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That day, John’s family decided to move ...

    That day, John’s family decided to move to their new home. The Jeep was packed and the family was ready for a(n) _________ day. All piled into the car, _________ their father and six-year-old John. John’s father, Alvin, _________ the engine, and the family _________ toward their new home. Alvin drove for miles before they needed more supplies. Then they _________ at the nearest supermarket Walmart.

Upon driving into the parking lot, they began to _________ for a parking space. The lot was unusually _________, with many cars, shopping carts (购物车), flashing lights and busy people. John felt surrounded by _________. Eventually, after _________ the parking lot many times, Alvin found a(n) __________ parking space for their car, and still large enough.

Alvin was about to pull in when a strange car __________ pulled into the empty spot. To the family’s __________, the driver who had been driving got out of his car and rushed towards Walmart. Alvin __________ jumped out of his car and ran after him, calling, “Hey, hey! Wait!” When Alvin caught the man, he asked, “Don’t you think that we can both __________ it?” The man was surprised and said, “Um, yes, I suppose we could.” They returned to the parking space and __________ their cars slightly so that they could both park there.

That __________ John very much. He’d thought that his father would be angry, or even beat the stranger up. However, the whole incident ended __________ and they went into the supermarket and bought what they needed.

Alvin’s reaction was pleasantly unexpected. John was moved by his __________ father, realizing that the correct thing to do wasn’t what he had __________ to happen. It made a strong impression on him. __________ is more important than self-righteousness (自以为是的正义).

