满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A cloudless Southern California sky loom...

    A cloudless Southern California sky looms over the Pro Park Course for the Pro Skate Park Series. Here to compete are some of the top female skaters in the world. The women skaters range in age from early adolescence to early 30s, but in a sport that embraces youth, there is one who stands out. At 8 years old, Sky Brown, would be the youngest skater, male or female, ever to compete at this series.

She is known to some — a minor star of the viral age. When her first video was posted to YouTube, Sky initially gained a little internet fame as a premature and level-headed 4-year-old — highly intelligent, well-spoken beyond her years, hugely talented, and yet grounded. Four years later, it was announced that she would be competing at Huntington Beach. Still, the question remains: Is she truly ready, or will this be another case where reality comes crashing down hard on all the hype?

And then, it turns out to be anything but. Sky goes out and presents one surprise after another. Commentators Neal Hendrix and Chris Pastras are left in awe, “Half of the pros can't do.” The only thing that makes the prodigy look like a kid is her size. In every other regard, she holds her own with skaters 10 and 20 years her senior. Before the competition at Huntington, Sky was a curiosity. After, she is a competitor.

Sky's first memory of a skateboard is seeing her father, Stuart, doing a few tricks in front of the family home. “It always looked really fun,” says Sky. “I just kept begging to try it.” Sky progressed quickly, although she never had a formal coach. Somehow she just had the knack. Every movement, every shift in weight, every push and pull of body on board, she absorbed. Then, she did it herself.

“You get so close to making it,” she says of her process, “and think you're about to land it, and then it takes you 100 more times. I'm always saying to my parents, 'Just one last try.'” If anyone was pushing, striving to get better, it was Sky herself, learning new tricks the same way everyone else does — by trying, failing, falling, and getting back up again.

1.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?

A.To show Sky’s early experience.

B.To show Sky’s talents from varied aspects.

C.To show the public’s doubt about Sky’s competence.

D.To show the public’s recognition of Sky’s performances.

2.What do we know about Sky?

A.She equals the senior skaters in the competition.

B.She looks like a professional skater in terms of her figure.

C.She participates in a competition inappropriate for the young.

D.She has already become a household name before the competition.

3.What is the main reason for Sky’s achievements?

A.Her parents push her too hard.

B.She practices hard and never quits.

C.Her coach is very strict with her.

D.Her father exerts a strong influence on her.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A Rocky Road Leads to Internet Fame

B.A Strong Competitor Stands out from Crowd

C.An 8-year-old Skater Amazes the World

D.A Wonder Shows at the Pro Skate Park Series


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇人物传记。文章讲述了8岁的小女孩Sky Brown,在与青少年及成年人的滑板比赛中脱颖而出,四年后她决定参加亨廷顿海滩的比赛,在人们的怀疑声中,她展现出一个又一个惊喜。她回忆了自己的成长之路,是反复的练习和尝试造就了她的成功。 1.推理判断题。由第二段中的“Still, the question remains: Is she truly ready, or will this be another case where reality comes crashing down hard on all the hype?(不过,问题依然存在:她真的准备好了吗?还是说这又是一个现实在大肆宣传下崩溃的例子?)”,可知,人们对Sky Brown的能力还持有怀疑态度。故选C项。 2.推理判断题。由第三段中的“he only thing that makes the prodigy look like a kid is her size.(唯一让神童看起来像个孩子的就是她的身材。)”可知B选项“She looks like a professional skater in terms of her figure.(根据她的身材可以看出来她像一个职业选手)”是错误的。由第一段中的“The women skaters range in age from early adolescence to early 30s,(女子滑板运动员的年龄从青春期早期到30岁出头不等)”可知C选项“She participates in a competition inappropriate for the young.(她参加了一个不适合年轻人参加的比赛。)”是错误的。由第三段中的“Before the competition at Huntington, Sky was a curiosity.(在比赛前,她是令人好奇的)”可知D选项中的“a household name家喻户晓的名字”表达有误。第三段的“In every other regard, she holds her own with skaters 10 and 20 years her senior.(在其他方面,她都能和比她大10到20岁的滑板运动员打成平手)”和A选项意思相符。故选A项。 3.细节理解题。由第三段中的“I just kept begging to try it. (我只是不断乞求尝试。)”和文章最后一句话中的“…learning new tricks the same way everyone else does — by trying, failing, falling(……学习新的技巧,就像其他人一样——尝试,失败,跌倒)”可知Sky Brown获得成就的原因是刻苦的训练和永远不放弃的精神。故选B项。 4.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章讲述了一个小女孩在滑板比赛中脱颖而出,震惊了世界。A选项的“Internet Fame”偏离主题。D选项的中心词是“shows”,因为本文是一篇人物传记,故D项错误。本文重点是突出女孩小小年纪就可以与比她大10到20岁的滑板运动员相抗衡。故选C项。

