满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Teenage life is quite dramatic but that ...

    Teenage life is quite dramatic but that doesn't mean you cannot enjoy your life in these years. Even with your daily troubles, your life is not very hard if you know how to deal with them.

I know exactly how you feel. Life as a teenager can be hard. You are not a kid anymore, because you are smart enough to observe and analyze your surroundings. However, you are still not an adult because there are still lots of experiences that you need to have and lessons that you need to learn from these experiences. To top it all, the hormonal (荷尔蒙的)imbalance in you body can really mess you up emotionally. I have been there. I was in it for 6 years exploring what life is about.

As a teenager, I had a major problem completing my chores on time. And at that time, all that I needed to do was to finish my assignments, study for the upcoming test and clean my room. Now, I have much more things to do: cooking, cleaning and working while striking a balance between all my relationships related to work, family and friends. That really is a lot of work. So, I will just give you one golden tip, quoting from Benjamin Franklin," Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today."

Life becomes much easier now because I finish all my work on time and I have enough time to let my hair down. Half the problems as a teenager are because we hate doing things. We'd rather go and have fun than sit down and take care of our duties and responsibilities. That is why you have so much trouble in your life; your parents won't let you go out with friends because you haven't cleaned your room or your teacher is always criticizing you because you haven't finished your assignments.

1.What does the writer mainly want to tell us in paragraph 1 ?

A.Teenage life is tough. B.Teenagers can't enjoy life.

C.Teenage life is changeable. D.Teenagers should learn more.

2.What plays a key role in making teenage life hard according to the writer?

A.The adolescent changes. B.The lack of life experience.

C.The failure of concentration. D.The unfamiliar surroundings.

3.How did the writer feel about her teenage life?

A.It was difficult. B.It was simple.

C.It was enjoyable. D.It was boring.

4.What does the writer advise teenagers to do?

A.Abandon their friends. B.Go and have fun.

C.Complete their homework. D.Shoulder the burden.


1.D 2.A 3.A 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。作者首先对于青少年生活有困难表示了理解,并分析了原因。结合自身经历出发,作者告诉大家想减少困难和麻烦先从承担自身责任开始的道理。 1.推理判断题。根据文章第一段的Even with your daily troubles, your life is not very hard if you know how to deal with them.(即使有日常烦恼,如果你学会了如何处理,你的生活不会太难)可推测,作者让青少年多学习,这样即使生活有烦恼,也不至于太难。 D. Teenagers should learn more.(青少年应该多学习)符合以上说法,故选D项。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段的To top it all, the hormonal imbalance in your body can really mess you up emotionally(最重要的是,你体内的荷尔蒙失衡会让你情绪混乱)可知,造成青少年生活艰难的最主要原因是体内荷尔蒙失衡,即青少年的变化。A. The adolescent changes.(青少年的变化)符合以上说法,故选A项。 3.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的Life becomes much easier now(现在,生活变得容易多了)可推测作者的青少年生活是困难的。A. It was difficult.(它是困难的)符合以上推测,故选A项。 4.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的We'd rather go and have fun than sit down and take care of our duties and responsibilities. That is why you have so much trouble in your life(我们宁愿去玩得开心,也不愿坐下来负责我们的职责。这就是为什么你的生活中有那么多的烦恼)可知,作者认为青少年有烦恼的原因是因为不愿意承担责任,故推知作者想让青少年承担责任以减轻烦恼。D. Shoulder the burden.(承担责任)符合以上说法,故选D项。

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To sum up --- get it while you can!

1.Translaty can help users .

A.better understand foreigners B.learn foreign languages well

C.spend less in learning a language D.build relationships with colleagues

2.What is special about Translaty?

A.It's secure. B.It's strong.

C.It's reliable. D.It's affordable.

3.What's the purpose of the text?

A.To report. B.To advertise.

C.To appeal. D.To reply.



