满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

An 8-year-old boy achieved the wish of h...

    An 8-year-old boy achieved the wish of his late (已故的) mother to climb Jade Mountain. Tzou Ze Gang, along with his father, _________ their two-day climbing _________ on August 18. Along the way the boy _________ a photo of his late mother. They _________ to reach the top of Jade Mountain on August 20. Standing at 3, 952 meters above sea level, Jade Mountain is seen as the _________ mountain in Taiwan.

Tzou was only 4 years old when he first _________ Jade Mountain and he had dreamed of climbing it ever since. For the locals, the mountain is _________ believed the home of the Goddess of Life.

The boy was _________ by the mountain and promised his mother that they would both climb it one day. _________, years later his mother had to __________ leg surgery (手术), which made her unable to __________ the mountain. “When you __________ the world in the future, you can bring Mummy’s things along,” his mother told him. Unluckily, she __________ last year. Tzou’s father __________ the child during their training by saying, “Jade Mountain is the highest point in Taiwan. I’m sure we’ll be __________ to Mummy over there.”

The climb was __________ for Tzou. He felt __________ and was out of breath (气喘吁吁). He __________ felt sick even after resting. But Tzou’s father said Tzou felt much better when they were on their last __________, adding that the final 200 meters was a piece of cake for him.

Upon reaching the top, Tzou pulled out his mother’s __________ and shouted, “Mummy! We’ve reached the top. I carried you to the top of Jade Mountain!”