1.A.obvious B.anxious C.tiring D.working

2.A.following B.helping C.calling D.including

3.A.witnessed B.repaired C.started D.changed

4.A.put back B.broke off C.set off D.set up

5.A.stopped B.lived C.played D.sailed

6.A.apply B.hunt C.pay D.stand

7.A.abnormal B.crowded C.quiet D.clean

8.A.advertisements B.warmth C.music D.noise

9.A.appreciating B.describing C.visiting D.circling

10.A.empty B.small C.dark D.cheap

11.A.pleasantly B.suddenly C.easily D.eventually

12.A.comfort B.excitement C.satisfaction D.anger

13.A.optimistically B.happily C.swiftly D.carefully

14.A.quit B.buy C.share D.leave

15.A.moved B.approached C.examined D.sold

16.A.requested B.impressed C.informed D.congratulated

17.A.sadly B.naturally C.peacefully D.violently

18.A.generous B.awkward C.energetic D.aggressive

19.A.allowed B.expected C.forbidden D.encouraged

20.A.Kindness B.Curiosity C.Justice D.Judgment


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.A 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了John的父亲在停车场,好不容易找到一个空车位,一个陌生人却抢先把车停了进去。John以为父亲会很生气,甚至会动手打那个人,但是父亲只是和那个人商量能否一起共用那个车位。最终事情得到了解决。从父亲处理这件事的方式上,John懂得了应该与人为善。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:吉普车上都挤满了人,全家人都准备好了开始劳累的一天。A. obvious明显的;B. anxious焦虑的;C. tiring劳累的;D. working工作的。根据move to their new home可知,他们要搬家,应该会是很累人的。故选C项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所有人都挤进了车里,包括他们的父亲和六岁的John。A. following跟随;B. helping帮助;C. calling打电话;D. including包括。既然是“家里所有人”,应该包括他们的父亲和John在内。故选D项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:John的父亲Alvin启动了引擎,一家人朝他们的新家出发了。A. witnessed亲眼目睹;B. repaired修理;C. started开始,启动;D. changed改变。Alvin把车开动了。故选C项。 4.考查动词短语辨析。句意:John的父亲Alvin启动了引擎,一家人朝他们的新家出发了。A. put back放回原处;B. broke off突然停止,暂停;C. set off出发;D. set up建立。他们搬家,应该是向新家出发。故选C项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他们停在最近的一家沃尔玛超市。A. stopped停下来;B. lived生活;C. played玩;D. sailed航行。他们需要到超市买东西,于是将车停下来。故选A项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意: 一进停车场,他们就开始寻找停车位。A. apply (for)申请;B. hunt (for)寻找;C. pay (for)付款;D. stand (for)代表。此处考查介词for相关的动词短语辨析。根据下文with many cars, shopping carts可知,停车场车很多,于是他们就找停车位。故选B项。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:停车场异常拥挤,有许多汽车、购物车、闪烁的灯光和忙碌的人们。A. abnormal不正常的;B. crowded拥挤的;C. quiet安静的;D. clean干净的。根据with many cars, shopping carts (购物车), flashing lights and busy people可知,停车场车多人多,很拥挤。 故选B项。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:John感到周围吵闹声一片。 A. advertisements广告;B. warmth温暖;C. music音乐;D. noise噪音。停车场有很多车,还有忙忙碌碌的人群,以及车灯不停地闪烁,应该是很吵闹。故选D项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,在绕着停车场转了很多圈之后,Alvin找到了一个空的停车位,而且仍然足够大。A. appreciating欣赏;B. describing描写;C. visiting参观;D. circling围绕。他们找停车位不容易,在停车场转来转去才找到一个停车位。故选D项。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最后,在绕着停车场转了很多圈之后,Alvin找到了一个空的停车位,而且仍然足够大。A. empty空的;B. small小的;C. dark黑暗的;D. cheap便宜的。从下文the empty spot可知,他找到了一个空的车位,而且还足够大。 故选A项。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:阿尔文正准备将车开进去,这时一辆陌生的汽车突然停在了那片空地上。A. pleasantly愉快地;B. suddenly突然;C. easily容易地;D. eventually最终。Alvin没想到另一辆车会突然开进那个车位。故选B项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:让一家人生气的是,当时正在开车的司机下了车就冲向沃尔玛。A. comfort 安慰;B. excitement兴奋;C. satisfaction满意;D. anger生气。那个陌生人抢了他们的车位,然后就径自走了,当然会让这家人不高兴。故选D项。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Alvin飞快地跳下车,跟在他后面跑,喊道:“嘿,嘿!等等!”A. optimistically乐观地;B. happily高兴地;C. swiftly迅速地;D. carefully小心地。上文提到那个陌生人rushed towards Walmart可知,要追上那个人,Alvin必须很迅速。故选C项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Alvin追上那个人后,他问:“难道你不认为我们能分享这个车位吗?”A. quit放弃;B. buy买;C. share分享;D. leave离开。根据上文and still large enough和下文they could both park there可知, Alvin觉得那个空车位很大,他想和那个人共用那个车位。故选C项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们回到停车位,稍微把车挪动,以便他们都能停在那里。A. moved移动;B. approached接近;C. examined检查;D. sold出售。那个人要把车挪动,Alvin的车才能开进去停在车位上。故选A项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这件事让约翰印象深刻。 A. requested请求;B. impressed留下印象;C. informed告知;D. congratulated祝贺。此处impress和下文made a strong impression on是同词根的派生词复现。故选B项。 17.考查副词词义辨析。句意: 然而,整个事件和平地结束了,他们走进超市买了他们需要的东西。A. sadly伤心地;B. naturally自然地;C. peacefully和平地;D. violently暴力地。那个陌生人接受了Alvin的建议,让事情得到解决,并没有像John想的那样打那个陌生人。故选C项。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:John被他慷慨的父亲感动了,他意识到正确的做法并不是他所期望的那样。A. generous慷慨大度的;B. awkward笨拙的;C. energetic精力充沛的;D. aggressive侵略性的,好斗的。John的父亲先找到的空车位,结果那个人却抢先把车停进去;按常理他父亲会很生气,但是实际上没有。从这里可以看出John觉得他父亲很宽宏大量。故选A项。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:John被他慷慨的父亲感动了,他意识到正确的做法并不是他所期望的那样。 A. allowed允许;B. expected预料;C. forbidden禁止;D. encouraged鼓励。上文提到“He’d thought that his father would be angry, or even beat the stranger up”John原以为他父亲会生气,甚至会痛打那个人一顿。但是结果与他预料的不一样。故选B项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:善良比自以为是更重要。A. Kindness善良;B. Curiosity好奇;C. Justice正义;D. Judgment判断。从父亲处理这件事的方式中,John懂得了应该与人为善。故选A项。

How to Do basic first Aid

Basic first aid refers to a temporary form of help given to someone who has been injured or has got sick due to choking, a heart attack, drugs or other medical emergencies. 1..

