满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

This summer holiday, I go to a seaside city with my family. We got there by air. It is a very beautiful and modern city, where impressed us a lot. On the first day, we took a bus to a place calling the Sea Park. There were such many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believe in my eyes. On the second day, we went swimming, and we all enjoyed ourselves. During the next two days, we went to some tourist spot, shopping and taking photos. Several days late, we left the city. Although we were tiring on our way home, we felt happily about the holiday. What unforgettable experience!


1. 第一句:go→went 2. 第三句:where→which 3. 第四句:calling→called 4. 第五句:such→so 5. 第五句:去掉in 6. 第七句:spot→spots 7. 第八句:late→later 8. 第九句:tiring→tired 9. 第九句:happily→happy 10. 第十句:unforgettable前加an 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者和家人暑假去一个海滨城市度假的故事。 1. 考查一般过去时。句意:这个暑假,我和我的家人去了一个海滨城市度假。全文用的都是一般过去时,所以这句话也应使用一般过去时。故将go改为went。 2. 考查非限制性定语从句。句意:这是一个非常美丽又现代的城市,给我们留下了深刻的印象。这是一个非限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语,且先行词应该为前边整句话,所以关系词应用which。故将where改为which。 3. 考查过去分词作定语。句意:第一天,我们乘公共汽车去了一个叫海洋公园的地方。 根据句意,这里的a place被叫作“Sea Park”,因此应该使用过去分词作作定语。故将calling改为called。 4. 考查副词。句意:这儿有如此多不同种类的鱼以至于我不能相信自己的眼睛。在so…that和such…that句型中,名词前有many, much, few, little修饰时只能用 so...that,不能用 such ...that。故将such改为so。 5. 考查实义动词。句意同上。believe in sb.表示“相信某人的品行或能力”。believe sb.表示“相信某人说的话”。can’t believe one’s eyes / ears 相当于 can’t believe what one sees / hears,表示“不相信自己所看到的或所听到的”。故将believe后的in去掉。 6. 考查名词的数。句意:接下来的两天内,我们去了一些旅游景点,购物,拍照片。spot是可数名词,其前面有some修饰,故应用spot的复数形式。故将spot改为spots。 7. 考查副词。句意:几天后,我们离开了那座城市。late表示“迟的;晚的”;later常与一个表示具体时间的名词连用,指从过去或将来某一时间算起的“……后”“过了……”。根据句意,故将late改为later。 8. 考查形容词。句意:尽管回家的路上,我们很累,但是我们为这次旅游感到很开心。 tiring令人感到疲倦;tired某人感到疲倦。表示“在回家的路上,我们很累。”,故将tiring改为tired。 9. 考查形容词作表语。句意同上。本句中的feel是系动词,表示“感到”,其后应用形容词,形成系表结构。故将happily改为happy。 10. 考查不定冠词。句意:多么难忘的经历。分析句子结构可知,这是一个感叹句。experience是作“经历”讲时,是可数名词, 所以这里应加上定冠词,unforgettable是元音音素开头,故要用an。故在unforgettable前加an。  


An incredible dog has mastered more than just the doggy paddle (狗刨式游泳) — it helps disabled children learn how to surf. Ricochet’s owner Judy said, “I was working with her at balance and coordination (协调). Her balance is 1. good that she can help to stabilize the board for the kids. And it makes them feel good to know that Ricochet is there with them, 2. (keep) them company.”

Ricochet helps the disabled children build up the confidence to get on the board themselves. 3. (Dress) in a yellow jacket, Ricochet helps to counter-balance the board and acts as a comforting presence.

Judy was 4. (severe) disabled since her teens. Having Ricochet around lifts her spirits, and inspires her to conquer her pain to get on the board. “Ricochet has taught me to focus 5. what I can do, rather than what I can’t,” she said.

A car crash 6. (leave) Ian, a six-year-old boy, with brain damage. 7. he had loved surfing before the accident, he was too nervous to go back into the water. His fear turned to excitement, when he 8. (tell) he could try a tandem surf (双人冲浪) session with Ricochet. Their session was 9. (success) and by the end of it, Ian was smiling from ear to ear.

