 2009 that little rescue stick had grown into a toweringtree. What an unbelievable miracle of life!

The day before the Spring Festival, the ________ at thewindow was continuing, the more fierce wind, the __________sound, as if to remind me to look up and appreciate its powerful life.

That night I slept peacefully having a(n)__________.In the dream some flowers were coming out__________. The next morning I stood against the window.________the window was the tree bursting with life. Anyway, I had awonderful Spring Festival that year.

1.A.where B.which C.when D.that

2.A.admirable B.terrible C.favorable D.slight

3.A.duty B.joy C.cold D.failure

4.A.treatment B.report C.exercise D.experiment

5.A.while B.as C.when D.that

6.A.window B.tree C.branch D.wall

7.A.stood up B.came out C.got out D.fell down

8.A.decided B.pretended C.failed D.continued

9.A.attaching to B.watching over C.looking into D.pointing to

10.A.confident B.proud C.worthy D.certain

11.A.threw B.turned C.needed D.placed

12.A.bend B.drop C.stand D.swing

13.A.aware B.tired C.worthwhile D.proud

14.A.tool B.stick C.pipe D.pump

15.A.roots B.nuts C.flowers D.stems

16.A.tapping B.striking C.attacking D.hitting

17.A.more B.most C.better D.best

18.A.idea B.walk C.rest D.dream

19.A.politely B.shyly C.passively D.wildly

20.A.On B.Outside C.Inside D.Besides



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