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Stella, a 25-year-old American woman, wa...

    Stella, a 25-year-old American woman, was known as a brave survivor. Despite suffering from four cancers, she_______fought against the diseases and_______money for herself and others. Last October Stella and supporters_______an organization called Change for a Cure, which called out people to donate their_______change so she could donate the money to the University of Alberta for_______research. She opened Facebook and Twitter accounts for the _______ as well, whose motto is “Together we can change the world one penny at a time.”

Earlier this week Daisy_______she never had cancer. She had_______her head and eyebrows to fake the signs of chemotherapy (化疗), and had spent much of the money given to her on personal _______. She was arrested and has been ________with four counts of cheat. ________ a few of her friends and supporters have cast her as a victim, most have written on blogs about their ________of being cheated. Many patients had ________Daisy because they, too, were dealing with cancer and had________their personal stories with a person who had lied to them from the start.

In 2018 Cindy, a divorced mother, told her friends and family she had suffered from stomach cancer. Like Stella, she updated everyone on her________through blogs, and many people shared her grief and________money for her treatments. Earlier this year________discovered it was all a trick.

Cindy had ________to be sick for over three years; she was charged with theft, and is________waiting for sentencing.

People lie about having cancer and other ________diseases for various reasons. But most just love the attention and sympathy, the constant stream of well-wishes and gifts.

