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The important things to consider when pl...

The important things to consider when planning a multi-generational holiday trip

Take the whole family to a beach or a mountain, forming holiday memories that will last a lifetime. Whether those memories are pleasant or not will depend on a lot of things, but the one you can control most is how well you plan the trip. Multi-generational travel is different from planning for just yourself or your family. 1.

Perhaps your family is happy to have one person take control. But you may have newer family members who consider vacation planning a more collective experience. If that’s the case, you need to make sure they feel like they had some input in the process, or you won’t get much participation. 2.

Holiday resorts are likely a better choice than a big house or hotels, both because they offer separate condos (公寓式旅馆) where people can operate on their own schedules and because they offer activities, meals, and other entertainment (消遣) you won’t have to plan. Condos also often come with kitchens, if you do feel like having dinner at home a couple of times. 3. You might not want to share a hotel room with your brother and his wife, for example. But sharing a two-bedroom condo--which is usually about the same price — just feels like being roommates.

So finding a resort with activities that fit as many people’s interests as possible is key. 4. Your cousins may prefer doing food tours. Your father-in-law may just want a big pool. Regardless of what your family enjoys, think about everyone’s interest—or at least what you know of them—and find a place that has as many as possible.

5. Even if you’re leading the trip planning, leave group-activity planning to the people who want to do it as they’ll have the most drive and motivation (动机) to make it happen. Don’t force anyone into doing activities they aren’t interested in doing. So once you’re there, try your best to have a good time with them.

A.You may be a big diver.

B.Childcare on vacation is a big one.

C.The point of this whole thing is to have fun.

D.Making food for that many people is difficult.

E.And multi-bedroom setups allow for the less cost.

F.You’ve got all sorts of things to consider for a large group of people.

G.So making sure everyone’s planning styles are respected is an important early step.


1.F 2.G 3.E 4.A 5.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了计划多代人的假日旅行时,需要考虑的重要事项,文章就这一方面做出建议。 1.上一句提到“多代同堂的旅行不同于只为自己或家人做计划的旅行”,F项“你要为一大群人考虑各种事情”,承接上文,并且呼应下面的第二段介绍了计划时需要考虑的事情。故选F项。 2.上文中说“如果是这种情况,你需要确保他们觉得他们在这个过程中有一些投入,否则你不会得到太多的参与。”,切合G选项“因此,确保每个人的规划风格得到尊重是一个重要的早期步骤”。故选G项。 3.联系下文“您可能不想与您的兄弟和他的妻子共享一个酒店房间。但合租一套两居室公寓,通常价格差不多,感觉就像合租一样。”可知, E选项“采用多卧室的设置并可以降低成本”与下文呼应。故选E项。 4.上一句“因此,找到一个能满足尽可能多的人兴趣的活动的度假胜地是关键。”按照逻辑接下来应该说的是每个人的兴趣,而下文“你的堂兄弟姐妹可能更喜欢美食之旅,你的岳父可能只想要一个大游泳池。”正好印证这一点,故应该选择A选项“你可能是个潜水能手。”故选A项。 5.根据下文“不要强迫别人做他们不感兴趣的事。所以一旦你到了那里,尽你最大的努力和他们玩得开心。”,可以推断该段说明旅行的最大意义就是玩的开心,因此C项“整个事情最重要的事情就是开心”切题。故选C项。

    There’s nothing magical about the number 10,000. In fact, the idea of walking at least 10,000 steps a day for health goes back many years to a marketing campaign started in Japan for the sale of a pedometer (计步器). And, in the years that followed, it was accepted in the US as a goal to build up good health. It’s often the default setting (默认设置) on fitness trackers, but what’s it really based on?

“The original basis of the number was not scientifically determined,” says researcher I-Min Lee of Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She was curious to know how many steps you need to take a day to maintain good health and live a long life, so she and her workmates designed a study that included about 17,000 older women. Their average age was 72. The women all agreed to wear devices to track their steps as they went about their day-to-day activities.

It turns out that women who took about 4,000 steps per day got an increase in longevity (长寿), compared with women who took fewer steps. In fact, women who took 4,400 steps per day, on average, were about 40 percent less likely to die during the follow-up period of about four years compared with women who took 2,700 steps. The findings were published Wednesday in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Another surprise: The benefits of walking maxed out at about 7,500 steps. In other words, women who walked more than 7,500 steps per day saw no additional increase in longevity.

Janz, who released the new national exercise recommendations last November, says the message that comes from this study was encouraging. “I think it’s really good news for women who may not be particularly active.” says Janz. “All they have to do is walk. To me, this study suggests there are more benefits to light activities than we were previously thinking there might be.”

1.How did the idea of walking 10,000 steps a day come into being?

A.It was made up by a group of elderly ladies.

B.It was indeed the result of a scientific research.

C.It actually came from a business advertisement.

D.It was based on a test by both Japan and the US.

2.Which is an ideal choice for women walkers according to the study?

A.2,700 steps. B.4,400 steps.

C.10,000 steps. D.17,000 steps.

3.Which of the following does Janz agree with?

A.Light activities benefit people most.

