满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.How much is Mathematical Induction no...


1.How much is Mathematical Induction now?

A.About $ 16.93.

B.About $ 64. 63.

C.About S 67. 70.

D.About $ 84.63.

2.What do we know about the book written by Larry Cuban?

A.It focuses on technological reform in education.

B.It aims to improve pre-school education.

C.It helps with students’ mathematical ability.

D.It is based on various academic studies.

3.Which book is the most culture-specific?

A.Mathematical Induction.

B.The Flight of a Butterfly or the Path of a Bullet?.

C.The Fight for America's Schools.

D.The White Chalk of Days.


1.C 2.A 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四本书,包括它们的售价,作家以及内容简介。 1.细节理解题。根据第一栏的信息可知,Mathematical Induction的售价为$84.63,现在购买可以降低20%,即目前售价为$84.63*0.8=$67.70。故选C项。 2.细节理解题。根据第二栏的exploring if and how technology has transformed teaching and learning可知,Larry Cuban写的书是关注科技是否和如何改变了教学。A. It focuses on technological reform in education.(它关注的是教学的技术改革)符合以上说法,故选A项。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一栏的featuring poetry, fiction, and essays by fifteen Ukrainian writers, the anthology offers English-language readers a wide collection of the most appealing literature written Ukraine in the past fifty years.(以15个乌克兰作家的诗歌、小说和散文为特色,该选集给英语读者提供了过去50年乌克兰最具影响力的文学作品)可知,The White Chalk of Days最具文化特性。故选D项。

假定你是李华,在英国参加夏令营,所在地有多国中学生夏令营团队。当地计划为你 们举行联谊晚会。请写一封邮件报名参会,内容包括:


2. 你们的节目;

3. 合理建议。


2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或 修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ),并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1 .每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Wang Kai lived next to Granny Liu, which depended on the ambulance to take him to hospital for treatments. However, things became difficult on cold snowy days. Though Wang Kai had cleared the driveway the week ago to make way for the ambulance, more snow fall on the ground last night. Wang Kai knew he had to help with his neighbor clean up the snow and couldn't finish it himself. So he called four of his friend for help. With five boys on hand, to clear the driveway only took 30 minutes. But it meant all the difference to Granny Liu. A snowstorm could easy turn into a dangerous situation for her. Thanks to boys, she was send to hospital in time.




Today, many people are worried about endangered species. But isn't it just normal for some animals to die out?

The situation today is different from 1. of the past. In the past, animals died out over a long period of time. When animals died out in the past, it was usually because of the weather or other 2. (nature) causes.

What is happening today is 3. ( total) different. We are killing millions of species in a short time. The result is that we are killing our future, because so many species 4.( kill) in such a short time that even 5. fittest can't survive. In fact, there won't be enough species to choose from. Without enough animals and plants, evolution cannot function and nature will get 6.( bad) instead of better.

Many of the species 7.( disappear) on earth are unknown and few people even know that they are dying out. These animals and plants started to live on earth long 8. us and we have no right to kill them. We may also need these species in the future. We must try to keep the endangered species alive. If we allow these species 9.(die)out, we are in fact becoming endangered 10.(our).



    Last year, we moved home and I began my junior year of high school in New Orleans. My birthday was just a few days after my _______ While I had a physical home, I felt _______ , and my thoughts went to children _______ for shelter whose birthdays fell by the wayside. In an effort to find my place in my _______ town, I set out to _______ an organization of teenagers to hold _______ birthday parties for children living in homeless shelters.

The _______   began and there would be a party each month. Getting the work off the ground  _______ our team effort. Every party was _______ as there were many ________ that had to be managed. Rolling up our sleeves, focusing on ________ and connecting with each other, we made the business a great ________

Offering services to those in need teaches ________ lessons often not taught in school. At one party, a little boy and his father came up to thank me for ________ what was the boy's first organized birthday party. I then thanked them for teaching me something too. The father, who lived in a shelter with his son, looked at me ________ as if he was not worthy of teaching me anything. I ________ to him that he taught me to have the ________ to ask for help when needed. I will never ________ the hug and the lesson he gave me.

Experiencing the smile of________on the faces of homeless children who have never had a birthday party before is a(n) ________ that will never fade.

1.A.survival B.arrival C.graduation D.operation

2.A.happy B.lonely C.upset D.lucky

3.A.preparing B.paying C.searching D.struggling

4.A.new B.busy C.small D.quiet

5.A.create B.visit C.remind D.consult

6.A.daily B.weekly C.monthly D.yearly

7.A.career B.contribution C.project D.procedure

8.A.directed B.doubled C.rewarded D.required

9.A.complex B.complete C.typical D.troublesome

10.A.aspects B.dishes C.targets D.emergencies

11.A.relationship B.friendship C.details D.decorations

12.A.fortune B.difference C.attempt D.success

13.A.speech B.life C.education D.language

14.A.enjoying B.hosting C.attending D.postponing

15.A.puzzled B.satisfied C.shyly D.politely

16.A.whispered B.introduced C.repeated D.explained

17.A.chance B.excuse C.courage D.choice

18.A.reject B.forget C.accept D.bear

19.A.relief B.bitterness C.sadness D.delight

20.A.hope B.memory C.mark D.affection



    1. One day, when I was perhaps six years old, I was walking with my father on a crowded street. All of a sudden, the normal flow of pedestrian traffic backed up as people tried to avoid a large object on the sidewalk. To my astonishment, the object turned out to be a human being, a man lying unconscious against a building. 2. Certainly no one made eye contact. As we walked by ,my father — the model of a loving, caring gentleman — pointed to a bottle in a paper bag and told me that the poor soul on the sidewalk just needed to sleep it off. Then the drunken man began to murmur senselessly. My father warned me not to go near, saying "You never know how he’ll react."

3. I had spent the previous 12 months traveling in poor Asian cities, but even by those standards this was a scene of misery. In addition to being desperately poor, the locals had to live in the extremely hot climate, ridiculously huge crowds and a fairly strong wind blowing dust everywhere. Suddenly a man carrying a huge bag of peanuts called out in pain and fell to the ground. 4. A half dozen sellers ran from their stands to help, leaving unattended what might have been the totality of their possessions. One put a blanket under the man's head; another opened his shirt; a third questioned him carefully about the pain; a fourth fetched water; a fifth kept onlookers from crowding around too closely; a sixth ran for help.5.  The performance could have passed for a final exam at a paramedic (护理人员)school.

A.I then witnessed an astonishing scene.

B.Not one of the passers-by seemed to notice that it was a man.

C.This was totally different from the bitter experience I had in New York.

D.Within minutes, a doctor arrived, and two other locals joined in to assist.

E.I soon came to see that day's lesson as basic knowledge for a New Yorker.

F.I'll always remember a lesson that I learned as a boy growing up in New York City.

G.Yet many years later I had a very different experience while visiting a market in Rangoon.



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