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Despite how routine it may seem, there a...

    Despite how routine it may seem, there are work etiquette tips that can be used when using the telephone for work-related issues. For example, it is best to answer the phone by the third ring. In addition, smiling before answering the telephone may make one's voice seem more business-like and friendlier. 1.

If the telephone rings at work and it is a personal call, work etiquette tips may be applicable as well. For example, the conversation should not make other co-workers, who can likely overhear the conversation, uncomfortable. 2. In addition, the volume of these conversations should be monitored so other co-workers are not disturbed.

3. For example, the subject line should be descriptive. Using all capital letters should be avoided in the text or the subject line of the email. In addition, exclamation or question marks should be used with caution.

One of the main issues that frustrate people in a workplace, such as an office, is strong odors(气味). These odors may come from food or perfume. 4. As a result, one of the easiest and most constructive tips is to avoid using products such as strong perfume or eating food that has strong odors in the workplace.

Another point of debate in many workplaces is centered around the use of common areas, such as kitchens, conference rooms, or lunch rooms. 5. Not many people want to sit at a table with bits of food on it from the previous person.

A.Remember that these areas should be cleaned after they are used.

B.Also, do not eat or drink while taking a work-related phone call.

C.Medical conditions and personal issues should be discussed in private.

D.Many people are familiar with what is considered good work etiquette.

E.What smells wonderful to one co-worker may smell terrible to another.

F.It is still good work etiquette to hold doors for women in the workplace.

G.There are some work etiquette tips that may be used for work-related emails.


1.B 2.C 3.G 4.E 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一些工作场合需要注意的礼仪,比如接电话、处理邮件和避免一些浓烈的味道。 1.上文In addition, smiling before answering the telephone may make one’s voice seem more business-like and friendlier.(此外,在接电话之前微笑可能让声音更专业化、更友好)与B. Also, do not eat or drink while taking a work-related phone call.(同时,在接和工作相关的电话时不要吃东西或者喝饮料)承接自然,上下文都讲述接和工作相关电话时的注意事项,且是明显的并列关系,故选B项。 2.上文If the telephone rings at work and it is a personal call, work etiquette tips may be applicable as well. For example, the conversation should not make other co-workers, who can likely overhear the conversation, uncomfortable. (如果工作的时候私人电话来了,这时要主意工作礼节。例如,这些对话可能让其他会无意听到的人不舒服。)与C. Medical conditions and personal issues should be discussed in private.(医疗和个人问题应该私下讨论)承接自然,选项是上文提到的工作礼节中的另一种情况,personal是关键词,故选C项。 3.G. There are some work etiquette tips that may be used for work-related emails. (这里有一些可以用在处理和工作相关邮件的工作礼仪)与For example, the subject line should be descriptive. Using all capital letters should be avoided in the text or the subject line of the email. In addition, exclamation or question marks should be used with caution. (例如:主题应该是描述性的。在正文或邮件的主题行中,应避免使用所有的大写字母。此外,使用感叹号或问号时要小心。)承接自然,下文是对选项的举例说明,故选G项。 4.下文As a result, one of the easiest and most constructive tips is to avoid using products such as strong perfume or eating food that has strong odors in the workplace.(因此,最容易和最具指导性的建议之一是避免使用这些产品,例如气味浓烈的香水,或者在工作场合吃气味很重的食物)与E. What smells wonderful to one co-worker may smell terrible to another.(对一个同事来说好闻的味道,对于另一个人来说可能很难闻)承接自然,下文是选项提到问题的解决方法,故选E项。 5.上文Another point of debate in many workplaces is centered around the use of common areas, such as kitchens, conference rooms, or lunch rooms.(另外一个在很多工作场合讨论的重点是共同区域的使用,例如餐厅、会议室或者午餐室)与A. Remember that these areas should be cleaned after they are used.(请记住,这些地方在使用后一定要打扫干净)承接自然,选项中的these areas就是上文提到的common areas,areas是关键词,故选A项。

    Gwheezie, a nurse, wrote about her heart attack symptoms on social media. ''Last Sunday I had a heart attack. I'm alive because I called 911. I never had chest pain. It wasn’t what you read in brochures. ''

Gwheezie pointed out that she recently helped her neighbor clean out the garden and actually thought it was muscle strain(扭伤). The pain ran across her upper back, shoulders and equaly down both arms. ''I'd just written it off because it wasn't really bad, '' Gwheezie said. She even drove six hours to help her mother the day before the actual attack came. However, she almost died because she didn't call it ''chest pain''. ''I was lucky, '' she wrote. ''And I wanted to warn women our heart attacks feel different. ''

