满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Our company suffered a continuous loss d...

Our company suffered a continuous loss due to poor management. Hopefully the new director is able  to ______ our failing business.

A.take over B.keep down C.turn around D.set aside


C 【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:由于管理不善,我们公司连续亏损。但愿新主任能使我们失败的生意起死回生。A. take over 接管;B. keep down控制,缩减;C. turn around(生意或经济好转)转身,转向;D. set aside留出。此处指公司“好转”。故选C。  

Some   experts  believe  that  the students,  once ______ to computer games, will probably lose opportunities of progressing.

A.addicting B.addicted C.having addicted D.being addicted



5G has faster data transmission, lower delay and stronger mobility ______ the conventional 4G.

A.in charge of B.in contrast to C.in defense of D.in proportion to




LI heard there is a psychological course in our school.It teaches the basics of how to live a happy fulfilling life in the last semester in high school.

HA course about happiness?

LRight.You know a lot of students feel unhappy now because of the burdens and stresses they have.But a lot of students say they become happier after taking the course.

The course has changed their lives.

HMiraculous.In ever thought so many grade three students care so much about happiness.I thought the most popular courses maybe maths or physics.

LStudents want to do well in study.Yet they want to be happy as well

HWho's the teacher?Why did he come up with this idea of teaching happiness?

LMr.Lee.He said he had spent close to 30  years of his life being successfully unhappy.

HWhat does“successfully unhappy”mean?

LI'm not sure.I guess he is a successful man but an unhappy man.He graduated from Harvard and was active and excellent and achieved a lot but these achievements didn't make him happy.

HSometimes success doesn't necessarily mean happiness.

LMaybe he's too hard on hi self.He wanted to find answers so he began to study how to be happy.He often told deeply personal stories to i lust rate points.

HIt seems that I might as well go to this class.

LGreat!You won't regret it.
















Green finance is a phenomenon that combines the world of finance and business with environmentally friendly behavior.It is a stage for many participants including individual and business consumers producers investorsand financial lenders.Green finance can be expressed differently depending on the participants' financial incentives(动机) desires to preserve the planet or a combination of both.In addition to showing environmentally friendly behaviorsuch as promoting mass transit or the recycling of used goods green finance is about preventing the promotion of any business or activity that could do damage to the environment now or future generations.

Financial institutions that extend lending to individuals small businessesor large corporations can do so in an environmentally friendly manner.In this type of green financeloans are used for the proliferation(扩散) of renewable energy for instance.A lender could finance the development of a solar power plant that generates power from the sun and panels installed on the roof of a building or residence.Wind power generation is another of business that would get support from green financiers.These com panes develop expensive wind farms that use large turbines onshore and of shore to capture the wind and generate energy.

Energy producers who use fossil fluesincluding coal are not likely to participate in any type of green finance.Coal is a traditional power source that release emissions into the airsubstances that are largely considered harmful to the environment. As a resulta coal producer is the type of company that a green financer would likely avoid.

Offering environmental incentives to market participants is a useful way to drive the development of green businesses. Small businesses that are not even in the business of clean energy can participate because this is an extremely proactive(主动的)form of green financing. For instance a company that sells vehicles may focus on selling cars that are designed to use a hybrid fuel combining both fossil fuels and renewable energy. This business might offer customers an incentive to purchase a car for example and in exchange for every vehicle that is sold the dealer will purchase and plant a tree to promote a clean environment.

Venture capital its(风险投资者) or firms that extend financing to start up companies for growth participate in green finance in an active way. Many firms are behind emerging technologies clean energy that are expected to produce a greater portion of the world's power in the future.Venture capitalists specialize in risky and emerging technologies and as a result tend to have a hand in green financing.

Passage outline

Supporting details

1. to green finance

It refers to the 2. of the world of finance and business with environmentally friendly behavior.

It functions 3. according to its participants' financial incentivesdesires to preserve the plant or a combination of both.

It involves promoting mass transit recycling and preventing the business on activity that does 4. harm to the environment.

Benefits of green


Individualssmall businessesor large corporations can get 5. from green financial institutions.

It is aimed at 6. renewable energy and wind power generation.

However energy producers like a coal producer that pollute air will be 7. out in any type of green finance.

Ways to develop green finance

Offering environmental incentives to market participants can 8. to the development of green finance.

