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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Spirite...


Spirited Away is a popular and breathtaking masterpiece from Studio Ghibli 1. tells a young girl entering a magic world in order to save her parents who have been changed into pigs. The film focuses on Chihiro as she works in a mystical (神秘的) bath house and comes across magical beings.

China dropped the film into the theaters on June 21st, 2019, helping to realize Chinese audiences’ dream 2. (have) a look into this unique world on the big screen.

Spirited Away has received success during its time in both theaters 3. home video, even receiving an Academy Award for best picture in 2003. 4. addition, the movie itself was the 5. (high) grossing (总额) movie in Japan’s history. With this amazing showing, the movie managed to blow away some 6. (competitor) with Japanese audiences such as James Cameron’s Titanic and the animated hit, Your Name.

Studio Ghibli films are 7. (absolute) among Chinese audiences’ favorites. December, 2018 saw the Ghibli film, My Neighbor Totoro, which Chinese audiences had looked forward to 8. (watch), manage to be on show in China.

For all films entering the country, approval must 9. (give) by the country’s government and with a 10. (peace) relationship between the two countries over time, more Japanese movies are being introduced to China.


1.that/which 2.to have 3.and 4.In 5.highest 6.competitors 7.absolutely 8.watching 9.be given 10.peaceful 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍日本Studio Ghibli出品的一部经典之作——Spirited Away。Studio Ghibli的电影绝对是中国观众的最爱。所有进入中国的电影都必须得到政府的批准,随着时间的推移,随着两国关系的和平发展,越来越多的日本电影被介绍到中国。 1.考查定语从句。句意:Spirited Away是吉卜力工作室的一部经典之作,讲述了一个小女孩为了拯救被变成猪的父母而进入魔法世界的故事。此处Studio Ghibli作先行词,指物,在后面的定语从句中作主语,故填that/which。 2.动词不定式作后置定语。句意:2019年6月21日,这部电影在中国上映,帮助中国观众实现了在大银幕上看到这个独特世界的梦想。此处是动词不定式作后置定语,故填to have。 3.考查并列连词。句意:Spirited Away在影院和家庭影院都获得了成功,甚至在2003年获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖。此处是并列的递进关系,故填and。 4.考查固定短语。句意:此外,这部电影本身也是日本历史上票房最高的电影。固定短语:In addition“另外,此外”。故填In。 5.考查形容词最高级。句意:此外,这部电影本身也是日本历史上票房最高的电影。定冠词the用在形容词最高级前,再根据in Japan’s history可知此处用形容词最高级,故填highest。 6.考查名词复数。句意:凭借这一惊人的表现,这部电影成功地击败了一些日本观众的竞争对手,比如詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《泰坦尼克号》和热门动画片《你的名字》。some后面跟名词复数,所给词competitor“竞争者,对手”,其复数形式是competitors,故填competitors。 7.考查副词。句意:Studio Ghibli的电影绝对是中国观众的最爱。此处是副词修饰介词短语,所给词absolute“绝对的”是形容词,其副词是absolutely,故填absolutely。 8.考查动名词作宾语。句意:2018年12月,中国观众期待已久的Studio Ghibli电影《龙猫》在中国上映。固定词组:look forward to sth./doing sth.“期盼某事或做某事”。故填watching。 9.考查含情态动词的被动语态。句意:所有进入中国的电影都必须得到政府的批准,随着时间的推移,随着两国关系的和平发展,越来越多的日本电影被介绍到中国。此处句子主语approval和give之间是一种被动关系,是含情态动词的被动语态,情态动词must已经给出,故填be given。 10.考查形容词修饰名词。句意:所有进入中国的电影都必须得到政府的批准,随着时间的推移,随着两国关系的和平发展,越来越多的日本电影被介绍到中国。此处relationship是名词,由形容词修饰,所给词peace是名词,其形容词是peaceful,故填peaceful。

    Last week, my friends and I got together to eat delicious Asian fusion chicken wings in our college town. We hadn’t all been ________ for a while, so it was nice catching up and sharing summer plans with each other.

These catch ups, ________, do not allow for deeper ________, especially if someone is ________ sharing personal troubles in a large crowd. After the dinner, three of us got desserts and boba drinks. I ________ that my friend, D, was hovering (徘徊) a bit, seemingly not intending to go as if he wanted or needed our ________ at that time.

Earlier that night during dinner, he also said his second year in college was really ________, so I asked him about his experience again. ________, this time the ________ gate of emotions (情感) opened. He shared with us problems with mental health he had been ________ throughout the year, his trouble with his academics and his relationship with his girlfriend.