Care for the person who has just gone through serious damage, including both physical treatment and emotional support. 2.. Let the person know that help is on its way and that everything will be all right. Also you can ask for their names, if they know what has happened, and then about their interests.

3.. You’d better listen for the sound of air coming in and out, and feel for air using the side of your face. If there are no signs of breathing, place two fingers under the chin (下巴) and gently guide the face pointing upwards to open up their airways.

Perform 30 chest compressions (心肺复苏) and two rescue breaths as part of CPR. 4.. And then press the chest down about 2 inches at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. After 30 compressions, give two rescue breaths, done by opening the airways, closing the nose and fully covering the mouth hole.

Make sure the person is warm as you wait for medical help. Remove some of your own clothing, such as your coat or jacket, and use it as a cover until medical help arrives. However, if the person has a heatstroke (中暑), do not cover him or keep him warm. 5.

A.Instead, try to cool him

B.Remember to stay calm

C.Perform first aid immediately

D.Here are some tips for first aid

E.It is important to take the correct chest compressions

F.In the center of the chest, put your two hands together first

G.If a person is in a state similar to sleep, he may need checking for breath



    Global warming is the increase of the earth’s average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases, for example, carbon dioxide, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from the earth. After the trees are cut down and more greenhouse gases are released, the “blanket” around the earth called the ozone layer (臭氧层), will get thicker. This catches more heat and makes the earth hotter. Luckily, there are many things that every citizen of the earth can do to help reduce the effects of global warming, and it’s never too late or too early for children to take action.

The children should learn what a carbon footprint is. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon and greenhouse gases people make as they lead the daily life and go about the normal activities. In other words, the carbon footprint is a measure of the environmental impact (冲击) the life has. To live an environmentally friendly life that doesn’t contribute to global warming, people want to have the smallest carbon footprint possible.

Almost everything people do contributes to global warming and is related to fossil fuel consumption. These can be direct uses of fossil fuels, like riding in a gasoline-powered car, or indicrect contributions to greenhouse gases, such as eating fruits or vegetables that had to be shipped from far way to reach their tables.

If a child wants to make a contribution to reducing global warming, he should ride a bicycle to the near park, school, his friend’s house, or anywhere else instead of taking the car. Or he may try to walk or jog, which is also helpful. In addition, although trains and buses often run on fossil fuels, on average, each person uses less energy and produces less pollution to run. Next time if children with their parents have to get around town or it’s too far to walk or bike, take the bus or other public transportation instead of asking for a ride.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.A brief description of carbon footprint

B.The serious water pollution.

C.The protection of ozone layer.

D.The causes of global warming

2.Which of the following can describe the carbon footprint?

A.Useless. B.Expensive.

C.Helpful. D.Attractive.

3.What can kids do if they want to help reduce global warming?

A.Go to the near park by bus.

B.Walk or cycle as much as possible.

C.Keep staying at home or school.

D.Go around the town with parents by car.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.What Can People Do to Use Less Energy?

B.How Can Kids Help Reduce Global Warming?

C.How Does Carbon Footprints Measure Pollution?

D.Why Global Warming Affects Humans’ Life?



    Parents can begin good organization (条理) habits with preschool-age kids. Experts recommend asking them to do small, simple actions on a regular basis with the help of parents. Maybe they open their bags and bring their lunch bag to the kitchen, or take their shoes off at the door and put them in a nearby closet. These won’t save parents much time, but they will help develop good habits.

When kids enter primary school, they should be ready for more responsibility. This is the time to teach them about daily routines, and help them take control over theirs. Parents and children might sit down together and make a list of everything that needs to be done to get out of the house in the morning, or get ready for bed at night. Together, parents should figure out how long each activity takes, and when is the best time to do them. Some of the kids might want to get their bags ready and pick out their clothes the night before.

It’s also wise to create a firm schedule for homework. When do kids do their homework? How long do they need? Where do they do it? Where will the homework go once it is done? Figure them out and stick to the schedule as much as possible.

Parents should print up these task lists and help kids finish them step by step. Kids might even check them off each morning or evening. Also, make sure there are clocks in the rooms in which these tasks will take place. Time management is an important part of learning organization, but it can’t be done if kids don’t know what time it is.

