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What Chinese lawmakers begin to consider...

What Chinese lawmakers begin to consider is a proposed revision to the country’s Food Safety Law,_______ includes mandatory (强制性) labeling of GM food.

A.one B.the one which C.one that D.the one that


C 【解析】 考查定语从句。句意:中国立法者开始考虑对国家食品安全法的一个提议修订本,其中包括了要在转基因食品上强制性的贴上标签。根据对句意的理解和分析可知后半个分句在句中起到对前句中的“食品安全法”解释说明的意思,one指代Food Safety Law做同位语,that在定语从句的做主语。故选C。  

________ against that of our competitors, our offer is not very generous.

A.Measuring B.Having measured C.Measured D.Being measured



_______ our children's education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable.

A.Where B.As C.While D.Unless



Being a strong-willed girl, she worked as a waitress and managed to ________ school.

A.throw herself into B.commit herself to C.put herself through D.adjust herself to



请阅读下面一篇短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

Reading a paper book may be a forgotten luxury (奢侈) for many people thanks to today’s busy lifestyles, but listening to a book, while shopping or jogging is a growing trend. Now, audio books can be easily downloaded from the Internet at the same, if not lower, prices as the print editions.

Mary Beth Roche, publisher of Macmillan Audio, says many of their readers use audio books as a “multitasking tool”, a way to consume books when their eyes are busy. For others, whose work may involve spending lots of time looking at the screen, audio books are a way to relax. “It’s sort of nice to sit back and have a story told to you,” said Roche.

In the United States, audio books have long been a serious business, simply because Americans on average spend so much time in their cars. “It is a good way for consumers to make the time in traffic quality time,” said Roche. “Even way back when it was the cassette and then the CD, the number one place where people listened was in car. When audio books became available in the digital format, people started using them during other activities—when they are shopping, jogging, performing household tasks and so on.


1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要

2. 用约120个单词谈谈你对这种现象的看法,内容包括:

(1) 你是否喜欢或支持听有声书

(2) 2-3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。


1. 可以支持文中任一观点,但必须提供理由或论据;

2. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;

3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

4. 不必写标题。






The GREATEST Journey

I had lunch last week with a high-ranking business woman for a fortune 500 company. I asked her what tips she would give to someone early in their career. Without hesitation she jumped right into four keys to her professional climb:

Know your business. Never get satisfaction with your industry or your position. In most cases, the knowledge you hold now is not good enough to stand the test of time. Thus, you must keep working to stay on top of what’s new and what’s coming down the pipeline. This is what really counts, especially early in a professional career, as many entry level associates are content to be gainfully employed.

Pick careers with care. Again, early in your career it is easy to run after the job that offers the most money. In the case of a life-long career money cannot answer all things. If you are going to be an entrepreneur then you’ll probably start with a budget of zero. Yet, if you have the discipline, working for yourself could be the best choice you’ve ever made.

If you are going to work for a company you have to do your homework. If you find a company that consists with your values and produces a product that you 100% believe in, then you’ll have an easy time giving that organization your all.

Be personable. If everyone hates to be around you at the office, it’s time to check your attitude. We’ve all heard at least one anecdote about a great thinker with great skills who drove coworkers crazy. Someway, somehow many of the brightest and best lack the “people skills” to advance beyond an entry-level position.

In short, you must have the interpersonal insight to interact with internal and external contacts. If not, you may find that you are unimportant once someone with soft-skills joins the organization. Why? People have to buy you before they ever buy the product you’re selling.

Be willing to move. This is where I got puzzled. She shared how she lived in seven states still working for the same organization.

Much is made of moving in today’s attempts to climb the corporate ladder. As more and more companies extend to have a global reach, it is easy to understand why new opportunities birth in various locations.

Whatever the path, outline in your heart what destination you hope to reach and this will be a key indicator as to which journey will be greatest for you.

Title: The Greatest Journey

Passage Outlines

Supporting Details

Information about a business woman

●She held a high 1. in a fortune 500 company.
●She worked for the same organization 2. the fact that she lived in seven states.

3. on professional climb

Know your business
●Don’t fix eyes on the financial 4. in the initial stage.
●Be modest about your performance in the position, for you need to better your knowledge so as not to lag behind.

Pick careers 5.
●Don’t run after well-paying jobs early in your career.
●Work in an ideal company and you are willing to be 6. to that organization.

Be personable
7. driving coworkers crazy for lack of social skills.
●Try to 8. others both internally and externally so that no one can shake your foundations in the organization.

Be willing to move
●As an increasing number of companies 9. their business globally, new opportunities arise accordingly.


●With your dreaming destination 10. in mind, you will be navigated through the greatest journey.






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