满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

With the fast pace of modern society, mo...

    With the fast pace of modern society, more and more people choose to eat processed foods without exactly knowing the harm. According to the following information, let’s know more about the processed foods.

What’s so bad about processed foods?

Processed foods like chips, soda and frozen pizzas are full of salt, sugar and fat. 1. Obesity is a condition involving too much body fat. It increases the risk of many health problems.


The researchers says processed foods are made mostly of industrialized materials and additives.

Sodas, packaged cookies, instant noodles and chicken nuggets are some examples of highly processed foods. But products that can seem healthy, such as morning cereals, energy bars and some kinds of yogurt belongs to this kind, too.

What’s wrong with processed foods?

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health conducted a four-week study involving 20 people. 3. The researchers permitted the 20 participants to eat as much or as little as they wanted. They were taken to a medical center so their health and behavior could be observed.

In another study, researchers in France found people who ate more processed foods were more likely to have heart disease. A similar study in Spain linked eating more processed foods to a higher risk of death in general.

Why will you eat processed foods?

4. Especially, people have limited time and money. Choosing processed food can save time and it is delicious with some additive things in it.

The scientists also found that people ate processed foods more quickly. Kevin Hall is one of the researchers who led the study. He told the AP that processed foods are usually “softer and easier to chew and swallow”.


A.What do processed foods mean?

B.Avoid processed foods can be hard.

C.It’s no good for you to choose processed foods.

D.What’s the disadvantage of the processed foods?

E.The above reasons can account for the harm of processed food clearly.

F.Scientists have already linked packaged foods to rising obesity rates around the world.

G.They found people ate about 500 more calories a day when fed mostly processed foods.


1.F 2.A 3.G 4.B 5.E 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。随着现代社会的快速发展,越来越多的人选择吃加工食品却不知道它的危害。文章介绍了加工食品的有关事宜,清楚地说明了加工食品的危害。 1.根据上文提示“像薯条、苏打水和冷冻披萨这样的加工食品含有大量的盐、糖和脂肪。”再根据下文提示“肥胖是一种身体脂肪过多的状况。”承接上下文,F项Scientists have already linked packaged foods to rising obesity rates around the world.(科学家已经将包装食品与全球不断上升的肥胖率联系起来。)切题。故选F。 2.此空是小标题。结合上下文的小标题,应该是特殊疑问句,在A/D中选择。再根据下文提示“美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的研究人员对20人进行了一项为期四周的研究。”由此可知,A项What do processed foods mean?(加工食品是什么意思?)且题。故选A。 3.根据上文提示“美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的研究人员对20人进行了一项为期四周的研究。”再根据下文提示“研究人员允许20名参与者想吃多少就吃多少。”承接上下文,G项They found people ate about 500 more calories a day when fed mostly processed foods.(他们发现,人们每天多吃500多卡路里的加工食品。)切题。故选G。 4.根据下文提示“特别是,人们有有限的时间和金钱。选择加工食品可以节省时间,它是美味的一些添加的东西。”承接下文,B项Avoid processed foods can be hard.(避免加工食品可能很难。)切题。故选B。 5.根据第一段内容提示“随着现代社会的快速发展,越来越多的人选择吃加工食品却不知道它的危害。根据下面的信息,让我们更多地了解加工食品。”文章介绍了加工食品的有关事宜。承接上面所讲内容,E项The above reasons can account for the harm of processed food clearly.(以上原因可以清楚地说明加工食品的危害。)切题。故选E。

    Scientists blame greenhouse gases for being a major cause of climate change around the world. This is because greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere and make the planet warmer.

Now, a team of researchers has announced a successful experiment that turned carbon dioxide into useful liquid fuel. The researchers created a device, called a reactor, which changes bon dioxide into a pure form of formic acid(甲酸). Formic acid is a substance (物质) found in ants and some other insects, as well as in many plants. It is used as an antibacterial material and in the processing of some kinds of clothing.

Haotian Wang led the research team. He said in a statement that the results of the experiment were important because formic acid is a major carrier of energy. So, the substance can provide a way to reuse carbon dioxide and prevent it from being released into the atmosphere. “It’s a fuel-cell fuel that can generate electricity and send out carbon dioxide which you can grab and recycle again,” Wang said.

