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请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 G...


Generally speaking, perfectionism is a good thing, if it makes you do better work and try harder to complete tasks well. However, perfectionism can become a bad thing when it stops you feeling satisfied with yourself or what you’ve accomplished. Every artist knows how important it is to stop adding touches to their paintings and how constantly adding elements can end up ruining the work. If you constantly demand only the very best from yourself, this can damage your self-respect as you find nothing you do will live up to your expectations. And if you extend this harsh (无情的) judgment to your friends and family and only focus on the negatives around them, you will find that they begin to dislike and avoid you.

So how do you get rid of these kinds of negative perfectionism? The following suggestions might help you a lot.

First of all, you’d better think twice about your standards. Look at what other people do. How long does it take them to carry out a project? Are their lower standards getting them fired? Do they still accomplish good work? Are your exacting (苛求的) standards worth the cost in terms of time and energy? I am sure that you can learn a lot from your answers.

Secondly, don’t always compare yourself with others. Perfectionists tend to have high standards. For example, an artist who thinks his work is never done might be comparing his paintings to those of Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci or other great artists. Remember that only a few people can become great masters and that most of us are just common people.

Last but not least, try to look at the situation objectively. If you are constantly adjusting things and never feel satisfied, then the chances are that you are too close to the situation and that you can’t judge it rightly any more. You’d better ask those around you what they think and whether they think your work is good enough. Besides, give your project some breathing space by leaving it alone for some time, so you can come back to it with “fresh eyes”.

Nobody, nor any idea, is perfect. If you have a perfectionist streak in you, try and let it go, and embrace the process of getting your idea out into the world, rather than focusing on the end result.

Perfectionism is holding you back

1. perfectionism can cause

It can make one 2. with himself or his achievements.

It can get one’s self-respect damaged.

It can make one lose3. among his friends and family members.

Ways of 4. perfectionism

5. your standards

You need to find out what other people’s standards are.

Avoid making unwise 6.

It is not sensible for you to 7. yourself to become a great master.

Get a(n) 8. view

Ask others for their 9. about your work.

Step back for a while and then return to your work with “fresh eyes”


Perfection doesn’t actually 10.. Striving to do your best is good enough and will eventually lead you down a brilliant path.






1.Harm 2.unsatisfied/dissatisfied 3.popularity 4.removing/handling 5.Reconsider/Rethink 6.comparison 7.expect 8.objective 9.opinions/ideas/views/viewpoints 10.exist 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。完美主义有着积极的一面,也有消极的一面。正常的完美主义能带给人们追求目标的动力,同时给他们带来乐趣。而病态的完美主义会使人对自己感到不满意。那么,如何摆脱负面的完美主义呢?就此问题,文中提出了三个建议。 首先,您最好对标准进行三思;其次,不要总是将自己与他人进行比较;最后,尝试客观地看待情况。 1.考查句意转换。根据文章第一段的However, perfectionism can become.可知,完美主义也会带来危害,故此处可用harm替换文中的a bad thing,故填Harm。 2.考查句意转换。根据文章第一段的it stops you feeling satisfied with yourself or what you’ve accomplished可知,当完美主义停止让您对自己或完成的工作感到满意时,它就会变成一件坏事,故此处用satisfied的反义词作宾语补足语符合语义,故填unsatisfied/dissatisfied。 3.考查句意转换。根据文章第一段的And if you extend this harsh (无情的) judgment to your friends and family and only focus on the negatives around them, you will find that they begin to dislike and avoid you.可知,如果您将这种无情的判断带给您的朋友和家人,而只关注周围的负面因素,你会发现他们开始讨厌并回避您。故此处可在lose后使用popularity,意为“大家不再欢迎你”,符合语义,故填popularity。 4.考查同义替换。根据文章第二段的So how do you get rid of these kinds of negative perfectionism?可知,此处需填入get rid of 的同义词,表示“消除”,可以使用remove或handle,故填removing或handling。 5.考查同义替换。根据文章第三段的First of all, you’d better think twice about your standards.可知,首先您最好对标准进行三思,因此可使用reconsider或rethink代替think twice,符合语义,在句首单词应大写首字母,故填Reconsider或Rethink。 6.考查词性转换。根据文章第四段的Secondly, don’t always compare yourself with others.可知,其次不要总是将自己与他人进行比较,因此可使用compare的名词作make的宾语,符合语义,故填comparison。 7.考查原文细节。根据文章第四段的Perfectionists tend to have high standards. 和Remember that only a few people can become great masters and that most of us are just common people.可知,完美主义者倾向于高标准,但是只有少数人可以成为大师,而我们大多数人都是普通人。由此可推断,期望自己成为一个伟大的大师是不明智的。expect“期望”,故填expect。 8.考查词性转换。根据文章第五段的Last but not least, try to look at the situation objectively.可知,最后但很重要的一点是,尝试客观地看待这种情况。objective是形容词修饰view作定语,故填objective。 9.考查同义替换。根据文章第五段的You’d better ask those around you what they think.可知,你最好问问周围人的想法,表示“想法”,故填opinions/ideas/views/viewpoints。 10.考查原文细节。根据文章最后一段的Nobody, nor any idea, is perfect.可知,没有人也没有任何想法是完美的。此处需要填入动词,表示“存在”,故填exist。