''Pain that comes and goes seems like a surprising symptom, but it's actually common for heart disease, '' women's health expert, Jennifer Haythe says. ''Some women will experience chest pain, but it may feel different than the typical 'crushing pain(压迫性疼痛)'men will describe. Other women won’t have chest pain at all, which can be deadly. '' Sanjiv Patel, MD, says. ''Women are far more likely to develop untypical symptoms for a heart attack, including indigestion, shortness of breath, tiredness, and arm, neck and back pain, etc. ''

But there are ways to distinguish if the pain is heart-related. ''If you have pain and it gets worse when you exhaust yourself, that's more likely to be a sign, '' Patel says. ''If you have pain and difficulty breathing when you're sitting and watching TV, you get up and walk around and it goes away, the pain is probably not related to your heart. Moreover, if it comes back the next day for a longer period of time. you'll want to see a doctor. ''

''Any new symptom that doesn't feel quite right calls for an immediate call or visit to your doctor, '' Haythe says. ''Take your body seriously. It's usually telling you something. ''

1.Why did Gwheezie post her heart attack symptoms on social media?

A.To raise some money. B.To record the process.

C.To inform other women. D.To share her lucky story.

2.What does the underlined phrase ''written it off'' in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Ignored it. B.Recorded it.

C.Treated it. D.Discovered it.

3.What do Jennifer Haythe's words indicate?

A.Pain is a fairly rare symptom for heart disease.

B.Chest pain may be a good thing for heart disease.

C.Women are far more likely to die of heart disease.

D.Men have more chest pain symptoms than women.

4.How can we distinguish heart-related pain?

A.From the breath and sleep.

B.From the position and frequency.

C.From the tiredness and heart beats.

D.From the degree and length.



    It is common for adults to use ''baby talk'' when interacting with babies. This way of speaking attempts to imitate the sounds babies make when they first try to talk. But is this form of communication helpful to a child’s development?

Several studies have suggested a clear link between parental language methods and a child's early language development. Studies showed that language learning in babies was improved when parents spoke more than a few simple words and used a wider vocabulary. Earlier research found that the style of speech used by parents to communicate with their baby could have an influence on language development.

One such speaking style is known as ''parentese''. Research has shown that babies react better to this kind of language in the first months of life. Generally, parentese involves adults speaking in a higher voice and at a slower speed. The language is simplified, while sentences are short and often repeated. Studies from the past 30 years have confirmed that babies spoken to in parentese developed larger vocabularies throughout the first three years of life.

A new study on the subject, a project of the University of Washington's Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, examined whether parents can be effectively taught methods to improve their parentese skills.

Naj a Ferjan Ramírez. working in the Institute for LearningBrain Sciences, said that the parents involved in the research were first shown the importance of language input for their baby's development. Parents were then given suggestions on how to use different parentese methods, and then rated on how well they used these methods with their child. She added that the new study is important because there are still a 1ot of parents with little knowledge about how to use parentese to help their child. This was one reason the researchers included parents from different cultural and economic groupings.

1.How do parents usually talk with their babies?

A.By speaking in a funny style. B.By copying babies' sounds.

C.By raising speaking speed. D.By whispering in babies’ears.

2.What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A.Babies' language skills are decided by talent.

B.Babies' language is improved by simple words.

C.Parental language style helps improve babies' behavior.

D.Parental language methods affect babies' language development.

3.Where can you find how parents were trained in parentese skills?

A.In paragraph 2. B.In paragraph 3.

C.In paragraph 4. D.In paragraph 5.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Communicating with babies matters more

B.Parentese is a good way to practice language

C.The more parents help, the better babies 1earn

D.Speaking parentese helps with babies' language learning



    A few weeks ago, I bought a locally-grown salad from a vending machine(自动售货机). But then I immediately realized that it was packaged in a plastic jar. ''I guess I live with this jar now and forever. '' I thought sadly as I stared down at my new child.

The salad jar was only the latest in a long line of examples of how I am addicted to the responsibility of reusing everything, trying to never throw anything away. Water bottles have been given second lives, and berry containers are transformed into Tupperware. I recently even looked at a plastic straw in my fruit juice: Could I reuse it too…?

