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William Lindesay has been interested in ...

    William Lindesay has been interested in the Great Wall of China since seeing it in a school atlas(地图册)as a child in England. I vividly recall seeing in the " Oxford School Atlas" the Great Wall with its battlement symbol. From that moment, I had in my mind that when I grew up I'd go to China and walk along the Great Wall from end to end.

Lindesay's about 3 ,000-km solo run along the Great Wall began in 1987. Running the length of the wall was a brave expedition, venturing into sparsely populated regions where there was little chance of help if the runner had an accident. During another trip, Lindesay and his team ventured deep into the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. The explorers almost died from dehydration(脱水) . In total, Lindesay estimates in an interview that he has spent about 1,600 days of his life, or four full years, on the Great Wall in all seasons.

Lindesay and his wife, Wu Qi, whom he got to know and fell in love with during his trips in China, had a farmhouse at the foot of the wall. During his exploration, he noticed some sections of the wall were badly damaged and covered with litter. Modernization and development were making the situation even worse. "Some people say it will take generations to change; I say we don't have generations of time. It's got to be much quicker, " he said. Lindesay always carries a garbage bag with him in the wilderness, picking litter along the way. Lindesay uses a garbage bag as his calling card. The cloth bag bears a set of nine simple guidelines in Chinese, which calls on people to observe while traveling or camping outdoors : "Take your own garbage home" "Pick up? litter left by othersDon't damage plants or flowers, or pick fruit" and lots more.

1.What sparked William Lindesay's dream of exploring the Great Wall?

A.Seeing a movie about the Great Wall.

B.Experiencing a war for the Great Wall.

C.Surfing a website about the Great Wall.

D.Admiring the Great Wall in the school atlas.

2.What does the underlined word "sparsely" mean?

A.Remotely. B.Rarely.

C.Frequently. D.Largely.

3.What worsened the situation of the Great Wall?

A.The destroyed ecosystems. B.Waste caused by farms.

C.The increasing tourists. D.Modernization and development.

4.What sort of man was William Lindesay?

A.Strong - willed and selfless. B.Determined and grateful.

C.Warmhearted and impolite. D.Considerate and optimistic.


1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了William Lindesay从小就很向往中国长城,长大之后他真的实现了探索长城的梦想,而且还一直作保护长城的守卫者。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中William Lindesay has been interested in the Great Wall of China since seeing it in a school atlas(地图册)as a child in England. (在英国时,还是一个小孩的William Lindesay在学校的地图册上看到中国长城时,就对它感兴趣了。)可知,William Lindesay是地图册激发了他对中国长城的喜爱。D. Admiring the Great Wall in the school atlas. (欣赏学校地图上的长城。) 符合题意。故选D项。 2.词义猜测题。根据第二段中venturing into sparsely populated regions where there was little chance of help if the runner had an accident. (冒险进入人烟稀少的地区,在那里如果跑步者发生意外,几乎没有机会得到帮助。)可知,where引导的定语从句里,显示这种地方很偏僻,发生意外都没有人能救助,可猜测出这种地方是人烟稀少的。A. Remotely.偏僻地,微弱地;B. Rarely.稀有地,罕见地;C. Frequently.经常性地;D. Largely.主要地;很大程度上地。用副词来修饰populated regions (有人口居住的地方),只有rarely。故选B项。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中Modernization and development were making the situation even worse. (现代化和发展使情况更加恶化。) 可知,是现代化和发展让长城的情况变得更糟了。故选D项。 4.推理判断题。During another trip, Lindesay and his team ventured deep into the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. The explorers almost died from dehydration(脱水) . In total, Lindesay estimates in an interview that he has spent about 1,600 days of his life, or four full years, on the Great Wall in all seasons. (在另一次旅行中,Lindesay和他的团队冒险深入蒙古的戈壁沙漠。探险家几乎快因为脱水而死。Lindesay在一次采访中估计,他一生中大约有1,600天,也就是整整四年,各种季节都在长城上待过。)由此判断出,Lindesay是个意志坚强的人。又根据最后一段中Lindesay always carries a garbage bag with him in the wilderness, picking litter along the way. (Lindesay总是带着一个垃圾袋,在荒野中捡垃圾。)由此判断出,他是个无私的人。故选A项。

    We have many trips for you to explore the world your way. Our travel ideas are as diverse as the world itself and are designed to let you experience it. Please start with the following four trips.

Athens and Crete Explorer


Visit Greek’s famous capital, Athens, and its largest island, Crete, on this Greece vacation. In Athens, tour the iconic Acropolis and head to nearby Delphi to see the home of the ancient Oracle, before flying to the island of Crete where you can explore its capital, Heraklion, and enjoy its world-famous diet of seafood and cheese.

