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We established a mutual trust tradition ...

We established a mutual trust tradition which can _____ the test of time.

A.fail B.stand C.take D.conduct


B 【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们建立了一种经得起时间考验的相互信任的传统。 A. fail失败;B. stand容忍;站立;经受住;C. take拿走;D. conduct组织,实施,进行。结合句意可知,所选动词应与之后宾语_____ the test of time结合,表达“经受得住时间的考验”含义。故选B项。  

When you go by train, make sure you take an express, ___________stops only at big stations.

A.one B.one that C.that D.what



You are really         ! I heard marvelous news that you set a new world record.

A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything



Geraniums of Love

As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same public school as my three elder sisters and brother. Every year, my mother went to the same ceremony and had parent-child interviews with the same teachers. The only thing different was the child. And every child _______ an old school traditional activity---the annual plant sale held in early May, just in time for _______Day.

Third grade was the first time that I was allowed to take part in the plant sale. I wanted to surprise my mother. _______, I didn’t have any money. I went to my eldest sister and _______ the secret, and she gave me some money. When I arrived at the plant sale, I carefully made my _______. I agonized(苦苦思索) over that decision, _______ each plant to ensure that I had indeed found the best geranium. The moment I had smuggled it home, with the help of my sister, I _______ it on the upstairs neighbor’s porch. I was very afraid my mother would find it before Mother’s Day, but my sister assured me that she wouldn't, and _______ she did not.

When Mother’s Day arrived, I was bursting with pride when I gave her that geranium. I remember how bright her eyes were, and how delighted she was with my _______.

The year I ________ fifteen, my younger sister reached third grade. In early May, she came to me full of wonder and secrecy and told me that there was going to be a plant sale at school and she wanted to ________ our mother. As my eldest sister did for me, I gave her some money and ________ went my sister. She arrived at home full of ________ excitement, the geranium hidden in a paper bag ________ her sweater. “I looked at every plant,” she explained, “and I know I got the best one!”

I helped my little sister hide that geranium on the upstairs neighbor’s porch, assuring that our mother wouldn’t find it before Mother’s Day. I was there when she gave my mother the geranium and I saw them both bursting with pride and ________. It was like being in a dream I had already dreamed. My mother noticed me ________, and she gave me a soft secret smile. Shocked and puzzled, I ________ back. I had been wondering how my mother could ________ to be surprised at this gift from her sixth child. But as I watched her eyes ________ with delight as she was ________ with that most precious gift, I knew she was not pretending.

1.A.passed down B.participated in C.broke with D.carried on

2.A.Women’s B.Father’s C.Children’s D.Mother’s

3.A.Furthermore B.Moreover C.However D.Therefore

4.A.shared B.discovered C.guarded D.stuck

5.A.plan B.preparation C.present D.selection

6.A.watering B.growing C.inspecting D.protecting

7.A.showed B.potted C.packaged D.hid

8.A.indeed B.instead C.properly D.anyhow

9.A.performance B.grades C.gift D.presence

10.A.went B.turned C.grew D.came

11.A.inspire B.surprise C.satisfy D.relax

12.A.off B.up C.in D.out

13.A.nervous B.youthful C.increasing D.false

14.A.on B.beside C.over D.under

15.A.confusion B.anxiety C.delight D.astonishment

16.A.listening B.watching C.smelling D.tasting

17.A.waved B.smiled C.signed D.called

18.A.pretend B.continue C.appear D.try

19.A.take up B.make up C.light up D.set up

20.A.impressed B.satisfied C.associated D.presented



    Living in a culture that is different from your own can be both an exciting and challenging experience. You have to learn different cultural practices and try to adapt to them.

1. They talk about topics such as ages, income or marital status, which Americans think is annoying and instructive (侵犯的).

In China, elders are traditionally treated with enormous respect and dignity while the young are cherished and nurtured. In America, the goal of the family is to encourage independence, particularly that of the children. 2.

Chinese people have their own way to define friends. 3. Friendship means lifelong friends who feel deeply obliged to give each whatever help might seem required. Americans always call people they meet friends, so the definition of friends is general and different. There are work friends, playing friends, school friends and drinking friends.

As is well known, the Chinese like to save. 4. It is different in the US, where for fewer families are saving money for emergencies and education than their Chinese counterparts.

5. If you achieve something in the US, it’s because you are great. While in China, if you achieve something it’s because the team, or family, or company is great. Everything you do gets attributed to the greater whole, while in America individual merits are celebrated.

A.Just hanging out together from time to time is not friendship.

B.Chinese people put more emphasis on good character and faith.

C.More often than not, they call casual acquaintances friends.

D.They are always conservative when they are planning to spend money.

E.Basically China values the community and the US values the individual.

F.Chinese people do not have the same concept of privacy as Americans do.

G.Unlike the Chinese, older Americans seldom live with their children.



    What makes Belgian (比利时的) chocolate so special? How has Belgian chocolate become so famous? What are the reasons why Belgian chocolate is so good? After reading the text, you will find the answers.

Congo (刚果) became their gateway to Africa’s cocoa plantations and resulted in Belgium bringing back cocoa beans to Europe from Africa around the 1880s. Therefore, Belgium could produce quality chocolate before anyone else in Europe and before most countries in the world. Even the Swiss, who are farmed for their chocolate, learnt much of what they know from the Belgians.

Belgians are naturally good at engineering---They developed processes; they created new methods. Firstly, Belgium was one of the first countries to come up with machines which could make the cocoa beans really thin so that the chocolate was extremely smooth.

Another example of this Belgian innovation was the process brought about by Jean Neuhaus in 1912. He developed a way to make a cold shell of chocolate for what he called “pralines (干果糖)”. These were different and for the first time the chocolate could be filled with a variety of flavored creams, such as coffee, fruit or even more chocolate. No one else at that time could make chocolate with such a complexity of flavor and this development changed the way people would eat chocolate forever.

Just as many Italian villages have a specialty olive oil supplier and many French villages have a local vineyard (酒庄), so is it true that every Belgian village has its own small chocolate shop. Recipes have been passed down through for families for generations. This culture extends to both the quality of ingredients used and the care that is taken when people make the chocolate. The most delicious Belgian chocolate is made not by large manufacturing companies, but in small family chocolate shops by hand and basic equipment.

1.What makes Belgians produce quality chocolate first in Europe?

A.The perfect location. B.The improved process.

C.The advanced equipment. D.The earlier access to cocoa beans.

2.What does the underlined word” innovation” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.devotion. B.creation.

C.strength. D.preference.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Chocolate has been the typical product of Belgium.

B.Belgian chocolate has been also famous in Italy and France.

C.It is hard to buy Belgian chocolate made by small family shops.

D.Recipes of Belgian chocolate were introduced from other countries.

4.What is the structure of the passage?

A.---②③④--- B.--------

C.----③④-- D.----③④⑤



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