满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When it rains, my mother and I like to s...

    When it rains, my mother and I like to sit in the car, neither of us wanting to brave the rain to get to the house. We always have our best ________ in her little blue Honda, ________ raindrops race down the windscreen and listening to the rain ________ the car roof. I don’t know why, but sitting in the car, we always talk more than ________.

There was one rainy day when my mom told me something that is going to ________ me forever. Earlier that day she and my dad had been ________ about something; I can’t remember what. So she said, “Don’t spend your life looking for Prince Charming. ________, find yourself a really good frog.” At the time, I found this thought really ________. Who wants to think that you’ll never find Prince Charming? Another thought that ________ my mind: if my mom says there’s no Prince Charming, then what’s my dad? A frog? I asked her, and she replied with, “________! If he were Prince Charming, he wouldn’t snore, would be able to cook, and we would never argue. But you know what? He’s a damn good frog.” Being young, I didn’t think of the meaning ________ what she was saying.

But a few years later, I understand the ________ of my mom’s words. You can’t expect everything to be ________. Let’s be completely honest; if you ________ your whole life for your prince with flowing hair, attractive ________, and a white horse, you’re going to be lonely. I think that the ________ of finding a good frog is that you ________ something that’s great, imperfect and all. In life, we can’t afford to wait years for perfection ________. So I think that the best frog you can find is what we’re really looking for in this world. Don’t laze through life waiting to live ________ ever after, because I don’t think you’ll be very happy with the ________.

This I believe.