Over the last 10 months, Ricochet’s excellent 10. (performance) have raised £30,000 for a number of charity causes.



    Bobby the mountain climber was famous for his attempts to climb the big snowy mountain. He had tried it at least thirty times, but had always failed halfway.

For the sake of ________ Bobby to try again, Old Peeper, the town optician, who bore witness to his ________, presented him with a pair of ________ sunglasses. "If it starts clouding over or if your feet start hurting, put on these glasses. They'll help you.” Bobby accepted the ________ without giving it much mind, but when his feet started _________ again he remembered his words and put on the glasses. Then ________ came as usual in the form of cloud cover, but seemingly not so thick this time. So Bobby ________climbing, leaving the clouds behind, forgetting his ________, and finally arriving at the summit. It was ___________ worth it. His feeling of triumph was ________, almost as magnificent as that wonderful ________. Resplendent in its silence, the mountain below was surrounded by a dense sea of clouds. Bobby didn't remember the clouds being as ________ as that, so he looked more closely at the sunglasses, and ________ everything.

Peeper had carved a light ________ on the lenses (镜片), in the form of the snow-covered summit. It was made in such a way that you could only ________ it if you looked upwards. Peeper had understood that whenever Bobby lost sight of his ________, he would similarly lose sight of his dream, and his ________ to continue would weaken.

Bobby realised that the only obstacle to reaching the summit had been his own _______. When he could no longer see the top of the mountain, the problems ________. He thanked Peeper for using that little ________ to help him see that his aims were not impossible, and that they were still there, where they had always been.

1.A.convincing B.encouraging C.educating D.entertaining

2.A.practice B.disadvantage C.growth D.failure

3.A.special B.beautiful C.fancy D.expensive

4.A.gift B.challenge C.award D.request

5.A.breaking B.damaging C.aching D.swelling

6.A.danger B.adventure C.pressure D.misfortune

7.A.quitted B.kept C.accomplished D.abandoned

8.A.problem B.pain C.injury D.anxiety

9.A.normally B.practically C.certainly D.exactly

10.A.incomparable B.invisible C.undesirable D.unmeasurable

11.A.experience B.attempt C.view D.present

12.A.white B.thin C.dark D.thick

13.A.recognized B.grasped C.believed D.acknowledged

14.A.image B.spot C.photo D.message

15.A.move B.feel C.change D.see

16.A.objective B.power C.success D.journey

17.A.preference B.will C.competence D.concentration

18.A.mistake B.prejudice C.ignorance D.discouragement

19.A.set off B.cut in C.set in D.showed off

20.A.technology B.tool C.trick D.mark



How to Avoid the Worst Cold-Weather Packing Mistakes

Yes, you can definitely blame winter clothes for your overstuffed(塞得过满的)suitcase. After all, warm clothing takes up a lot more room than summer T-shirts and shorts. To make matters worse, you’ve got to pack for overheated restaurants and freezing outdoor conditions. 1. . Here are some winter-packing mistakes we learned the hard way, and tips you need.


Your shoes face a big challenge in the winter. They need to be: insulated, waterproof, and warm; provide great traction in case of ice; be able to withstand salt; and be comfortable to walk in. So, your sneakers aren't going to cut it. Just remember to wear your heavier snow boots on the plane; otherwise, they'll take up half your suitcase space.

Packing the wrong materials

3., It absorbs moisture and sweat, which will make you cold and keep you freezing. You can replace cotton with wool, as wool is naturally odor-resistant and breathable.

Leaving behind sunglasses

Since you're not headed to the beach, you might forget to pack your sunglasses. The sun can shine brightly on freezing days too tough, so be able to pack yours. 4..

Not bringing medicine

Cold and flu cases rise during the winter, and while you definitely don't plan on getting sick while traveling, you should be prepared in case it does happen. Make sure you've packed medication for upset stomach, fever relief, body aches, and congestion, 5.. Just get travel-sized versions of you go-to drugs.

A. But we're here to help

B. Choosing the right shoes

C. Wearing the wrong shoes

D. Cotton is a terrible choice for the winter

E. Better be a pair which is easy to pack and hard to break

F. You don't have to travel with the whole medicine chest though

G. Also throw some sunscreen in there as you can get sunburned in winter



    Many people will be familiar with automated writing through Gmail. Smart Reply provides brief answers to routine emails. If someone asks “Do you want to meet at 3 pm?”, Gmail offers one-click responses such as “Sure!”