B.The study is not as satisfying as expected.

C.Women should be more active than before.

D.The result of the study is a little surprising.

4.In which part of a newspaper can you read the passage?

A.Health. B.Culture.

C.History. D.Tourism.



    The Colorado River is the lifeblood of the American Southwest. It supplies water to more than 36 million people, has changed the desert into farmland, and allows cities like Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Las Vegas to develop. But satisfying the region’s need for water has come at a price.

The river once traveled all the way from Colorado’s Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of California. Now, dams (水坝) control the river’s water for human use. As a result, the river no longer reaches the ocean. Without water, the delta (三角洲) at the river’s mouth has become dry and poor.

To bring the delta back to life, engineers recently opened the Morelos Dam near the US-Mexico border to free a temporary burst of water. This pulse flow allowed the Colorad River to reach the sea for the first time in 16 years, helping the river’s delta come alive.

The dams built by the US government form a system of man-made lakes. These lakes can store four times the river’s yearly flow. “The lakes are like the river basin’s bank accounts,” says Taylor Hawes. “They provide a place to save up water for not-so-rainy days — like right now”.

In wetter times, on and off since the 1960s, the Colorado managed to complete its journey to the sea. During those rare times, spring floods temporarily brought life back to the delta. Seeing the difference a little water could make gave scientists the idea for this year’s pulse flow.

“Just add water and you get an amazing recovery,” says Eloise Kendy. “The project serves as a model of how to manage rivers sustainably (可持续) for both people and nature. A lot of rivers in the West have problems. We used them to make the deserts bloom and build cities. We didn’t think about the environment. But it’s possible to restore them. If we can do it in the Colorado River Delta, we can do it anywhere.”

1.What can we lean from the first two paragraphs?

A.The Gulf of California is flooding.

B.The Colorado River’s delta is dying

C.The American southwest is becoming poor.

D.The water in the Colorado River is running out.

2.Taylor mentioned the bank accounts to show that ________.

A.lakes have stored much of the river water

B.many banks provided money to build dams

C.the money made from the lakes are kept in banks

D.people can borrow money from banks to buy lake water

3.What does Kendy want to express in the last paragraph?

A.Restoring deserts is sustainable for nature.

B.Many cities are built on deserts in the West.

C.Rivers in the West have been polluted seriously.

D.Environmental protection must go with development.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.An effort to protect the Colorado River from drying.

B.An experiment to make the Colorado River flow freely.

C.A plan to bring the Colorado River’s delta back to life.

D.A way to make full use of the water from the Colorado River.



    Every experience that American business woman Leigh-Ann Buchanan remembers has come from travel. Her early trips to the countries in Asia, Africa and the Americas were no small thing — they assisted her to make connections with community organizations abroad, build leadership skills and find a greater purpose in her voluntary work. All of these experiences played an important part in her becoming a mentor (导师) to high school students in Miami, US.

She saw that many of her students from underserved communities had never left the country. This not only shut them out from having life-changing experiences, but they often missed out on college scholarships (奖学金) because their resumes (简历) couldn’t compete with those from higher-income backgrounds.

Then she saw a program founded by her friend in Ghana. It offered US students the opportunity to experience cultural exchanges abroad. Buchanan wondered why the kids she mentors in Miami couldn’t have these life-changing experiences. So, she started the Nyah Project in 2014.

Since then, the project has provided money for 10-day leadership trips to 57 high-performing high school students throughout underserved communities in Miami. All 57 have gotten into colleges around the country, and over 90 percent have received full scholarships to college. Nyah fellows have traveled to countries including Indonesia, Namibia, Costa Rica and South Africa.

The trips bring cultural exchange opportunities, like learning about traditional Balinese dance in Indonesia and teaching younger students in Namibia. Kemoni Alexander, who is studying at Ohio Wesleyan University, was a Nyah fellow in 2017, and traveled to Namibia and South Africa for her first time out of the country.

“The neighborhood that I grew up in wasn’t the most resourceful and my schools were short of money,” Alexander said. “I could hardly believe that I was able to have that opportunity because other people saw that potential (潜力) in me and believed in me.”

1.What does the underlined word “assisted” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Required. B.Helped.

C.Trained. D.Reminded.

2.Why did Buchanan set up the Nyah Project?

A.To offer students scholarship. B.To share her travel experiences.

C.To support her friend’s program. D.To provide chances for poor children.

3.How do the children benefit from the Nyah Project?

A.They are sure to be mentors in the future.

B.They can enjoy traveling worldwide for free.

C.They can experience cultural exchanges on trips.

D.They can all receive full scholarships to college.

4.What can we infer from Alexander’s words?

A.She was thankful for the opportunity.

B.She was more confident of her ability.

C.She regretted having joined the project.

D.She felt embarrassed about her background.




1. 表示问候和慰问;

2. 提出关于学习、生活和交友等方面的建议。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Bonny,



Li Hua




1.我积极参加各种各样的课外活动,这让我变得越来越自信。(take part in



4.写信是和朋友保持联系的最佳方式。(stay in touch with

5.我会永远记住你总是那个在我处于困境中时帮助我的人。(keep in mind



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