    Although Bertha Young was thirty she still had moments like this when she wanted to run instead of walk, to take dancing steps on and off the pavement, to throw something up in the air and catch it again, or to stand still and laugh at — nothing — at nothing, simply.

What can you do if you are thirty and, turning the corner of your own street, you are overcome, suddenly by a feeling of happiness — absolute happiness.

Oh, is there no way you can express it without being “drunk and disorderly”? How stupid civilization is! Why should you be given a body if you have to keep it shut up in a case like a rare, rare fiddle(小提琴)?

“No, that about the fiddle is not quite what I mean,” she thought, running up the steps and feeling in her bag for the key — she’d forgotten it, as usual — and rattling the letter-box. “It’s not what I mean, because — Thank you, Mary” — she went into the hall. “Is nurse back?”

“Yes, M’m.”

“I’ll go upstairs.” And she ran upstairs to the nursery.

Nurse sat at a low table giving Little B her supper after her bath. The baby looked up when she saw her mother and began to jump.

“Now, my lovey, eat it up like a good girl,” said nurse, setting her lips in a way that Bertha knew, and that meant she had come into the nursery at another wrong moment.

“Has she been good, Nanny?”

“She’s been a little sweet all the afternoon,” whispered Nanny. “We went to the park and I sat down on a chair and took her out of the pram (婴儿车) and a big dog came along and she pulled its ear. Oh, you should have seen her.”

Bertha wanted to ask if it wasn’t rather dangerous to let her pull a strange dog’s ear. But she did not dare to. She stood watching them, her hands by her side, like the poor little girl in front of the rich girl with the doll.

The baby looked up at her again, stared, and then smiled so charmingly that Bertha couldn’t help crying.

“Oh, Nanny, do let me finish giving her supper while you put the bath things away.

“Well, M’m, she oughtn’t to be changed hands while she’s eating,” said Nanny, still whispering. “It unsettles her, it’s very likely to upset her.”

How absurd it was. Why have a baby if it has to be kept—not in a case like a rare, rare fiddle — but in another woman’s arms?

“Oh, I must!” said she.

Very offended, Nanny handed her over.

“Now, don’t excite her after her supper. You know you do, M’m. And I have such a time with her after!”

Thank heaven! Nanny went out of the room with the bath towels.

“Now I’ve got you to myself, my little precious,” said Bertha, as the baby learned against her.

She ate delightfully, holding up her lips for the spoon and then waving her hands. Sometimes she wouldn’t let the spoon go; and sometimes just as Bertha had filled it, she waved it away to the four winds.

When the soup was finished Bertha turned round to the fire. “You’re nice — you’re very nice!” said she, kissing her warm baby. “I’m fond of you. I like you.”

And indeed, she loved Little B so much — her neck as she bent forward, her pretty toes as they shone transparent in the firelight — that all her feeling of happiness came back again, and again she didn’t know how to express it — what to do with it.

“You’re wanted on the telephone,” said Nanny, coming back in victory and seizing her Little B.

1.In paragraph 3 and 15, a “rare, rare fiddle” is used to show that ________.

A.Bertha is frustrated by not feeling free to express her musical talents

B.wealthy mothers are not allowed to look after their children

C.Bertha considers her baby girl an extraordinary child

D.people of a certain age are expected to follow a certain code of behavior

2.Nanny’s facial expression on seeing Bertha’s arrival in the nursery suggest ________.

A.a vain attempt to hide her joy at seeing Bertha

B.fear of dismissal from her job for untidy nursery

C.dislike for Bertha’s ill-timed visits to the nursery

D.a relief as she can at last eat her supper

3.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 11 imply?

A.Bertha wishes to have care-giving time with her baby.

B.Bertha lacks emotional and psychological strength.

C.Bertha desires a closer relationship with Nanny.

D.Bertha suffers from an unrealistic hope of having more babies.

4.Which of the following best describes the relationship between Bertha and Nanny?

A.Bertha feels that Nanny is a competent nurse and will do anything liberate her from chores.

B.Nanny considers herself the baby’s primary caregiver and Bertha just an occasional visitor.

C.Bertha prefers to leave the child in Nanny’s care so that she can fulfill her inappropriate fantasies.

D.Nanny is tired of working hard for Bertha and would like to find other pleasant employment.

