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When she was 16, Joanne learned that she...

    When she was 16, Joanne learned that she was adopted and that her birth mother was a woman named Lillian and that she had died days after giving birth to her. Feeling betrayed and confused, Joanne spent many nights crying,______what her birth mother had been like. And yet, some part of her believed her mother was still______.

The doubts______Joanne for years. After watching her______, in 2017, when Joanne was already 79 years old, her daughter-in-law, Shelley, suggested her taking a DNA______. Shelley thought learning something about her______family might give Joanne some______.

So Joanne took the test, and about a year later Shelley received a(n)______on ancestry.com from a man named Sam, whose genetic report had______him with Joanne.

Shelley immediately wrote back to Sam, asking______he knew a Lillian. Yes, Sam said, that was his mother's name. Almost_____, an even bigger shock came that Lillian was alive, at age 100-Joanne had been______all along.

The families quickly planned a(n)______where Lillian lived. A month later, Joanne found herself sitting across from the mother she had______in her whole life, looking at Lillian, who suffered from dementia(痴呆症)and used a wheelchair.

“I don't know if she_____me,” Joanne said.

She told Lillian that she had been______in 1940 and that she'd been told her birth mother had______. No response. Joanne started to cry. At that point, her mother______, as if she had started to understand. Joanne excitedly______telling Lillian all about her children and grandchildren. Lillian smiled. Then she said the words Joanne had waited more than 60 years to hear: “This is my______.”