1.A.debates B.conversations C.memories D.comments

2.A.noticing B.admiring C.watching D.scanning

3.A.strike B.surround C.knock D.attack

4.A.necessary B.accessible C.reasonable D.normal

5.A.count on B.reflect on C.stick with D.correspond with

6.A.arguing B.thinking C.worrying D.dreaming

7.A.However B.Anyway C.Therefore D.Instead

8.A.discouraging B.exhausting C.amazing D.inspiring

9.A.slipped B.crossed C.changed D.searched

10.A.Forget it B.Never mind C.Of course D.No trouble

11.A.about B.over C.within D.behind

12.A.value B.effect C.concern D.weight

13.A.realistic B.perfect C.mature D.reliable

14.A.wait B.advocate C.devote D.challenge

15.A.power B.alternative C.appearance D.belief

16.A.approach B.difficulty C.potential D.point

17.A.expect B.accept C.assume D.confirm

18.A.in time B.in return C.in vain D.in general

19.A.regretfully B.happily C.peacefully D.casually

20.A.reply B.relationship C.intention D.outcome


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者的母亲曾经告诉作者与其用一生的时间去寻找白马王子,不如找一只真正的好青蛙。作者当时并不理解这句话的含义,到后来才明白了妈妈话的价值。明白了能找到的最好的青蛙就是我们在这个世界上真正想要的。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们总是在她那辆蓝色的小本田车里聊得很开心,看着雨滴从挡风玻璃上滴落下来,听着雨水打在车顶上的声音。A. debates辩论;B. conversations对话;C. memories记忆;D. comments评论。根据后文we always talk more可知,作者和母亲总是在车里聊得很开心。故选B。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们总是在她那辆蓝色的小本田车里聊得很开心,看着雨滴从挡风玻璃上滴落下来,听着雨水打在车顶上的声音。A. noticing注意到;B. admiring钦佩;C. watching看着;D. scanning扫描。结合后文raindrops race down the windscreen可知,作者他们看着(watching)雨滴从挡风玻璃上滴落下来。故选C。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们总是在她那辆蓝色的小本田车里聊得很开心,看着雨滴从挡风玻璃上滴落下来,听着雨水打在车顶上的声音。A. strike击打;B. surround包围;C. knock敲打;D. attack攻击。结合后文the car roof以及常识可知,雨水是击打在车顶上。故选A。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我不知道为什么,但坐在车里,我们总是说得比平时多。A. necessary必要的;B. accessible可进入的;C. reasonable合理的;D. normal正常的。结合上文We always have our best作者叙说说自己和母亲总是在车里聊的很愉快,可推知他们在车里总是比平常生活中聊得更多。故选D。 5.考查动词短语辨析。句意:有一个雨天,我妈妈告诉我一件事,这件事将永远伴随着我。A. count on依靠;B. reflect on仔细考虑;C. stick with坚持;D. correspond with符合。结合后文妈妈告诉了作者要去找一只好青蛙,这个想法会永远伴随着作者。短语stick with sb.表示“紧跟着某人”。故选C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天早些时候,她和我爸爸一直在为某事争吵;我记不得了。A. arguing争吵;B. thinking思考;C. worrying担心;D. dreaming梦想。结合后文we would never argue.可知,父母是在吵架,其它选项不符合语境。故选A。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,你应该找一只真正的好青蛙。A. However然而;B. Anyway总之;C. Therefore所以;D. Instead相反。结合上文Don’t spend your life looking for Prince Charming.可知,母亲对作者说不要用一生去寻找白马王子,相反(instead),应该去找一只好青蛙。故选D。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当时,我觉得这种想法非常令人沮丧。A. discouraging令人气馁的;B. exhausting使人筋疲力尽的;C. amazing令人惊异的;D. inspiring鼓舞人心的。母亲让作者不要找白马王子,而是去找青蛙,作者听到这一观点应当是感觉沮丧。故选A。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一个想法划过我的脑海:如果我妈妈说没有白马王子,那我爸爸呢?一只青蛙吗?A. slipped滑动;B. crossed划过,穿过;C. changed改变;D. searched搜索。结合后文my mind可知,此处指想法划过作者的脑海。cross此处表示“(想法)划过”。故选B。 10.考查短语辨析。句意:当然!如果他是白马王子,他不会打呼噜,会做饭,我们永远不会争吵。A. Forget it没关系;B. Never mind不要紧;C. Of course当然;D. No trouble不麻烦。结合后文If he were Prince Charming, he wouldn’t snore, would be able to cook, and we would never argue.可知,父亲并不是白马王子,因此妈妈的回答是“当然(不是)”。故选C。 11.考查介词辨析。句意:因为年轻,我不知道她的话背后的含义。A. about关于;B. over在……上面;C. within在……里面;D. behind在……后面。此处指母亲的话“背后”的含义应用介词behind。故选D。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但几年后,我明白了妈妈话的价值。A. value价值;B. effect影响;C. concern担心;D. weight重量。结合后文作者的论述可知,随着作者长大,明白了妈妈话里的价值。故选A。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你不能期望事事完美。A. realistic现实的;B. perfect完美的;C. mature成熟的;D. reliable可信赖的。结合后文we can’t afford to wait years for perfection可知,此处指不能期望事事完美。故选B。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:老实说,如果你一辈子都在等你的王子,他有着飘逸的头发,迷人的外表,还有一匹白马,你会感到孤独的。A. wait等待;B. advocate提倡;C. devote致力于;D. challenge挑战。根据后文your whole life for your prince可知,此处是指一辈子都在等王子,短语wait for sb.“等待某人”。故选A。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:老实说,如果你一辈子都在等你的王子,他有着飘逸的头发,迷人的外表,还有一匹白马,你会感到孤独的。A. power力量;B. alternative选择;C. appearance外表,外观;D. belief信念。承接上文your prince with flowing hair, attractive可知,白马王子应当是有着飘逸的头发,迷人的外表,还有一匹白马。故选C。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我认为找到一只好青蛙的关键是你要接受一些主要的,不完美的东西。A. approach方法;B. difficulty困难;C. potential潜能;D. point关键,要点。结合后文of finding a good frog可知,此处指的是找到一只好青蛙的关键(point)是接受,故选D。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我认为找到一只好青蛙的关键是你要接受一些主要的,不完美的东西。A. expect期待;B. accept接受;C. assume假设;D. confirm确认。结合后文that’s great, imperfect and all可知,找到一只好青蛙的关键是你要接受一些主要的,不完美的东西。故选B。 18.考查介词短语辨析。句意:在生活中,我们不能为了追求完美而白白等上几年。A. in time及时;B. in return作为回报;C. in vain徒劳;D. in general总之。结合上文we can’t afford to wait years for perfection可推知,此处指我们不能为了追求完美而白白等上几年。in vain表示“徒劳地”。故选C。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:不要一辈子都等着过上幸福的生活,因为我不认为你会对结局感到幸福。A. regretfully后悔地;B. happily快乐地;C. peacefully平静地;D. casually随便地。此处呼应童话故事中常用来描述和白马王子从此过上了幸福的生活,短语happily ever after“从此幸福快乐”。故选B。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不要一辈子都等着过上幸福的生活,因为我不认为你会对结局感到幸福。A. reply回答;B. relationship关系;C. intention目的;D. outcome结果。承接上文作者提到了等待白马王子会白白花费数年时间,而最后也不一定会对结局感到幸福。故选D。

    Studies show that people who are happy — truly happy— have deep connections with those around them. 1. They actively try hard to improve these relationships and build quality relationships with others.

Those connections and relationships that we build and that we attempt to develop, create experiences in our lives. Some experiences will be poor, but it is possible for us to create meaningful experiences  — experiences that allow us to just be. Studies show that when we create meaningful experiences, we allow ourselves time to relax, to build connections, and to become our best selves 2.