5.In Nanny’s eyes, what was Bertha like?

A.She is a kind employer but a strict mother.

B.She is a thoughtless person and inexperienced mother.

C.She is excited and is always lost in her overactive imagination.

D.She is forgetful and has no sense of class distinctions in society.

6.Which of the following sentences best describes Nanny’s possessiveness (占有欲)?

A.“She’s been a little sweet all the afternoon,” whispered Nanny. “...Oh. you should have seen her.”

B.“Now, my lovey, eat it up like a good girl,” said nurse, setting her lips in a way that Bertha knew.

C.“Now, don’t excite her after her supper. You know you do, M’m. And I have such a time with her after!”

D.“You’re wanted on the telephone,” said Nanny, coming back in victory and seizing her Little B.



    California has been facing droughts for many years, with certain areas even having to pump freshwater hundreds of miles to their distribution system. The problem is growing as the population of the state continues to expand. New research has found deep water reserves under the state which could help solve their drought crisis. Previous drilling of wells could only reach depths of 1,000 feet, but due to new pumping practices, water deeper than this can now be extracted (抽取). The team at Stanford investigated the aquifers (地下蓄水层) below this depth and found that reserves may be three times what was previously thought.

It is profitable to drill to depths more than 1,000 feet for oil and gas, but only recently in California has it become profitable to pump water from this depth. The aquifers range from 1,000 to 3,000 feet below the ground, which means that pumping will be expensive and there are other concerns. The biggest concern is the gradual setting down of the land surface. As the water is pumped out, the vacant space left is pressed by the weight of the earth above.

Even though pumping from these depths is expensive, it is still cheaper than desalinating (脱盐) the ocean water in the largely coastal state. Some desalination plants exist where possible, but they are costly to run and can need constant repairs. Wells are much more reliable sources of freshwater, and California is hoping that these deep wells may be the answer to their severe water shortage.

One problem with these sources is that the deep water also has a higher level of salt than shallower aquifers. This means that some water may even need to be desalinated after extraction, thus increasing the cost. Research from the study of groundwater has just been published. New estimates of the water reserves now go up to 2,700 billion cubic meters of freshwater.

1.According to the text, what causes the water crisis in California?

A.Previous drilling of wells. B.The messy distribution system.

C.Constant droughts in the area. D.The adoption of new pumping practices.

2.The research teams think it ________ to extract water from deeper aquifers.

A.expensive but practical B.reliable and profitable

C.cost-free but demanding D.cheap and environment-friendly

3.What is mentioned as a consequence of extracting water from deep underground?

A.The damage to aquifers. B.The sinking of land surface.

C.The decrease in operation costs. D.The negative effects on the climate.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To encourage people to save water.

B.To promote the seawater desalination.

C.To introduce a new way of extracting freshwater.

D.To draw people’s attention to the droughts in California.



    My college experience included this life-skill lesson: Drink alcohol on a full stomach. Or you will get inebriated too quickly. Of course, most college students shouldn’t be drinking at all, but we know from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism that close to 60 percent of college students aged 18 to 22 do consume alcohol, which makes harm-reducing approaches important.

Unfortunately, campus authorities and researchers are reporting a practice that turns the full-stomach drinking strategy on its head: rather than filling up before a night of partying, significant numbers of students refuse to eat all day before consuming alcohol.

This is a high-risk behavior called “drunkorexia,” which is one part eating disorder, one part alcoholism—a very dangerous combination for college-age students. The term drunkorexia, which can also include excessive exercise or purging before consuming alcohol, was coined about 10 years ago, and it started showing up in medical research around 2012. Drunkorexia addresses the need to be the life of the party while staying extremely thin, pointing to a flawed mind-set about body image and alcoholism among college students, mostly women.

Imagine this scenario: A female college freshman doesn’t eat anything all day, exercises on an empty stomach, then downs five shots of tequila in less than two hours. Because there’s no food in her system to help slow the absorption of alcohol, those shots affect her rapidly, leading to inebriation and possibly passing out, vomiting or suffering alcohol poisoning. That’s drunkorexia.

Tavis Glassman, professor of health education and public health at the University of Toledo in Ohio, researches drunkorexia and worries about scenarios such as the one described above: “With nothing in her system, alcohol hits quickly, and that brings up the same issues as with any high-risk drinking: sexual assault, unintentional injury, fights, hangovers that affect class attendance and grades, and possibly ending up in emergency because the alcohol hits so hard,” he says.

“Alcohol can negatively affect the liver or gastrointestinal system, it can interfere with sleep, lower the immune system and is linked to several types of cancers,” Hultin says.

1.What does the underlined word “inebriated” in paragraph 1 mean?