Duration: 8 Days    Prices From: US$ 892

Trip Type: Romance & Honeymoon, Tailor-made Travel Ideas

London for Families


Designed to thrill people of all ages, this family London vacation explores the sights, history and magic of this great city. Visit the world of Harry Potter, the original Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, and take the Original London Sightseeing Tour.

Duration: 9 Days       Prices From: US$ 634

Trip Type: Family Vacations, Stopovers/City Breaks, Tailor-made Travel Ideas

Australia & New Zealand


Explore the two most popular cities of Australia and New Zealand on this air-land tour. Start in Sydney, where you’ll tour the Sydney Opera House, sail across the famous harbour, and see koalas and kangaroos at Taronga Zoo. Then head on to Auckland where you’ll explore the twin harbours, learn about Maori traditions, and enjoy unbeatable views of the landscape.

Duration: 11 Days       Prices From: US$ 1,999

Trip Type: Vacation Packages with Airfare

Classic Egypt


This tour is a true classic designed to give the traveler with limited time a superb introduction to the civilization of Ancient Egypt, focusing on the Nile and its importance to the people. The ancient land of Egypt inspires the imagination like no other. Unlock the land of the Pharaohs on this 9 day journey along the Nile.

Duration: 9 Days    Prices From: US$ 1,495

Trip Type: Classics (Bestsellers), Tailor-made Travel Ideas


1.Which trip is more likely taken by a newly-married couple?

A.London for Families. B.Australia & New Zealand.

C.Classic Egypt. D.Athens and Crete Explorer.

2.From the text, it can be learnt that all the four trips ________.

A.have the same trip type B.take more than one week

C.take more than US$ 1000 D.enjoy their famous diet

3.Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A travel brochure. B.A science fiction.

C.A storybook. D.A textbook.




1.说到故宫新开的火锅餐厅, 许多网民指责其过度商业化。 accuse

2.在二十世纪五十年代,尽管他对古典音乐心怀热情,但他不得不向现实低头。 (despite)

3.学术造假如此致命,一个小事就可以毁了一个好不容易建立的名声。 So

4.一个有远见的领导能让其员工客服软肋,发挥潜能, 齐心协力,从而打造一支高效的团队。 thus



Summary Writing

We Girls Can Do Anything-Right , Barbie!

Barbie, the 11,5 inch fashion doll from Mattel Toys, Inc., is one of the most popular toys in history. The success and longevity, practically unheard of in the toy industry, makes Barbie one of the hottest American popular items of the twentieth century. The product’s endurance is due to its inner play value. With imagination, as well as hands, a child can use the doll in many ways; it becomes whatever she wants.

Affordability of the fashion has also been a factor in Barbie’s popularity. The Live Action dolls of 1971, dressed in rock and roll outfits, were among the first in which the appeal could be obtained only by purchasing the doll.

Early on, critics alleged that Barbie over-emphasized beauty, fashionable dress, and the acquisition of material things. In 1964 the National stated, “She is a social climber and a tedious self-lover.” Two years later a critic attacked Barbie’s obsession with fashion in Women’s Wear Daily.

The company claimed that Barbie was never intended to be a role model for girls. But like all dolls, Barbie replicates the human body and therefore human characteristics are projected onto it. Girls playing with the doll were unaware that their collections of Barbie’s dresses were of haute couture(高级时装) in nature, but they recognized similar styles in their mother’s closets. Girls also understood low neck dress and skintight pants like Barbie herself, represented the world of grown-ups, a world they were preparing to enter.

The doll is many things to many people. Barbie’s negative aspects cannot be denied, but she can be a vehicle for growth.



    Many of us have already lost the “race against the machines” - we just don’t know it yet. That is the conclusion of new research by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Unlike most studies into the impact of automation, this one does not rely on informed guesswork about what machines will be able to do in 20 years’ time. 1. They are literacy, numeracy and problem-solving with computers - and compares our performance against the abilities of machines. The results are sobering, but rather than a reason to despair,

In the survey a group of computer scientists was given the same test and asked which questions computers could answer, using technology that exists but has not necessarily been rolled out yet in the workplace. The conclusion? Almost a third of workers use these cognitive skills daily in their jobs and yet their competency levels have already been matched by computers. About 44 per cent are still better than the machines. The remaining 25 per cent have jobs that do not use these skills every day.

