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In the 19th century, the "coming-of-age"...

    In the 19th century, the "coming-of-age" novel became popular. In these stories, we read about1.herogrowing into maturity from childhood.

David Copperfield, by British novelist Charles Dickens, is a good example of this type of story.2.tells the story of a gifted boy of the same name, 3.goes through many challenges in hopes of becoming a successful writer. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was that it4.modelon his own life. In the novel, he related early personal experiences5.meana lot to him, including his work in a factory, his education, and his efforts6.publishnovels.

The novel takes place in the Victorian era1837-1901and contains Dickens` eritiques(批评)of his society and the anxiety surrounding the relationship7.social classes. It describes8.darkest parts of British society in that time, especially the9.paincircumstances of many children.

Young David suffers for his goal, 10.does he reach his dream of becoming a successful writerRead the book to find out.


1.heroes 2.It 3.who 4.was modeled(modelled) 5.meaning 6.to publish 7.between 8.the 9.painful 10.but 【解析】 本文为说明文,主要简要介绍了David Copperfield这部小说和小说的作者,并推荐读者阅读它。 1.考查名词的单复数形式。句意:在这些故事中,我们读到英雄们从童年成长为成年人。hero是可数名词,根据语境可知,要用复数形式,它的复数形式要加es,故填heroes。 2.考查代词。句意:它讲述了一个同名的天才男孩的故事,他经历了许多挑战,希望成为一个成功的作家。此处it作主语,指代前前一句中的David Copperfield这部小说。故填It。 3.考查定语从句。句意:它讲述了一个同名的天才男孩的故事,他经历了许多挑战,希望成为一个成功的作家。分析句子可知,"___ goes through many challenges in hopes of becoming a successfulwriter"为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词boy,关系代词在定语从句中作主语。故填who。 4.考查动词的时态语态。句意:查尔斯·狄更斯喜爱自己的小说《大卫·科波菲尔》的部分原因是,这部小说是以他自己的生活为蓝本的。分析句子可知David Copperfield是以狄更斯的个人生活为原型而创作,此处model为动词,意为“以……为模型/蓝本而创作”。故填was modeled(modelled) 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:在小说中,他讲述了自己早年的个人经历,这对他来说意义重大,包括他在工厂的工作,他的教育,以及他出版小说的努力。分析句子可知,personal experiences与mean在逻辑上是主动关系,所以此处是现在分词做定语,故填meaning。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:在小说中,他讲述了自己早年的个人经历,这对他来说意义重大,包括他在工厂的工作,他的教育,以及他出版小说的努力。名词effort后要用to do做定语。故此处填to publish。 7.考查介词。句意:这部小说发生在维多利亚时代(1837-1901),包含了狄更斯对他的社会的批判以及围绕着社会阶层之间关系的焦虑。根据句意可知,the relationship between social classes表示社会阶层之间的关系。故填between。 8.考查冠词。句意:它描述了当时英国社会最黑暗的部分,尤其是许多儿童的痛苦境况。darkest是形容词最高级,故前面要加the。故填the。 9.考查形容词。句意:它描述了当时英国社会最黑暗的部分,尤其是许多儿童的痛苦境况。此处修饰名词circumstances,故用pain的形容词形式,填painful。 10.考查连词。句意:年轻的大卫为自己的目标而痛苦,但他是否实现了成为一名成功作家的梦想呢?分析句意逻辑可知,空处与前一句构成转折关系,故用but。故填but。

    I always dreamed of being a writer.______,I was standing in a class of wild 14-year-old girls as they threw paper and howled with laughter. My efforts at______were hopeless. When the bell finally rang,I______to the staff room, red with anger. The other teachers weren't______ ."That's 4B, the worst class in school,"one said.

I was in fear of our next meetingbut I couldn't______ .I needed the job.So_____formal lessonsI brought topics for class discussions.One of the liveliest talks was about the______with their parents.They focused and shared their stories about families with little money and big problems.So I had the girls write them down.Graduallytheir essays became a________between us.

The______My Fair Lady was playing.They lived nearby but they had never seen a______ stage performance.I asked if they'd like to see it.They thought I was joking______no teacher had ever suggested taking them out.A few weeks later4B and I were sitting in the theater enjoying the play.It was the______of their year.