The New Yorker’s John Seabrook recently described a more powerful version of this technology, called GPT-2, which can ably mimic (模拟) his magazine’s style. Such systems use a digital network of billions of artificial “neurons” (神经元) with virtual “synapses” — the connections between neurons — that strengthen as the network “learns”, in this case from 40 gigabytes(千兆字节)— worth of online writing. The version Mr. Seabrook tested was polished with back-issues of the New Yorker.

The metaphor of the brain is attractive, but “neurons” and “synapses” deserve those scare-quotes     ( 双引号). The system is merely making some—admittedly very complex—statistical guesses about which words follow which in a New Yorker-style sentence.

What escapes computers is creativity. They cannot create a topic or goal on their own, much less plan how to get there with logic and style. At various points in the online version of his article, readers can see how GPT-2 would have carried on writing Mr. Seabrook’s piece for him. The writing gives the impression of being human. But on closer inspection it is empty, even incoherent.

Meaningless writing is the preserve of artificial intelligence. But to truly write, you must first have something to say. Computers do not. They await instructions. To compose meaningful  essays, the likes of GPT-2 will first have to be integrated with databases of real-world knowledge.

1.Why does the author mention Gmail in the first paragraph?

A.To prepare for the introduction of the topic. B.To advertise the powerful Gmail.

C.To describe the feature of Gmail. D.To prove the strength of the Gmail.

2.In what way is GPT-2 more powerful than Gmail?

A.It is creative. B.It has neurons with synapses.

C.It can offer quick answers. D.It can follow a certain writing style.

3.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A.GPT-2 is powerful because it is integrated to real-world knowledge.

B.GPT-2 has already been able to write meaningful essays.

C.GPT-2 still has a long way to write like humans.

D.GPT-2 can help Mr. Seabrook with writing very well.

4.Where is the passage taken from?

A.A brochure. B.An advertisement.

C.A magazine. D.An essay.



    Almost everyone agrees on the hot dog basics: a long bread roll with a hot sausage inside it. And that’s what has led to a big question — is a hot dog a sandwich, or is it in a special category of its  own?

“People have really strong opinions on both sides,” says Eric Mittenthal, president of the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC). In November, the council published an official announcement ruling that the hot dog is not a sandwich. It argues that the hot dog is too significant to be considered “just a sandwich.” The council admits that the hot dog was once the “Frankfurter sandwich,” but says that people no longer use that name. Today, no one would call a hot dog eating contest a sandwich eating contest.

But others disagree. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) includes a sausage inside a bread roll in its sandwich category. But it also calls the food a “sandwich type product”. In May, dictionary publisher Merriam Webster said that the hot dog is a sandwich. The Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition, defines a sandwich as “two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between” or “one slice of bread covered with food”. The announcement fueled a heated debate among hot dog fans. If hot dogs are sandwiches, where do you draw the line? Are burritos (玉米馅饼) sandwiches too?

This debate won’t stop Americans from eating piles of hot dogs this summer. During peak hot dog season — from Memorial Day to Labor Day — Americans will eat about 7 billion of them. That’s  818 hot dogs consumed every second. People love hot dogs so much that in 2015, a hot dog emoji was released so people can easily tweet or text an image of the famous food. This may come in handy soon, since July is National Hot Dog Month.

1.Who thinks that the hot dog is special enough to be in a category of its own?


C.The author. D.Merriam-Webster.

2.What do some hot dog fans think of the definition of a sandwich in the mentioned dictionary?

A.It seems too wide. B.It is quite satisfactory.

C.It is obviously too narrow. D.It is difficult to understand.

3.What does the underlined word “emoji” probably mean?

A.A small image used in electronic communications that symbolizes something.

B.A poster used to advertise hot dogs.

C.A toy given by a hot dog seller.

D.A facial expression posted on a letter as a stamp.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.The history of hot dogs. B.Different kinds of sandwiches.

C.Do Americans really love hot dogs? D.Is a hot dog a sandwich?



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