1.A.always B.bravely C.constantly D.often

2.A.rose B.spent C.earned D.raised

3.A.managed B.began C.started D.produced

4.A.full B.enough C.spare D.more

5.A.theory B.cancer C.illness D.technology

6.A.organization B.patients C.volunteers D.relatives

7.A.explained B.realized C.knew D.admitted

8.A.comforted B.touched C.shaved D.scratched

9.A.materials B.accounts C.problems D.expenses

10.A.charged B.accused C.sentenced D.punished

11.A.When B.However C.Therefore D.While

12.A.attitudes B.feelings C.enthusiasms D.pains

13.A.supported B.opposed C.disliked D.agreed

14.A.accompanied B.talked C.shared D.communicated

15.A.articles B.treatments C.cases D.misfortune

16.A.donated B.contributed C.devoted D.searched

17.A.friends B.police C.family D.patients

18.A.considered B.suffered C.convinced D.pretended

19.A.currently B.immediately C.temporarily D.permanently

20.A.cautious B.ordinary C.serious D.common


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了美国25岁女子Stella战胜了四种癌症并创办慈善机构募集资金帮助其他癌症病人,而Daisy和Cindy假装癌症病人骗取人们的同情和金钱而被捕。 1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:尽管身患四种癌症,她勇敢地与疾病作斗争,为自己和他人筹集资金。A. always总是;B. bravely勇敢地;C. constantly不断地;D. often经常。根据文章第一句信息as a brave survivor 判断这里指Stella勇于战胜癌症。故选B。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管身患四种癌症,她勇敢地与疾病作斗争,为自己和他人筹集资金。A. rose上升;B. spent花费;C. earned挣得;D. raised筹集。根据后文called out people to donate their 可知,Stella为自己和他人筹集资金。短语raise money表示“筹钱”。故选D。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:去年10月,Stella和她的支持者们成立了一个名为Change for a Cure的组织,号召人们捐出零钱,这样她就可以把钱捐给阿尔伯塔大学进行癌症研究。A. managed设法;B. began开始;C. started开办,成立;D. produced产生。分析语境信息词organization得知,这里指去年她和她的支持者们创办了一个慈善机构。故只有start表示“开办,成立”。故选C。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:去年10月,Stella和她的支持者们成立了一个名为Change for a Cure的组织,号召人们捐出零钱,这样她就可以把钱捐给阿尔伯塔大学进行癌症研究。A. full完全的;B. enough足够的;C. spare多余的,空闲的;D. more更多的。这里是慈善机构Change for a Cure的宗旨:号召人们把零钱捐出来。spare change表示“零钱”。故选C。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:去年10月,Stella和她的支持者们成立了一个名为Change for a Cure的组织,号召人们捐出零钱,这样她就可以把钱捐给阿尔伯塔大学进行癌症研究。A. theory理论;B. cancer癌症;C. illness疾病;D. technology技术。全文讲述的是为癌症病人募集资金的故事。筹集的资金用于进行癌症研究。故选B。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她还为该组织开通了Facebook和Twitter账户,其口号是“我们一起可以一次一分钱地改变世界”。A. organization机构,组织;B. patients 病人;C. volunteers志愿者;D. relatives亲戚。该句讲述了Stella和她的支持者们创办了慈善机构,出此推断这里指她也为这家慈善机构开了账户。故选A。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:本周早些时候,Daisy承认她从未得过癌症。A. explained解释;B. realized意识到;C. knew知道;D. admitted承认。根据后句her head and eyebrows to fake the signs of chemotherapy判断这里指Daisy承认她根本就没有得癌症。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她剃光了头和眉毛,假装化疗的迹象,并把大部分给她的钱花在了个人开销上。A. comforted安慰;B. touched接触;C. shaved剃除;D. scratched划。根据后文fake the signs of chemotherapy可知Daisy承认她从未得过癌症,因此她将头发和眉毛剃光来假装化疗的迹象。故选C。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她剃光了头和眉毛,假装化疗的迹象,并把大部分给她的钱花在了个人开销上。A. materials材料;B. accounts账目;C. problems问题;D. expenses花费。根据后面的内容She was arrested and has been可知,这里是她把募集来的部分资金用于个人消费。只有expense符合作者立意。故选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她已被逮捕,并被指控犯有四项欺骗罪。A. charged控告;B. accused控告;C. sentenced判决;D. punished惩罚。本句和文章第三段信息she was charged with the相对应,这里指Daisy被指控有四项罪名;此处为短语be charged with表示“被指控为……”。故选A。 11.考查连词辨析。句意:虽然她的一些朋友和支持者把她描述成受害者,但大多数人都在博客上写了自己被欺骗的感觉。A. When当……时候;B. However然而;C. Therefore因此;D. While然而。分析前后语境得知,这里前后两句之间是让步关系。while在此表示“尽管”的意思。故选D。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然她的一些朋友和支持者把她描述成受害者,但大多数人都在博客上写了自己被欺骗的感觉。A. attitudes态度;B. feelings感受;C. enthusiasms热情;D. pains痛苦。尽管她的一些朋友认为她的欺骗行为值得同情,但是还有部分人在他们的博客上写出了被欺骗的感受。表示“感受”feeling最为恰当。故选B。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多病人都支持Daisy,因为他们也在与癌症作斗争,并与一个从一开始就对他们撒谎的人分享了他们的个人经历。A. supported支持;B. opposed反对;C. disliked不喜欢;D. agreed同意。根据后而内容because they, too, were dealing with cancer可知,那些正受癌症折磨的人支持Daisy,因为他们也在与癌症作斗争。故选A。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多病人都支持Daisy,因为他们也在与癌症作斗争,并与一个从一开始就对他们撒谎的人分享了他们的个人经历。A. accompanied陪伴;B. talked谈话;C. shared分享;D. communicated交流。分析文章可知,这里指那些癌症患者和一个对他们说谎的人分享着他们的个人经历。短语share sth. with sb.表示“和某人分享某事”。故选C。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:和Stella一样,她通过博客向每个人更新自己的治疗情况,许多人分享了她的悲伤,并为她的治疗捐款。A. articles文章;B. treatments治疗;C. cases情况;D. misfortune灾难。根据后文money for her treatments可知她通过博客向每个人更新自己的治疗情况。故选B。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:和Stella一样,她通过博客向每个人更新自己的治疗情况,许多人分享了她的悲伤,并为她的治疗捐款。A. donated捐赠;B. contributed贡献;C. devoted致力于;D. searched搜索。Cindy博客向每个人更新自己的治疗情况,许多人以为她真的得了癌症因此给她捐款。donate“捐献”。故选A。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:今年早些时候,警方发现这一切都是骗局。A. friends朋友;B. police警察;C. family家庭;D. patients病人。后面的信息she was charged with theft可知警察发现这一切都是骗局。故选B。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Cindy装病三年多了,她被控偷窃,目前正在等待判刑。A. considered考虑;B. suffered遭受;C. convinced确信;D. pretended假装。从前后语境得知,这里指警察发现这个骗局之前,Cindy已经装病三年多了。pretend“假装”。故选D。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Cindy装病三年多了,她被控偷窃,目前正在等待判刑。A. currently目前;B. immediately立即;C. temporarily暂时;D. permanently永久地。根据前后语境分析,这里指Cindy的骗局被发现,目前等待宣判结果,故选择currently“目前” 故选A。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人们出于各种各样的原因谎称自己患有癌症和其他严重疾病。A. cautious谨慎的;B. ordinary平凡的;C. serious严肃的;D. common普通的。根据前文having cancer .可知人们因为各种原因谎称自己患有癌症和其他严重疾病。故选C。

    Healthy eating habits have positive effects on everyone. However, students can especially benefit from meeting the particular nutritional demands of the school day. To be good academically, children must be physically able to attend class and focus on the tasks at hand. Math, language study, reading and creative thinking also require physical support from food energy and nutrients. 1.

