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Get a taste of the amazing world of engi...

Get a taste of the amazing world of engineering

Do you want to help shape the future of everything from entertainment and transport to sport and the environment? Then you might want to think about the fascinating world of engineering. Tomorrow's Engineers Week is running 4-8 February 2020, and is the perfect time to get an idea of what engineering is all about.

Engineers are the people who use scientific knowledge, ranging from long-established scientific laws to cutting-edge discoveries, to solve problems and improve life for all of us. Tomorrow's Engineers Week aims to get young people interested in this exciting career. It also wants to change the way we think about engineers.

One place to find out more about engineers is the website thisisengineering.org.uk, where you can meet 16 young engineers with amazing and different jobs. There's Halvard, who builds farm robots; and Olivia, who uses her chemical engineering skills to create soaps and shampoos kind to the skin and the environment. Alice digs train tunnels deep underground. Michelle builds rides. As a child, she loved these thrilling rides. At the age of 14, she attended a lecture on roller coaster design, and then she realized that engineering was a great way to turn her passion into her career.

If you want to meet some inspirational engineers, ask if your school has signed up to take part in the Big Assembly (大型集会) on 6 February. Don't worry if not, though, you can check it out yourself afterwards on the tomorrowsengineers.org.uk website.

1.The goal of Tomorrow's Engineers Week is to________.

A.introduce young engineers

B.announce the latest discoveries

C.show the future work of engineers

D.attract the youth' s interest in engineering

2.Which of the engineers fancies building roller coasters?

A.Halvard. B.Olivia.

C.Alice. D.Michelle.

3.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To explain what engineering is all about.

B.To advertise Tomorrow's Engineers Week.

C.To encourage schools to sign up for an assembly.

D.To introduce the website thisisengineering.org.uk.


1.D 2.D 3.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Tomorrow's Engineers Week这一活动,并鼓励学生积极参加。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容“Tomorrow's Engineers Week aims to get young people interested in this exciting career.( 明天的工程师周这个项目旨在让年轻人对这个令人兴奋的职业感兴趣。)”可知,明日工程师周项目的目的在于吸引年轻人对这个职业的兴趣。故选D项。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段末尾内容“Michelle builds rides. As a child, she loved these thrilling rides. At the age of 14, she attended a lecture on roller coaster design, and then she realized that engineering was a great way to turn her passion into her career.( 米歇尔设计飞车项目。当她还是个孩子的时候,她就喜欢这些刺激的游乐设施。14岁时,她参加了一场关于过山车设计的讲座,然后她意识到,工程学是把她的热情转化为事业的好方法。)”可知,Michelle设计了过山车。故选D项。 3.推理判断题。根据文章末尾内容“If you want to meet some inspirational engineers, ask if your school has signed up to take part in the Big Assembly on 6 February. Don't worry if not, though, you can check it out yourself afterwards on the tomorrowsengineers.org.uk website(如果你想见到一些鼓舞人心的工程师,问问你的学校是否已经报名参加2月6日的大会。如果没有,也不用担心,你可以在tomorrowsenginees.org.uk网站上查看)”由此判断出,本文的目的是鼓励参加这个活动。故选B项。

    “If you could have any three things, what would you_____?"

Eleven-year-old Ruby Chitsey loves asking that question. Even more_______, she then sets out to realize someone's__________.

Ruby has long been close to older people. Her mother, Amanda Chitsey, is a nurse at a nursing home in Harrison. Ruby often_________her at work after school. “So I feel free to go up to them and ask   ____  they need anything," she says.

Last May, Ruby noticed a resident (居住者) named Pearl staring out of a window. She seemed  ____ . “What are you looking at? Ruby asked. Pearl, her eyes filling with tears, said she was watching her________being led away by his new owner. Pearl didn't know when she would see him again.

Ruby learnt that Pearl didn't have enough to pay anyone to________ her pet at the nursing home. Ruby and Amanda also asked around and_______ that many nursing home residents are unable to   _____ even the smallest luxuries (奢侈品). So Ruby _______ to do something about it.

She started by asking residents what three things they wanted most in the world. Amanda________that they would ask for cars, houses and other things an 11-year-old wouldn't  be able to provide. _____, they asked for chocolate bars, McDonald's fries, and even just pants that fit properly.

“It broke me as a human," Amanda says. “We left the nursing home that day and went straight________a store and bought as many items as we could."

Using their own money, the Chitseys granted the wishes of about 100 people in three months. Then they started asking for_________.

People of Harrison responded _______ so much, so that Amanda set up a GoFundMe page, Three Wishes for Ruby 's Residents, hoping to collect $5,000. They_______ their goal in a month. After GoFundMe named Ruby a Kid Hero and______her story internationally this past January, Three Wishes raised $20,000 in 24 hours and more than $250,000 in five months.

Earlier this year, Three Wishes for Ruby 's Residents launched its first nationwide branch. One of its new________ is to set up a communal laptop (平台) in each state. Ruby doesn't plan to stop there. “I consider________ to be my hobby,” she says, “and I'm very good at it."

1.A.want B.make C.use D.offer

2.A.entertaining B.amazing C.convincing D.attracting

3.A.wishes B.promises C.plans D.influences

4.A.asks B.calls C.visits D.attends

5.A.if B.what C.that D.how

6.A.angry B.sad C.bored D.sick

7.A.nurse B.car C.dog D.grandson

8.A.look into B.look at C.look for D.look after

9.A.suspected B.added C.predicted D.discovered

10.A.accept B.approach C.afford D.appreciate

11.A.remembered B.decided C.regretted D.announced

12.A.explained B.concluded C.observed D.worried

13.A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.Instead D.Besides

14.A.across B.at C.on D.to

15.A.donations B.praises C.instruction D.comfort

16.A.peacefully B.gratefully C.enthusiastically D.naturally

17.A.changed B.set C.hit D.kept

18.A.spread B.created C.finished D.heard

19.A.chances B.goals C.battles D.lessons

20.A.bravery B.calmness C.optimism D.kindness




Think about how much time you spent outside last week. Really “outside.”1. (walk) from the car into the classroom doesn't count. Now think about how much time you spent indoors—playing video games on the Internet or watching TV. Kids spend two fewer hours per week 2.sports and outdoor3.(activity) in the early 2010s than the kids did in the early 1990s. Some kids are staying inside because it's difficult to find a place to go. All kinds of areas are off-limits to tweens and teens. Even when space is available, personal 4. (safe) is an issue.




The skin is an essential part of your body and the1. (large) organ of it. You have three layers of skin2.act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun's harmful rays. The functions of your skin are also very complex: it keeps you warm or cool it prevents your body from3.(lose) too much water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.




Born in 1930, Yuan Longping1.(graduate) from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal. In 1973, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world2.grew rice with a high output. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce 20% more of the crop in the same fields. Now more than 60% of the rice3.(produce) in China each year is from this hybrid strain.



假设你是李华,你在美国夏令营认识的朋友Mike给你来信说他最近沉迷于电脑(Internet addiction)难以控制。请你给他回一封信,告诉他网瘾可能会导致成绩下降、健康状况恶化、与家人产生矛盾等问题,并提出一些建议。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mike,

I am glad to hear from you._________________________________________________________________








Li Hua



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