1.A.complaining B.hoping C.wondering D.forgetting

2.A.young B.ill C.pretty D.alive

3.A.bothered B.inspired C.resisted D.changed

4.A.sadness B.illness C.loneliness D.happiness

5.A.report B.test C.course D.training

6.A.current B.realistic C.effective D.biological

7.A.peace B.advice C.worry D.mind

8.A.call B.message C.offer D.chance

9.A.provided B.replaced C.matched D.equipped

10.A.why B.how C.when D.whether

11.A.immediately B.unbelievably C.naturally D.fortunately

12.A.mistaken B.confident C.right. D.urgent

13.A.reunion B.speech C.party D.operation

14.A.found out B.gone through C.relied on D.searched for

15.A.loves B.raises C.supports D.recognizes-

16.A.caught B.beaten C.adopted D.cheated

17.A.given up B.run away C.passed away D.turned up

18.A.slept in B.looked up C.came out D.took off

19.A.continued B.avoided C.considered D.appreciated

20.A.mother B.daughter C.name D.life


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了Joanne在她的儿媳Shelley的帮助下最终和自己亲生母亲Lillian相认的故事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Joanne感到被背叛和困惑,她哭了好几个晚上,想知道她的生母是什么样的。A.complaining抱怨;B.hoping希望;C.wondering想知道;D.forgetting忘记。由前文的confused可知,​Joanne感到困惑,所以此处表示她想知道她的生母是什么样的。故选C。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:可是,她有点相信她的母亲还活着。A.young年轻的;B.ill病的;C.pretty美丽的;D.alive活着的。由前文that she had died days after giving birth to her.可知,人们告诉Joanne,她母亲在生下她的几天后就去世了,所以此处表示Joanne觉得自己的母亲没有死,还活着。故选D。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些疑虑困扰了Joanne多年。A.bothered使(某人)烦恼(或担忧、不安) ;B.inspired启发;C.resisted抵制;D.changed改变。由空前名词doubts和后文描述可知,怀疑自己生母还活着的疑虑困扰了Joanne多年。故选A。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2017年,Joanne已经79岁了,在目睹了她的悲伤之后,她的儿媳Shelley建议她进行DNA检测。A.sadness悲伤;B.illness疾病;C.loneliness孤独;D.happiness幸福。由前文Feeling betrayed and confused和The doubts 3 Joanne for years.可知,此处指Joanne为自己的身世和生母是否还活着感到悲伤。故选A。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2017年,Joanne已经79岁了,在目睹了她的悲伤之后,她的儿媳Shelley建议她进行DNA检测。A.report报告;B.test测试,检测;C.course课程;D.training训练。结合常识,空前DNA和后文So Joanne took the test可知,此处指的DNA检测。故选B。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Shelley认为了解一下她的亲生家庭可能会给Joanne带来一些平静。A.current当前的;B.realistic现实的;C.effective有效的;D.biological生物学的。由上文可知,Shelley建议Joanne做下DNA检测,目的是寻找Joanne的亲生母亲和家庭。故选D。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Shelley认为了解一下她的亲生家庭可能会给Joanne带来一些平静。A.peace平静;B.advice建议;C.worry担忧;D.mind思维,大脑。由前文The doubts 3 Joanne for years. 可知,想知道自己的亲生母亲是否还活着的疑惑困扰了Joanne多年,所以此处表示如何了解到自己的亲生家庭,Joanne不会那么困惑,会平静下来。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此Joanne接受了DNA检测,大约一年后Shelley 收到网站 ancestry. com上一个名叫 Sam的男人的信息,他的基因报告显示他和Joanne的基因匹配。A.call电话;B.message信息;C.offer出价;D.chance机会。由空后ancestry. com和Shelley immediately wrote back to Sam可知,此处表示从网站上收到了一则信息。故选B。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此Joanne接受了DNA检测,大约一年后Shelley 收到网站 ancestry. com上一个名叫 Sam的男人的信息,他的基因报告显示他和Joanne的基因匹配。A.provided提供;B.replaced取代,替代;C.matched匹配;D.equipped装备。由后文Shelley immediately wrote back to Sam, asking 10 he knew a Lillian. Yes, Sam said, that was his mother’s name. 可知,Sam与Joanne的基因匹配。故选C。 10.考查连接词词义辨析。句意:Shelley立刻回信给萨姆,问他是否认识一个叫Lillian的人。A.why为何;B.how如何;C.when何时;D.whether是否。由后一句Yes, Sam said, that was his mother's name.可知,此处需用连接词whether“是否”引导宾语从句。故选D。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:令人难以置信的是,更令人震惊的是,100岁的Lillian还活着——Joanne一直都是对的。A.immediately立刻,马上;B.unbelievably难以置信地;C.naturally自然地;D.fortunately幸运地。由空后an even bigger shock came that Lillian was alive, at age 100可知,Lillian100岁了,还健在,这让人难以置信。故选B。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:令人难以置信的是,更令人震惊的是,100岁的Lillian还活着——Joanne一直都是对的。A.mistaken被误解的;B.confident自信的;C.right对的;D.urgent紧急的,紧迫的。由前文And yet, some part of her believed her mother was still 2 可知,Joanne觉得自己的生母还活着,所以此处表示Joanne的想法是对的。故选C。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:家人很快计划在Lillian住的地方团聚。A.reunion团聚;B.speech演讲;C.party聚会;D.operation手术。由前文可知,Joanne的生母还活着,所以此处表示Joanne的家人给她们安排了一次团聚。故选A。 14.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一个月后,Joanne自己坐在她一生寻找的母亲对面。A.found out弄明白;B.gone through经历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期);C.relied on依靠;D.searched for寻找。由前文描述可知,Joanne一直都想找到自己的生母。故选D。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不知道她是否认得出我。A.loves爱;B.raises养育,提高;C.supports支持;D.recognizes辨认。由前文who suffered from dementia(痴呆症)and used a wheelchair.可知, Joanne的生母Lillian患有老年痴呆症,所以此处表示Joanne不知道她是否认得出自己。故选D。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她告诉Lillian,她是在1940年被人收养的,她的生母已经去世了。A.caught抓住;B.beaten打;C.adopted收养,领养;D.cheated欺骗。由前文When she was 16, Joanne learned that she was adopted可知, Joanne是被别人收养的。故选C。 17.考查动词短语辨析。句意:她告诉Lillian,她是在1940年被人收养的,她的生母已经去世了。A.given up放弃;B.run away逃跑;C.passed away去世;D.turned up出现。由前文that her birth mother was a woman named Lillian and that she had died days after giving birth to her.可知,此处指人们告诉Joanne,她的生母去世了。故选C。 18.考查动词短语辨析。句意:这时,她母亲抬起头来,好像已经开始明白了。A.slept in睡过头;B.looked up抬头看,查阅;C.came out书或光盘)出版,发行;D.took off脱掉,起飞。由后文Lillian smiled可知,此处表示Lillian抬起了头。故选B。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Joanne兴奋地继续告诉Lillian她的孩子和孙子们的事情。A.continued继续;B.avoided避免;C.considered考虑;D.appreciated珍惜。由前一句可知,Joanne的母亲有了反应,所以此处表示她接着讲自己的故事。故选A。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是我的女儿。A.mother母亲;B.daughter女儿;C.name名字;D.life生活。由前文Then she said the words Joanne had waited more than 60 years to hear可知,这60年来,Joanne最想听到的就是妈妈告诉她,这是我的女儿。故选B。

    Participation in sports benefits health, encourages self-discipline, and develops character and teamwork. The positive effects of sport are well-known: improved body system and muscular fitness lower risk of obesity and depression, and an increased life quality. 1.