My other friend and I ________ to leave, but I asked my friend if we could ________ and listen to D. We did, and we spent another thirty minutes listening to his ________ of mental health, pressure and ________. After our talk, D ________ a message to the both of us later saying he ________ our spending time with him and lending a(n) ________.

This experience showed me how being ________, attentive, and caring about a person can truly ________ their day. It doesn’t have to be a fancy gift. Instead, ________ to listen and care may sometimes be the best gift of all.

1.A.forever B.away C.apart D.together

2.A.instead B.therefore C.however D.besides

3.A.celebration B.conversations C.presentations D.combinations

4.A.uncomfortable B.shocked C.committed D.unreliable

5.A.insisted B.stated C.noticed D.predicted

6.A.response B.recommendation C.comprehension D.company

7.A.slow B.rough C.potential D.slight

8.A.Obviously B.By mistake C.Unluckily D.In return

9.A.flood B.snow C.wind D.sun

10.A.taking up B.deciding on C.dealing with D.burning out

11.A.hesitated B.rejected C.offered D.prepared

12.A.hide B.stay C.permit D.congratulate

13.A.plan B.idea C.version D.story

14.A.violence B.thirst C.anxiety D.starvation

15.A.sent B.received C.pushed D.lent

16.A.evaluated B.doubted C.appreciated D.considered

17.A.shoulder B.leg C.ear D.eye

18.A.persuasive B.mild C.voluntary D.observant

19.A.make B.get C.time D.earn

20.A.promise B.wish C.time D.chance



    The best time to try to fight global warming is now! Any action that reduces water and energy consumption and the build-up of harmful gases in our atmosphere, helps to minimize the effects of global warming. Simple ideas that you can easily put into practice are as follows.

1. Even though some areas experience rainfall, other areas are short of water. At home, simple actions like making sure you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth will make a difference to both the environment and your water bill!

Turn off devices (设备) that are not in use. 2. Thus, you can easily develop the habit of leaving something on. Not only is this bad for the devices themselves, but also you end up wasting energy needlessly. Before smartphones and computers, there were games consuming no energy at all. 3. Surely, you will enjoy yourselves without worsening global warming.

Walk or cycle as much as possible. Not only are these great ways to get some exercise, but they are the least polluting means of transport. For short distances, walking and cycling should really be your first choice. Nowadays, there are many shared bikes available. 4.

Use public transport or car pool (拼车). If you need to travel longer distances, public transport is greenest. 5. You could also try out car pool. These are designed to save you money and fill up cars that would normally be driven empty on the roads.

A.Treat water as something precious.

B.Learn something about water waste.

C.Electronic devices are around the house these days.

D.That means you don t even have to own one to get around.

E.There are many devices that are good for the environment.

F.You can try to find plenty of ideas for traditional games and toys.

G.Taking the bus or subway is better than getting in your car and driving.



    The entire global population of marbled crayfish (龙纹虾) has been traced to a single female held in a German aquarium (水族馆), which was born with the ability to reproduce without males. Every marbled crayfish is female, and every egg laid is an exact clone of its mother. The ability to reproduce quickly with such ease made them popular in the aquarium trade, but when they found their way into the wild, the crayfish got out of control.

The first known marbled crayfish appeared in 1995. Since then, they have spread into the wild and populated in freshwater ecosystems around the world. Scientists studying this animal have raised the alarm about its likely influence on local wildlife, ecosystems and agriculture as it spreads into new environments. Successful non-native species like the marbled crayfish often cause trouble when they arrive in new environments, as they can feed on local wildlife or compete with it for resources.

According to Dr Frank Lyko, a researcher at the German Cancer Research Centre, the first marbled crayfish appeared due to a sudden change in its parents’ cells. It was an animal that reproduces clonally and therefore represents a model of a central aspect in tumor (肿瘤) development.

“Tumor genomes (基因组) also develop clonally, because they go back to a single original cell,” he said. However, both crayfish and tumors are still able to adapt to their environments through a process termed “clonal evolution”, and in both cases this can be harmful. In crayfish, their ability to adapt means they can spread to a variety of different environments and climates, and in tumors this means they can develop resistance (抵抗) against cancer-targeting drugs.

At present, with the potential influence of the increasing marbled crayfish on local places, governments from different places are working on controlling their population.

1.What does the text say about marbled crayfish in the wild?

A.They prove popular. B.They are under control.

C.They can be troublesome. D.They are out of condition.

2.What does Dr Frank Lyko try to explain?

A.The reason for marbled crayfish’s clonal reproduction.

B.The similarities between marbled crayfish and tumors.

C.The way to stop marbled crayfish cloning themselves.

D.The harmful influence marbled crayfish have on health.