    Kinder Camp

This is a week-long camp, Monday through Friday, for children from three years old to those entering first grade in the fall. Early childhood educators guide your child through activities including songs, games, stories and walks in the woods. Daily themes include dirt, furry animals, insects and more! Parents sign up to bring a snack(小吃). Choose from either morning or afternoon sessions, from June 9 to July 1, 2020.

Kids Camp

Children explore all day in the natural world. Art, music, cooperative games and hikes through the woods are some of the activities in this fun-filled week. Each grade level has its own camp program especially designed with the campers’ interests in mind.

Camp takes place Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm. Level 1 (completed 1st grade): July 28 to August 1, 2020.

Level 2 (completed 2nd grade): August 4 to 8, 2020.

Level 3 (completed 3rd grade): August 11 to 15, 2020. Please note: children must bring their own lunches.

Outdoor Expeditions

Send your child on a traveling adventure. Teenagers will investigate the natural, cultural and historical facts that make their hometown a great city. Activities will include unique field trips and tours.

Outdoor Expedition: from 9 am to 3 pm, August 11 to 15, 2020. Please note: children must bring their own lunches.

Rainbow Camp

Campers enjoy all kinds of activities including arts and crafts, music and singing, drama, active games, cooking and a host of special events that go with our theme weeks! Special guests are invited to the camp every week to entertain our campers and may include storytellers, musicians and magicians.

Week-long camp, June 14 to 18.

Campers must be at least 4 years old to take part.

For more information, call Frick Environmental Center at (412) 422—6538.

1.According to the passage, we can infer that Kinder Camp is probably organized to ____.

A.help children learn about nature while playing

B.get children prepared for primary school

C.offer parents a chance to play with their children

D.develop children’s language skills

2.Jack, aged 13, interested in nature and is free in August, would probably take ____ .

A.Rainbow Camp B.Kids Camp

C.Kinder Camp D.Outdoor Expeditions

3.Of the four camps, the common thing is that ____ .

A.they are all whole-day camps for children

B.they all last five days for each group

C.they all require campers to bring their own lunches

D.they are all for children over five years old




It was the hottest time of the year in southern California. Steve, a star basketball player at the University of California, with his cousin Zach, had planned a camping trip in the Great National Forest for their summer vacation.

The boys gathered clothes and supplies, and began their great adventure with Brady the dog early in the morning. Upon arrival, Steve pulled over to the side of the road along the bank of the river. "A wonderful place for fishing," Steve exclaimed in delight. Zach nodded in agreement.

At high noon, the sun was scorching hot. With a good harvest of fish, the boys marched into the forest with Brady following them. After a long walk, they found a clearing that was ideal for a campsite. The camp was set up immediately as Steve knew all the tricks of an experienced wilderness camper.