Attendance:2.Getting enough nutrition keeps you from taking sick days and missing out on daily lessons. Eating a healthy breakfast makes you more likely to achieve your daily nutritional goals. This keeps your body strong and less likely to fall ill.

Focus: School is a social network that requires cooperation from students, teachers and staff. 3.Hunger makes you hard to focus and easy to get angry. In contrast, eating a healthy breakfast keeps you focused and cheerful. A 2019 study proved these findings.

Thinking: Food energy and nutrients serve neurological(神经的) as well as physical body functions. The same 2019 report concluded that eating breakfast regularly affects the brain's blood sugar requirements and nutritional support. 4.Let alone, these skills are vital to learning and achieving high grades.

Test scores: Balanced nutrition plays a part in testing well. 5.Healthy eating also contributes to better performance on vocabulary tests. You can improve your test scores by eating right every day.

A.You can focus on the test papers.

B.This improves the memory, problem solving and concentration skills.

C.Students who eat breakfast work faster with fewer math and number errors.

D.You can't keep up with homework and tests if you aren't in school every day.

E.While the education individuals receive influence intelligence, so does their food.

F.And your behavior in this environment depends partly on getting to school well fed.

G.A healthy diet can improve your performance in school’s social, physical and mental aspects.



    What’s in the scream? It is thought that the sound of a scream has an acoustic(听觉的) signature - an acoustic DNA that tells the listener’s ear that they are hearing a scream, even if it is not. “The scream may initially run to scare the attacking predator(捕食者). The study of screaming has the potential to help us understand the evolution of emotional communication,” says Jay Schwartz of Emory university.

Jay Schwartz and his colleagues asked 181 volunteers to listen to 75 sounds that included laughter, crying, moans, groans, and yells from acted origins, like television or movies, and more natural sources, such as a YouTube video of a child opening a present and screaming in delight. The listeners indicated whether or not each sound was something they considered a scream. “We did not provide any type of definition for a scream because we were trying to get at what is it in people’s minds that distinguishes a scream,” says Schwartz, who presented his work at a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America on 14 May.

When they analyzed the sound files, they found that the ones listed as screams had acoustic similarities. People were more likely to consider a sound a scream if it was higher in pitch(音高), and had a varied change in pitch, first moving up and then down at the end.

Rapid changes in amplitude - perceived as a rough, gravelly quality - also tended to be classified as screams more than sounds with a smoother tone. This sound was classified as a scream by 64 percent of the listeners. Surprisingly, a recording of a whistle was categorized as a scream by 70 percent of the participants. “It was because the whistle exhibited a lot of the acoustic qualities that we found to be associated with a scream, including high pitch and roughness,” says Schwartz.

1.What was the scream used for in the beginning?

A.Frightening the enemies. B.Sharing the different acoustic DNA.

C.Attracting the volunteers D.Understanding the emotional evolution.

2.What does Jay Schwartz’s research aim to understand?

A.Where people would scream. B.How people judged the scream.

C.Why people would scream. D.What was the best scream.

3.What did the screams have in common?

A.Higher pitch. B.A peaceful mind.

C.Natural origins. D.Different functions.

4.Why was the whistle considered a scream by most listeners?

A.It had the smoother tone. B.It showed some roughness.

C.It made listeners satisfied. D.It did great harm to people.



    The Swedish Academy has named Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize for Literature. It also announced that it was honoring Austrian Peter Handke with the 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature. The Academy cancelled the prize last year after many members fled the organization following sexual abuse accusations linked to it.

The Academy said it awarded Tokarczuk for imaginative writing that “represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life.”

The Polish writer’s first published work came in 1989, a book of poetry called Cities in Mirrors. Her first novel, The Journey of the Book-People, was published in 1993. Last year, Tokarczuk became the first Polish writer to win Britain’s Man Booker Prize for International Literature for her novel Flights. Her novel Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead, was on the short list of nominees for the 2019 prize as well. That prize went to another writer. Tokarczuk spoke Thursday with readers hours after she won the Nobel. “I can only write.” She said.

The Swedish Academy said it named Peter Handke winner of the 2018 prize for “influential work that with linguistic gift has explored the boundary and the specificity of human experience.” Handke’s first novel was published in 1966. He also writes plays and is a political organizer. The Austrian writer was an opponent(反对者) of NATO’s air attacks against Serbia in the Kosovo war of thelate1990s.He was a supporter of the Serbian government under the leadership of Slobodan Milosevic. He has denied that Bosnian Serb troops carried out a campaign killing of 8, 000 locals in Srebrenica during the Bosnian war in the 1990s. As a result, some critics are angry that he was given the Nobel Prize.