Here is one-sports addiction. It may sound contradictory, because we usually reserve the word “addiction” for things that are bad for us, such as drug abuse or alcoholism.2.Caused by the release of “happiness hormones(荷尔蒙)” after exercising, you can feel really “high” and be hooked on this feeling, which, like those produced by illegal drugs and alcohol, can be habit-forming.

Sports addiction is not taken seriously by everyone, though.3.Sports addiction is, however, real and harmful.

Sport addicts share many symptoms with other sorts of addicts.4.This is because they don't give them the chance to recover from working out. They have been so addicted to sports that they don't take time to recover from injuries. Chances of heart attacks and passing out increase, so sports addicts can put themselves at serious risk of harm.

5.They become dependent on training for feeling good, and life away from training becomes dull. They can also develop tolerance to the “high”, and so need more and more exercise to get the same result. And when not exercising, they experience withdrawal effects, depression and anxiety.

A.They harm their bodies.

B.It may lead to physical injuries.

C.“There're worse things to be addicted to,” some people disagree.

D.Meanwhile, sport addicts may suffer withdrawal symptoms as well.

E.But there really is a sense in which you can become addicted to exercise.

F.Apart from physical damage, sport addicts suffer psychological damage too.

G.Based on all this good news, one might wonder whether there is any drawback.



    Many people avoid apologizing because admitting to wrongdoing makes them uncomfortable. “We like to view ourselves as good people-as kind and considerate,” says Ryan Fehr, a professor at the University of Washington. “Apologies force us to admit to ourselves that we don't always live up to our own standards. We might also fear that the victim won't accept our apology, further damaging our positive sense of self. For these reasons, an apology can be very difficult to give.”

For many, apologizing is stressful, awkward and uncomfortable. But a heartfelt apology has positive effects. It can improve your mental health, repair damaged relationships and promote self-esteem. “Apology acts as a signal of one's moral character,” Fehr says.

Researchers at Ohio State University have determined that effective apologies have five elements: expressing regret, explaining what went wrong, acknowledging responsibility, offering to repair the situation and requesting forgiveness. All five aren't necessary every time. “The more of those elements were included, the more likely the apology was seen as convincing,” says Roy Lewicki, the lead study author. “Acknowledgement of responsibility turned out to be the most important piece, followed by an explanation of why it happened and declaration of regret.”

“Sometimes, an immediate apology is called for,” says Antony Manstead, a psychology professor at Cardiff University. “But if the other party is angry at your wrongdoing, it may be more effective to wait, because their anger may stop them accepting an apology. Some research suggests that a delay increases an apology's effectiveness because it conveys that the wrongdoer has had time to reflect on. his/her misdeeds,” says Mara Olekalns, a professor of management at Melbourne Business School. “The best time to apologize is when one feels ready to sincerely apologize,” says Etienne Mullet, research director of the Ethics and Work Laboratory at the Institute of Advanced Studies. “There is nothing worse in these situations than insincere apologies.”

1.Why do many people feel uncomfortable to apologize?

A.They are kind and considerate people. B.They are afraid of losing face.

C.They believe themselves right. D.They have high moral standards.

2.What is the most important when it comes to making an effective apology?

A.To express regret. B.To express what went wrong.

C.To accept responsibility. D.To request forgiveness.

3.What can be inferred about an apology from the last paragraph?

A.The sooner, the better. B.The later, the better.

C.The more often, the better. D.The more genuine, the better.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How you can make an effective apology. B.Why people avoid apologizing.

C.What benefits you can get from an apology. D.When you can make a heartfelt apology.



    A new wave of psychological research is pioneering Virtual Reality (VR) to treat medical conditions from social anxiety to Alzheimer's disease.

Riding a wave of interest in mental health tech, companies creating VR content for treatment are receiving a flood of attention and funding. And, while VR has been used successfully to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) since the 1990s, these new programs address a much broader range of conditions. The library of Palo Alto-based Limbix, for instance, includes VR content designed to treat issues including alcohol addiction and teenage depression. Barcelona-based Psious offers treatments for eating disorders.

Today's VR content is primarily designed to aid exposure treatment, a treatment for anxiety disorders in which patients are exposed to the “threats” they're worried about in a safe, controlled environment, eventually learning that the “threats” are not actually very dangerous. For example, someone who fears heights might visit taller and taller buildings under the guidance of their doctor, while someone with PTSD might revisit painful memories.

