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One day, I was in class, feeling fine, w...

    One day, I was in class, feeling fine, when all of a sudden my heart started racing. I broke out in a sweat, feeling hot and cold all over. My chest hurt, I was dizzy, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Everything went blurry around the edges. Sure I was about to faint, I jerked up from my desk and ran from the room, terrified. I didn’t care what the teacher thought, or that the eyes of the entire class were on me. I just had to get out of there.

I ran to the nearest water fountain and drank some water. For several minutes, I just stood there holding on to the fountain. What was happening? Was I having a heart attack? Slowly, the lightheadedness went away. My heart stopped racing, and every other symptom faded too. I still had no idea what had happened but I was so glad it was over.

Still I was really worried. I’d never felt that bad in my life. What was wrong with me? What if it came back?

And then, an hour later, it did the pounding heart, the dizziness, the feeling that I was dying. Once again, I couldn’t breathe. And this time. there was also pain throughout my entire upper body. I burst into tears and ran for the hallway again, actually afraid for my life. My teacher ran after me asking what was wrong. Panicking, I managed to choke out, “I need an ambulance: Please. “I was sure I was dying.”

To my surprise, though, my teacher didn’t grab her phone for help. Instead, she put her hand on my arm and told me to slow down. “Breathe, ”she said. “you’re going to be okay. You just need to calm down.”

I felt like I was going crazy. Here I was totally losing it, and she was acting like nothing was wrong! She kept on trying to calm me down, but I wasn’t ready to listen. I was sure she didn’t understand how I felt. How could she? How could anyone? Finally, my teacher explained that she was pretty sure I was having a panic attack. (They are also called anxiety attacks.) She knew, she said, because the same thing had happened to her when she was my age. She told me how she’d felt, and it was almost exactly how I was feeling now. She also explained that panic attacks are caused by anxiety (basically, excessive worry and fear that is part of your everyday life).

I was shocked. I had no idea that there was even a name for what I was feeling, let alone that it happened to other people, too! When I realized that she really did understand, I felt so relieved.

My teacher talked to my parents, and they found me a counselor to help me deal with my anxiety. I’d been going through a tough time that year. My best friend had moved to a new school, and I wasn’t sure how to fit in with the girls in my class. I’d never told anyone, though—I just kept it to myself. My counselor helped me understand that not dealing with my feelings can lead to panic attacks, and that I need to talk to someone when my life is stressful.

Now when I start feeling overwhelmed or sad, I talk to my parents or friends and my counselor about whatever is bothering me, and they all help me sort things out. This way, I’m dealing with my anxiety and stress before it gets out of control.

My counselor has also taught me some relaxation techniques and strategies that help me calm my body down at the first sign of a panic attack. I’ve learned to take deep breaths and relax my muscles. Or I’ll focus on something else, or just tell myself I’m going to be okay. If one thing doesn’t work, I’ll try another one.

It turns out that about one in every ten people has some kind of an anxiety disorder! Knowing that it’s common and that life is stressful for a lot of girls my age has helped me realize that I don’t have to be ashamed or embarrassed about it.

By sharing my story, I want other girls my age to know that you’re not as alone as you feel, and that talking about it really does help.

1.What happened to the author at the beginning of the story?

A.She suffered from a terrible anxiety.

B.She couldn’t calm herself down.

C.She had a heart trouble.

D.She felt dizzy.

2.What is the author’s purpose in sharing her story?

A.To inform people of an anxiety attack.

B.To give advice on how to get over an anxiety disorder.

C.To describe her feelings when suffering from a panic attack.

D.To help other girls who are going through what she went through.

3.What is NOT the proper way to deal with anxiety attacks according to the passage?

A.Comforting yourself.

B.Focusing on something else.

C.Talking to somebody you trust.

D.Taking deep breaths and doing exercises.

4.The counselor in the passage may be ______.

A.an educational psychologist B.a clinical psychologist

C.my parents friend D.my teacher’s friend

5.Which part does the passage probably belong to in a magazine?