If we want to create meaningful experiences, we need to learn how to create these moments in our lives. Instead of taking many classes and workshops to teach us how to build connections with others, we should experience beSHOPs, which means we learn by being, by observing, and by becoming.

3. It helps define us and motivates us to do good, to step outside of our comfort zone, and to be better. A few of these values that we need to create meaningful experiences include:

● Compassion (同情): Compassion has been thoroughly studied and proven to be a natural human response. 4. When you are compassionate, you don't have to think twice about helping others.

● Gratitude: Showing sincere appreciation to others helps establish strong feelings of gratitude, and build strong connections. You should express appreciation for all the things in your life and make gratefulness just a part of who you are.

● Willingness to learn: 5. Many individuals will find themselves stuck in their own world and never take a step outside of their comfort zones. When we have that desire to learn, to explore, and our curiosity is continually peaked, then we are more likely to have these meaningful experiences.

Remember, true happiness, and meaningful experiences are not things you can learn from a series of worksheets and lectures. It is about being.

A.There is so much in the world around us.

B.“To be” requires key values that shape us.

C.It means service, kindness and love for others.

D.Within the communities, you can work on developing these values.

E.Working with others will help you experience many aspects of life.

F.Creating these experiences is a vital step in the process to achieve full happiness.

G.They value their relationships with family, friends, colleagues and even strangers.



    Stone tools and pieces of animal bone from about 16,600 years ago are the earliest evidence yet of human beings in the New World, scientists say.

The objects were found in the western United States. They were recovered from an archaeological site called Cooper Ferry on the Salmon River near the town of Cottonwood Idaho. Scientists used radiocarbon dating methods to find out how old these artifacts are.

The scientists say people lived in or passed through the area when ice covered large parts of North America. That period of time is known as Earth's Ice Age. During the period, big mammals like camels lived in North America. Loren D avis is an anthropology (人类学) professor at Oregon State University. He led the team of scientists working at Cooper's Ferry.

“The Cooper's Ferry site is the earliest radiocarbon-dated archaeological evidence in the Americas.” Davis said. The researchers said the artifacts suggest that people first lived in the area between 16,600 and 15,300 years ago and returned to live there many times after that.

Scientists say humans first appeared in Africa about 300,000 years ago and later spread throughout the world. There has been much scientific debate about when humans first entered the Americas. They are believed to have crossed into North America at a time when Siberia and Alaska were connected by land.

The new findings support the assumption that the first human migration into the Americas traveled down the pacific coast instead of an inland path. Davis said. “The Columbia river would provide the first Americans their first route to interior lands south of the continental ice sheet.”

The researchers noted details of some of the sharp objects that would have been used for hunting. These artifacts appear similar to those found in northern Japan from a somewhat earlier date. Davis said. “We assume that this may signal a cultural connection between early peoples who lived around the northern Pacific Rim.” “Traditional technological ideas spread from northeastern Asia into North America at the end of the last glacial period,” he added.

1.What do the “artifacts” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The migrants traveling into the North America.

B.The objects found in Cooper's Ferry on the Salmon River.

C.Stone tools and animal bones from about 300,000 years ago.

D.The camels living in north America during the earth's Ice Age.

2.It can be inferred from paragraphs 5-7 that ________.

A.migrants possibly traveled deep into North America through the Columbia

B.North America has long been considered the source of human civilization

C.there existed no cultural links between early peoples around the world

D.experts have agreed on when humans first entered the Americas

3.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Artifacts Recovered from an Archaeological Site in Africa

B.The Spreading of Ancient Technology between Early Settlers

C.The Benefits of Radiocarbon Dating Method

D.The First Human Migration into the Americas



    When you don’t have a car and need to get around, are you more likely to call for an Uber or Lyft, or a cab? Last Friday, Lyft — the ride-sharing company, went public as its stocks (股票) started trading on the market. Lyft has become the first big initial public offering of the “gig economy” age. While the company is not making profits yet, it is changing the meaning of work. What is gig economy and what makes it so appealing?

Gig works are independent contracts (合同) or part-time jobs such as Uber. In the gig economy, companies hire independent contractors instead of full-time employees. This is different from traditional companies where full-time workers hold a lifetime career. In the past, only small companies hired contractors, while today, employers like Amazon and Google rely on temporary workforce. These companies save costs as they are not legally required to provide healthcare benefits, retirement savings or paid time off to gig workers.

Gig work appeals to different people for different reasons. For some, it affords flexible timings and for otliers who are looking for full-time jobs, it provides a source of income to support themselves. Some people work a full-time job and supplement (补充) their salary with gig jobs such as driving for Uber or Lyft.