At home in Paris Thursday, Handke called the decision to give him the literature award “courageous.” He said the recognition gave him “a strange kind of freedom.”

1.Which of Tokarczuk’s works won Britain’s Man Booker Prize?

A.Cities in Mirrors. B.Flights.

C.The Journey of the Book-People D.Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead.

2.What does the underlined word “nominees” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.A candidate to be selected to an office. B.A candidate seeking a kind of position.

C.A candidate chosen by a political party. D.A candidate being considered for an honor.

3.How does Peter Handke find the Nobel committee?

A.Fearless. B.Awesome. C.Strange. D.Embarrassed.

4.What’s the best title of the text?

A.Peter Handke from Austria Win 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature.

B.Olga Tokarczuk from Poland Win 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature.

C.Writers from Austria and Poland Win 2018, 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature.

D.Writers from Poland and Austria Win 2018, 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature.



    It’s reported that the American College Board has made several changes to the SAT test to help more poor students receive higher education. It offers a scoring criterion beyond its own SAT test, which measures only oral and math skills. The new tool is designed to help admissions officers find if applicants have risen above limitations in their social or economic circumstances by expressing a particular characteristic: resourcefulness(足智多谋).

The new criterion, called ECD, has been tried by 50 colleges over the past year and will be carried out by 150 institutions this fall. Relying on public data , it looks at 15 factors(因素) in neighborhoods and schools that might passively influence a candidate’s college readiness. These statistics include crime rates, education levels, joblessness, and the family members that receive food stamps. It applicants come from a highly disadvantaged background yet have proper but perhaps not high SAT scores , a college might then admit them.

Resourcefulness shows an ability to seek support outside one’s self. It requires a clear purpose in learning. The new tool “shines a light on students who have shown remarkable resourcefulness to overcome challenges and achieve more with less,” says David Coleman, the College Board’s president.

The ECD also has the advantage of not taking race into consideration in admissions, a practice being increasingly closed off by the Supreme Court and many states. At the same time, in stressing a key quality for academic success, it may help prevent discrimination in admissions.

The tool is not an absolute measure of resourcefulness. It misses other types of circumstances, such as personal or family problems. Colleges must weigh many factors in admissions. Still, it could lead to a greater focus on character in education beyond the traditional pursuit (追求) of knowledge and career skills. Graduates who have stood out despite their hardships are highly desired by today’s employers.

1.Which people can benefit from the new criterion?

A.Students from poor families. B.Students doing well at maths.

C.Students having much money. D.Students with good spoken skills.

2.What are the new criteria when judging a candidate?

A.The attitudes to schools. B.The remarks from colleges.

C.The difficulties a candidate will face. D.The institutions a candidate will study in.

3.What is the advantage of ECD?

A.It can make applicants successful. B.It can improve the ability of races.

C.It can provide clear learning purposes. D.It can treat applicants equally.

4.Which graduates do employers prefer?

A.Those with excellent qualities.

B.Those having experienced hardships.

C.Those making progress in difficult situations.

D.Those with the traditional pursuit of knowledge.



    I feel it a great honor that you choose to stay at Central International Hotel. We are ideally situated in Zhenru Center, one of the four centers in Shanghai, next to Shanghai West Railway Station. Tube Line 11 is only six minutes walk to our hotel by the sixth exit that can reach Shanghai Disneyland in a beeline. On the east side of our hotel lie bus No. 107 to the downtown People's Square, bus No. 762 to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, bus No. 869 to the National Exhibition Center and Tube Line 2 to Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

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Please let us know you needs so that we can provide you with better services. Please fill out the customer satisfaction survey forms that can be found in your room.

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We are committed to environmental protection and energy saving. We encourage you to participate our environmental protection programs. If you are interested in it, please read the relevant information card in your room.

●Green Hotel

According to the regulations on the Management of Household Garbage on July 1, 2019, hotel management units mustn't actively provide consumers with room one-used daily necessities(必需品). As a five-leaf Chinese Green Hotel, if you need room one-used daily necessities during your stay, please call the Room Service on the phone for free to request or eye the robot’s 2D code(二维码)to buy.

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●No Disturbing

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1.How do you reach Disneyland directly from the hotel?

A.By bus No. 762. B.By bus No. 869.

C.By subway No. 2. D.By subway No. 11.

2.What can you do to join in the environmental protection program?

A.Press the button. B.Let us know your needs.

C.Read the related information card. D.Fill in the customer satisfaction survey.

3.How can you get free daily necessities?

A.By clicking Please Clean Up. B.By eyeing the robot’s 2D code.

C.By calling the Operator. D.By calling the Room Service.



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