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From the most talked about politicians t...

    From the most talked about politicians to the most popular TV shows, the social media platform—Twitter has unveiled what its users have been most fixated (最关注的) with over the past year.

Most tweeted-about TV shows 2019

HBO’s “Game of Thrones” claimed the title of the most tweeted-about TV show of the year, despite many criticizing the series for an anti-climatic finale.

It was followed by streaming giant Netflix‟s “Stranger Things” and long-standing animated sitcom

“The Simpsons”.

Most tweeted-about films 2019

2019 American superhero film “Avengers: Endgame” became the highest-grossing film of all time when it was released earlier this year, grossing nearly $2.8 billion worldwide and its success was reflected on Twitter, making it the platform‟s most-talked about movie of the year. It was followed by “Toy Story 4” and American psychological thriller “Joker”.

Most tweeted-about hashtags 2019

The top news-related hashtags worldwide included NotreDame after France‟s landmark cathedral caught fire, causing irreversible damage to the building which dates back to 856 and is considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture.

Other popular news hashtags included Brexit, Christ Church and Climate Strike, in line with the biggest stories that have been dominating the global news agenda.

Most tweeted-about politicians 2019

US politicians topped the list for the most tweeted-about politicians worldwide, with President Donald Trump weighing in first. Former US President Obama was next on the list, followed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Also in the top 10 is US Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, popularly known as AOC, who made waves on the US political stage this year and is a strong supporter of the Green New Deal. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and French President Emmanuel Macron were also in the top 10.

Most tweeted-about emoji 2019

The social media platform kept track emoji usage as well, finding that the laughing face with tears of joy was the most used, followed by the crying face and heart eyes emoji.

1.Which of the following can be WRONG from Most tweeted-about TV shows 2019 and Most tweeted-about films 2019?

A.No film has earned more money than “Avengers: Endgame” so far.

B.When you see “Joker”, there is possibility that you will feel thrilled.

C.“Toy Story 4” is second only to “Avengers: Endgame” in popularity.

D.“Game of Thrones” enjoys a great success without any criticism.

2.It can be inferred that “hashtags” mainly refers to .

A.topics that people show little interest in

B.particular subjects that arouse people‟s attention worldwide

C.events that have controversial endings

D.subjects that are prohibited from being talked about

3.According to Twitter, we can know that from the last two parts.

A.there is no Asian politician on the list of Most tweeted-about politicians 2019

B.crying face is used more frequently than the laughing face with tears

C.US politicians are relatively more influential than politicians from other countries in 2019

D.US Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is strongly against the Green New Deal


1.D 2.B 3.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。主要讲社会媒体平台Twitter公布了在过去的一年其用户最关注的事件。 1.细节理解题。根据HBO’s “Game of Thrones” claimed the title of the most tweeted-about TV show of the year, despite many criticizing the series for an anti-climatic finale. HBO的《权力的游戏》获得了今年最推特的电视节目的称号,尽管许多人批评该系列节目是反气候的结局。由此可知D选项中说《权力的游戏》获得巨大的成功,没受到任何批评是错误的,故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据文章NotreDame after France‟s landmark cathedral caught fire, causing irreversible damage to the building which dates back to 856 and is considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture. Brexit, Christ Church and Climate Strike, in line with the biggest stories that have been dominating the global news agenda. 法国圣母院大教堂失火后对其造成的不可逆转的损害。这座建筑始建于856年,被认为是法国哥特式建筑中最杰出的典范之一。英国脱欧、基督教堂和气候罢工,这与主导全球新闻议程的重大新闻事件一致。通过这几条新闻的描述,可以推断出hashtags是指引起世界关注的话题, 故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据proponent“支持者”可排除D;根据…followed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Nodi.可排除A;根据finding that the laughing face with tears of joy was the most used, followed by the crying face and heart eyes emoji.可排除B。根据文章US politicians topped the list for the most tweeted-about politicians worldwide, with President Donald Trump weighing in first. Also in the top 10 is US Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, popularly known as AOC, who made waves on the US political stage this year and is a strong supporter of the Green New Deal.美国政客高居“全球推特热议政客”榜首,唐纳德·特朗普总统位列第一。美国民主党人Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez也在前十名之列,俗称AOC。他今年在美国政治舞台上掀起了波澜,是“绿色新政”的坚定支持者。由此判断出,美国政治人物在2019比其他国家政治人物更有影响力。故选C。





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2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。










It was sunny and warm so Jane and I decide to go for a swim. When we got the beach, Tim, Paul and Mary were already here. We joined them and spent the afternoon swimming. The sea was as smooth as the mirror. I was pleased and Tim and Paul were a little disappointing as they like swimming in huge waves. When we got hungry, we bought hotdogs from a shop closely to the beach. After that, we had enough energies to play football on the sands. Paul and I won the game, in which surprised the others because we had three in their team. We really enjoyed the afternoon.