1.A.shared B.started C.enjoyed D.described

2.A.competition B.event C.program D.experience

3.A.watched B.kept C.carried D.lost

4.A.managed B.tried C.preferred D.promised

5.A.highest B.smallest C.farthest D.coldest

6.A.searched B.walked down C.removed D.heard of

7.A.foolishly B.secretly C.truly D.wrongly

8.A.troubled B.attracted C.moved D.frightened

9.A.However B.As a result C.Instead D.What’s more

10.A.join in B.beg for C.carry out D.go through

11.A.climb B.imagine C.reach D.notice

12.A.save B.understand C.explore D.create

13.A.fell ill B.passed away C.got injured D.broke down

14.A.rewarded B.encouraged C.raised D.punished

15.A.more honest B.kinder C.more polite D.closer

16.A.easy B.exciting C.difficult D.relaxing

17.A.unhappy B.secure C.uncomfortable D.enjoyable

18.A.quickly B.never C.hardly D.just

19.A.point B.half C.day D.part

20.A.book B.photo C.gift D.phone


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。为了完成与妈妈生前的约定,8岁男孩Tzou Ze Gang成功攀登台湾最高峰。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:邹泽刚和他的父亲于8月18日开始了为期两天的攀岩体验。A. shared分享;B. started开始;C. enjoyed享受;D. described描述。根据下文reach the top of Jade Mountain on August 20可知,邹泽纲和他的爸爸8月18日开始爬山,8月20日登顶,此处为“开始”他们两天的攀登。故选B。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:邹泽刚和他的父亲于8月18日开始了为期两天的攀岩体验。A. competition竞争;B. event大事件;C. program项目;D. experience体验。登山是一种体验、一种经历,而不是竞赛、大事件或项目。故选D。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:沿途,男孩带着一张已故母亲的照片。A. watched看;B. kept保持;C. carried携带;D. lost失去。根据下文you can bring Mummy’s things along可知,这个男孩在登山的路上带了他已故母亲的照片。故选C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们于8月20日成功登顶玉山。A. managed设法完成;B. tried试图;C. preferred更喜欢;D. promised承诺。根据下文他们登到山顶可知,他们在8月20日抵达了玉山顶峰。manage to do sth.设法完成某事。故选A。 5.考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:玉山海拔3952米,被认为是台湾最高的山。A. highest最高的;B. smallest最小的;C. farthest最远的;D. coldest最近的。根据下文的Jade Mountain is the highest point in Taiwan. 可知,玉山是台湾最高的山。故选A。 6.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:邹第一次听说玉山的时候只有4岁,从那以后他就梦想着爬上玉山。A. searched寻找;B. walked down走下去;C. removed移除;D. heard of听说。根据下文he had dreamed of climbing it ever since,再联系上下文可知,此空是听说过玉山。故选D。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:对于当地人来说,这座山真的被认为是生命女神的家。A. foolishly 愚蠢地;B. secretly秘密地;C. truly真正地;D. wrongly错误地。根据“对于当地人来说,玉山是生命女神的家。”和上下文可知,truly believed“真的被认为”符合语境。故选C。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个男孩被那座山吸引住了,并向他的母亲保证有一天他们两个都会爬上那座山。A. troubled麻烦;B. attracted吸引;C. moved感动;D. frightened害怕。男孩不是被山困扰、感动或是吓着了,而是被山吸引,后来才萌生了登山的想法。故选B。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,几年后,他的母亲不得不接受腿部手术,这使她无法登山。A. However 然而;B. As a result结果;C. Instead相反;D. What’s more而且。前后句子之间是转折关系,然而几年后,他妈妈腿部需要动手术。故选A。 10.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:然而,几年后,他的母亲不得不接受腿部手术,这使她无法登山。A. join in加入;B. beg for祈求;C. carry out实施;D. go through经历。根据此空后面leg surgery腿部手术可知,应该是“经历手术”,也就是“做手术”,而不能是参加、乞求或实施手术。故选D。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,几年后,他的母亲不得不接受腿部手术,这使她无法登山。A. climb爬;B. imagine想象;C. reach达到;D. notice注意到。根据前文可知,妈妈的腿做过手术,所以力量不足,不能爬山了。故选A。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你将来探索世界的时候,你可以带上妈妈的东西。A. save 拯救;B. understand理解;C. explore探索;D. create创造。孩子长大后要独自闯荡,去探索世界,而不是去拯救世界、理解世界或创造世界。故选C。 13.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,她去年去世了。A. fell ill 生病;B. passed away去世;C. got injured受伤;D. broke down机器坏了;身体垮了。根据上文achieved the wish of his late (已故的) mother的提示可知,很不幸地是,她去年去世了。pass away去世。故选B。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:邹的父亲在训练中鼓励孩子说:“玉山是台湾的最高点。我相信我们会离那边的妈咪更近。A. rewarded奖励;B. encouraged 鼓励;C. raised举起; D. punished惩罚。分析上下文,通过爸爸所说的话,可以得知爸爸用这样的方式去鼓励孩子,而不是奖励孩子、抚养孩子或惩罚孩子。故选B。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:邹的父亲在训练中鼓励孩子说:“玉山是台湾的最高点。我相信我们会离那边的妈咪更近。A. more honest更加诚实的;B. kinder更善良的是;C. more polite更加礼貌的是;D. closer更近的。一些人认为人死后会去天堂,所以山顶是离天堂最近的地方。玉山是台湾最高峰,所以登上最高峰也就是离妈妈更近了。故选D。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:攀登对邹来说是困难的。A. easy容易的;B. exciting兴奋的是;C. difficult困难的;D. relaxing放松的。根据下文描述的状况可知,这次登山对Tzou来说太难了。故选C。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他感到不舒服,上气不接下气。A. unhappy 不高兴的;B. secure安全的;C. uncomfortable 不舒服的;D. enjoyable令人愉快的。根据下文描述的状况“was out of breath (气喘吁吁)”可知,他感到很不舒服。故选C。 18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:即使休息过后,他也很快感到不舒服。A. quickly快地;B. never从不;C. hardly几乎不;D. just仅仅。根据上文The climb was difficult for Tzou. He felt uncomfortable and was out of breath (气喘吁吁)可知,甚至休息后,他很快就感觉到不舒服。故选A。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但邹的父亲说,当他们走到最后一段时,邹感觉好多了。A. point要点,得分;B. half一半;C. day一天;D. part部分。根据 adding that the final 200 meters was a piece of cake for him 最后 200米对于他来说是小菜一碟可知,最后200米是爬山中的最后一部分。故选D。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一到山顶,邹就拿出妈妈的照片大喊:“妈咪!我们已经到达顶端了。我背着你登上了玉山之巅。A. book书;B. photo照片;C. gift礼物;D. phone手机。根据上文a photo of his late mother的提示可知,在登顶后,邹泽纲拿出妈妈的照片,高喊:“妈妈!我们登上了顶峰,我带你登上了玉山顶峰!”故选B。