VR allows doctors to create a safe and controlled environment inside a VR headset. It's a far safer, quicker and less expensive option. Using VR also gives doctors much more control over the intensity(强度)of their patients' experiences, which can lead to better treatment outcomes, said Stephane Bouchard, a professor at the University of Quebec. VR treatment patients can also do things they couldn't do in the real world. “In one of our studies, we asked patients who are afraid of heights to actually jump from a cliff,” Bouchard said.

However, not all VR treatment content is created equal. “Some companies show videos of VR environments that are incomplete, untested and definitely haven't been tried out by psychologists,” Bouchard said. Clearer rules and standards will make it easier for patients and doctors to identify products that work.

1.What problems can VR be used to treat according to the passage?

A.The fear of heights, blood pressure and eating disorders.

B.Social anxiety, PTSD and alcohol addiction.

C.Alzheimer's disease, heart attack and teenage depression.

D.Sleeping disorders, deafness and computer addiction.

2.What is the main idea of Para 4?

A.The benefits of using VR treatment. B.The principles of using V R treatment.

C.The side effects of using VR treatment. D.The causes of using VR treatment.

3.Which word can be used to describe the future of VR treatment?

A.Passive. B.Uncertain. C.Promising. D.Worrying.

4.What will be most probably discussed in the paragraph following the passage?

A.Wide use of VR treatment. B.Criteria of VR treatment.

C.Problems VR treatment are facing. D.Reasons why VR treatment standards are needed.



    Since the age of three, Chelsie Hill had dreamed of becoming a dancer. “The only thing I loved was dance,” she said. In 2010, however, a car accident left her paralyzed from the waist down. For Hill, it was not the end of a dancing career but the beginning.

Hill danced in her wheelchair right alongside her nondisabled high school dance team. It definitely took a lot of learning and patience to dance in a wheelchair.

After graduation, Hill met people online who had suffered various injuries but shared her determination, and she invited them to dance with her. It was an amazing experience for her.

In 2014 Los Angeles, she formed a team of dancers with disabilities she called the Rollettes. “I want to break down the stereotype of wheelchair users and show that dance is dance, whether you’re walking or you’re rolling,” she said. Dancing on wheels, the Rollettes discovered, can be just as fast-paced, artful, and fulfilling as the foot-based variety.

Hill has attained what many people never will: her childhood dream. But the Rollettes have helped her find something else just as fulfilling. Every year she holds a dance camp for wheelchair users of all ages and abilities. She calls it the Rollettes Experience, and in 2019, 173 participants from ten countries attended.

For many, it was the first time they’d felt they belonged. Steph Aiello said that working with Hill challenged her to be more independent. Edna Serrano said being part of the Rollettes team gave her the courage to get behind the wheel of a car because she had more confidence.

The dancers aren’t the only ones feeling inspired. One woman saw the team competing and commented, “You guys are so awesome! I’m in tears when you rock! To be in a wheelchair can still be so beautiful!”

1.What do we know about Chelsie Hill from the first two paragraphs?

A.She got seriously injured in a dancing match.

B.She stopped dancing right after a car accident.

C.She dreamed of being a dancer at a young age.

D.She danced in a disabled team in high school.

2.What does the underlined word “stereotype” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Conservative views. B.Improper behaviors.

C.Incurable disabilities. D.Physical weaknesses.

3.What do we know about the Rollettes Experience?

A.Audience spoke ill of the competition. B.Participants benefited greatly from it.

C.It is aimed to select the best dancers. D.It made Hill’s childhood dream fulfilled.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Chelsie Hill, An Artful Dancer B.Disability, Good for Dancing

C.Help others; Help Yourself D.Attaining Dancing Dream In Wheelchair




Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise, whether at school or at other places, tend to have higher scores on standardized tests. In a review of 14 studies that looked at physical activity and academic performance investigators found that the more children moved? the better their grades were in school, particularly in the basic subjects of math, English and reading.

The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes for senior three students should be reduced or even cancelled. The arguments against physical education have included concerns that gym time may be taking away study time. With standardized test scores in the US dropping in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground. But as these findings show, exercise and academics may not be consequently exclusive. Physical activity can improve blood flow to the brain, memory, attention and creativity, which are essential to learning.


1. 用约3个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 谈谈你是否赞成高三学生应该减少体育课时间,并用2-3个理山或论据支撑你的观点。




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