3.What are governments doing about marbled crayfish now?

A.Working on removing all of them. B.Trying to limit the quantity of them.

C.Taking control of them with drugs. D.Connecting them with harmful tumors.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Marbled Crayfish Reproduce Rapidly

B.The Population of Marbled Crayfish Is Huge

C.The Spread of Marbled Crayfish Is Worrying

D.How to Control the Number of Marbled Crayfish



    On an island in northern Norway, the sun doesn’t set from May 18 right through to July 26. The locals, having spent the long polar night from November to January, when the sun doesn’t rise at all, make the most of these months, with no regard to conventional timekeeping. The island intends to exchange its watches for flower garlands (花环) and declare itself the world’s first time-free zone (地区).

“There’s constant daylight, and we act accordingly,” says islander Kjell Ove Hveding in a statement. “In the middle of the night, which citizens might call ‘2 am’, you can spot children playing soccer, people painting their houses or mowing their lawns (草坪), and teens going for a swim.”

Now they want to make it official. Islanders gathered at a town hall meeting to sign a petition (请愿) for a time-free zone and on June 13, Hveding met with a Norwegian member of parliament (国会) to hand over the locals’ signatures and to discuss the practical and legal challenges.

“To us, getting this in writing would simply mean formalizing something we have been practicing for generations,” he says.

Islanders hope to be free of traditional opening hours and to introduce flexibility in school and working hours. Fishing and tourism are the main industries on this island with a population of little more than 300 people. Local fisher and women often spend days on the ocean for their catch, with little regard to timetable.

It’s clear that they mean business. When visitors cross the bridge to the island from the airland, they aren’t greeted with padlocks (symbolizing love locks) like on similar bridges worldwide. The bridge is covered with watches, as people prepare for entry to the land time forgot.

1.What do the islanders normally do at midnight from May 18 to July 26?

A.Struggle with strong light. B.Sleep like outside people.

C.Turn watches into flowers. D.Do daily work or have fun.

2.According to Hveding, the islanders’ living a life free of time ________.

A.is difficult to describe B.proves practical and legal

C.is a new kind of lifestyle D.has been a long tradition

3.What does the author mean by “they mean business” underlined in the last paragraph?

A.The islanders are serious about being free of time.

B.The islanders intend to treat tourism as business.

C.Visitors are ready to enter a time-free island

D.Visitors actually prefer watches on bridges.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Islanders in Norway have been free from time.

B.An island wants to be a time-free zone officially.

C.It’s time to lead a life without the limit of time.

D.An island won’t be open to the world any longer.



    Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldn’t agree. Were the birds out on the ice ducks or geese? So on a cold January evening last year, the two friends ventured (冒险) onto the frozen pond near their homes in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look. First, they threw a rock onto the ice to test it, Cruz told NBC 5 Chicago. “Then we stepped on it.” Convinced the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, but then he fell through the seemingly frozen surface.

Cruz rushed to help his panicked friend. However, the pond swallowed him, too. Cruz managed to lift himself out of the extremely cold water and onto a more solid section. He then gingerly worked his way toward Anthony. But the ice didn’t hold, and he fell in again. This ime, he couldn’t get out.

The boys were up to their necks in icy water and quickly losing feeling. Any chance of their freeing themselves was slipping away. Cruz was sure that he was going to die.

Anthony’s older sister had seen the boys fall through the ice and started screaming, wishing someone to save them.

John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly pulled over. Seeing the boys, he grabbed (抓住) a nearby buoy (救生圈), kicked off his shoes, and ran into the cold water, struggling his way through the ice. Lavin made his way to Cruz and Anthony and pulled them back to land.

The boys were taken to the hospital, where doctors discovered that their five- minute stay in the water had lowered their body temperature nearly ten degrees. Fortunately, they have fully recovered, though they are still a little amazed by their fearless neighbor. “Just to think,” says Cruz, “if he hadn’t been there, I could have died.”

1.Why did the boys venture onto the frozen pond?

A.To have a better look at the frozen pond.

B.To catch the birds in the pond with rocks.

C.To find out what the birds on the ice were.

D.To test the thickness of the ice in the pond.

2.What does the underlined word “gingerly” in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Casually. B.Proudly.

C.Firmly. D.Cautiously.

3.What drew John Lavin’s attention to the boys?

A.Anthony’s older sister’s cry for help. B.Cruz’s loud and frightening scream.

C.Their shoes along the nearby pond. D.Their neighbors’ pulling them back.

4.Which of the following words can best describe John Lavin?

A.Hard-working and helpful. B.Warm-hearted and courageous.

C.Curious and selfless. D.Active and generous.



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