    Everyone has bad days at work. You met unexpected difficulties with a project you’ve been working on for weeks. 1. You forget to put something on your timetable and leave a key customer waiting. Whatever the reason for your workplace problem, one influence it has is to make you feel more alone.

In those bad moments, you can only rely on yourself. 2. Sure it might seem hokey (矫揉造作的), but there’ s a reason why gratitude (感激) is always showing up on tea bags and in self-help books.

According to research, practicing gratitude can help make you happier. The next time you’re troubled by a problem at work, take a minute and think of someone in your life that you’re grateful for. Write a sentence or two on a notebook about why you feel appreciative.

3. Gratitude is often a feeling when someone else has done something helpful for you that they didn’t have to do. Those persons have done something to make your life a little better. 4. It might be a relative who took care of you when you were little or a teacher who helped you out in a hard situation. Taking time to practice gratitude will make you happy. The more gratitude you feel, the happier you will be.

Picking one of helpers out and reminding (提醒) yourself of why you’re grateful to them have two advantages. 5. It also reminds you of the deep social connections you have so that you don’t feel lonely anymore.

A.This happens for a few reasons.

B.Why will practicing gratitude make you feel better?

C.A coworker shouts at you in a meeting.

D.We all have such people around us in our lives.

E.At the moment, a little gratitude can help.

F.For one, it gets you thinking about something good, which lifts your heart.

G.People are helped by sharing their troubles with close friends, family or loved ones.



    An American cancer survivor ha become he first person to swim across the English Channel four times on end.

Sarah Thomas, 37, completed the great achievement on Tuesday after over 54 hours of swimming. Her record-breaking achievement came just a year after she completed treatment for breast cancer (乳腺癌).

In a video on Facebook, a small group of people could be seen cheering on the swimmer from Colorado as she made her final arrival to beach at Dover. Supporters congratulated Mrs. Thomas on her non-stop swim, handing her chocolate and other gifts. In the video, Mrs. Thomas admitted to feeling “a little sick” but said she had been encouraged to keep going by her husband and her team.

Before the start of her challenge, Mrs. Thomas wrote that she was “fearful” and admitted she was “going to need some luck”.

In a Facebook post made on Saturday, she dedicated (奉献) the swim “to all the survivors out there”, adding, “This is for those of us who have wondered hopelessly about what comes next, and have overcome the pain bravely.”

After her swim, Mrs. Thomas said, “I’m really tired and I’m losing my voice from all the salt water.” Asked what the worst part of her challenge was, she said, “Probably dealing with the salt water over two days. It really hurts your throat, your mouth and your tongue.” She praised her support team for helping her stay strong, adding that she was very prepared for the weather, currents(k it)and cold water. “I feel just mostly stunned right now. I just can’t believe that we did it.”

1.What’s the attitude of Mrs. Thomas’s husband to her swimming challenge?

A.He refuses to support her.

B.He never cares about it at all.

C.He is angry about her decision.

D.He encourages her to keep trying.

2.What was the biggest challenge for Mrs. Thomas?

A.The weather. B.The currents.

C.The salt water. D.The cold water.

3.What does the underlined word “stunned” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Frightened. B.Surprised.

C.Upset. D.Powerful.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.A Successful Swimmer

B.A Woman Beat Breast Cancer

C.A Record-breaking Achievement

D.A Cancer Survivor Made a New Record



    Living with your parents has its advantages… at least when it comes to raising your kids—their grandkids. Because two new studies add to the evidence that grandmothers can improve the survival of grandchildren. That is, unless Grandma’s too old or lives too far away.

