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Café Yeonnam is a uniquely-designed café in Seoul which makes visitors feel like 1. (step) into a world of comics (漫画). Located in one of the most 2. (fashion) neighborhoods in Seoul, the café recently became famous all over the world for its original 3. (decorate). It was inspired by ''W-Two Worlds'', 4. popular fantasy drama series that aired in South Korea in 2016 and 5. (focus) on the conflicts between the real world and a fantasy one. It was this drama series 6. inspired the interior design of this super café.

Ever since its opening 2017, the café 7. (consider) one of the most popular cafes in Seoul. From the walls and the floor to the furniture and tableware, everything seems taken out of a comic. When a Korean magazine visited the Café back in April, they found it a small room capable 8. sitting around 20 people. Even so, café-goers could expect 9. (wait) a while for their orders as the café only had a staff of one, the owner. 10. that may change soon with hundreds of tourists coming here especially.


1.stepping 2.fashionable 3.decoration/decorations 4.a 5.focused 6.that 7.has been considered 8.of 9.to wait 10.But 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了韩国首尔一家受奇幻电视剧启发而开设的咖啡馆,自2017年开业以来,该咖啡馆已经变得非常出名,每天都有很多的游客来参观或者喝咖啡。 1.考查动名词。根据短语feel like doing sth.“想要做某事”判断此处应用step的动名词形式作宾语。故填stepping。 2.考查形容词。此处应填形容词修饰名词neighborhoods。故填fashionable。 3.考查名词。此处应填名词作为介词for的宾语,decoration作为“装饰品”时是可数名词,作为“装饰风格”时是不可数名词,又本句既可以理解为“装饰品”又可以理解为“装饰风格”,故可用不可数名词和可数名词的复数形式。故填decoration/decorations。 4.考查冠词。结合上下文可知,此处意为“一部受欢迎的奇幻电视连续剧”,是泛指,应用不定冠词,又popular是辅音音素开头。故填a。 5.考查时态。分析句子结构可知,此处是定语从句的谓语动词,根据aired判断为一般过去时。故填focused。 6.考查强调句。分析句子可知,此处考查强调句It was+强调部分+ that/who…本句中强调this drama series,应使用that。故填that。 7.考查时态和语态。分析句子可知,此处是句子谓语动词,由ever since判断用现在完成时,主语the café和consider之间是被动关系,故用现在完成时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数。故填has been considered。 8.考查介词。此处为短语capable of“可以……的/能够……的”。故填of。 9.考查短语。此处为短语expect to do sth.“期待做某事”。故填to wait。 10.考查并列连词。句意:即使这样,来咖啡馆的人也要等一会才能拿到咖啡,因为咖啡馆只有一个员工,就是老板本人。但是,随着成百上千的游客来着,这种情况很快就会改变。结合句意可知,上下文是转折关系。故填But。

    Occasionally, I long to be lost in a ''memory meal, '' biting into one of the nostalgic foods I enjoyed as a child. As a vegetarian, some tasty food like fried bacon is no longer my _______, but old memories die hard. One day, after a meal of locally grown organic food, I found myself _______ something fatty, crisp — bacon.

Back then, bacon came _______ into our household. When it did, it was an event. I would stand excitedly in the kitchen, watching mum complete the _______ work with a strong woody scent. When it was ready, I always slowly took every _______ of the little fatty curls and wanted more. It would be months before the next bacon _______ entered our household.

I had not tasted bacon in years, but the moment I _______ my desire for it, my husband began _______ the grocery stores for the best ''fake bacon'' that could bring us back to the carefree eating of our childhoods. How could he cook that soy(豆制品)so that it would _______ the tatstes of our younger years? __________, Ron did the next morning.

After Ron __________ the bacon to me as if he were handing me a golden crown, I closed my eyes and took a big bite. The soy actually smelled and tasted like __________. I thought of my late parents. My mother was never a morning person, but she __________ to the cooking occasion when bacon was on the menu. My father would delay half an hour to work and share this __________ luxury with us. Suddenly I realized it didn't matter whether I was eating pork or soy: the __________ themselves were just delicious.