Near the end of the semestersomeone knocked on the door.The two most rebellious(叛逆的) ______ were there-with flowers.I was proud to know I had______their lives.For the first timeI started writing.My first story was______My Fair Ladies.

1.A.Otherwise B.However C.Therefore D.Moreover

2.A.writing B.playing C.focusing D.teaching

3.A.rushed B.wandered C.slipped D.dropped

4.A.concerned B.disappointed C.surprised D.frightened

5.A.pull up B.cheer up C.give up D.make up

6.A.in favor of B.instead of C.on behalf of D.by means of

7.A.interviews B.agreements C.discussions D.arguments

8.A.secret B.bridge C.present D.memory

9.A.musical B.movie C.exhibition D.game

10.A.distant B.foreign C.live D.household

11.A.whether B.unless C.until D.because

12.A.challenge B.honor C.lesson D.highlight

13.A.teenagers B.guys C.girls D.adults

14.A.touched B.determined C.arranged D.created

15.A.reported B.titled C.copied D.filmed



    Pillow fighting in its natural state is a display of chaos, a safe-ish outlet to most children. You grab the nearest pillow and whip it at the nearest body.1.

But pillow fighting has been appropriated for high school students as a real sport in Ito, Japan with the set rules. The All-Japan Pillow Fighting Championship consists of two teams of five players each side. Before the match begins, all team members pretend to sleep beneath the quilt on individual futons (垫子).2.They cross the dividing line, grabbing a pillow as they go.

3.The pillows are thrown, not swung. Any team member struck by a pillow is knocked out of play. A designated player can bring the quilt along and hold it up as a shield for teammates. A second player is appointed "king." When one team strikes the other's king, that team wins the match.

The pillows are designed and produced specially according to strict size and weight regulations. They're filled, not with feathers, but with rubber to achieve the required weight and bounce.4.The youngest player so far recorded was 9, the eldest 75.

Two one-minute matches make up a game. As a sport, it's speedy, zany and growing fast. No word yet on its Olympics prospects. But with skateboarding officially in, 5..

A. There are no rules.

B. There are no age restrictions.

C. pillow fighting can't be far behind

D. As a sportpillow fighting has a long history.

E. it is uncertain whether it'll have a promising future

F. The rules in this competitive game are not complicated.

G. When the referee blows the whistlethe players leap to their feet.



    Kids who like noodles are in luck in Italy. School lunch almost always begins with a "primo" of pasta-think penne(意大利面食)with tomatoes and cheese. That's typically followed by a protein-packed main dish, such as roasted chicken, accompanied by a veggie side. Finally, there's dessert, usually fruit. But what if kids would rather eat a homemade sandwich

That question became the basis of the "Sandwich Case". This is a legal fight started by a group of parents who had gotten fed up with the price and quality of school meals. Italy's top court settled the matterFamilies do not have the right to send food to school. The main problem the judges have with lunchboxes is that they can create divisions.

Each nation has its own take on how to handle the meaty issue of feeding students. In Australia, for example, many schools don't have a cafeteria. And, of course, packing a school lunch to take to school is as American as apple pie. However, more American kids would be better off with school lunch for their parents think cafeteria meals are healthier than what an average parent packs.

Students in low-income families qualify for free or reduced-price meals. So there can be a stigma around who's participating, meaning kids without a lunchbox can feel singled out for being poor. One way to avoid that problem is providing meals to everyone for free. In Sweden, where students chow down on a hot main dish and their pick of vegetables from a salad bur, no one needs lunch money.

The country with a system most similar to Italy's is its neighbor. France, where kids are expected to eat their school's multi-course meals, with almost no exceptions. "It's for a healthy diet, but also for cultural aspects and pleasure, "says Florent Vieux, general director of the French research group MS Nutrition. "When my son doesn't want carrots for the starter, he doesn't eat. At the beginning it's difficult, "he says. "Then day after day, he eats more carrots because he knows he has no other choice."

1.Why did Italy's top court reject the parents' appeal

A.It may result in unfairness.

B.The lunchboxes lack nutrients.

C.It is strongly objected by schools.

D.The homemade food has limited variety.

2.Which country supports lunchboxes

A.Italy. B.America.

C.Sweden. D.Australia.