There are two caveats. First, the OECD only asked computer scientists how well they thought machines could do. 2.. Second, just because technology exists does not mean it will be deployed quickly in the workplace. It depends on how easily it can be made operational, how much it costs relative to the value it creates, and whether companies have the appetite to invest.

3..  Stuart Elliott, the author, concludes that in 10 to 20 years, only workers with very strong literacy and numeracy skills will be comfortably more proficient than computers. At the minute, only about one in 10 working-age adults in OECD countries are of this standard.

It is true that the education systems in most countries have been raising their game: younger people tend to have better skills than older people (the UK being one notable, and worrying, exception). But even if you take the most skilled generation in the most skilled country - young people in Finland - two-thirds still do not meet these top levels of literacy and numeracy. 4..

The risks to workers from ever smarter computers are clear, but the opportunities will lie in maximizing the value of their human skills. For some people, such as talented chefs, the battle is already won. Others might need to harness the computers to leverage their human talents.

A.And yet, the implication of the study are hard to dismiss.

B.on many of these fronts, computers are behind humans, if they are in the race at all.

C.Technology does not necessary mean doom to all but the highest skilled.

D.Instead it takes three basic and compares our performance against the abilities of machines.

E.Apart from astonishing improvement in education, it looks like only a minority of people can win this race.

F.The result would be more alarming if machine were actually put to the test.



    War is expensive and it is bloody. That is why America's Department of Defence wants to replace a third of its armed vehicles and weaponry with robots by2015. Such a change would save money, as robots can be much cheaper to replace than people. Just as importantly for the generals, it would make waging war less prey to the politics of body bags. Nobody mourns a robot.

The US military already routinely uses robotic aero planes known as unmanned aerial vehicles ( UAVs ). In November 2001 two missiles fared from a remote-controlled Predator UAV killed Mohammad Atef, al-Qaeda's chief of military operations and one of Osama bin Laden's most important associates, as he drove his car near Kabul. But whereas UAVs and their ground-based equivalents, such as the machinegun-toting Sword robots, are usually controlled by distant human operators, the Pentagon would like to give these robots increasing amounts of autonomy, including the ability to decide when to use lethal force.

To achieve this, Ronald Arkin of the Georgia Institute of Technology, in Atlanta, is developing a set of rules of engagement for battlefield robots to ensure that their use of lethal force follows the rules of ethics. In other words, he is trying to create an artificial conscience. Dr Arkin believes that there is another reason for putting robots into battle, which is that they have the potential to act more humanely than people. Stress does not affect a robot's judgment in the way it affects a soldier's.

His approach is to create what he calls a "multidimensional mathematical decision-space of possible behavior actions". Based on inputs ranging from radar data and current position to mission status and intelligence feeds, the system would divide the set of all possible actions into those that are ethical and those that are not. If, for example, the drone from which the fatal attack on Atef was launched had sensed that his car was overtaking a school bus, it might then have held fire.

There are comparisons to be drawn between Dr Arkin's work and the famous Three Laws of Robotics drawn up in the 1950s by Isaac Asimov, a science-fiction writer ,to govern robot behaviour. But whereas Asimov's laws were intended to prevent robots from harming people in any circumstances, Dr Arkin's are supposed to ensure only that they are not unethically killed.

This is an admirable goal in theory, but even if ethics can be neatly encoded into software, pitfalls remain. Although a completely rational robot might be unfazed by the chaos and confusion of the battlefield, it could still make mistakes. Surveillance and intelligence data can be wrong, and conditions and situations on the battlefield can change.

1.America’s military force wants to replace people with robots NOT because ________.

A.war cost a lot and it is bloody

B.people show sympathy for a person not a robot

C.. the armed vehicles and weapons are too expensive

D.the general would receive less criticism from the masses

2.Which of the following statements is True?

A.Atef was killed by two missiles fired from a remote-controlled manned aerial vehicle.

B.The department of force already uses UAVs with relatively high autonomy.

C.The study done by Dr. Arkin is similar to Three Laws of Robotics.

D.In Arkin’s opinion, a soldier’s judgment can be affected but robot’s won’t.

3.What’s the main idea of this article?

A.Ronald Arkin is developing a set of rules to increase autonomy.

B.Ronald Arkin is making efforts to create an artificial conscience.

C.Atef was precisely bombed by a remote-controlled Predator UVA.

D.There are comparisons between Dr. Arkin’s work and Three Laws of Robotics.

4.What’s the author’s attitude about Arkin’s approach?

A.His approach is an admirable goal and it can be realized.

B.Robot would fight without any mistakes in the battlefield.

C.Dr. Arkin’s approach is ethical and faultless.

D.Robots are not substitute for people in the battlefield.



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