满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Unless you are content with what you hav...

Unless you are content with what you have, you would not be satisfied even if it ______.

A.is doubled B.would be doubled C.will be doubled D.were doubled


D 【解析】 考查虚拟语气。句意:除非你满足于你所拥有的,否则即使拥有加倍你也不会满足。此处是even if引导的让步状语从句,根据主语谓语动词would not be可知句子用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反,则从句用一般过去时态的被动语态,在虚拟语气中be动词用were,故选D。  

Our company suffered a continuous loss due to poor management. Hopefully the new director is able  to ______ our failing business.

A.take over B.keep down C.turn around D.set aside



Some   experts  believe  that  the students,  once ______ to computer games, will probably lose opportunities of progressing.

A.addicting B.addicted C.having addicted D.being addicted



5G has faster data transmission, lower delay and stronger mobility ______ the conventional 4G.

A.in charge of B.in contrast to C.in defense of D.in proportion to




LI heard there is a psychological course in our school.It teaches the basics of how to live a happy fulfilling life in the last semester in high school.

HA course about happiness?

LRight.You know a lot of students feel unhappy now because of the burdens and stresses they have.But a lot of students say they become happier after taking the course.

The course has changed their lives.

HMiraculous.In ever thought so many grade three students care so much about happiness.I thought the most popular courses maybe maths or physics.

LStudents want to do well in study.Yet they want to be happy as well

HWho's the teacher?Why did he come up with this idea of teaching happiness?

LMr.Lee.He said he had spent close to 30  years of his life being successfully unhappy.

HWhat does“successfully unhappy”mean?

LI'm not sure.I guess he is a successful man but an unhappy man.He graduated from Harvard and was active and excellent and achieved a lot but these achievements didn't make him happy.

HSometimes success doesn't necessarily mean happiness.

LMaybe he's too hard on hi self.He wanted to find answers so he began to study how to be happy.He often told deeply personal stories to i lust rate points.

HIt seems that I might as well go to this class.

LGreat!You won't regret it.
















Green finance is a phenomenon that combines the world of finance and business with environmentally friendly behavior.It is a stage for many participants including individual and business consumers producers investorsand financial lenders.Green finance can be expressed differently depending on the participants' financial incentives(动机) desires to preserve the planet or a combination of both.In addition to showing environmentally friendly behaviorsuch as promoting mass transit or the recycling of used goods green finance is about preventing the promotion of any business or activity that could do damage to the environment now or future generations.

Financial institutions that extend lending to individuals small businessesor large corporations can do so in an environmentally friendly manner.In this type of green financeloans are used for the proliferation(扩散) of renewable energy for instance.A lender could finance the development of a solar power plant that generates power from the sun and panels installed on the roof of a building or residence.Wind power generation is another of business that would get support from green financiers.These com panes develop expensive wind farms that use large turbines onshore and of shore to capture the wind and generate energy.

Energy producers who use fossil fluesincluding coal are not likely to participate in any type of green finance.Coal is a traditional power source that release emissions into the airsubstances that are largely considered harmful to the environment. As a resulta coal producer is the type of company that a green financer would likely avoid.

Offering environmental incentives to market participants is a useful way to drive the development of green businesses. Small businesses that are not even in the business of clean energy can participate because this is an extremely proactive(主动的)form of green financing. For instance a company that sells vehicles may focus on selling cars that are designed to use a hybrid fuel combining both fossil fuels and renewable energy. This business might offer customers an incentive to purchase a car for example and in exchange for every vehicle that is sold the dealer will purchase and plant a tree to promote a clean environment.

Venture capital its(风险投资者) or firms that extend financing to start up companies for growth participate in green finance in an active way. Many firms are behind emerging technologies clean energy that are expected to produce a greater portion of the world's power in the future.Venture capitalists specialize in risky and emerging technologies and as a result tend to have a hand in green financing.

Passage outline

Supporting details

1. to green finance

It refers to the 2. of the world of finance and business with environmentally friendly behavior.

It functions 3. according to its participants' financial incentivesdesires to preserve the plant or a combination of both.

It involves promoting mass transit recycling and preventing the business on activity that does 4. harm to the environment.

Benefits of green


Individualssmall businessesor large corporations can get 5. from green financial institutions.

It is aimed at 6. renewable energy and wind power generation.

However energy producers like a coal producer that pollute air will be 7. out in any type of green finance.

Ways to develop green finance

Offering environmental incentives to market participants can 8. to the development of green finance.

Venture capitalistsor firms 9.participate in green finance to help star-up companies.

Venture capitalists who are 10. in the risky and emerging technologies are likely to take part in green financing.






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