满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Parents can begin good organization (条理)...

    Parents can begin good organization (条理) habits with preschool-age kids. Experts recommend asking them to do small, simple actions on a regular basis with the help of parents. Maybe they open their bags and bring their lunch bag to the kitchen, or take their shoes off at the door and put them in a nearby closet. These won’t save parents much time, but they will help develop good habits.

When kids enter primary school, they should be ready for more responsibility. This is the time to teach them about daily routines, and help them take control over theirs. Parents and children might sit down together and make a list of everything that needs to be done to get out of the house in the morning, or get ready for bed at night. Together, parents should figure out how long each activity takes, and when is the best time to do them. Some of the kids might want to get their bags ready and pick out their clothes the night before.

It’s also wise to create a firm schedule for homework. When do kids do their homework? How long do they need? Where do they do it? Where will the homework go once it is done? Figure them out and stick to the schedule as much as possible.

Parents should print up these task lists and help kids finish them step by step. Kids might even check them off each morning or evening. Also, make sure there are clocks in the rooms in which these tasks will take place. Time management is an important part of learning organization, but it can’t be done if kids don’t know what time it is.

Organization gives kids the chance to make it possible to focus on a task and complete it. Kids tend to be more motivated to learn organization skills if they see organization as a challenge to overcome, rather than a fault to repair.

1.Why are kids advised to do small and simple actions?

A.To save parents’ time.

B.To join a school organization.

C.To form a good relationship with others.

D.To help kids form good habits.

2.What should parents do to help kids develop organization skills?

A.Offer some suggestions only.

B.Finish the daily tasks for kids.

C.Assist kids in finishing the daily tasks.

D.Let the kid finish the daily tasks alone.

3.What does the author think of organization for kids?

A.It is a fault to repair. B.It is nothing special.

C.It is easy to achieve. D.It is a helpful skill.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Assisting parents with a good parent-child relationship.

B.Parents should spend more time with kids.

C.Giving advice on developing kids’ good organization habits.

D.Parents should make kids more independent.


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文是议论文。文章关于如何培养孩子的做事有条理的习惯,给家长提出了一些建议。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段“These won’t save parents much time, but they will help develop good habits.”可知,这些不会节省父母很多时间,但会帮助他们养成好习惯。由此可知,专家建议学龄前的孩子在家长的帮助下,做一些小的、简单的事情, 因为这样有助于孩子养成良好的习惯。故选D 项。 2.细节理解题。根据第3段“... to create a firm schedule for homework”和第4段“Parents should print up these task lists and help kids finish them step by step.”可知,当孩子进入小学时,父母为孩子制订一个严格的时间表,并将任务表打印出来,帮助孩子一步一步地完成。由此可知,父母帮助孩子完成日常任务,帮助孩子发展组织能力。故选C项。 3.推理判断题。根据第5段“Organization gives kids the chance to make it possible to focus on a task and complete it.”可知,做事有条理给孩子们机会使他们能够专注于一项任务并将其完成。由此可知,作者认为做事有条理对孩子来说,是一项有用的技能。故选D项。 4.主旨大意题。第1段建议学龄前儿童从小的、简单的事情做起;第2段建议家长教育孩子关于日常事务的安排;第3、4段是在孩子们上小学后,父母可以制定一个严格的家庭作业时间表,建议家长将任务表打印出,并逐步帮助孩子完成任务。由此可知,文章主要关于如何培养孩子的做事有条理的习惯,并给家长提出了一些建议。故选C项。

    China will have the most 5G connections of any nation by 2025, according to a new study, while Europe will fall behind Korea, the United States and Japan in terms of 5G penetration (渗透) by that year.

5G is the fifth generation of network technology. It is expected to bring unbelievable speeds to Internet users, with some operations running 10 times faster than on 4G networks. 5G is also expected to unlock the potential in a lot of new services, including artificial intelligence, science of robots, self-driving cars, and the Internet of things.

The GSMA said that China’s three major mobile operators — China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Telecom—are already moving ahead with 5G networks. While most nations will have 5G by updating existing foundations, the study noted that China plans to build part of its 5G networks.

A One of the major distinguishing factors between Chinese mobile operators and those in the rest of the world is the intention to erect the new and independent 5G networks. That is, China is determined to build a completely advanced 5G. The high cost underlines China’s seriousness about paying whatever it takes.