Joining the gig economy may be simple, but maintaining a steady career is easier said than done. Gig work comes with unsteady pay and workloads. You're your own boss. It sounds fun, but when you have no self-control and an unsteady job, you might splurge all your money the first week and live on bread pieces for the rest of the month! Besides a strong sense of responsibility, gig workers have to stay up to date to get companies to hire them.

Despite the challenges gig workers face, nearly 60 million Americans are part of this workforce. As this number grows, we have to see how society and companies adapt to this new world of work!

1.What can be learnt about Lyft from the passage?

A.It has built up a large fortune.

B.It marks the arrival of gig economy age.

C.It employs a fixed number of full-time workers.

D.It appeals to people as a means of public transport.

2.Who are most likely to become gig workers?

A.People seeking for a steady income.

B.Those desperate to get paid vacations.

C.People in need of flexible working hours.

D.Those concerned about retirement accounts.

3.What does the underlined word “splurge” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Spend money freely. B.Deposit money automatically.

C.Earn money quickly. D.Allocate money randomly.

4.What is the message mainly conveyed in the passage?

A.Gig workers have to face some potential challenges.

B.Gig workers have to possess some much-needed qualities.

C.The appearance of gig companies will solve the job problems.

D.People should adjust to new work trends with the rise of gig companies.



    CARMEL VALLEY - You don’t necessarily have to be older to be a Good Samaritan. Take Carmel Valley resident, Daniella Marie Benitez, 14, who is not your average teen. Daniella is helping Tijuana families have roofs over their heads — one family at a time.

It began in 2017 while she was volunteering for Build A Miracle and building a home for a family in need in Tijuana, Mexico. Daniella found it so fulfilling that she took the lead in building another home with the support of her family and friends.

To date, she has raised $32,000 for her cause and recently headed to Tijuana to begin building her team’s second home.

“It has been an unbelievable experience,” Daniella, a freshman at Cathedral Catholic High School in San Diego, said. She learned about Build A Miracle through her previous school, Notre Dame Academy. It is a nonprofit organization that takes a family in need from a shack (棚屋) to a new home with electricity, bedrooms, kitchen and a bathroom. It has built more than 350 homes since 1999.

During this most recent trip to Tijuana, Daniella and her team poured the foundation (基金) for the second new home. Additionally, she used her other volunteering position as a member of KIDBOX’s Kids board of directors to help distribute $10,000 worth of brand new KIDBOX clothing to her BAM community’s kids.

Between BAM and KIDBOX, the busy teen said she would continue to volunteer both locally and in Mexico to “stay humble.” She isn’t about to stop helping others; in fact, it’s something she treasures. “I’ve been working with BAM for about a year and a half. I got involved at the end of seventh grade when my previous school sponsored the building of a school sponsored home; my mom forced my family and me to go down to TJ to actually help build the house,” she said. “Meeting the family and seeing their delight and relief when they walked into their new home was priceless and is what inspired me to keep doing this.”

1.What made Daniella stand out among teens?

A.Her constant efforts to help those less fortunate.

B.The building of a school sponsored home.

C.Her attempt to raise a fund for her cause.

D.The organizing of Build A Miracle.

2.How did Daniella make connections between BAM and KIDBOX?

A.She encouraged KIDBOX to collect money for BAM.

B.She promoted a donation to BAM from KIDBOX.

C.She held leading positions in both organizations.

D.She built a platform for them to communicate.

3.What chiefly inspired Daniella to keep helping others?

A.The support from her parents. B.Carmel Valley’s traditional values.

C.Tijuana families’ happy reactions. D.The influence from her previous school.




When my family moved to the United States from Colombia, I was 9 years old and knew little about English. As time passed, teachers finally knew all of their students and and everyone began to adapt to the life, except for me. No one called out my name, and no one seemed to know I existed. I spent the next month in my new classroom quietly. I felt that fear, loneliness and sadness came over me.

The school never cared that I didn't speak English, but something else was teaching me English. Every morning when my aunt drove me to school and picked me up, she always had 106.7 Light FM(私家车广播)on. It was this station that introduced my young ears to the English sounds.

Because of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, I learned the difference between "witch" and "which". While watching the TV show South Park, I was attracted by the funny characters. In fact, thanks to pop culture, the world of English became available to me while it was being turned down at school.

I also learned how to express my emotions thanks to pop culture. One day at school, we were taking a math quiz and the whole class was quiet. Suddenly, the tip of my pencil broke and I yelled, "My Jesus! " Everyone held their breath in surprise and I laughed to myself because something at that moment told me I had just learned my first bad word in English.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1

I appeared to be embarrassed at that moment, but in my heart I felt happy.


Paragraph 2

Four months passed before the school placed me into an ESL(把英语作为第二语言的语言学习者的专业英文课程)program.




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