An afternoon nap was absolutely a special treat in mid-summer. However, the boys were waken up by the fierce barks of Brady. Outside, heavy smoke filled the air and wind-blown flame was skipping from the top of one tree to another. The long dry summer turned the forest into a tinderbox. In a little while, Steve and Zach were inside their tent packing their belongings.

“Let's go! We can make it back to the river!" They headed down against the fire-wind in the direction of the river. But Brady barked a sharp warming. Ahead of them lay a thick curtain of smoke across the track. They would never make it through that. Steve was uneasy for it was hard to find a safe way to escape in the heavy smoke.

Brady lifted his head and snuffed(嗅)the smoke-laden wind. Next moment, the dog bounded away and disappeared down a sharp slope(坡). The boys shouted for him, but he didn't come back. Steve couldn't blame Brady for panicking. He himself wanted to run even though he didn't have a clue which way.

Paragraph 1:

Steve and Zach hadn`t gone far when there was a familiar bark.


Paragraph 2:

Brady pulled again, in spite of the boy's disbelief, urgently.




假定你是学生会主席李华,你校外籍教师Mr. Brown在英语戏剧社纳新期间协助招募新成员。请你用英语给Mr. Brown写一封电子邮件表示感谢,同时请他推荐话剧表演的剧目并给以指导。内容包括:

1. 感谢帮助;

2. 请求推荐话剧:

3. 希望指导。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:recruit new members纳新。




    In the 19th century, the "coming-of-age" novel became popular. In these stories, we read about1.herogrowing into maturity from childhood.

David Copperfield, by British novelist Charles Dickens, is a good example of this type of story.2.tells the story of a gifted boy of the same name, 3.goes through many challenges in hopes of becoming a successful writer. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was that it4.modelon his own life. In the novel, he related early personal experiences5.meana lot to him, including his work in a factory, his education, and his efforts6.publishnovels.

The novel takes place in the Victorian era1837-1901and contains Dickens` eritiques(批评)of his society and the anxiety surrounding the relationship7.social classes. It describes8.darkest parts of British society in that time, especially the9.paincircumstances of many children.

Young David suffers for his goal, 10.does he reach his dream of becoming a successful writerRead the book to find out.



    I always dreamed of being a writer.______,I was standing in a class of wild 14-year-old girls as they threw paper and howled with laughter. My efforts at______were hopeless. When the bell finally rang,I______to the staff room, red with anger. The other teachers weren't______ ."That's 4B, the worst class in school,"one said.

I was in fear of our next meetingbut I couldn't______ .I needed the job.So_____formal lessonsI brought topics for class discussions.One of the liveliest talks was about the______with their parents.They focused and shared their stories about families with little money and big problems.So I had the girls write them down.Graduallytheir essays became a________between us.

The______My Fair Lady was playing.They lived nearby but they had never seen a______ stage performance.I asked if they'd like to see it.They thought I was joking______no teacher had ever suggested taking them out.A few weeks later4B and I were sitting in the theater enjoying the play.It was the______of their year.

Near the end of the semestersomeone knocked on the door.The two most rebellious(叛逆的) ______ were there-with flowers.I was proud to know I had______their lives.For the first timeI started writing.My first story was______My Fair Ladies.

1.A.Otherwise B.However C.Therefore D.Moreover

2.A.writing B.playing C.focusing D.teaching

3.A.rushed B.wandered C.slipped D.dropped

4.A.concerned B.disappointed C.surprised D.frightened

5.A.pull up B.cheer up C.give up D.make up

6.A.in favor of B.instead of C.on behalf of D.by means of

7.A.interviews B.agreements C.discussions D.arguments

8.A.secret B.bridge C.present D.memory

9.A.musical B.movie C.exhibition D.game

10.A.distant B.foreign C.live D.household

11.A.whether B.unless C.until D.because

12.A.challenge B.honor C.lesson D.highlight

13.A.teenagers B.guys C.girls D.adults

14.A.touched B.determined C.arranged D.created

15.A.reported B.titled C.copied D.filmed



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