Organization gives kids the chance to make it possible to focus on a task and complete it. Kids tend to be more motivated to learn organization skills if they see organization as a challenge to overcome, rather than a fault to repair.

1.Why are kids advised to do small and simple actions?

A.To save parents’ time.

B.To join a school organization.

C.To form a good relationship with others.

D.To help kids form good habits.

2.What should parents do to help kids develop organization skills?

A.Offer some suggestions only.

B.Finish the daily tasks for kids.

C.Assist kids in finishing the daily tasks.

D.Let the kid finish the daily tasks alone.

3.What does the author think of organization for kids?

A.It is a fault to repair. B.It is nothing special.

C.It is easy to achieve. D.It is a helpful skill.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Assisting parents with a good parent-child relationship.

B.Parents should spend more time with kids.

C.Giving advice on developing kids’ good organization habits.

D.Parents should make kids more independent.



    China will have the most 5G connections of any nation by 2025, according to a new study, while Europe will fall behind Korea, the United States and Japan in terms of 5G penetration (渗透) by that year.

5G is the fifth generation of network technology. It is expected to bring unbelievable speeds to Internet users, with some operations running 10 times faster than on 4G networks. 5G is also expected to unlock the potential in a lot of new services, including artificial intelligence, science of robots, self-driving cars, and the Internet of things.

The GSMA said that China’s three major mobile operators — China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Telecom—are already moving ahead with 5G networks. While most nations will have 5G by updating existing foundations, the study noted that China plans to build part of its 5G networks.

A One of the major distinguishing factors between Chinese mobile operators and those in the rest of the world is the intention to erect the new and independent 5G networks. That is, China is determined to build a completely advanced 5G. The high cost underlines China’s seriousness about paying whatever it takes.

Korea will lead the world in terms of 5G penetration in 2025, when 66 percent of the nation’s total connections will be 5G, according to GSMA. This compares to 50 percent in the US,49 percent in Japan, 36 percent in China, 30 percent in Europe, and a global average of 18 percent. Out of the five economies leading on 5G, Europe will have the lowest participation in 2025, as the area is moving more slowly in having its 5G networks.

1.What will 5G bring?

A.A completely new pattern for daily life.

B.Excellent networks and national safety.

C.Amazing speeds for public transportation.

D.Realizing the potential in many new services.

2.What is the future of 5G in China?

A.It will develop rapidly. B.It may be lack of government support.

C.It will move forward slowly. D.It may fall behind Europe.

3.Which of the following best explains “erect” underlined in paragraph 4?

A.bring up. B.set up.

C.turn up. D.pick up.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Some Chinese will use 5G in 2025.

B.Koreans cannot own 5G in 2025.

C.Only five countries will have 5G in 2025.

D.Europe will pay little attention to 5G in 2025.



Famous Scientists

Scientific discoveries over the centuries have helped shape the way we live today. Without pioneering scientists working towards cures for diseases, new inventions, and better ways to do things, life today would be different. Here are some of the most famous scientists, who have made important contributions to our everyday lives.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Father of Medicine

He was credited with writing the Hippocratic Oath that today’s medical professionals still follow in their practice. He had the theory of the vapors, which stated that many diseases were the result of a bad diet.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Theory of Three Psyches, Scientific Method

He wrote about many scientific topics, including biology, physics and zoology. His ideas helped shape western scientific thoughts into the Renaissance until they were replaced with Newtonian physics.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Archimedes Principle, Archimedes Screw

He was an astronomer, a scientist, and a physicist with several inventions to his name. He created a formula (公式) to calculate the area of the underside of a parabola (抛物线). He also designed many ancient machines.


Nationality: Roman

Known for: Father of Medicine

Galen was best known as Galen of Pergamon. He was a famous philosopher and surgeon among the Romans. His works contributed greatly to the knowledge of pharmacology (药物学), logic and philosophy.

1.Which Greek scientist contributed much to medicine?

A.Galen. B.Aristotle.

C.Archimedes. D.Hippocrates.

2.What was Aristotle’s achievement?

A.He influenced western scientific thoughts.

B.He designed lots of ancient machines.

C.He invented many chemicals.

D.He produced the theory of the vapors.

3.What did these scientists have in common?

A.Having good luck in the field of science.

B.Making important contributions to science.

C.Writing many poems about science.

D.Experiencing many difficulties.



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