A.excited B.overwhelmed C.addicted D.drunk

2.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.a large number of college students spend most of their nights partying

B.some college students refuse to eat before drinking alcohol to keep slim

C.There is a direct link between body image and consuming alcohol

D.female college student is more likely to be hurt if she drinks alcohol

3.Which of the following may Tavis Glassman agree with?

A.With more food in one’s system, he may suffer from the effects of alcohol slowly.

B.Drinking five shots of tequila in less than two hours is the performance of drunkorexia.

C.Those who don’t attend classes and have lower grades tend to be addicted to alcohol.

D.Alcohol has negative effects on the immune system and may lead to several cancers.




London Zoo

Set in the heart of Regents Park, London Zoo provides a great day out with a family friendly atmosphere. It has been entertaining visitors of all ages with a collection of over 80, 000 animals as well as some fantastic shows and interactive experiences for over 150 years.

From the classic penguin feeding time to the insightful talks held in an authentic living rainforest there really is something for everyone to enjoy. There are fun and games in the kid’s zone including a range of special exhibits designed to be as informative as they are exciting. Children are free to explore a treetop village, a secret underground world and the “Touch Zone” which provides a safe environment for them to interact with all of their favourite creatures.

There is so much to do at London Zoo you may struggle to fit it all into one day! Your ticket includes priority entry access at no extra cost giving you more time to see one of the city’s premier attractions.

Important Information

* Disabled Access: Wheelchair access is available throughout the park; however, as the Zoo contains a lot of listed buildings some have minor restrictions.

* Parking space subject to (取决于) availability. Only valid in conjunction with a paid for Zoo entry ticket.

* Last admission is one hour before closing time.

* Some animal exhibits may close up to 30 minutes before closing time.




1.According to the advertisement, London Zoo ________.

A.provides an ideal place for families to hold talks in an rainforest

B.combines entertainment and interactive experiences with creatures

C.offers unlimited access to premier attractions with a little more charge

D.caters to the curiosity of children with guided exploration and interactions

2.It can be learned from the passage that ________.

A.visitors will be admitted to the zoo at their convenience

B.drivers shall get parking space with a paid entry ticket

C.late comers may miss some of the animal exhibits

D.wheelchair users can have access to any building



In 1970, a cyclone(旋风)hit the southern coast of Bangladesh(孟加拉国). So severe and deadly were its effects that it’s______listed as the world’s worst-ever reported natural disaster. The______had a big impact on two Swedish men from Mission Aviation Fellowship(MAF). They traveled ______to Bangladesh for the purpose of seeing what they could do to______. They journeyed south by boat for several days, throughout the country’s vast _____ network to reach the worst-affected area and began to envision(预想)MAF using an aircraft that would _____direct access to large areas of the country that were almost out of_______.

Throughout the 1980s, MAF Australia, along with other MAF groups, sent staff to_______assistance and their patience and dedication _____since they built trust in the countries that had been ____.

In 1997, MAF could______start a flight program within Bangladesh. At that time, besides transporting doctors to hospitals located in _____parts of the country, MAF also _____an on-call emergency medevac(前线急救直升机)service in Bangladesh.

On November 15, 2007, Cyclone Sidr hit southern Bangladesh. MAF’s________response and emergency procedures were seriously_______as the office received over 200 phone calls in one day from aid agency personnel in urgent need of _____to and from the disaster zone. For the next two months, MAF______solidly, seven days a week. The float plane became known by______locals as “The Sea Angel(天使)”---the only aircraft in the country of its type having such a(n) ______.

In 2009, “The Sea Angel” was sent again for rapid assistance_______Cyclone Alla struck. Today, in Bangladesh, MAF makes over 750 flights and transports around 2,500 passengers annually.

1.A. just    B. still    C. soon    D. often

2.A. history    B. failure    C. burden    D. event

3.A. separately    B. occasionally    C. immediately    D. fortunately

4.A. help    B. limit    C. research    D. avoid

5.A. air    B. bus    C. river    D. rail

6.A. reduce    B. prevent    C. change    D. enable

7.A. focus    B. danger    C. order    D. reach

8.A. seek    B. provide    C. promise    D. receive

9.A. ran out    B. came back    C. paid off    D. kept on

10.A. noticed    B. untied    C. assisted    D. traveled

11.A. properly    B. secretly    C. suddenly    D. finally

12.A. secure    B. crowded    C. remote    D. coastal

13.A. request    B. began    C. restore    D. continue

14.A. rapid    B. natural    C. appropriate    D. unexpected

15.A. followed    B. tested    C. forecasted    D. established

16.A. transport    B. message    C. funding    D. encouragement

17.A. accelerated    B. flew    C. appealed    D. searched

18.A. reasonable    B. grateful    C. outgoing    D. respectable

19.A. destination    B. application    C. decoration    D. reputation

20.A. once    B. if    C. when    D. until



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