Humans are unusual in that women live long past the age at which they stop having babies. “We don’t really see that in nature. Most of the organisms (生物) will reproduce up to their very last moment,” says Patrick Bergeron, a teacher at Bishop’s University in Quebec. This increase in post-reproductive longevity (寿命) is often explained by the so-called “grandmother effect (效应)”.

To explore the “grandmother effect”, Bergeron and his researchers examined nearly 200 years’ worth of French-Canadian population records from the 17th and 18th centuries. At the time, life was hard. In some years, a third of the kids were not even making it to one year of age. But the researchers found that having a grandmother still alive was an advantage. Families with grandmothers alive were larger by about two and the survival of these grandchildren to age 15 was much improved.

This good effect was only seen when the grandmothers lived nearby, which suggests that grandmothers help by playing an active role in their grandchildren’s lives.

Unluckily, that role is harder for them to achieve as they get older, which brings us to the second study. Researchers at the University of Turku in Finland used church records from the 18th and 19th centuries. They found that the advantages connected with having a grandmother on hand depended on her age. Once grandmothers hit 75, the grandchild survival advantages disappeared. In other words, it was better for grandchildren to have no living grandmother at all than it was to live with an old one or one that was in poor health. So a healthy grandma helps make for a healthy grandchild

1.What’s “grandmother effect”?

A.Having a grandmother alive is an advantage.

B.Grandmothers are helpful to their children whatever their age.

C.Grandmothers are helpful for the survival of their grandchildren.

D.Healthy grandmothers living nearby are good for grandchildren’s health.

2.What can we know about the second study?

A.Researchers used French-Canadian population records.

B.Researchers used church records from the 17th and 18th centuries.

C.It was done by researchers from the University of Turku in Finland.

D.It found that it was good for grandchildren to have no living grandmother.

3.Where does this text probably come from?

A.A science report. B.A diary

C.A storybook. D.A textbook.



    Jade Stephenson has always loved her grandmother’s wedding dress (结婚礼服). So much so that once, Stephenson even asked her grandmother to keep hold of it so she could wear it for a special day. And when she realized her 80-year-old grandma wouldn’t be able to travel to attend her graduation at Liverpool Hope University, Stephenson knew the time had come.

“I tried the dress on several years ago, so I knew what it looked like when I put on the dress and her face then lit up,” she said. “So I knew asking her if I could wear it for graduation would make her smile. Also, my grandfather died in 2009 and to me, it felt like part of him was there with me on such a special day.”

Stephenson sported the dress under her cap and her clothes last week, at the ceremony (典礼) to collect her teaching degree at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King.

Nora, her grandmother, lives in Carlisle, more than 130 miles from Liverpool. She was very happy when she saw the pictures of her granddaughter, and praised that she chose that dress for her special day.

“My grandma and I are very close. I speak to her when I can and whenever I’m home I catch up with her. I see a lot of my own characters in her. I think we have quite a lot in common,” Stephenson said. “I’ve always loved my grandma’s dress. Although it’s 32 years old, it’s fit for me.”

Stephenson said several people praised her for her choice for the ceremony. “I think people thought it was quite heart-warming. Considering how old it is, the dress is in really good condition. My grandmother has looked after it very well.”

1.Seeing Stephenson trying the dress on, Stephenson’s grandmother feels ________.

A.pleased B.angry

C.unhappy D.amazed

2.What does Stephenson think of her grandmother?

A.Her grandmother is very forgetful.

B.Her grandmother is similar to her.

C.Her grandmother is a good designer.

D.Her grandmother is crazy about education.

3.What can we know about the wedding dress?

A.It is valuable and expensive.

B.It is kept in good condition.

C.It is old and needs repairing.

D.It is too long for Stephenson.




1. 精通英语和汉语;

2. 热情、大方,沟通能力强;

3. 自己的看法。

注意:1. 不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。

2. 词数:100左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Marry,

I’m very glad and excited to have learned that you will visit our county.


I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

Li Hua



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