“Other methods for turning carbon dioxide into formic acid require intense purification processes,” Wang said. Such methods are very costly and require a lot of energy. The Rice University team said it was able to reduce the number of steps in the traditional process to create a low-cost, energy-saving method.

The researchers reported the reactor device performed with a conversion rate (转化率) of 42 percent. This means that nearly half of the electrical energy can be stored in formic acid as liquid fuel. The team said the reactor was able to create formic acid continuously for 100 hours with little degradation (退化) of the device’s parts.

Wang said the reactor could easily be used to produce other high-value products, including alcohol-based fuels. The researchers noted that the technology could also be a big help in solving another major energy problem—how to store large amounts of power in small places.

1.What factor is the main cause of climate change?

A.Greenhouse gases. B.Chemistry waste.

C.Formic acid. D.Liquid fuel.

2.What do we know about formic acid?

A.It is a large amount of power. B.It can be found in ants.

C.It is high- value equipment. D.It is a substance in clothing.

3.What is Wang’s attitude towards his own research?

A.Doubtful. B.Aggressive.

C.Optimistic. D.Uncaring.

4.In what magazine can you read this text?

A.A travel magazine. B.A sports magazine.

C.A music magazine. D.A science magazine.



    Australia and New Zealand’s health organizations have given their advice on when to use sunscreen (防晒霜), suggesting Australians apply it every day to avoid bad health effects.

A Sunscreen Summit took place in the Australian State of Queensland. During the summit, representatives from some of Australia’s leading research, medical and public health organizations examined the evidence on sunscreen use and determined that in most parts of the country it is beneficial to apply sunscreen every day.

“Up until now, public health organizations have recommended applying sunscreen ahead of planned outdoor activities but haven t recommended applying it every day as part of a morning routine (惯例),” professor Rachel Neale from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute said. “In recent years, it has become clear that the DNA damage causes skin cancer and melanoma(黑色素瘤), which is caused by repeated small exposure to sunlight over a period of time,” Neale said. “In Australia, we get a lot of sun exposure from everyday activities such as alking to the bus stop or train station,” Neale said.

A study showed that one in two Australians believed it was unhealthy and potentially dangerous to use sunscreen every day. However, Terry Slevin from the Public Health Association of Australia says it is wrong. “There is consistent and compelling evidence that sunscreens are safe,” Slevin said. “Importantly, medical trials have found that people who use sunscreen daily have the same levels of vitamin d as those who don’t,” Slevin added.

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world which is made worse by the country’s close to Antarctica where there is a hole in the ozone layer (臭氧层), letting in higher numbers of UV rays.

1.What made Australian health organizations advise Australians to use sunscreen?

A.The makers of sunscreen.

B.Australian government.

C.The Sunscreen Summit.

D.New Zealand’s researchers.

2.What is not recommended before the Sunscreen Summit?

A.Using sunscreen before outdoor activities.

B.Using sunscreen as a morning routine.

C.Reducing the use of sunscreen.

D.Reducing outdoor activities.

3.What is the misunderstanding of many Australians?

A.People using sunscreen won’t have skin cancer.

B.Sunscreen will never take effect.

C.People using sunscreen have the same levels of vitamin

D.D. Sunscreen is bad for people’s health.

4.Which of the following best explains “compelling” underlined in paragraph 4?

A.Interesting. B.Disappointing.

C.Boring. D.Convincing.



    When Faith Wanjiku graduated from the Technical University of Kenya last year, she immediately enrolled (注册) at the Confucius Institute in Kenyatta University. She wanted to learn Chinese, as she believed that it would help her land a good job.

She has just completed the hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) 3 exam. HSK is a test of Chinese language level for non-native speakers, organized by the Confucius Institute Headquarters.

However, this level isn’t enough for Wanjiku, who plans to pass HSK 6. She wanted to increase her level of Chinese and improve her spoken Chinese. And Wanjiku isn’t alone. The number of people taking the HSK reached 6.8 million in 2018 and went up 4.6 percent from a year earlier, the Ministry of Education said on May 31.

Chinese is becoming an increasingly popular choice of language to study around the world. Currently, middle school students in Russia can take Chinese as an elective language test in the country’s national college entrance exam, Sputnik News reported.