1.A.problem B.exception C.option D.condition

2.A.expecting B.resisting C.cooking D.handling

3.A.frequently B.rarely C.roughly D.completely

4.A.eye-catching B.mouth-watering C.heart-breaking D.time-consuming

5.A.step B.grab C.idea D.bite

6.A.study B.treat C.deal D.purchase

7.A.forgot B.distracted C.mentioned D.reflected

8.A.adopting B.buying C.combing D.heading

9.A.shift B.hide C.influence D.resemble

10.A.Incredibly B.Probably C.Constantly D.Practically

11.A.threw B.preserved C.selected D.presented

12.A.fruit B.bacon C.vegetable D.sugar

13.A.rose B.failed C.objected D.meant

14.A.usual B.regular C.occasional D.normal

15.A.attempts B.memories C.benefits D.offers




We all agree that we should recycle more — at home, in the office or when out and about. But for materials to be recycled, they first need to find their way to the right waste stream. 1. This is what the process of sorting allows us to do.

For effective recycling we need effective sorting. And this needs to happen first, in our own home and second, in sorting plants to which waste collected from our doorstep is taken. When you put a plastic bottle in the right recycling bin, you are helping sort recyclables. So the right material can be fed into the right recycling process. 2. They can be a loss of valuable resources from our economy.

3. For instance, in Brussels, Belgium, consumers put plastic packaging, cans and beverage cartons in blue bags designed for recyclable packaging; paper in yellow bags for recycling; and glass needs to be taken to specific collection bins. Somewhat differently, in Vienna (Austria), citizens can expect their paper, metal, glass and plastic to be separately collected in different weeks of the year. 4. In this way, they can sort their recyclables at home more effectively.

Once recyclable materials are collected from your doorstep, they are further sorted in specialized facilities which ensure the quality of the recycling process. 5. Traditionally, sorting has been done either manually with workers sorting what can be recycled and picking out the materials to be discarded or mechanically. Today, however, new technologies are being developed in order to speed up the process of sorting but to also yield better results. Exciting technologies using magnets or optical systems are being used to effectively sort materials so more of it can be recycled.

A.If sorting doesn't happen, recyclable materials can end up in landfills.

B.This is where different sorting techniques come into play.

C.In Europe, collection systems vary from country to country.

D.So citizens need to be aware of their local collection system.

E.Then they can be collected and taken to the right place for recycling.

F.The rest, though they could be recycled and reused, were landfilled or burned.

G.In recent years, Europe has seen a 25% growth in recycling secondary raw materials.



    When Denis wants to relax at work, he steps into a quiet room, sits in a chair, slips on a virtual-reality headset, and escapes to the beach. For Denis, those minutes are a tool he relies on regularly to both relieve and prevent stress.

He's not the only one at his company to use the room, where workers can also use a headset to watch a moon walk, take a virtual roller-coaster ride or access a meditation (冥想) app.

Research shows VR can help reduce pain and anxiety. But it's not yet clear why it works. Experts believe it's related to the technology's power to distract.

''Whatever their problems are, whatever their stresses are, they can literally neglect them and have a different emotional pulse, '' Denis said.

Virtual-reality headsets haven't taken off with consumers, but they're now powerful and inexpensive enough for companies to consider investing in them to help make workers and customers happier.

The headsets may help people take a virtual break from their surroundings, but there are challenges to consider. Ramon Llamas, a tech market researcher, noted that there could be challenges in handing out headsets. Some people get sick or dizzy while using virtual reality, and the headsets may get dirty or broken. There's also the task of quickly familiarizing people with using the headsets, especially since VR adoption has been so limited and the ways they are controlled can vary.

For now, Llamas said, he's concerned about privacy and security. What if, for instance, someone manages to back into a headset and insert some content into what you're watching?

Another potential issue is the managing of the headsets and software that goes along with them. This is likely not a complication for an office like Umber Realty's, where people can simply take a headset off if they feel something wrong. But it could be more of a problem if you're stuck in a dentist's chair. ''The last thing you want is that in the middle of extracting a tooth something goes wrong.'' Llamas said.

1.What does Denis's company use Virtual Reality for?

A.Improving the customers' experience.

B.Displaying the schedule of his company.

C.Relieving the staff's work pressure.

D.Saving the trouble of transportation.

2.How can the VR devices help the users by Denis?

A.Ignoring reality for the moment. B.Improving their thinking.

C.Designing work for the company. D.Investing in a new industry.

3.What does the author focus on in the last three paragraphs?

A.The potential problems with VR.

B.The privacy policy available for VR.

C.The management of these devices in the market.

D.The standards the VR technology is to follow.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.VR, a promising business in future! B.Is VR always making us relax?

C.The adoption of VR needs investments. D.Are we saying ''goodbye'' to VR?



