满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








This morning, when I looked out the window, I excitedly found it was snowing heavy. Attracted by the beautiful sight, so I decided to go out to take some photos. As I walked on the path in front of our building, I saw a boy suddenly slipping on the snow-covered ground. It was at that moment when I realized what I should do. Immediately, I run back home to get a broom(扫帚) and started to sweep the path. I worked so hard that he sweated a lot. An hour later, a thick snow was cleared away. Looked at the clean path, my neighbor all smiled and gave me the thumbs up.


第一处: out后加of 第二处: heavy→heavily 第三处:去掉so 第四处: slipping→slip 第五处: when→that 第六处: run→ran 第七处: he→I 第八处: a→the 第九处: Looked→Looking 第十处:neighbo→neighbors 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个下雪的早晨,作者主动打扫楼前甬道上的积雪的故事。 第一处:考查动词短语。句意:今天早上,当我往窗外看时,我兴奋地发现雪下得很大。look out of是固定短语,表示“从……朝外看”,故out后加of。 第二处:考查副词。句意同上,修饰动词snowing用副词,故heavy改为heavily。 第三处:考查连词。句意:我被这美丽的景色所吸引,决定出去拍几张照片。分析句子结构可知,此处使用的是非谓语动词,过去分词Attracted作状语,两分句之间不需要连词,so是多余的,故去掉so。 第四处:考查非谓语动词。句意:我看见一个男孩突然在积雪覆盖的路面上滑倒了。see sb doing sth表示“看到某人正在做某事”,see sb do sth表示“看到某人做某事”,此处强调动作发生过程而不是正在进行,故slipping改为slip。 第五处:考查强调句型。句意:就在那一刻,我意识到我应该做什么。分析句子结构可知本句为强调句型,其基本结构为:it is+被强调部分+that+其余部分,本句强调的是时间状语at that moment,故when改为that。 第六处:考查时态。句意:我立刻跑回家拿了一把扫帚,开始扫甬道上的雪。事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故run改为ran。 第七处:考查代词。句意:我扫得很用力,出了很多汗。根据句意可知此处指“我”而不是“他”,故he改为I。 第八处:考查冠词。句意:一小时后,厚厚的雪被打扫干净了。snow是不可数名词,不能用不定冠词修饰,此处特指“甬道上的雪”,应该用定冠词修饰,故a改为the。 第九处:考查非谓语动词。句意:看着干净的甬道,邻居们都笑了,向我竖起大拇指。look 与neighbors之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,用现在分词作状语,故Looked改为Looking。 第十处:考查名词的数。句意同上,neighbor为可数名词,“all”表明此处用可数名词复数,故neighbor改为neighbors。


One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about1. (be) late for school. There were many people waiting at the bus stop,2. some of them looked very anxious and3. (disappoint).When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next4. the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike5. (catch) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused6. (stop) until we reached the next stop. Still ,the boy kept7. (ride).He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up to the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked,“8. anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?”A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh dear! It’s9. (I).” She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers10. (sudden) became friendly to one another.



    Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Turning our weaknesses into strengths makes us ________ . A 12-year-old boy, Kim overcame his weakness by unknowingly making it his______ .

Poor Kim _____ his left arm in a terrible accident and was _____. To cheer him up, his father made him join a Judo(柔道)club. As the boy always wanted to learn Judo, his father thought this would make him _____ .

Everyone wondered how a single-armed boy could learn Judo._____ , the master happily accepted him. Kim practiced nothing but a single stroke(击).He trained for all 8 months in mastering a single stroke. The boy was ____ and sometimes annoyed as his master taught him only one stroke.

Yet, he said nothing. The boy mastered the stroke and grew in confidence as ____ could do that particular stroke better. The boy was _____ by the master to compete in a Judo championship tournament

Everyone _____ Kim and his master. Even the boy was not sure about why his master had chosen him.

To everyone's surprise, Kim easily ____ six competitors with his single stroke. He struggled a bit in the semi-finals but managed to win the match. Then the final match began. The opponent(对手)was very strong and the referee(裁判) ____ with Kim's master about stopping the match as he feared the opponent could ____ Kim. However, his master __ and told Kim to continue the match. With a huge effort, Kim ____ the match.

Kim thought it was __ and asked his master how he had become champion. His master told him “My dear boy, you learned the most ____ stroke in Judo that very few can master to perfection. If your opponent wants to beat you and ____ you from using the stroke, they should hold your left arm. This was the_____ behind your victory!'*

If the boy turned his weakness, the loss of his left arm, into such a great _____ . why can't we?

1.A.brave B.reliable C.powerful D.flexible

2.A.chance B.strength C.interest D.choice

3.A.bent B.raised C.broke D.lost

4.A.heartbroken B.impatient C.embarrassed D.angry

5.A.popular B.normal C.happy D.special

6.A.However B.Besides C.Therefore D.Otherwise

7.A.excited B.nervous C.ambitious D.surprised

8.A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody D.anybody

9.A.taught B.picked C.forced D.paid

10.A.feared B.admired C.knew D.doubted

11.A.shook B.hurt C.beat D.hit

12.A.discussed B.competed C.agreed D.quarreled

13.A.frighten B.blame C.harm D.move

14.A.struggled B.refused C.begged D.regretted

15.A.ignored B.organized C.watched D.won

16.A.unbelievable B.strange C.unacceptable D.satisfying

17.A.suitable B.standard C.terrible D.difficult

18.A.prevent B.protect C.save D.excuse

19.A.effort B.reality C.secret D.meaning

20.A.fun B.success C.challenge D.dream



    Eyesight plays a very important role in our daily life. Every waking moment, the eyes are working to see the world around us. Over forty percent of Americans worry about losing eyesight, but it's easy to include steps into our daily life to ensure healthy eyes. 1.:

● Schedule yearly exams. Eye care should begin early in life. Experts advise parents to bring babies 6 to 12 months of age to the doctor for a careful check. The good news is that millions of children now can have yearly eye exams and following treatment, including eyeglasses.