In May, Zambia became the fourth country in Africa-after Kenya, Uganda and South Africa—to introduce Chinese language to its schools.

And many English-speaking countries have shown an interest in allowing their students to learn Chinese. The US government announced the launch of “1 Million Strong” in 2015, a plan that aims to bring the total number of learners of Chinese to l million by 2020.

Behind the growing popularity of Chinese language learning is the international community’s positive attitude toward Chinas future development, as well as the people’s longing to learn about Chinese civilization and culture.

Indeed, it’s as the former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela put it, “if you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

1.What did Wanjiku do after graduating from university?

A.She went abroad. B.She learned Chinese.

C.She found a job. D.She travelled to China.

2.HSK is a test for ______.

A.non-native speakers B.native speakers

C.middle school students D.college students

3.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.Wangjiku has lots of friends.

B.Lots of people want to pass HSK6 exam.

C.Wangjiku has passed HSK3 exam.

D.Many people want to live in China.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Chinese Language Study Takes Off

B.Chinese Play an Important Role in Economy

C.People Share the Experience of Learning Chinese

D.Different Opinions about the Function of Chinese



National Zoo in Australia


9: 30 am-5: 00 pm every day of the year, except Christmas Day.


Children: 3-15 years $26

Students: 16 years or above with student card $40

Seniors Card/ Aged Pension(退休金) Card Holders:$40

Adults: $47

Family: 2 adults and up to 3 children: $130


Carers for visitors with disabilities are admitted free of charge. Carers ID is required upon entry.

COMPANION CARD holders receive free entry, as well as their carers.

Please note, we aren’t a government funded zoo and don’t receive a subsidy (补贴) to accept many of the government concession (减价票).


If you are visiting the zoo in a group of 10 or more, you may qualify for our Special Group rates on General Entry prices.


Make the most of your zoo visit and check out our daily keeper activities. There are great opportunities to see animals in action. Watch them enjoy a treat and interact with their keepers as they receive a feed.

On weekends and during school holidays, additional Keeper Talks are added to the schedule and visitors have the chance to meet or even feed some of our wonderful animals!


Become a zoo keeper for a day with the ultimate all day wildlife experience.


Hand feed a tiger, and pat a rhino, which may be your most unforgettable experience.



We are located on Lady Denman Drive, next to Scrivener Dam. Find us on Google Maps.


Unfortunately, there are no bus services running to the zoo at present.

1.How much will a 17-year-old student pay with a student card?

A.$ 40. B.$ 47.

C.$ 26. D.$ 130.

2.Which of the following may be the most unforgettable experience?

A.Being a zoo keeper. B.Feeding the tiger.

C.Talking with the keepers. D.Watching animals in action.

3.What can be learned from the text?

A.People can take a free bus to the zoo.

B.Keeper Talks are available everyday.

C.People caring for disabled people can visit for free.

D.Senior people have a free visit.




When I was a teenager, I got lost in a foreign country. I was in Berlin, Germany, only month-long trip in Europe. My team and I had one night there to spend however we pleased. Most of my teammates decided to stay indoors and relax. But I did not want to pass up the chance to explore Berlin.

I visited lots of major attractions around the city that night. When the exhaustion began to set in, I checked the time on my watch. I was surprised to see that it was two o’clock in the morning.

As I walked to a subway station, I realized that it was my dad’s birthday. This would be the first birthday I couldn’t celebrate with him because he died a few months earlier. Before I could begin thinking of my dad, I heard train wheels stop.

I rushed onto the train. At first, I was thankful to have made it onto the train. But that joy quickly turned to panic when I noticed that the train was heading in the wrong direction!

I looked around the nearly empty train. I saw a young woman sitting quietly by the window and approached her.

“Hi, do you speak English? I’m lost. Can you help me?” I asked.

The woman understood. She told me how to return to where I had first gotten on the train. But my anxious mind couldn’t follow her guidance.

Without thinking, I asked, “Can you come with me?”

Her face froze at my stupid request. After a long second of hesitation, she agreed to help me. At that moment, I was grateful for the kindness from a stranger.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为100左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Paragraph 1:

On the journey back to the train station I got on, she and I chatted.


Paragraph 2:

Finally, we reached my stop.




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