Yet trying to squeeze my salad jar under my kitchen counter this weekend, I finally had to admit: Being an environmentalist has turned me into a hoarder(囤积者). While keeping a certain number of jars and vegetable bags will allow me not to buy new containers, at a certain point those 30 berry containers begin to get a bit unnecessary. Who am I kidding? Then one day I came across a blog post that asks accusingly. ''Are you turning your own home into a landfill(垃圾填埋场)? ''

In my defense, there is absolutely no excuse not to be a conscious consumer. The solution is painfully obvious, but hard to admit: Delaying waste is not, in fact, rejecting waste. In an over-packaged, over-consuming culture, this can feel like a burden. While I refuse to throw away packaging, the fact remains: I already have it. The damage is done. I've been ignoring one of the most essential and difficult parts—reduce, reuse, recycle. Even if I go out of my way to reuse the waste I do have, I need to reduce what I am bringing home in the first place.

While I might not be ready to go full zero-waste, it's a goal that is admirable to work toward. Until then, my salad jar child is going to make a great overnight oats jar.

1.What does the author try to indicate by the last sentence in paragraph 2 ?

A.How important reusing is.

B.How enthusiastic she is about reusing.

C.How she makes use of the plastic straw.

D.Why she is responsible for reusing plastic straws.

2.Why does the author say she has turned into a hoarder?

A.She enjoys collecting a variety of small jars.

B.She has saved far more containers than she needs.

C.She likes the idea of saving fine packages in daily life.

D.She stores more berry containers than other containers.

3.What does the underlined word ''this'' in paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Over-packaging. B.Delaying waste.

C.Over-consuming. D.Rejecting waste.

4.The author realizes at last that she should___________.

A.buy fewer over-packaged goods

B.throw away unnecessary packaging

C.reuse materials as much as possible

D.appreciate the value of recycling materials



MarineLand Theme Park

With numerous rides, a variety of wildlife from both land and sea and shows filled with action-packed excitement, no wonder it's a hit with visitors from all over the world. Whether riding on the world's biggest steel roller coaster, Dragon Mountain, or enjoying a show filled with fun-loving dolphins and intelligent whales, you’re sure to have the time of your life at MarineLand. Having been in business for more than 50 years, this park has something for every member of the family!


The King Waldorf Stadium ShowThis entertaining, educational and heart-warming show features dolphins, white whales, sea lions, and walruses and is sure to leave you in awe as well as help you understand and appreciate these wonderful marine mammals(海洋哺乳动物).

Arctic Cove: It featuring one of the largest white whale collections in the world, visitors are able to purchase a pass to Arctic Cove where they can touch and feed the whales as well as view them underwater.

Friendship Cove: Breathtaking underwater viewing allows you to enter the magic world of the killer whale below the water surface or on a surface level walkway.


Villager Lodge: It is located in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Diplomat Inn: Within half a mile of the Skylon Tower, it is the choice for an inexpensive location.

Marriott Niagara Falls Fallsview Hotel&Spa: It is close to popular attractions and the Scotiabank Convention Center.

Days Inn Lundy's Lane: It is located just two miles from the gorgeous Niagara Falls and the Skylon Tower Observation Deck.

Hours of Operation:10:00 am-5:00 pm(Sept. 11th—Oct. 13th)


1.What can be learned about MarineLand Theme Park?

A.It is only suitable for kids.

B.It was opened fifty years ago.

C.It has both land and marine animals.

D.It has the world's biggest roller coaster.

2.What is special about Arctic Cove?

A.It has the largest white whale collection in the world.

B.It allows visitors to enter the magic world of the killer whale.

C.It features an entertaining show starring various marine mammals.

D.It provides visitors with a chance to interact with white whales personally.

3.Which hotel suits you best if you have a tight budget?

A.Diplomat Inn.

B.Villager Lodge.

C.Days Inn Lundy's Lane.

D.Marriott Niagara Fails Fallsview Hotel&Spa.




A Chinese boy is reported to have spent about 2 million yuan in studying in New Zealand but failed to get any diploma. He even could not take care of himself and his grandmother had to feed him.

The man in the case is a so-called adult baby, because his deeds make him almost the same as a baby. He cannot take care of himself. He is unable to go to school, let alone finish studies. He even relies on his grandmother to feed him.

However, he burns money faster than any normal student. He spent about 2 million yuan in two years overseas, but could not finish even the preparatory courses. We do not mean to judge his choice, but someone who lacks the basic ability to survive has little chance of success in any modern society.

In a later interview, the mother of the boy was in tears and said she regretted not having taught her son well.She also told the story about how she “educated” her son: meeting all his demands, even the unreasonable ones. When he did not perform well in school, she simply spent money in sending him overseas; she would buy whatever he wanted. That was bad for her and bad for him.


1. 以约30个单词概括文章大意;

2. 谈谈你如何看待巨婴现象,然后用23个理由或论据支撑你的看法。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。





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