Venture capitalistsor firms 9.participate in green finance to help star-up companies.

Venture capitalists who are 10. in the risky and emerging technologies are likely to take part in green financing.






    To empower students to succeed and make a difference in the 21st century educatorbusiness leaders and recent college graduates agree that students have to be better prepared through a liberal well rounded education and the ability to apply their skills and knowledge to hands-on real-world learning experiences.College learning for the New Global Century a recent report released by the National Leadership Council for Liberal Education and America's Proms e(LEAP) covered specific areas in which institutions can help students prepare for the transition into the workforce.

87 percent interviewed agree that America's colleges and universities need to raise the quality of student achievement to ensure the United States remains competitive.“There is a need to connect what businesses corporations and employers want and what colleges offer to meet real-world challenges.”explain Cruncher.“We have to stop channeling students into a narrow field.We need to teach them to think critically write well and be a team player with global awareness in order to be a viable(surviving independently) contributor to the business or nonprofit sectors.”

In a previous report the council began to address the types of skills graduates need to have.The outcomesbesides having a main focus or line of education they would a so have to think critically and write well.On the negative side they found there was a basic disconnection about

the type of education students needed to pull this off.“It was a pleasant for members on the board that many of us were on the same page.It became the basis for his current report.”

The College Learning report show show val y important a liberal education is says Humphreys.“We can focus on what business leaders want and argue for a broader-vision education.To produce responsible citizens in a complex society with global emphasis we must teach important skills that are marketable.Employers want students to talk about the experiences that brought their education to life.”Business executives place the greatest emphasis on what they look for when evaluating the skills of potential new hires and 69  percent of employers said combining broad knowledge with more in-depth focus is“very important.” Employers were somewhat c once med about recent college graduates not having necessary specific job or technical skills but agree that“he technical can be taught.“They expressed the greatest frustration with the challenges of finding“360-degree people.”Crutcher agrees.“That's what it means to be flexible.The mind has to be quick or you will be left behind.”

So what more do employers really want from recent college graduates?“They want students who can function in groups work in teams write criticallyhave analytical reasoning,and communicate effectively”says  Humphreys.“Keep in mind the most important thing-the world is changing-becoming more global and more connected because of technology and we have to change with it.Emphasize undergraduate research.Less memorizing.Put into action what you're learning.Both business leaders and recent graduates say engaged learning is key to continued success in the workforce.”

Employers appear to support the recommendations.Both employers and recent graduates stress the need for colleges to integrate skills and knowledge of a major to broader areas of study and to apply both to real-world settings and situations through community service internships and study-abroad experiences for example.

They strongly endorse the concept of a liberal education and producing good citizens.It also helps if students develop a sense of social responsibly through practical skills that span all areas of study such as communications.

A strong work ethic(道德准则) and sense of loyalty promises greater dividends(回报) for the employer and possible greater success for the individual.This type of graduate is a good investment for an employer and can have along-range impact not only on self-growth but on business development and the community at large.

1.What does the report released by LEAP focus on?

A.College students' application of skills and knowledge.

B.College students' preparation for the entry into workforce.

C.College students' desire for well-rounded education.

D.College students' ability to learn real-world experience.

2.According to the report American education has been      .

A.preparing students to meet real challenges

B.raising the quality of students' achievement

C.teaching students to think critically

D.guiding students into a narrow world

3.What's the problem of American education pointed out by the previous report?

A.It failed to help graduates to focus on their studies.

B.It failed to track students' mainline of education.

C.It failed to help graduates develop skills which are critically needed.

D.It failed to clarify how students could be on the same page in education.

4.The greatest challenge for employers is to     .

A.find employees with flexibility and quick mind

B.produce responsible citizens with global emphasis

C.place the greatest emphasis on what they look for

D.combine broad knowledge with more in-depth focus

5.What should college graduates do to ensure continued success according to Hamphreys?

A.Attach importance to memorizing work.

B.Keep themselves occupied in learning.

C.Bring what they are learning to life.

D.Try to enrich study-abroad experience.

6.What type of graduate will become a good investment for an employer?

A.Those with a sense of social responsibility.

B.Those with the concept of a liberal education.

C.Those with practical skills and work experience.

D.Those with a strong work ethic and sense of loyalty.



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