Korea will lead the world in terms of 5G penetration in 2025, when 66 percent of the nation’s total connections will be 5G, according to GSMA. This compares to 50 percent in the US,49 percent in Japan, 36 percent in China, 30 percent in Europe, and a global average of 18 percent. Out of the five economies leading on 5G, Europe will have the lowest participation in 2025, as the area is moving more slowly in having its 5G networks.

1.What will 5G bring?

A.A completely new pattern for daily life.

B.Excellent networks and national safety.

C.Amazing speeds for public transportation.

D.Realizing the potential in many new services.

2.What is the future of 5G in China?

A.It will develop rapidly. B.It may be lack of government support.

C.It will move forward slowly. D.It may fall behind Europe.

3.Which of the following best explains “erect” underlined in paragraph 4?

A.bring up. B.set up.

C.turn up. D.pick up.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Some Chinese will use 5G in 2025.

B.Koreans cannot own 5G in 2025.

C.Only five countries will have 5G in 2025.

D.Europe will pay little attention to 5G in 2025.



Famous Scientists

Scientific discoveries over the centuries have helped shape the way we live today. Without pioneering scientists working towards cures for diseases, new inventions, and better ways to do things, life today would be different. Here are some of the most famous scientists, who have made important contributions to our everyday lives.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Father of Medicine

He was credited with writing the Hippocratic Oath that today’s medical professionals still follow in their practice. He had the theory of the vapors, which stated that many diseases were the result of a bad diet.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Theory of Three Psyches, Scientific Method

He wrote about many scientific topics, including biology, physics and zoology. His ideas helped shape western scientific thoughts into the Renaissance until they were replaced with Newtonian physics.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Archimedes Principle, Archimedes Screw

He was an astronomer, a scientist, and a physicist with several inventions to his name. He created a formula (公式) to calculate the area of the underside of a parabola (抛物线). He also designed many ancient machines.


Nationality: Roman

Known for: Father of Medicine

Galen was best known as Galen of Pergamon. He was a famous philosopher and surgeon among the Romans. His works contributed greatly to the knowledge of pharmacology (药物学), logic and philosophy.

1.Which Greek scientist contributed much to medicine?

A.Galen. B.Aristotle.

C.Archimedes. D.Hippocrates.

2.What was Aristotle’s achievement?

A.He influenced western scientific thoughts.

B.He designed lots of ancient machines.

C.He invented many chemicals.

D.He produced the theory of the vapors.

3.What did these scientists have in common?

A.Having good luck in the field of science.

B.Making important contributions to science.

C.Writing many poems about science.

D.Experiencing many difficulties.



假定你是高三学生李华,你的美国朋友 David 寒假去武汉探亲,但是因新冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,目前暂时滞留武汉,无法返深。请你给此时处于焦虑和郁闷中的他写一封英文慰问信,内容包括:

1. 对其表示关心和安慰。

2. 鼓励他积极应对现状。

3. 表达愿望和祝福。

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇: epidemic  n.  流行病





中共有 10 处错误,每句最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。




2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

My senior high school life started with military training(军训). It consisted in two parts: the theory exam and the physical training, which was lasted about two weeks. The latter was much tough than the former. Dressed in green uniforms and exposing to the sun, we had to follow the soldier daily routine and go through hard training. Each morning, we had to get up and fold quilts rapid. We should finish our meals in limited time, too. Then I think it unbearable. Besides, now looking back, I find it necessary. It is the  military training which teaches me how to bear hardship and lead better life.



阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In late April 2014, a 1. (violence) storm swept through the southern United States, destroying more than $ 1 billion in property and killing 35 people. But a group of migratory(迁徙的) birds in eastern Tennessee sensed the oncoming mess and left long before  the  first  clouds  arrived.  A  year 2. (early),  the  team  had  tagged golden-winged  warblers  ( )  with  leg  trackers 3. (study)  their  annual migrations to South America. Two days before the storms 4. (strike)five golden-winged warblers slipped away, traveling nearly 700 kilometers south to the Florida coast.

It's the first time that the birds which normally migrate with the seasons 5. (observe) to slip away when a big storm hits. The researchers suspect this 6. (behave) occurs only when the threat of injury outweighs the energy costs of a long trip. But nobody knows 7. the birds guessed the storm's severity and left so soon. Puzzled by it, the scientists initially reasoned that delicate changes in weather — atmospheric   pressure,   temperature,   wind   speed,   cloud   cover,   or  rainfall   signaled 8. upcoming disaster. Yet when they checked weather records, none of these factors waved significantly 9. the storm. Instead, the team assumes that the 10. (approach) storms created a disorder of infrasounds—low-frequency sound waves that birds can hear, but humans can't.



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