● Protect against UV rays (紫外线). Long-term stay in the sun creates risk to your eyes. No matter what the season is, it's extremely important to wear sunglasses. 2..

● Give your eyes a break. Two-thirds of Americans spend up to seven hours a day using computers or other digital products. 3.. Experts recommend that people practice the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

4.. As part of a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables each day. Vitamins (维生素) C and E help protect eyesight and promote eye health.

● Practice safe wear and care of contact lenses (隐形眼镜). Many Americans use contact lenses to improve their eyesight. While some follow the medical guidance for wearing contact lenses, many are breaking the rules and putting their eyesight at risk. 5.. Otherwise, you may have problems such as red eyes, pain in the eyes, or a more serious condition.

A.Eat your greens.

B.Here are five suggestions for a lifetime of healthy eyesight.

C.They can properly protect your eyes.

D.Stay in good shape by taking more vitamins.

E.Parents usually don’t care about their own eyesight.

F.Always follow the doctor’s advice for appropriate wear.

G.This frequent eye activity increases the risk for eye tiredness.



    Alongside air and water, food is a necessity (必需) for human beings to survive and thrive (蓬勃发展). But it’s a lot more than that. As Mariette DiChristina of Scientific American wrote: “The most intimate (亲密的) relationship we will ever have is not with any fellow human being. Instead, it is between our bodies and our food.”

Nowadays, for most people in the world’s wealthiest countries, food is a hobby, an enthusiasm, and even something fashionable.

Turn on the TV in the US, UK or France, and you’ll find at least one channel feeding this popular obsession (迷恋).

And most of us know at least one person who thinks of themselves as a “foodie”. It’s almost impossible nowadays to check our social media apps without at least two or three photos of delicious meals appearing on our screen however annoying we may find it.

But behind the fancy recipes and social media bragging (夸耀), many of us forget how much we take food for granted.

This is why World Food Day is held each year by the United Nations on Oct 16. The day allows the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization to highlight (强调) both the progress that has been made against hunger, and the awful amount of progress that still needs to be made.

Take Kenya for example. This East African nation has been suffering terrible droughts, some of the worst in recent years. The result is that people are beginning to starve. Children in particular are suffering, with some of them even dying.

This may seem shocking to know, especially as many cultures outside of Africa think of food in a completely different way. But even in developed nations in the West, families on low incomes (收入) are forced to use food banks organizations that hand out donated (捐赠) food to those who can’t afford to pay for it themselves.

So what can we do on World Food Day? One good way to spend it would be to feel humble and appreciate what we have. After all, food is essential for our survival, but not everyone is as lucky as we are when it comes to dinner time.

1.The author borrowed Mariette DiChristina’s words to ______.

A.discuss the latest trend in the food industry

B.point out the food shortage problem in the world

C.emphasize the connection between food and humanity

D.show the importance of food for human survival

2.According to the article, food shows on TV in the US, UK and France ______.

A.have turned many people into foodies

B.are very popular among viewers

C.will soon be replaced by social media apps

D.often mislead people’s opinion of food issues

3.World Food Day is celebrated to ______.

A.raise awareness of the issues behind hunger

B.share fancy recipes and promote food cultures

C.call on people to donate food to those in need

D.inform people of the food crisis in Africa

4.The author suggests in the last paragraph that people should ______.

A.give more food to charity B.share food with their neighbors

C.feel grateful for the food they eat D.skip meals sometimes to save food



    Grandparents Answer a Call

As a third-generation native of Brownsville, Texas, Mildred Garza never planned to move away.Even when her daughter and son asked her to move to San Antonio to help with their children, she politely refused.Only after a year of friendly discussion did Ms.Garza finally say yes.That was four years ago.Today all three generations regard the move as a success, giving them a closer relationship than they would have had in separate cities.

No statistics show the number of grandparents like Garza who are moving closer to adult children and grandchildren. Yet there is evidence suggesting that the trend is growing.Even President Obama’s mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, has agreed to leave Chicago and move into the White House to help care for her granddaughters. According to a study by grandparents.com, 83 percent of the people said Mrs.Robinson's decision will influence grandparents in the American family.Two-thirds believe more families will follow the example of Obama’s family.

“In the 1960s we were all a little wild and couldn't get away from home far enough or fast enough to prove we could do it on our own,”says Christine Crosby, publisher of Grand, a magazine for grandparents. “We now realize how important family is and how important it is to be near them, especially when you’re raising children.”

Moving is not for everyone. Almost every grandparent wants to be with his or her grandchildren and is willing to make sacrifices, but sometimes it is wiser to say no and visit frequently instead.Having your grandchildren far away is hard, especially knowing your adult child is struggling, but giving up the life you know may be harder.

1.Why was Garza’s move a success?

A.It strengthened her family ties.

B.It improved her living conditions.

C.It enabled her to make more friends.

D.It helped her know more new places.

2.What was the reaction of the public to Mrs.Robinson’s decision?

A.17% expressed their support for it.

B.Few people responded sympathetically.

C.83% believed it had a bad influence.

D.The majority thought it was a trend.

3.What did Crosby say about people in the 1960s?

A.They were unsure of themselves.

B.They were eager to raise more children.

C.They wanted to live away from their parents.

D.They had little respect for their grandparents.

4.What does the author suggest the grandparents do in the last paragraph?

A.Make decisions in the best interests of their own.

B.Ask their children to pay more visits to them.

C.Sacrifice for their struggling children.

D.Get to know themselves better.



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