Ten foreigners received China Reform Friendship Medals 1. December18, 2018 for their outstanding contributions to the country’s reform and opening-up over the past 40 years. They were given the medals at a grand gathering in Beijing 2. (celebrate) the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up.

Wang Huning, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, 3. (praise) the medal winners as “old friends of the Chinese people” while 4. (read) a statement from the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

Wang said the 10 foreigners significantly helped promote exchanges and cooperation between China and 5. rest of the world and were 6. (deep) involved in China’s reform and opening-up process.

Among the medal winners, Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister and one of the most influential Asian 7. (politician), made contributions by sharing Singapore’s 8.(success) governance experience with China. Juan Antonio Samaranch, former president of the International Olympic Committee, 9. (remember) by many Chinese for his great contributions to China’s return to the IOC.

The 10 medal winners are only a representative sampling of millions of foreigners 10. have made contributions to the country’s reform and opening-up.



    He has vowed (发誓) that he will not stop building his business until it is worth £100 million. But ______ Owens can stop for at least a moment’s celebration after ______ his first £1 million at the age of 16. Owens began teaching ______ basic web design at the age of ten. He used his pocket money to fund his first business project, website Mac Box Bundle at just 14.

He then ______ an advertising company Branchr and worked on the business ______ school and at weekends. Branchr made a ______ £500,000 in its first year. Branchr works as a ________ for website owners to sell advertising. The young man lives with his parents. His mother said he was ______ to go into business after observing the huge ______ achieved by Apple’s chief executive officers Steve Jobs.

Owens said, “I think everyone has ______ sense in them, and they just need to ______ experience and be determined to make it. There is no magical formula(法则)for business. It takes hard work, ______ and the drive to do something ______. My aim is to become a ______ name in the world of Internet and mobile advertising and push myself right to the ______ of the game”.

The teenager insists his professional success has not ______ his personal life, and says his ________ include photography and playing the guitar. “My friends and I don’t really talk about my ______. To them I’m just a ______ teenager and it doesn’t ______ anything between us.”

1.A.stubborn B.hard-working C.optimistic D.relaxed

2.A.spending B.wasting C.paying D.making

3.A.himself B.classmates C.partners D.others

4.A.looked up B.set up C.thought up D.put up

5.A.outside B.beside C.after D.beyond

6.A.pitiful B.horrible C.surprising D.general

7.A.platform B.computer C.concept D.bridge

8.A.praised B.discouraged C.instructed D.inspired

9.A.success B.company C.influence D.power

10.A.society B.the sixth C.business D.perfect

11.A.lack B.lose C.enjoy D.gain

12.A.determination B.time C.money D.energy

13.A.dull B.great C.difficult D.hopeful

14.A.pretty B.leading C.good D.legal

15.A.side B.way C.height D.top

16.A.improved B.measured C.affected D.preserved

17.A.performances B.interests C.periods D.sections

18.A.success B.fortune C.appearance D.disadvantage

19.A.naughty B.poor C.mature D.normal

20.A.manage B.prove C.change D.offer



    At one time it was the dream of many little girls to become a nurse. 1. Recently about 2,000,000 nurses are needed and 60 percent of all hospitals in the US have shortages, large enough to threaten the quality of care provided.

What has become of these women in white? 2. One possibility is the fact that women have greater career options. In the past, women who chose to work outside the home had two basic choices: nursing or teaching. Today, more women than ever are in the workforce, but their options have greatly increased. 3.In fact, women today are found in nearly every field of work. Nursing has been left behind, as women move on to jobs with higher pay and greater status. A woman or man in the nursing field is often looked down upon as “merely a nurse”. Teachers may be also at fault. 4.

Americans are living longer than ever and requiring more medical attention. 5. Obviously a larger population requires more nurses. AIDS and other diseases have caused more and more people to need nursing care. Usually fatal(致命的)diseases mean long hospital stay, that is to say, more nurses are needed to care for these patients. It is estimated that the demand for nurses will be doubled the supply in the coming ten years.

A.The answer lies in not one but several causes.

B.Many students are actually away from nursing, told by teachers that they are “too bright to be a nurse”.

C.Today, however, many nurses have lost their jobs and led a poor life.

D.There are women doctors, lawyers, firefighters and police officers.

E.Today, however, America is facing its worst nurse shortage since World War I.

F.Women are treated unfairly when applying for jobs for quite a long time.

G.In fact, the number of elderly patients has almost doubled in the past twenty years.



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