A.Teen Life B.Chicken soup

C.Read for Fun D.Literary World


1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章作者讲述了自己焦虑症发作的经历,分享自己的故事以帮助其他正在经历她所经历的痛苦的女孩。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段内容及第五段Finally, my teacher explained that she was pretty sure I was having a panic attack. ( They are also called anxiety attacks. )可知,故事开头的作者患了严重的焦虑症,故选A。 2.推理判断题。答案定位在最后一段By sharing my story, I want other girls my age to know that you’re not as alone as you feel, and that talking about it really does help.(通过分享我的故事,我想让其他和我同龄的女孩知道,你并不像你感觉的那么孤单,谈论这个故事确实很有帮助。)可知,作者分享她的故事的目的是,帮助其他正在经历她所经历的痛苦的女孩,故选D。 3.细节理解题。答案定位在倒数第三段I’ve learned to take deep breaths and relax my muscles.(我学会了深呼吸,放松肌肉。),而D选项“深呼吸,做运动”这是让肌肉紧张的,与文章内容不符,所以D选项不是处理焦虑发作的正确方法,故选D。 4.推理判断题。答案定位在倒数第三段My counselor has also taught me some relaxation techniques and strategies that help me calm my body down at the first sign of a panic attack.(我的咨询师还教了我一些放松技巧和策略,帮助我在出现恐慌发作的第一个迹象时让身体平静下来。)可知,咨询师给出的方法非常专业,由此推断出文章中的咨询师可能是临床心理学家,故选B。 5.推理判断题。答案定位在倒数第二段Knowing that it s common and that life is stressful for a lot of girls my age has helped me realize that I don’t have to be ashamed or embarrassed about it.(知道这很普遍,生活对我这个年龄的很多女孩都有压力,这让我意识到我不必为此感到羞耻或尴尬。)由此推断出,这篇文章可能属于杂志的“青少年生活”部分,故选A。

    Online programs to fight depression are already commercially available. While they sound efficient and cost-saving, a recent study reports that they're not effective, primarily because depressed patients are not likely to engage with them or stick with them.

The study looked at computer-assisted cognitive (认知的) behavioral therapy (CBT) and found that it was no more effective in treating depression than the usual care patients receive from a primary care doctor.

Traditional CBT is considered an effective form of talk therapy for depression, helping people challenge negative thoughts and change the way they think in order to change their mood and behaviors. However, online CBT programs have been gaining popularity, with the attraction of providing low-cost help wherever someone has access to a computer.

A team of researchers from the University of York conducted a randomized (随机的) control trial with 691 depressed patients from 83 physician practices across England. The patients were split into three groups: one group received only usual care from a physician while the other two groups received usual care from a physician plus one of two computerized CBT programs. Participants were balanced across the three groups for age, sex, educational background, severity and duration of depression, and use of antidepressants(抗抑郁药).

After four months, the patients using the computerized CBT programs had no improvement in depression levels over the patients who were only getting usual care from their doctors.

"It's an important, warning note that we shouldn't get too carried away with the idea that a computer system can replace doctors and therapists," says Christopher Dowrick, a professor of primary medical care at the University of Liverpool. "We do still need the human touch or the human interaction, particularly when people are depressed. "

"Being depressed can mean feeling lost in your own small, negative, dark world," Dowrick says. Having a person, instead of a computer, reach out to you is particularly important in fighting that sense of isolation. "When you're emotionally fragile, you're even more in need of a caring human being," he says.

1.What does the recent study say about online CBT programs?

A.Patients may not be able to carry them through for effective cure.

B.Patients cannot engage with them without the use of a computer.

C.They can save patients trouble visiting physicians.

D.They have been well received by a lot of patients'

2.What has made online CBT programs increasingly popular?

A.Their effectiveness in combating depression

B.The low efficiency of traditional talk therapy.

C.Their easy and inexpensive access by patients.

D.The recommendation by primary care doctors.

3.What is Professor Dowrick's advice concerning online CBT programs?

A.They should not be neglected in primary care.

B.Their effectiveness should not be overestimated.

C.They should be used by strictly following instructions.

D.Their use should be encouraged by doctors and therapists.

4.Which is more important to an emotionally vulnerable person?

A.A positive state of mind. B.Appropriate medication.

C.Timely encouragement. D.Human interaction.



    The world is witnessing the worst refugee crisis(难民危机) since World War II. Tens of thousands of people are fleeing civil war and unrest(动荡) to find new homes in Europe — sometimes with sad consequences(后果).

On Aug 27, Austrian officials found the dead bodies of 71 Syrian migrants(移民) in a deserted truck near Austrian-Hungarian border, just as European leaders were holding a meeting in Vienna to figure out how to deal with the refugee crisis. On the same day, 200 migrants were found dead and 200 rescued as two boats packed with refugees sank off the coast of Libya, according to media reports.

The terms “migrant” and “refugee” are often used interchangeably. But there’s a big difference between them, says an article in the Atlantic magazine. Here is how the United Nations defines refugees:

“Refugees are persons fleeing armed conflict( ) or ill-treatment. Their situation is often so dangerous and intolerable that they cross national borders to search for safety in nearby countries. …These are people for whom denial(拒绝) of protection has possibly deadly consequences.”

Migrants, on the other hand, move mainly to improve their lives by finding work, or for education, family reunion or other reasons, said the agency.

Countries should offer refugees certain protections under their international treaty obligations(条约义务).

This is why some states hesitate to admit those people who are fleeing unrest in their home countries.

When talking about refugee and immigration problems, many media outlets use “illegal immigrant”. Critics say that it gives the impression that it’s the person that is illegal rather than their actions. The UN and the EU parliament have called for an end to the phrase, the BBC reported.

1.The differences between “refugee” and “migrant” are written with the purpose of _____.