3.Which of the following words can replace “stigma”

A.feeling of pride B.feeling of happiness

C.feeling of uniqueness D.feeling of shame

4.What attitude does Florent Vieux have towards school's meals

A.Indifferent. B.Supportive.

C.Concerned. D.Negative.



    Since 1970, North America has lost more than 2.9 billion birds, according to a study recently published in the journal Science. In less than half a century, the bird population has declined by some 29 percent, or more than 1 in 4 birds. For the first time, researchers have discovered that rare species aren't the only birds suffering population loss. In fact, common birds-including beloved backyard friends like sparrows and blackbirds-are taking the biggest hit.

The new study used nearly 50 years of data collected largely by bird watchers and citizen scientists. "A total of 419 native migratory species experienced a net loss of 2.5 billion individuals," the study says. More than 90 percent of the total loss can be found among just 12 bird families. Some of these widespread birds can thrive almost anywhere. The large-scale loss of these hardy birds reveals they're struggling to survive throughout the world/

Birds are considered indicator species because they're crucial to ecosystems, and their populations anticipate the environment's health. Birds are "amazingly efficient" at spreading seeds. Birds also keep insect populations in check. Even the smallest bird helps control the spread of plants or insects.

The new study, however, identifies the losses without knowing all the causes. Scientists do identify habitat loss as the biggest challenge. Climate change, disrupted migration patterns and pesticide use are also major factors. Industrial agriculture may present a bigger challenge. The species disappearing most rapidly—sparrows, blackbirds and larks—are associated with agriculture. In recent decades, agriculture has grown to produce more food, but cleared landscapes have become unlivable for birds.

“We need to change the way we grow food. Birds are signaling that we are doing it wrong, "as the study says. The study offers the example of the 1990s effort to switch to no-till farming, which reduced greenhouse gases and soil erosion(侵蚀). “Farmers are innovators. And they've done it before. This is a great opportunity to have a huge impact on birds."

1.What's the study mainly about

A.The climate issues. B.The disappearing birds.

C.The agricultural problems. D.The environmental protection.

2.How is the second paragraph mainly developed

A.By listing figures. B.By giving examples

C.By analyzing reasons. D.By making comparisons.

3.What's the main reason behind the birds' habitat loss

A.Climate change. B.Greenhouse gases.

C.Industrial agriculture. D.Disrupted migration patterns.

4.What does the study suggest as a solution

A.Producing more food. B.Clearing more landscapes.

C.Reducing the use of pesticide. D.Adopting new means of farming.



    Walking along the streets in Malaysia, you may hear a number of different languages—Malay, English, Mandarin, or even Indian. More people have decided to travel to Kuala Lumpur to witness the incredible development of Western Malaysia.

However, having a passion for experiencing multicultural and peaceful lifestyles, I chose another route—Sabah, the second largest state in Malaysia. I took a trip there in August. With a knowledgeable guide and warm-hearted locals, it turned out to be an unforgettable experience.

Although Sabah is not that rich or prosperous like Western Malaysia, I prefer the easy and simple life there. Its social ethos(精神气质)is more harmonious than any other scenic spot.

During my five-day stay, I think the Mangrove Forest was the most impressive destination. Have you ever imagined what it might be like to boat through a pleasant breeze while drops of light blur(模糊)your visionMy mind drifted away with the warmth of the sunlight. I lost myself in the peaceful and relaxing surroundings, and fell into a splendid dream world.

However, as a former British colony, it still holds some customs that are difficult for me to get used to. For me, the various dialects and unique expressions among the locals were the biggest issues to deal with. Regardless of this, it taught me a lot. My time at Sabah was very memorable.

1.Why did the author choose Sabah as his destination

A.To witness its fast development.

B.To make friends with the locals.

C.To enjoy its lifestyle and scenery.

D.To learn different foreign languages.

2.Which word can best describe the journey to Sabah?

A.Astonishing. B.Regretful.

C.Exhausting. D.Fascinating.

3.What was the biggest problem the author had during his trip?

A.Old customs. B.Local language.

C.Confusing routes. D.Multicultural lifestyles.

4.What's the purpose of the text?

A.To promote tourism of Sabah.

B.To introduce a scenic spot-Sabah.

C.To describe the development of Sabah.

D.To share the touring experience in Sabah.



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