    Having hundreds of friends online is no substitute for a handful of close friends in real life. Researchers discovered that people with only a few friends were at least as happy as those with far more if many of theirs were online. The number of ''peripheral others'', someone connected with online — former classmates and coworkers, for example — had no connection with how satisfied they felt.

Scientists did their study using data from two online surveys conducted on 1,496 people by a non-profit research organization. People taking part in the study revealed their ages, the make-up of their social networks, how often they had different types of social interactions, and their own feelings of well-being. They included details of how often and how they interacted with family or neighbours, and whether they included people who provided services for them in their networks. The number of close friends someone had was the only thing that influenced how satisfied they were with their social life.

''Loneliness has less to do with the number of friends you have, and more to do with how you feel about your friends,'' said Dr Bruine, an expert of the study. ''If you feel lonely, it may be more helpful to make a positive connection with a friend than to try and seek out new people to meet.''

In the study, they found older people tended to have smaller social networks. Younger people's were larger but this was mostly made up of ''peripheral others'' — not true friends, just people they knew — and did not contribute to their happiness.

Even variations in the number of family members or neighbours somebody spent time with did not affect how happy they were with their social life. Dr Bruine said her research echoed other findings showing people would be happier if a larger proportion of their online friends were actually their friends in reality.

She added, ''Stereotypes of aging tend to paint older adults in many cultures as sad and lonely. But the research shows that older adults' smaller networks didn't weaken social satisfaction and well-being. In fact, older adults tend to report better well-being than younger adults.''

1.What has a good influence on one's happiness according to the study?

A.Having impersonal networks of friends.

B.Meeting with close friends face to face.

C.Helping familiar coworkers.

D.Keeping in touch with family members online.

2.What did the 1,496 people taking part in the study have to do?

A.Keep off using the Internet.

B.Show their attitudes to happiness.

C.Reveal their social life thoroughly.

D.Find ''peripheral others'' from their friends.

3.Who is more likely to be attacked by loneliness from the study?

A.Parents living with their children.

B.Older adults with fewer friends online.

C.Those having fewer relatives or neighbours.

D.Young people without friends in reality.

4.What does the underlined word ''paint'' mean in the last paragraph?

A.treat B.draw

C.describe D.criticize



    The year was 1999. I was 18, living with friends in a town about an hour north of Milwaukee. Desperate for adventure, we often talked about haunted (闹鬼的) locations, and even wandered around the woods near Rienzi Cemetery. So when a friend shared a story about an abandoned house just down the road from Rienzi, how could I possibly resist? The group of us jumped in the car and headed off into the wild unknown, completely unaware of the misfortune that would soon befall us.

The house was isolated, overgrown and barely visible from the road. Most of its windows were broken. It seemed completely neglected except the locked door and a NO ENTRY sign outside. How would anyone notice, or possibly even care, if we went in and looked around?

We stole inside, hoping for anything to prove the legend. Nothing valuable was found until an old letter, addressed to a Mr. J. Witherell, caught my eye. Its paper was stiff and yellowed. Excited by the physical evidence, I slipped the letter into my back pocket. I was about to exit the house when I noticed firetrucks and police cars lining up out on the road. While most of us were exploring the house, one of us managed to knock a fire detector off the ceiling, which triggered an automated alarm at the fire department. I quickly alerted the others, but there would be no escape.

After a moment of panic, we decided to go outside and face the music. To avoid a theft charge, I left the letter where it was before stepping outside.

The result? Not only did we all get fined for entering, we were required to pay for property damage totaling $1,500 each — too much for us to afford.

For so many years, I have been wondering: Why is the deserted house so heavily protected with detectors and other security measures? Why is the property regularly maintained? What's the story behind that mysterious letter?

1.What did the shabby appearance of the house seem to remind the kids?

A.They would have no trouble entering it.

B.Their entry would bring them a surprise.

C.Their entry would disturb the neighbours.

D.Their behavior would be noticed by its owner.

2.Why did the author attempt to take the letter away?

A.It might reveal who had been maintaining the house.

B.It might help uncover the mystery of the abandoned house.

C.It must have been written to disclose a tragedy.

D.It was an evidence of the house being heavily protected.

3.What led the police cars and firetrucks to arrive so quickly?

A.The police officers were checking there.

B.The house owner reported to the police.

C.The police cars were passing by accident.

D.Some boy started the fire alarm system.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The empty house has been under strict protection.

B.The author wonders why they got fined.

C.No maintenance to the house is conducted regularly.

D.There is much mystery about the abandoned house.



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