假定你是李华,泉州市图书馆将举办中英双语中国茶文化展。你的外教Mr.Smith是中国茶文化的爱好者,请给他写一-封邮件, 邀请他一起参观。 内容包括:



注意: 1.词数100左右;


参考词汇:茶具tea set

Dear Mr. Smith,


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() 并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Rope skipping is a sport suitable for people of all age. People skip rope for fun and exercise. Every student can learn to skip. You can skip alone or with my classmates. If you skip alone, you just need short rope about double the length of your high. You can't turn to the rope too fast so that you can skip safe. It might help if you can sing a rhyme while skips. When you skip rope, your heart beats fast than usual and your body is stressed. Therefore, stop for a rest after you injure yourself. So, pick up a rope, finding a silly rhyme and start skipping.




Chopsticks, or kuaizi in Chinese, are a pair of small equal-length sticks, usually made of wood, used for eating. We Chinese eat1.chopsticks. It is believed the first chopsticks2.(develop) over 5,000 years ago in China. Excavated (出土) from the Ruins of Yin near Anyang, Henan province, dating back to roughly 1,200 BC was the3.(early) evidence of a pair of chopsticks made out of bronze. Chopsticks,4.are roughly uniform in size throughout China, can be made of a variety of5.(material), including bamboo, wood, plastic, silver and gold.

Chopsticks play6.important role in Chinese food culture. Chinese chopsticks are usually 9 to 10 inches long. They are round on the eating end which symbolizes heaven, and the other end is square which symbolizes earth. This is because7.(maintain) an enough food supply is the greatest concern between heaven and earth.

There is an old Chinese custom making chopsticks part, of a girl's dowry (嫁妆) since the8.(pronounce) of kuaizi is similar to the words for “quick” and “son”.

Chopsticks are 9.(frequent) used in daily life. They have become more than a kind of tableware and have established a set of etiquette (礼仪) and customs of10.(they) own.



    Five years ago, I took a career risk by leaving my job to work on a ship. My medical friends

did their best to persuade me, saying that running away to sea would____my career. But after these years working as a junior doctor, I was willing to take the risk.

___for adventure, I boarded a ship in Singapore with 2,000 passengers and crew. To my___, the hospital was well equipped, with an X-ray machine and a blood analyzer. That first voyage was a learning experience, a___schedule full of safety drills. There was so much new information to___Even remembering which uniform to wear each day was a____ Most confusing, I often forgot to____my clock when the ship crossed time zones.

As a doctor, I was____for the 600 crew, and I was on call for the entire ship. Far from____seasickness and sunburn, I had to deal with other___ for, my patients were wide and varied. The ship's medical center was____a floating emergency room, and we didn't have a team of specialists on hand for a second ____.With long and unpredictable hours, it required mental_____

As you can guess, many of the passengers were elderly. Heart attacks don't____geography and emergency evacuations (疏散) were difficult to____I recall one such patient, who was taken of the ship halfway through the Panama Canal. After a____ride in an old ambulance, I was relieved that the patient____long enough to arrive at the hospital in Panama City.

Thankfully, there were several unexpected ____to the job. I regularly enjoyed the passenger facilities and I even hosted my own table of passengers in the evening. On fare days off, I____as a tour guide on trips ashore. I got to fly over Alaska in a seaplane and watched a ballet in St Petersburg.

Now, I understand being a ship doctor is not a job- it's a way of _____One year at sea became two. I lost my career ambitions, but I redefined happiness in my life.

1.A.launch B.restrict C.ruin D.pursue

2.A.Desperate B.Optimistic C.Suitable D.Concerned

3.A.shock B.relief C.excitement D.disappointment

4.A.regular B.similar C.tight D.flexible

5.A.search for B.figure out C.pick over D.take in

6.A.challenge B.disaster C.bonus D.glory

7.A.upgrade B.repair C.set D.install

8.A.responsible B.powerful C.regretful D.guilty

9.A.experiencing B.suffering C.preventing D.treating

10.A.passengers B.specialists C.diseases D.risks

11.A.fortunately B.actually C.ultimately D.precisely

12.A.examination B.consideration C.discussion D.opinion

13.A.comfort B.toughness C.communication D.pressure

14.A.refer to B.rely on C.trouble with D.care about

15.A.arrange B.monitor C.encounter D.investigate

16.A.relaxing B.terrifying C.promising D.boring

17.A.survived B.struggled C.insisted D.anticipated

18.A.missions B.benefits C.requirements D.priorities

19.A.performed B.travelled C.volunteered D.returned

20.A.confidence B.success C.experience D.life



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