A.defining the two words clearly

B.indicating why some states are not willing to admit refugees

C.showing that refugees are more than migrants

D.urging European countries to accept more refugees

2.According to the text   “refugee” differs from “migrant” because _____.

they both cross national borders but with different purposes

refugees are illegal while migrants are legal

refugees may face deadly consequences while migrants are relatively safe

refugees are treated badly while migrants are highly respected

A.①④ B.①③ C.②③④ D.①③④

3.According to the text, what may be discussed in the next several paragraphs?

A.Explanations for “illegal immigrant”.

B.Examples about the refugee crisis in Europe.

C.Measures to offer refugee protections.

D.Causes of the refugee crisis in Europe.



    During the outbreak of novel coronavirus, cities are locked down and borders are closed. Science, on the contrary, is becoming more open. And this “open science” is already making a difference.

Soon after the epidemic started in China, a research team from Fudan University in Shanghai successfully sequenced (测定序列) the DNA of the virus. But they didn’t keep the information to themselves. Instead, they placed the sequences on GenBank, an open-access data platform, so researchers around the world could  download them for free and start studying the virus.

Due to this openness, pharmaceutical ( ) companies across the globe are now able to work simultaneously (同时地) to develop a vaccine. “There may be room for multiple different vaccines for different purposes and different age groups,” Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security in the US, told Al Jazeera. “The bigger menu we have of vaccines, the more resilient (有适应力的) we’ll be against coronavirus outbreaks in the future.”

Major drug companies around the world are also sharing their study results. Remdesivir, a drug originally developed by US company Gilead Sciences to treat Ebola, is found to be promising in fighting against the novel coronavirus. Currently, two trials of the drug are already underway in China, and the results might be available as soon as April, according to The Verge.

1.Which of the following statement is not the main things the epidemic has caused?

A.Cities are locked down.

B.Borders are closed.

C.Borders is becoming more open to fight against it.

D.“Open science”plays an important role.

2.What are mentioned as the examples of “open science” in this part?

a. A research team from Fudan University placed the sequences of the virus onto an open access data platform.

b. Companies across the globe share their developed vaccine.

c. Major drug companies share their study results.

d. US company Gilead Sciences developed drugs to treat Ebola.

A.ab B.ac C.bc D.cd

3.What if Chinese scientists kept the information to themselves?

A.The research process could be delayed and the chance of defeating the virus would be lessened.

B.They could let the world download the information for free.

C.The world could develop the vaccine more quicker than now.

D.Chinse scientists could work to help the world.



    For most people, a family member would be their inspiration. As for me, _______ my mother and father were both great influences, my greatest influence came from a television program Gilmore Girls. Nearly every day after _______, I would come home, _______ on the couch, and turn on the television.

Upon hearing the theme song and seeing the _______ faces, I was overcome by a sense of _______ and total peace. All the day’s hardships would _______. I would forget about any _______ stress. When it was about five o’ clock, I would sit in front of the TV to _______ another episode of Gilmore Girls. It was what I had to _______ in my day, because I was having a ________ day and I simply loved to laugh at their humorous dialogues. Each of the characters had a ________ personality, unlike anyone I had ever known. The more I watched Gilmore Girls, the more I found myself wanting to be a “Rory Gilmore”.

Much of Rory’s success came from her mother. In the process of ________ Harvard or any college, I have recently discovered it is a long process. My ________ has also encouraged me to follow my dreams and to make my own ________. I am a particularly hesitant person, so ________ this task is not easy for me. In ________ and developing into her own person, Rory Gilmore discovered her dreams and how to achieve them; that was how she ________ me.

Although I am a girl who is ________ trying to find my true self, Rory made me feel as if I could ________ everything. No matter which college I may ________, I’ll always know that the road, which I travel to get there, is a road well worth traveling.

1.A.unless B.because C.now that D.even though

2.A.dinner B.communication C.school D.work

3.A.pick up B.lie down C.lay down D.show up

4.A.common B.unusual C.familiar D.strange

5.A.relief B.care C.honor D.surprise

6.A.pause B.disappear C.decrease D.stop

7.A.casual B.formal C.certain D.previous

8.A.survey B.identify C.watch D.notice

9.A.look forward to B.make up for C.pay attention to D.take charge of

10.A.lazy B.tough C.big D.happy

11.A.unique B.good C.strange D.ambiguous

12.A.passing by B.thinking of C.searching for D.getting into

13.A.Rory B.family C.mother D.friend

14.A.efforts B.experiments C.decisions D.trips

15.A.proposing B.quitting C.confronting D.undertaking

16.A.speeding up B.growing up C.hanging out D.holding on

17.A.inspired B.envied C.admired D.calmed

18.A.hardly B.still C.almost D.seldom

19.A.conquer B.find C.analyze D.afford

20.A.know B.conduct C.admit D.choose



The Chinese language __________  Western languages __________  , instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or ideas.

A.differs from; in which B.is different from; in that

C.differs from; in what D.is different from; in where



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